I tried to run MariaDb on the visual studio 2010, the build is successfully but and when I debug the code it shows this message:
These projects are out of date:
GenError - Debug Win32
GenServerSource - Debug Win32
GenFixPrivs - Debug Win32
initial_database - Debug Win32
Please could any one help me?
thanks in advance.
Omnisharp does not seem to recognize my installed .NET sdk (version 6.0.408).
I have tried manually adding this path via settings to Omnisharp: SDK path i.e.:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.403
I have also tried reinstalling the SDK and even VSCode.
This does not seem to solve the issue however, and I am unable to run my asp.net application on VSCode. Running dotnet run from the terminal is fine.
TLDR: Both .NET SDK versions and Visual Studion versions needed to be x64.
Here was the exact error I was seeing in the Output Window:
[ERROR] A .NET 6 SDK for x86_64 was not found. Please install the
latest x86_64 SDK from
[ERROR] Error: OmniSharp server load timed out. Use the
'omnisharp.projectLoadTimeout' setting to override the default delay
(one minute).
When I realized there was a mismatch between my .NET SDKs and Visual Studio Code in terms of being x86 and x64, I did the following:
Deleted the bin/obj folders and .vscode folders in my VS Code project.
Uninstalled my .NET SDKs via Windows (Setings > Apps).
Uninstalled Visual Studio Code via Windows (Setings > Apps).
Installed .NET 7.0 x64 and .NET 6.0 x64.
Opened PowerShell and ran dotnet --info to make sure my .NET runtime and SDK were appearing correctly.
Installed Visual Studio Code x64.
Used PowerShell and cd'd to my project folder. Did a dotnet restore. Then launched Visual Studio Code using code . command.
I could then use the most current version of the VS Code extension (v1.25.2).
Uninstalling and then installing the VSCode extension C# for Visual Studio Code solved the issue for me.
I had the same problem and just solved it. Copy and pasting this from a Youtube comment I just finished writing, so it might sound funny out of context, but the good bits are in there. Hope it helps.
Installed dotnet 7.0, but then it said dotnet 6 was missing...
So I deleted the script asset, exited Unity, went back to their website and installed Net 6.0.403
Error still happened.
I'll note this seemed to push a script compiling error out to Unity in the inspector window, as well.
Deleted the script asset again, exited Unity again, then uninstalled both dotnet 7 and dotnet 6.
Then I reinstalled dotnet 6.
Into unity, made a new script, opened it, and this time no error message about missing net 6.
I just started yesterday. Literally. So if my solution is trash, I'll laugh with you lol. Best of luck.
I was playing with some VS 2022 extension development and I ran the vsix project in debug mode with "Start external program" set to
"E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
Command line was: /rootsuffix Exp
I was running it OK. I was able to see a new VS 2022 instance and I loaded a solution, closed it and open another.
When I stopped running vsix project in debug mode. I closed that project.
Then when using normal VS 2022 to open a solution with many files suddenly I could not open any project due to unsupported project type error.
Its seems the experimental flag changed something in the registry and invalidated my normal VS 2022.
I tried running:
devenv /rootsuffix Exp /updateconfiguration
Reset the Visual Studio 2022 Experimental Instance.lnk
It didn't help.
How can I get back my VS 2022 back?
I had a lot of extensions installed and I hope someone can help.
I'm new to C# and visual studio code. I downloaded the .NET Core SDK quite recently, and whenever I try to debug any code it doesn't build.
This is the error message I get in the terminal while debugging:
execvp(3) failed.: No such file or directory
The terminal process "dotnet 'build', '/property:GenerateFullPaths=true', '/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary'" failed to launch (exit code: 1).
Mac OS - 10.14.6
VS Code ver. - 1.57.0
.NET Core SDK ver. - 3.1.301 (framework)
Try to replace the "type" of the build task within .vscode/tasks.json from process to shell.
It did work for me. This issue is being tracked at OmniSharp #4556
I also had this issue. Removing the following line from the settings.json file worked for me:
"terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": false
How to edit the settings.json file... https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/settings
Recently I tried to upgrade Qt to 5.8.0 on Windows 7 32bit from Qt5.6.2 MSVC 2013, and I saw strange issues.
I downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2015 from this link: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/
After I installed Qt 5.8.0 MSVC 2015 version, Qt Creator 4.2.1 can be launched. From the welcome page, I selected the example named: "Address Book Example". And then after clicking "Configure" project, the project is listed in Qt Creator.
Now I tried to build the project, which was successful. But when I tried to run the project, I got the following error messages:
Starting C:\Qt\Examples\Qt-5.8\widgets\itemviews\build-addressbook-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_MSVC2015_32bit-Debug\debug\addressbook.exe...
The program has unexpectedly finished.
C:\Qt\Examples\Qt-5.8\widgets\itemviews\build-addressbook-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_MSVC2015_32bit-Debug\debug\addressbook.exe crashed.
I didn't see this kind of error before when I was using Qt5.6.2 with MSVC 2013. I also tried the following things:
Reinstall Qt5.8.0 MSVC 2015 using offline installer
Reinstall Qt5.7.1 MSVC 2015 using offline installer
Reinstall Qt5.6.2 MSVC 2015 using offline installer
Reinstall Qt5.8.0 using online installer, in which I chose MSVC 2013 and MSVC 2015
I still kept getting the same error messages.
When I went to the debug folder, double clicked the exe file, it said some Qt dlls were missing. I then manually copied to the debug folder, then the exe can be run with no problem.
Now I want to run app from inside Qt Creator, but not sure what is the issue with Qt Creator 4.2.1. I researched in Google for a few hours, but still cannot find out the reason why Qt Creator cannot run projects even it's own Example projects. (same errors for my own projects)
I feel it must be something to do with Qt creator environment/settings. Anyone has any ideas about this problem?
Update 1:
I tried to use MinGW with Qt Creator, the addressbook example can be run correctly. Looks like it's related to MSVC 2015. I need MSVC 2015, because all other environments don't support webenginewidgets, and I got:
:-1: error: Unknown module(s) in QT: webenginewidgets
Not sure if this is a bug in Qt or Qt creator.
Update 2:
In my Qt Creator, I saw warning icons for MSVC 2013 and MSVC 2015 compilers, please see the screenshots below:
I finally resolved the issue. The reason is that the Windows 10 SDK is missing.
After I download and install all default components of the Windows 10 SDK, everything worked on Windows 7 32bit.
Basically, to make sure we can use Qt5.8.0+ on Windows (including Qt WebEngine), we need to install both:
Visual Studio 2015, and
Windows 10 SDK
I'm late but I've found the main culprit is "ucrtbased.dll".
I didn’t install Windows 10 SDK.
I'm on Windows 7 SP1 x64, Qt 5.9.2 with Visual Studio Build Tools 2015 (v14.0.25420.1) and Windows 8.1 SDK with MS Debugger Tools (CDB) installed. The Release Configuration builds are without any issue but the Debug Configuration exhibits the same crash behavior. The fix is simple. The normal install of Visual Studio Build Tools 2015 with Win8.1 SDK places "ucrtbased.dll" in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\ucrt" for 64-bit and "..\x86\ucrt" for 32-bit builds - even the Windows 10 SDK is not installed. If these are included in system path, or copied to the Qt's current project build folder, the issue is simply resolved.
I have encountered the following problem during a routine Qt 5 installation combined with Visual Studio 2015:
I did these steps:
Installed visual studio 2015 enterprise
Updated it to Update 3 (recent)
Installed X64 Debuggers And Tools-x64_en-us + 32bit
Installed Qt 5.6
I inspected the automatic detection of compiler, debuggers and the build environment comparing it to another machine, and all look OK.
Created new test projects using empty console application, Qt quick.
All fail during compilation step, with exactly 20 errors:
20 compile errors
I noted that the errors appears in code files of VC++ include path
for example in the code file xtr1common (first error in the picture).
I installed and used Qt with MSVC including MSVC Update 2 many times before but not with Update 3. What went wrong? How do I fix the problem?
Just go to windows updates and remove the visual studio update 3. This will return visual studio to original status including the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\INCLUDE folder.
I hope there is a better answer than this because I needed the visual studio update 3 for other purposes than Qt. But what to do if the Qt 5.6.1 is not compatible with Visual Studio 2015 update 3. If someone have a better answer please hit me.