Unity Interception Behaviour not invoking - unity-container

In my data layer:
public interface IMyDataContext
IMyRepository MyRepository { get ; set ; }
// other repo's
public class MyDataContext : IMyDataContext
public MyDataContext ( string connectionKey)
ConnectionKey = connectionKey;
Database = new Database(ConnectionKey);
MyRepository = new MyRepository (ConnectionKey);
// other repo's
In my Web API service layer:
Configuring unity like so in my UnityConfig class:
_container = new UnityContainer();
_container.RegisterType< IMyDataContext , MyDataContext >(
new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager(),
new Interceptor<InterfaceInterceptor >(),
new InjectionConstructor("MyConnectionKey" )
I wish to add behaviour for auditing to the MyRepository interface, something like this,
_container.RegisterType< IMyRespository, MyRepository >(
new Interceptor<InterfaceInterceptor >(),
new InterceptionBehavior<AuditingInterceptionBehaviour >()
only the AuditingInterceptionBehaviour never gets invoked if I do it this way. The only way to get it to invoke on that repo is to resolve in the constructor of my web api controller (below) but think this is not the best way to resolve it and was banking on auto resolving in the UnityConfig class.
public MyController( IMyDataContext datacontext)
_datacontext = datacontext;
_datacontext.MyRepository = UnityConfig.Instance.Resolve<IMyRespository> (new ParameterOverride("connectionKey", _datacontext.ConnectionKey));
If I add the behaviour to the registering of IMyDataContext, the AuditingInterceptionBehaviour class DOES GET invoked but I want to get method base properties for the calling repository (in my case IMyRepository) instead of its parent (IMyDataContext).
Can this be done in my UnityConfig class or do I need something more here?

Thought I'd post my answer on this:
Bascially, just needed to load the service layer unity container and resolve the repo in the data layer rather than in the Web API service layer like so:
public class MyDataContext : IMyDataContext
public MyDataContext ( string connectionKey)
ConnectionKey = connectionKey;
Database = new Database(ConnectionKey);
var container = new UnityContainer();
MyRepository = container.Resolve<IMyRespository>();
// resolve other repo's


How do I test a Signal R hub that has LifetimeScope injected into it

How can I write unit tests to test my hub?
Here is my Hub Class:
public class MyHub : Hub
private readonly ILifetimeScope _scope;
private readonly IMyProvider _provider;
public MyHub(ILifetimeScope scope)
scope = _scope;
_provider = _scope.Resolve<IMyProvider>();
public void BroadcastMessage(int messageId)
var myMessage = _provider.GetFromDb(messageId);
I'm using moq and xunit, i've tried things like this:
var messageId = 1;
var message = "test";
var providerMock = new Mock<IMyProvider>();
providerMock.Setup(x => x.GetFromDb(messageId).Returns(test);
var scopeMock = new Mock<ILifetimeScope>();
scopeMock.Setup(x => x.Resolve<IMyProvider>()).Returns(providerMock.Object);
var hub = new MyHub(scopeMock.Object);
providerMock.Verify(x => x.GetFromDb(messageId), Times.Once());
but this causes an error:
System.NotSupportedException : Unsupported expression: x => x.Resolve()
Extension methods (here: ResolutionExtensions.Resolve) may not be used in setup / verification expressions.
I found this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49523868/3708225 that says I can do something like
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose()){
var providerMock = new Mock<IMyPRovider>();
var lifetime = mock.Create<ILifetimeScope>();
using (var scope = lifetimeScope.BeginLifetimeScope()){
var innerMockProvider = scope.Resolve<IMyProvider>();
//rest of test
but AutoMock.GetLoose().Provide() isn't defined
This is probably not the answer you are looking for. But a workaround would be not to mock lifetimescope but simply setup a autofac container to use in these tests.
Secondly do you need to inject the lifetimescope directly in your class? Maybe use a decorator pattern where you let the decorator create the lifetimescope and resolve your class and invoke it. Getting rid of the lifetimescope in your myhub class will make your life easier. Make it the job of some other class to control the lifetimescope. Else you will need to repeat this pattern in all your other classes as well. You should instead inject IMyProvider.
This is how I solved this:
If I change my hub to the following:
public class MyHub : Hub
private readonly <Func>IMyProvider _provider;
public MyHub(<Func>IMyProvider provider)
_provider = provider;
public void BroadcastMessage(int messageId)
var provider = _provider();
var myMessage = provider.GetFromDb(messageId);
Now i can mock Func<IMyProviider> to return what I need and ignore the lifetime scope

.NET Core default dependency injection with Castle DynamicProxy

I have many AOP libraries that use Castle DynamicProxy with Autofac DI container for logging, auditing, transaction control, etc.
I wonder if there is a way to declare interceptors using the default .NET Core DI container. It will be good to have this flexibility since many .NET Core projects don't use Autofac.
Yes, you can use DynamicProxy using Core DI. I've written up a blog post explaining it at http://codethug.com/2021/03/17/Caching-with-Attributes-in-DotNet-Core5/, but here is the code for it:
Create an attribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class CacheAttribute : Attribute
public int Seconds { get; set; } = 30;
Create an interceptor (requires Castle.Core nuget package)
public class CacheInterceptor : IInterceptor
private IMemoryCache _memoryCache;
public CacheInterceptor(IMemoryCache memoryCache)
_memoryCache = memoryCache;
// Create a cache key using the name of the method and the values
// of its arguments so that if the same method is called with the
// same arguments in the future, we can find out if the results
// are cached or not
private static string GenerateCacheKey(string name,
object[] arguments)
if (arguments == null || arguments.Length == 0)
return name;
return name + "--" +
string.Join("--", arguments.Select(a =>
a == null ? "**NULL**" : a.ToString()).ToArray());
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
var cacheAttribute = invocation.MethodInvocationTarget
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CacheAttribute), false)
.FirstOrDefault() as CacheAttribute;
// If the cache attribute is added ot this method, we
// need to intercept this call
if (cacheAttribute != null)
var cacheKey = GenerateCacheKey(invocation.Method.Name,
if (_memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out object value))
// The results were already in the cache so return
// them from the cache instead of calling the
// underlying method
invocation.ReturnValue = value;
// Get the result the hard way by calling
// the underlying method
// Save the result in the cache
var options = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions
AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow =
new System.TimeSpan(hours: 0, minutes: 0,
seconds: cacheAttribute.Seconds)
_memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, invocation.ReturnValue,
// We don't need to cache the results,
// nothing to see here
Add an extension method to help register classes in DI:
public static void AddProxiedScoped<TInterface, TImplementation>
(this IServiceCollection services)
where TInterface : class
where TImplementation : class, TInterface
// This registers the underlying class
services.AddScoped(typeof(TInterface), serviceProvider =>
// Get an instance of the Castle Proxy Generator
var proxyGenerator = serviceProvider
// Have DI build out an instance of the class that has methods
// you want to cache (this is a normal instance of that class
// without caching added)
var actual = serviceProvider
// Find all of the interceptors that have been registered,
// including our caching interceptor. (you might later add a
// logging interceptor, etc.)
var interceptors = serviceProvider
// Have Castle Proxy build out a proxy object that implements
// your interface, but adds a caching layer on top of the
// actual implementation of the class. This proxy object is
// what will then get injected into the class that has a
// dependency on TInterface
return proxyGenerator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(
typeof(TInterface), actual, interceptors);
Add these lines to ConfigureServices in Startup.cs
// Setup Interception
services.AddSingleton(new ProxyGenerator());
services.AddScoped<IInterceptor, CacheInterceptor>(
After that, if you want to use the cache interceptor, you need to do two things:
First, add the attribute to your method
[Cache(Seconds = 30)]
public async Task<IEnumerable<Person>> GetPeopleByLastName(string lastName)
return SomeLongRunningProcess(lastName);
Second, register the class in DI using the Proxy/Interception:
services.AddProxiedScoped<IPersonRepository, PersonRepository>();
Instead of the normal way without the Proxy/Interception:
services.AddScoped<IPersonRepository, PersonRepository>();
The base .NET Core container does not have any extra features like interceptors. The whole reason the DI container in .NET Core can be swapped out for something like Autofac is so you can move to a different container once you outgrow the default one.

in API, create multiple controller constructor with one parameter

public class DigitalDocumentController : Controller
private IDigitalDocumentService digitalDocumentService;
private IDatabaseInitializer databaseInitializer;
public DigitalDocumentController(IDigitalDocumentService digitalDocumentService)
this.digitalDocumentService = digitalDocumentService;
public DigitalDocumentController(IDatabaseInitializer databaseInitializer)
this.databaseInitializer = databaseInitializer;
i want two controller constructor in my project to Mock in xUnit Testing, but there was an error in my swagger interface {
"error": "Multiple constructors accepting all given argument types have been found in type 'i2ana.Web.Controllers.DigitalDocumentController'. There should only be one applicable constructor."
can anybody help me how i can do it ?
what i am try to do , is to test Uniquness of the Name Field in my database
My testing code:
public void AddNotUniqueName_ReturnsNotFoundObjectResult()
var digitalDocument = new DigitalDocument
Image = new byte[] { 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 },
CreatedOn = DateTime.Today,
Id = 6,
Location = "temp",
Name = "Flower",
Tages = new List<Tag> { new Tag { Id = 1, Value = "Tag 1" }, new Tag { Id = 1, Value = "Tag 2" } }
// Arrange
var mockRepo = new Mock<IDatabaseInitializer>();
mockRepo.Setup(repo => repo.SeedAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(AddUniqueDigitalDocument(digitalDocument)));
var controller = new DigitalDocumentController(mockRepo.Object);
// Act
var result = controller.Add(digitalDocument);
// Assert
var viewResult = Assert.IsType<NotFoundObjectResult>(result);
var model = Assert.IsAssignableFrom<int>(viewResult.Value);
Assert.NotEqual(6, model);
the "AddUniqueDigitalDocument" returns 6 only to test that the new digitaldocumet is not the same id of my initialize data.
When using dependency injection, you should only have one constructor where all dependencies can be satisfied. Otherwise, how is the DI container to know which constructor to utilize? That's your issue here. Using the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package, and since this is a controller you're injecting into, there's only one reasonable way to solve this: don't register one or the other of the services, IDigitalDocumentService or IDatatabaseInitializer. If only one is registered, the service collection will simply use the constructor it has a registered service for.
It's possible with a more featured DI container, you might be able to configure something to allow it choose the proper constructor. How to do that would be entirely dependent on the DI container you end up going with, though, so not much more can be said on the subject at this point. Just realize that the default container (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection) is intentionally simplistic, so if you needs are more complex, you should sub in a full DI container.
You should be doing integration testing with the test host and an in-memory database. The basic approach is:
public MyTests()
_server = new TestServer(new WebHostBuilder().UseStartup<TestStartup>());
_context = _server.Host.Services.GetRequiredService<MyContext>();
_client = _server.CreateClient();
In your app's Startup, create a virtual method:
public virtual void ConfigureDatabase(IServiceCollection services)
// normal database setup here, e.g.
services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(o =>
Then, in ConfigureServices, replace your database setup with a call to this method.
Finally, in your test project, create a TestStartup class and override the ConfigureDatabase method:
public class TestStartup : Startup
public override void ConfigureDatabase(IServiceCollection services)
var databaseName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(o =>
Now, in your tests you just make requests against the test client (which is just an HttpClient instance, so it works like any other HttpClient). You start by setting up your database with appropriate test data, and then ensure that the correct response is returned:
// Arrange
_context.Add(new DigitalDocument { Name = "Foo" });
await _context.SaveChanges();
// Act
// Submit a `DigitalDocument` with the same name via `_client`
// Assert
// Inspect the response body for some indication that it was considered invalid. Or you could simply assert that no new `DigitalDocument` was created by querying `_context` (or both)
This is admittedly a lot easier with an API, as with a web application, you're going to invariably need to do some HTML parsing. However, the docs and corresponding sample app help you with that.
Additionally, in actual practice, you'd want to use a test fixture to prevent having to bootstrap a test server for every test. Again, the docs have you covered there. One thing to note, though, is that once you switch to using a fixture, your database will then be persisted between tests. To segregate your test data, make sure that you call EnsureDeleted() on your context before each test. This can be easily done in the test class' constructor:
public class MyTests : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Startup>>
private readonly HttpClient _client;
private readonly MyContext _context;
public MyTests(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
factory = factory.WithWebHostBuilder(builder => builder.UseStartup<TestStartup>());
_client = factory.CreateClient();
_context = factory.Server.Host.Services.GetRequiredService<MyContext>();
I don't even like this much bootstrapping code in my tests, though, so I usually inherit from a fixture class instead:
public class TestServerFixture : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Startup>>
protected readonly HttpClient _client;
protected readonly MyContext _context;
public TestServerFixture(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
factory = factory.WithWebHostBuilder(builder => builder.UseStartup<TestStartup>());
_client = factory.CreateClient();
_context = factory.Server.Host.Services.GetRequiredService<MyContext>();
Then, for each test class:
public class MyTests : TestServerFixture
public MyTests(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
: base(factory)
This may seem like a lot, but most of it is one-time setup. Then, your tests will be much more accurate, more robust, and even easier in many ways.

Quartz.net and Ninject: how to bind implementation to my job using NInject

I am actually working in an ASP.Net MVC 4 web application where we are using NInject for dependency injection. We are also using UnitOfWork and Repositories based on Entity framework.
We would like to use Quartz.net in our application to start some custom job periodically. I would like that NInject bind automatically the services that we need in our job.
It could be something like this:
public class DispatchingJob : IJob
private readonly IDispatchingManagementService _dispatchingManagementService;
public DispatchingJob(IDispatchingManagementService dispatchingManagementService )
_dispatchingManagementService = dispatchingManagementService ;
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
LogManager.Instance.Info(string.Format("Dispatching job started at: {0}", DateTime.Now));
LogManager.Instance.Info(string.Format("Dispatching job ended at: {0}", DateTime.Now));
So far, in our NInjectWebCommon binding is configured like this (using request scope):
Is it possible to inject the correct implementation into our custom job using NInject ? and how to do it ? I have read already few posts on stack overflow, however i need some advises and some example using NInject.
Use a JobFactory in your Quartz schedule, and resolve your job instance there.
So, in your NInject config set up the job (I'm guessing at the correct NInject syntax here)
// Assuming you only have one IJob
Then, create a JobFactory: [edit: this is a modified version of #BatteryBackupUnit's answer here]
public class NInjectJobFactory : IJobFactory
private readonly IResolutionRoot resolutionRoot;
public NinjectJobFactory(IResolutionRoot resolutionRoot)
this.resolutionRoot = resolutionRoot;
public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
// If you have multiple jobs, specify the name as
// bundle.JobDetail.JobType.Name, or pass the type, whatever
// NInject wants..
return (IJob)this.resolutionRoot.Get<IJob>();
public void ReturnJob(IJob job)
Then, when you create the scheduler, assign the JobFactory to it:
private IScheduler GetSchedule(IResolutionRoot root)
var schedule = new StdSchedulerFactory().GetScheduler();
schedule.JobFactory = new NInjectJobFactory(root);
return schedule;
Quartz will then use the JobFactory to create the job, and NInject will resolve the dependencies for you.
Regarding scoping of the IUnitOfWork, as per a comment of the answer i linked, you can do
// default for web requests
// fall back to `InCallScope()` when there's no web request.
.When(x => HttpContext.Current == null)
There's only one caveat that you should be aware of:
With incorrect usage of async in a web request, you may mistakenly be resolving a IUnitOfWork in a worker thread where HttpContext.Current is null. Now without the fallback binding, this would fail with an exception which would show you that you've done something wrong. With the fallback binding however, the issue may present itself in an obscured way. That is, it may work sometimes, but sometimes not. This is because there will be two (or even more) IUnitOfWork instances for the same request.
To remedy this, we can make the binding more specific. For this, we need some parameter to tell us to use another than InRequestScope(). Have a look at:
public class NonRequestScopedParameter : Ninject.Parameters.IParameter
public bool Equals(IParameter other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return other is NonRequestScopedParameter;
public object GetValue(IContext context, ITarget target)
throw new NotSupportedException("this parameter does not provide a value");
public string Name
get { return typeof(NonRequestScopedParameter).Name; }
// this is very important
public bool ShouldInherit
get { return true; }
now adapt the job factory as follows:
public class NInjectJobFactory : IJobFactory
private readonly IResolutionRoot resolutionRoot;
public NinjectJobFactory(IResolutionRoot resolutionRoot)
this.resolutionRoot = resolutionRoot;
public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
return (IJob) this.resolutionRoot.Get(
new NonrequestScopedParameter()); // parameter goes here
public void ReturnJob(IJob job)
and adapt the IUnitOfWork bindings:
.When(x => x.Parameters.OfType<NonRequestScopedParameter>().Any())
This way, if you use async wrong, there'll still be an exception, but IUnitOfWork scoping will still work for quartz tasks.
For any users that could be interested, here is the solution that finally worked for me.
I have made it working doing some adjustment to match my project. Please note that in the method NewJob, I have replaced the call to Kernel.Get by _resolutionRoot.Get.
As you can find here:
public class JobFactory : IJobFactory
private readonly IResolutionRoot _resolutionRoot;
public JobFactory(IResolutionRoot resolutionRoot)
this._resolutionRoot = resolutionRoot;
public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
return (IJob)_resolutionRoot.Get(
bundle.JobDetail.JobType, new NonRequestScopedParameter()); // parameter goes here
catch (Exception ex)
LogManager.Instance.Info(string.Format("Exception raised in JobFactory"));
public void ReturnJob(IJob job)
And here is the call schedule my job:
public static void RegisterScheduler(IKernel kernel)
var scheduler = new StdSchedulerFactory().GetScheduler();
scheduler.JobFactory = new JobFactory(kernel);
Thank you very much for your help
Thanks so much for your response. I have implemented something like that and the binding is working :):
public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler)
var resolver = DependencyResolver.Current;
var myJob = (IJob)resolver.GetService(typeof(IJob));
return myJob;
As I told before I am using in my project a service and unit of work (based on EF) that are both injected with NInject.
public class DispatchingManagementService : IDispatchingManagementService
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public DispatchingManagementService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
Please find here how I am binding the implementations:
To resume, the binding of IUnitOfWork is done for:
- Eevery time a new request is coming to my application ASP.Net MVC: Request scope
- Every time I am running the job: InCallScope
What are the best practices according to the behavior of EF ? I have find information to use CallInScope. Is it possible to tell NInject to get a scope ByRequest everytime a new request is coming to the application, and a InCallScope everytime my job is running ? How to do that ?
Thank you very much for your help

Windsor container: how to replace ISpecialService implementation at resolving time

I have several Windsor Installers at my ASP.NET MVC application. They register controllers and services. Most of them depend on ICurrentService.
Controller example:
public DataStructureController(
IMapper mapper,
DataEntityService dataEntityService,
FieldDefinitionService fieldDefinitionService,
CompanyService companyService,
ICurrentService currentService,
SelectListService selectListService,
EnumResourceService enumResourceService,
WebPreprocessService preprocessService)
: base(preprocessService)
// Initialise variables code here
Service example:
public DataEntityService(DataEntitySpec specification, ICurrentService currentService)
: base(specification)
// Initialise variables code here
In my test classes I have a method, that I call once in [TestInitialize] marked method, or on/many times in [TestMethod] marked methods:
private static ICurrentService MockCurrentUser(User user)
var currentUserSerivceMock = new Mock<ICurrentService>(MockBehavior.Strict);
currentUserSerivceMock.Setup(x => x.UserId).Returns(user.Id);
currentUserSerivceMock.Setup(x => x.CompanyId).Returns(user.CompanyProfile.Id);
return currentUserSerivceMock.Object;
I want to replace ICurrentService implementation when calling the container.Resolve<> method, because it depends on HttpContext, that isn't available when unit tests run. Is it possible and how do I do it with minimum code?
You can simply create a fake HttpContext:
HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(
new HttpRequest(null, "http://tempuri.org", null),
new HttpResponse(null));
And then in your tests:
public void SetUp()
HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(
new HttpRequest(null, "http://tempuri.org", null),
new HttpResponse(null));
public void TearDown()
HttpContext.Current = null;
*Reference: http://caioproiete.net/en/fake-mock-httpcontext-without-any-special-mocking-framework/
Register your implementation as a Fallback with Windsor. Then in your test register your mock instance. That or just build up a dedicated instance of the container for your test and register what you like.
