Check if an Object is an Array or a Dict - julia

I'd like to check if var is an Array or a Dict.
typeof(var) == Dict
typeof(var) == Array
But it doesn't work because typeof is too precise: Dict{ASCIIString,Int64}.
What's the best way ?

If you need a "less precise" check, you may want to consider using the isa() function, like this:
julia> d = Dict([("A", 1), ("B", 2)])
julia> isa(d, Dict)
julia> isa(d, Array)
julia> a = rand(1,2,3);
julia> isa(a, Dict)
julia> isa(a, Array)
The isa() function could then be used in control flow constructs, like this:
julia> if isa(d, Dict)
println("I'm a dictionary!")
I'm a dictionary!
julia> if isa(a, Array)
println("I'm an array!")
I'm an array!
Note: Tested with Julia 0.4.3

Instead of checking for a particular concrete type, such as Array, or Dict, you might do better by checking for the abstract types, and gain a lot of flexibility.
For example:
julia> x = [1,2,3]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> d = Dict(:a=>1,:b=>2)
julia> isa(d, Associative)
julia> isa(x, AbstractArray)
There are many different types of arrays in Julia, so checking for Array is likely to be too restrictive, you won't get sparse matrices, for example.
There are also a number of different types of associative structures, Dict, ObjectIdDict, SortedDict, OrderedDict.


Shorthand for Int32 literals in Julia

I use lots of Int32s in my code because I have some large arrays of those. But for some x::Int32 we have typeof(x+1) == Int64 since numeric literals are Int64 by default (I have to use 64bit Julia to handle my arrays). The problem is, if I have some function f(x::Int32) then f(x+1) will method error. I don't want to implement a f(x::Int64) = f(convert(Int32, x)) for almost every function and want to use concrete types for type stability. Currently, I simply have expressions like x + Int32(1) all over my code which looks really cluttered. For other types we have shorthands, i.e., 1.f0 gives me a Float32 and big"1" a BigInt. Is there something similar for Int32?
Since you explicitly mention the big_str macro (big"") you can easily define a similar macro for Int32 (the same way the uint128_str and int128_str is defined):
macro i32_str(s)
parse(Int32, s)
julia> typeof(i32"1")
this might still clutter your code too much so alternatively you could exploit that a number followed by a name is multiplication:
struct i32 end
(*)(n, ::Type{i32}) = Int32(n)
julia> typeof(1i32)
You can make a macro to replace every literal integer with an Int32, a bit like what ChangePrecision.jl does for floats. A very quick first attempt is:
julia> macro literal32(ex)
julia> literal32(ex::Expr) = Expr(ex.head, literal32.(ex.args)...);
julia> literal32(i::Int) = Int32(i);
julia> literal32(z) = z; # ignore Symbol, literal floats, etc.
julia> #literal32 [1,2] .+ 3
2-element Vector{Int32}:
julia> #literal32 function fun(x::AbstractVector)
x[1] + 2 # both 1 and 2 are changed
fun (generic function with 1 method)
julia> fun(Int32[3,4]) |> typeof
One place this may have unexpected consequences is literal type parameters:
julia> #literal32([1,2,3]) isa Array{Int32,1}
julia> #literal32 [1,2,3] isa Array{Int32,1}
Another is that x^2 will not use Base.literal_pow, e.g. #literal32 Meta.#lower pi^2.
What if you say:
# Or, a::Int32 = 1
julia> a = Int32(1)
julia> b::Int32 = a+2
julia> typeof(b)
julia> f(b)

How to get the empty entries from a Dictionary in Julia?

I have some dictionary I have defined which might have values that are empty. Is there a quick way to check to see if any of my key value pairs contain empty entries?
julia> a = Dict(1=>[1,2], 4=>[3,4], 6=>[])
Dict{Int64, Vector{T} where T} with 3 entries:
4 => [3, 4]
6 => Any[]
1 => [1, 2]
You wanted a quick way thus I would recommend:
findall(isempty, a)
One possible concise solution it to use a comprehension and the isempty function which will check this for you as follows:
julia> [k for (k,v) in a if isempty(v)]
1-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> filter(p->isempty(p.second), a)
Dict{Int64, Vector{T} where T} with 1 entry:
6 => Any[]
filter takes a function as its first argument and can take a Dictionary as its second argument.
The function is given a Pair of key-value pairs, which has members first (the key) and second (the value). So here, we filter by an anonymous function that checks whether p.second, i.e. the value, isempty, and return only those Pairs where that returns true.
An equivalent, and perhaps better looking, way to do this is:
julia> filter(isempty∘last, a)
Dict{Int64, Vector{T} where T} with 1 entry:
6 => Any[]
And for completeness' sake, if you want to just "check to see if" any of them are empty, you can take a count instead:
if count(isempty∘last, a) > 0

What is the difference between fields and properties in Julia?

Julia has the setter functions setproperty! and setfield! and the getter functions getproperty and getfield that operate on structs. What is the difference between properties and fields in Julia?
For example, the following seems to indicate that they do the same thing:
julia> mutable struct S
julia> s = S(2)
julia> getfield(s, :a)
julia> getproperty(s, :a)
julia> setfield!(s, :a, 3)
julia> s
julia> setproperty!(s, :a, 4)
julia> s
fields are simply the "components" of a struct. The struct
struct A
has the fields b and c. A call to getfield returns the object that is bound to the field:
julia> a = A("foo", 3)
A("foo", 3)
julia> getfield(a, :b)
In early versions of Julia, the syntax a.b used to "lower", i.e. be the same as, writing getfield(a, :b). What has changed now is that a.b lowers to getproperty(a, :b) with the default fallback
getproperty(a::Type, v::Symbol) = getfield(a, v)
So by default, nothing has changed. However, authors of structs can overload getproperty (it is not possible to overload getfield) to provide extra functionality to the dot-syntax:
julia> function Base.getproperty(a::A, v::Symbol)
if v == :c
return getfield(a, :c) * 2
elseif v == :q
return "q"
return getfield(a, v)
julia> a.q
julia> getfield(a, :q)
ERROR: type A has no field q
julia> a.c
julia> getfield(a, :c)
julia> a.b
So we can add extra functionality to the dot syntax (dynamically if we want). As a concrete example where this is useful is for the package PyCall.jl where you used to have to write pyobject[:field] while it is possible now to implement it such that you can write pyobject.field.
The difference between setfield! and setproperty! is analogous to the difference between getfield and getproperty, explained above.
In addition, it is possible to hook into the function Base.propertynames to provide tab completion of properties in the REPL. By default, only the field names will be shown:
julia> a.<TAB><TAB>
b c
But by overloading propertynames we can make it also show the extra property q:
julia> Base.propertynames(::A) = (:b, :c, :q)
julia> a.<TAB><TAB>
b c q

How do I check if an array is empty in Julia?

I am trying to see if there's a handy way to check if an array in Julia is empty or not.
In Julia you can use the isempty() function documented here.
julia> a = []
0-element Array{Any,1}
julia> isempty(a)
julia> length(a)
julia> b = [1]
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> isempty(b)
Note that I included the length check as well in case that will help your use case.
For arrays one can also simply use a == []. The types are ignored in this comparison (as usual).
julia> a = []
a == []
0-element Array{Any,1}
julia> a == []
julia> a == Int[]
julia> String[] == Int[]
From Julia help:
isempty determines whether a collection is empty (has no elements).
julia> isempty([])
julia> isempty(())

How do I create a method that takes any iterable collection of strings?

I have a function, f. I want to add a method that takes any container of Strings. For example, I want to write a method that generates the following when needed:
f(xs::Array{String, 1}) = ...
f(xs::DataArray{String, 1}) = ...
f(xs::ITERABLE{String}) = ...
Is this possible to do in Julia's type system? Right now, I'm using a macro to write a specialized method when I need it.
#make_f(Array{String, 1})
#make_f(DataArray{String, 1})
This keeps things DRY, but it feels...wrong.
Can't you just use duck typing? I.e., just assume that you're feeding the function an object of the right type and throw an error if at some point e.g. you don't have a string in your iterable.
This should improve once you can really talk about iterables using traits; currently there is no iterable type. Scott's answer, for example, will not work with a tuple of strings, even though that is iterable.
julia> f(x) = string(x...) # just concatenate the strings
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f(("a", "á"))
julia> f(["a", "á"])
julia> f(["a" "b"; "c" "d"]) # a matrix of strings!
At least in Julia 0.4, the following should work:
julia> abstract Iterable{T} <: AbstractVector{T}
julia> f{T<:Union{Vector{String},Iterable{String}}}(xs::T) = 1
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> x = String["a", "é"]
2-element Array{AbstractString,1}:
julia> f(x)
