Minecraft modding block constructer error - minecraft-forge

I'm making a mod, and I am getting an error(no duh) and I have tried searching it up but I want an answer specific to my problem because I am not very good at this. I am getting this error in my block class.
Implicit super constructor Block() is undefined for default constructor. Must define an explicit constructor
and I don't know how to fix it. Please Help its for a project.
block class:
package GDMCrocknrollkid.fandomcraft;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
public class BlockCbBlock extends Block {
protected BlockCbBlock(Material material) {
mod class:
package GDMCrocknrollkid.fandomcraft;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
#Mod(modid = "fc", name = "Fandomcraft", version = "1.0")
public class fandomcraft {
public static Item itemCbIngot;
public static Block blockCbBlock;
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){
//Item/Block initialization and registering
//Config Handling
itemCbIngot = new ItemCbIngot().setUnlocalizedName("ItemCbIngot").setTextureName("fc:itemCbIngot"); //item.itemCbIngot.name
blockCbBlock = new BlockCbBlock(Material.iron);
GameRegistry.registerItem(itemCbIngot, itemCbIngot.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5));
public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event){
//Proxy, TileEntity, entity, GUI and Packet Registering
public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {

This error pertains to all of java, not just minecraft forge. Check this for some more reference. There are a couple possible reasons for this error. It is most likely 1, but 2 and 3 can be a contributing factor to the error.
Your BlockCbBlock Class declares a constructor that is not the default, no-argument constructor that the compiler would otherwise provide (that is, if the Block class doesn't have a constructor) and, if in fact the Block class is using the default constructor, then you can't call super() on the arguements because the Block class uses a constructor with no arguments. Because of this, if you wanted to modify the Block constructor, it would be safier and easier to create a custom construcotr inside of the BlockCbBlock class itself.
You are trying to inherit the constructor of Block, but you have declared it as protected, when the constructor in your class should be public to match the inherited .
If you're using Eclipse, it can give this error when you have your project setup incorrectly (system configuration mismatch)
Probably not directly realted to this specific error, but a possible cause of other errors in the near future; you are using the annotation #EventHandler, but you have not actually declared the forge event handler.
You don't actually register the block for some reason. Even if you're using the block as a recipe item, you still need to register it
To fix potential problems 1, 2, and 4, try this (obtained from here):
package GDMCrocknrollkid.fandomcraft;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
private final String name = "BlockCbBlock";
public class BlockCbBlock extends Block {
public BlockCbBlock() {
GameRegistry.registerBlock(this, name);
setUnlocalizedName(Reference.MODID + "_" + name);
public String getName() {
return name;
This way, you'll declare its UnlocalizedName, Material, and CreativeTab ahead of time. This method might be unnecessary, but its a good precaution to help prevent the error. Now, all you have to do is declare it like this:
//You need to make your own EventHandler class. Search online for that.
FCEventHandler handler = new FCEventHandler();
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){
//Config Handling
//event handler registry
//the same thing can be similarly done with this if you wish
itemCbIngot = new ItemCbIngot().setUnlocalizedName("ItemCbIngot").setTextureName("fc:itemCbIngot");
blockCbBlock = new BlockCbBlock();
GameRegistry.registerItem(itemCbIngot, itemCbIngot.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5));


Xamarin Android binding does not implement interface issue

I've a java binding for android which somewhat works bar the new feature I'm trying to integrate with. Only now I have realised that the intended callback is not happening. Here are the classes (decompiled to java) in question:
At the top level we have
public interface MyPackage {
MyPackage.Companion Companion = MyPackage.Companion.$$INSTANCE;
public static final class Companion {
private static MyEventHandler myEventHandler;
// $FF: synthetic field
static final MyPackage.Companion $$INSTANCE;
public final MyEventHandler getMyEventHandler() {
return myEventHandler;
public final void setMyEventHandler(#Nullable MyEventHandler var1) {
myEventHandler = var1;
private Companion() {
static {
MyPackage.Companion var0 = new MyPackage.Companion();
$$INSTANCE = var0;
MyEventHandler class:
public abstract class MyEventHandler {
public abstract void handleEvent(#NotNull String var1, #NotNull Properties var2);
Properties class:
import java.util.Map;
public class Properties extends r {
public Properties() {
Properties(Map<String, Object> var1) {
public Properties a(String var1, Object var2) {
super.b(var1, var2);
return this;
and the problematic r class:
public class r implements Map<String, Object> {
private final Map<String, Object> a;
various implementations...
So I noticed the issue when I couldnt override the HandleEvent method at the integration level and started looking at the Binding logs and found:
BINDINGSGENERATOR: Warning BG8801: Invalid parameter type MyPackage...Properties in method HandleEvent in managed type MyPackage.MyEventHandler. (BG8801)
And in build logs:
message BG0000: warning BG8102: Class MyPackage....Properties has unknown base type MyPackage....r.
warning BG8801: Invalid parameter type MyPackage...Properties in method HandleEvent in managed type MyPackage.MyEventHandler.
As it was obvious r is an obfuscated class I need to make chagnes to my Metadata so I went ahead and popped in:
<attr path="/api/package[#name='MyPackage']/class[#name='r']" name="obfuscated">false</attr>
Which resulted in the R being generated but now I get the 5 following compile error:
Error CS0535: 'R' does not implement interface member 'IMap.EntrySet()' (CS0535)
Error CS0738: 'R' does not implement interface member 'IMap.KeySet()'. 'R.KeySet()' cannot implement 'IMap.KeySet()' because it does not have the matching return type of 'ICollection'. (CS0738)
Error CS0535: 'R' does not implement interface member 'IMap.Put(Object?, Object?)' (CS0535)
Error CS0535: 'R' does not implement interface member 'IMap.PutAll(IDictionary?)' (CS0535)
Error CS0738: 'R' does not implement interface member 'IMap.Values()'. 'R.Values()' cannot implement 'IMap.Values()' because it does not have the matching return type of 'ICollection'. (CS0738)
I tried to make a managed return using
<attr path="/api/package[#name='MyPackage']/class[#name='r']/method[#name='entrySet' and count(parameter)=0]" name="managedReturn">Java.Util.IMap</attr>
With same number of compile error as above. Then I tried removing the node using:
<remove-node path="/api/package[#name='MyPackage']/class[#name='r']/method[#name='entrySet']"/>
Still no luck. :(
What am I missing here? Any pointers/suggestions will be appreciated!
It seems like you are trying to expose a Map to C# and as you stated, Java Generics are not handled very well.
In a very popular social network you received an answer from #mattleibow. I do not take credit for his answer but I went to check nonetheless and it seems fine.
If you look at the description of the Java.Lang.HashMap type
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/java.util.hashmap?view=xamarin-android-sdk-9 it's a good candidate for you to expose.
You can also try with the corresponding interface for better safety https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/java.util.imap?view=xamarin-android-sdk-9
If it works you will still have to cast the types yourself.
Please answer to the comment to say that problem is solved for the sake of future generations arriving on this post :D
Credit is not mine so don't give it to me :-)
I got arround fixing it by providing implementation of the the said methods in a partial class. Basically added a new file called R.cs under Additions folder as follows:
namespace YourNameSpace
public partial class R
public void PutAll(System.Collections.IDictionary p0)
public Java.Lang.Object Put(Java.Lang.Object key, Java.Lang.Object value)
return Put(key, value);
public System.Collections.ICollection EntrySet()
return EntrySet();
public System.Collections.ICollection KeySet()
return KeySet();
public System.Collections.ICollection Values()
return Values();
I couldn't get it to work by adding XML transformation, but I think there was some tooling issue.

Eclipse Scout Neon mock backend service

In our project I have modules scout.client, scout.server, scout.shared and backend.
Backend has no dependencies to scout.server and scout.shared, but scout.server has dependencies to backend.
Inside backend project I have all business logic and calling all outside services.
My problem is when I try to test scout services that use some service from backend.
Because scout provide some great tool for mocking beans, we defined our service inside backend as beans as :
Both, CarService.class and PartnerService.class are in backend.
When I try to write some tests and I add #BeanMock to service in test
private IPartnerService partnerService;
I get mock, but then every return every function is null, even if I write
If I debug in my test, before this test is called with debugger I can get :
partnerService.getPartners(...) -> return a list of person
what is right, but when class that is tested calles this service it return null.
I understand that this could be due to missing annotation on interface #ApplicationScoped. Without this there is no guarantee that only one bean is created, and when statement react on another copy of that bean...?
I could not add annotation on interface because backend has no dependencies to scout modules.
How could I handle this kind of cases?
Tested class is :
public class UtilityPartner {
* Method return service bean for getting partners by ids.
* #return
private static IPartnerService getPartnerService() {
return BEANS.get(IPartnerService.class);
public static String getPartnerName(final Long partnerId) {
if (partnerId == null) {
return "";
final List<Partner> partners =
(List<Partner>) getPartnerService().getPartners(Sets.newHashSet(partnerId));
if (partners == null || partners.isEmpty()) {
return "";
final Partner partner = partners.get(0);
return LookupUtil.createLookupDescription(partner.getId(), partner.getName());
test class is :
public class TestUtilityPartner {
private IPartnerService partnerService;
public void init() {
public void getPartnerName() {
final String name = UtilityPartner.getPartnerName(10L);
Assert.assertEquals("My name", name); // NAME IS ""
Using #BeanMock does not help here, because you are not using an application scoped service:
In the init method you are changing the local field partnerService. However, in your test you call UtilityPartner.getPartnerService, which is creating a new instance (with BEANS.get(IPartnerService.class)).
#BeanMock is more useful for convenience for mocking application scoped beans.
You can always register your beans manually as shown by Jmini. Please do not forget to unregister the bean again after the test!
We recommend using org.eclipse.scout.rt.testing.shared.TestingUtility.registerBean(BeanMetaData), which is automatically adding a testing order and removing #TunnelToServer annotations.
I think that you should register your mock instance in the Bean manager (See bean registration in the Scout Architecture Document). You should use a small order (-10 000 is recommended for tests), in order for your mock to win over the productive registration. The best approach is to use the TestingUtility class to register/unregister your mock. Do not forget to call the unregisterBean() method (in the method annotated with #After):
import java.util.Collections;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.BeanMetaData;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.IBean;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.testing.shared.TestingUtility;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
public class TestUtilityPartner {
private IBean<?> beanRegistration;
public void init() {
partnerService = Mockito.mock(IPartnerService.class);
// Register the mock using the Bean meta information:
BeanMetaData beanData = new BeanMetaData(IPartnerService.class)
this.beanRegistration = TestingUtility.registerBean(beanData);
// Mockito behavior:
Mockito.doReturn(Collections.singletonList(new Partner(34L, "John Smith")))
public void after() {
// Unregister the mocked services:
public void getPartnerName() {
String name = UtilityPartner.getPartnerName(10L);
Assert.assertEquals("10 - John Smith", name);
I am not sure what #BeanMock (org.eclipse.scout.rt.testing.platform.mock.BeanMock) is doing, but according to Judith Gull's answer it will not work:
Using #BeanMock does not help here, because you are not using an application scoped service:
In the init method you are changing the local field partnerService. However, in your test you call UtilityPartner.getPartnerService, which is creating a new instance (with BEANS.get(IPartnerService.class)).
#BeanMock is more useful for convenience for mocking application scoped beans.

Java: How do I override a method of a class dynamically (class is eventually NOT in classpath)?

How do I call a method of a class dynamically + conditionally?
(Class is eventually not in classpath)
Let's say, I need the class NimbusLookAndFeel, but on some systems it's not available (i.e. OpenJDK-6).
So I must be able to:
Get to know it that class is available (at runtime),
If it's not the case, skip the whole thing.
How do I manage to override a method of a dynamically-loaded class
(thus creating an anonymous inner sub-class of it)?
Code example
public static void setNimbusUI(final IMethod<UIDefaults> method)
throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException {
// NimbusLookAndFeel may be now available
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new NimbusLookAndFeel() {
public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
UIDefaults ret = super.getDefaults();
return ret;
Now I edited my code, as it was suggested, to intercept NoClassDefFoundError using try-catch. It fails. I don't know, if it's OpenJDK's fault. I get InvocationTargetException, caused by NoClassDefFoundError. Funny, that I can't catch InvocationTargetException: It's thrown anyway.
Cause found: I was wrapping SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(...) around the tested method, and that very invokeAndWait call throws NoClassDefFoundError when loading Nimbus fails.
Can anyone please clarify where NoClassDefFoundError can occur at all? Because it seems that it's always the calling method, not the actual method which uses the non-existing class.
Get to know it that class is available (at runtime)
Put the usage in a try block ...
If it's not the case, skip the whole thing
... and leave the catch block empty (code smell?!).
How do I manage to override a method of a dynamically-loaded class
Just do it and make sure the compile-time dependency is satisfied. You are mixing things up here. Overriding takes place at compile time while class loading is a runtime thing.
For completeness, every class you write is dynamically loaded by the runtime environment when it is required.
So your code may look like:
public static void setNimbusUI(final IMethod<UIDefaults> method)
throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException {
try {
// NimbusLookAndFeel may be now available
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new NimbusLookAndFeel() {
public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
final UIDefaults defaults = super.getDefaults();
return defaults;
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
throw new UnsupportedLookAndFeelException(e);
Use BCEL to generate your dynamic subclass on the fly.
The follow code should solve your problem. The Main class simulates your main class. Class A simulates the base class you want to extend (and you have no control of). Class B is the derived class of class A. Interface C simulates "function pointer" functionality that Java does not have. Let's see the code first...
The following is class A, the class you want to extend, but have no control of:
/* src/packageA/A.java */
package packageA;
public class A {
public A() {
public void doSomething(String s) {
System.out.println("This is from packageA.A: " + s);
The following is class B, the dummy derived class. Notice that, since it extends A, it must import packageA.A and class A must be available at the compile time of class B. A constructor with parameter C is essential, but implementing interface C is optional. If B implements C, you gain the convenience to call the method(s) on an instance of B directly (without reflection). In B.doSomething(), calling super.doSomething() is optional and depends on whether you want so, but calling c.doSomething() is essential (explained below):
/* src/packageB/B.java */
package packageB;
import packageA.A;
import packageC.C;
public class B extends A implements C {
private C c;
public B(C c) {
this.c = c;
public void doSomething(String s) {
The following is the tricky interface C. Just put all the methods you want to override into this interface:
/* src/packageC/C.java */
package packageC;
public interface C {
public void doSomething(String s);
The following is the main class:
/* src/Main.java */
import packageC.C;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void doSomethingWithB(final String t) {
Class classB = null;
try {
Class classA = Class.forName("packageA.A");
classB = Class.forName("packageB.B");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("packageA.A not found. Go without it!");
Constructor constructorB = null;
if (classB != null) {
try {
constructorB = classB.getConstructor(C.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
C objectB = null;
if (constructorB != null) {
try {
objectB = (C) constructorB.newInstance(new C() {
public void doSomething(String s) {
System.out.println("This is from anonymous inner class: " + t);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (objectB != null) {
Why does it compile and run?
You can see that in the Main class, only packageC.C is imported, and there is no reference to packageA.A or packageB.B. If there is any, the class loader will throw an exception on platforms that don't have packageA.A when it tries to load one of them.
How does it work?
In the first Class.forName(), it checks whether class A is available on the platform. If it is, ask the class loader to load class B, and store the resulting Class object in classB. Otherwise, ClassNotFoundException is thrown by Class.forName(), and the program goes without class A.
Then, if classB is not null, get the constructor of class B that accepts a single C object as parameter. Store the Constructor object in constructorB.
Then, if constructorB is not null, invoke constructorB.newInstance() to create a B object. Since there is a C object as parameter, you can create an anonymous class that implements interface C and pass the instance as the parameter value. This is just like what you do when you create an anonymous MouseListener.
(In fact, you don't have to separate the above try blocks. It is done so to make it clear what I am doing.)
If you made B implements C, you can cast the B object as a C reference at this time, and then you can call the overridden methods directly (without reflection).
What if class A does not have a "no parameter constructor"?
Just add the required parameters to class B, like public B(int extraParam, C c), and call super(extraParam) instead of super(). When creating the constructorB, also add the extra parameter, like classB.getConstructor(Integer.TYPE, C.class).
What happens to String s and String t?
t is used by the anonymous class directly. When objectB.doSomething("World"); is called, "World" is the s supplied to class B. Since super can't be used in the anonymous class (for obvious reasons), all the code that use super are placed in class B.
What if I want to refer to super multiple times?
Just write a template in B.doSomething() like this:
public void doSomething(String s) {
Of course, you have to modify interface C to include doSomethingAfter1() and doSomethingAfter2().
How to compile and run the code?
$ mkdir classes
$ javac -cp src -d classes src/Main.java
$ java -cp classes Main
packageA.A not found. Go without it!
$ javac -cp src -d classes src/packageB/B.java
$ java -cp classes Main
This is from packageA.A: World
This is from anonymous inner class: Hello
In the first run, the class packageB.B is not compiled (since Main.java does not have any reference to it). In the second run, the class is explicitly compiled, and thus you get the result you expected.
To help you fitting my solution to your problem, here is a link to the correct way to set the Nimbus Look and Feel:
Nimbus Look and Feel
You can use Class class to do that.
Class c = Class.forName("your.package.YourClass");
The sentence above will throw a ClassNotFoundException if not found on current classpath. If the exception is not thrown, then you can use newInstance() method in c to create objects of your.package.YourClass class. If you need to call a specific constructor, you can use getConstructors method to get one and use it to create a new instance.
Erm, can't you put the class you want to extend into the compile time class path, write your subclass as usual, and at runtime, explicitly trigger loading the subclass, and handle any exception thrown by the linker that indicates that the superclass is missing?

How to draw to a sprite outside of a class

I'm wondering (based on scoping rules) how I might do the following:
I want to draw to a sprite that exists on the main stage in which I have a class instantiated.
So something like
public function MyClass(reference:String){
this.reference = reference;
public function drawToOutsideSprite(){
Would I use super() in this case, or what's the usual methodology?
There are a few ways to do this. I'm assuming your MyClass extends Sprite.
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.Sprite;
* MyClass
public class MyClass extends Sprite
public var referenceA:String;
public var referenceB:Sprite;
public function get referenceA_way2():Sprite
return this.parent.getChildByName(referenceA);
* MyClass Constructor
public function MyClass(referenceA:String = null, referenceB:Sprite = null)
this.referenceA = referenceA;
this.referenceB = referenceB;
public function drawToOutsideSpriteA(child:DisplayObject):void
// referenceA
// or
public function drawToOutsideSpriteB(child:DisplayObject):void
// referenceB
public function drawToOutsideSpriteC(referenceC:String, child:DisplayObject):void
// Do this:
// it allows you to abstract out the logic of getting the main sprite
// into some util class, so you could reuse that functionality elsewhere,
// and so your code is cleaner.
public function drawToOutsideSpriteD(child:DisplayObject):void
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.Sprite;
* MyClass
public class StageUtil
private static var root:Stage;
* Called when app first starts
public static function initialize(stage:Stage):void
root = stage;
public static function getMainSprite():DisplayObjectContainer
return root; // or something more complex,
// like a recursive function to getSpriteByName
public static function addToStage(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
return getMainSprite().addChild(child);
In general I would abstract out the logic for getting the "main" sprite into some util/manager class, because you don't want to hardcode that into your MyClass, as you might need it in other places, and you might want to customize it later on. It sounds like your just asking what's the best way to reference sprites outside of the scope of the MyClass, so I say just put it into the Util, assuming it has good reason for being their (like FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication in Flex, so you can easily access the application).
I don't recommend passing in id's or name's into the constructor and doing it that way, I don't really recommend constructor arguments at all. I would just pass those into a method if you needed to, or have it built into the class itself, or the Util.
To clear up the scoping question a little... You normally don't want to draw to sprites outside the scope of the class you are in, unless they have some special functionality that will be referenced by multiple classes with totally different scopes. This is because things would start not making sense, who's being added to who. But some good examples on when to do thatinclude:
Buttons with ToolTips: Tooltips are added to the root because they appear on top of everything, but a Button could be 20 children deep, so you'd have in the Button subclass, perhaps, addToolTip(child).
PopUps: You might want to add a popup from within MyClass, but it's really being added to the stage. In flex this is like PopUpManager.addPopUp(child), just like the sample StageUtil.getMainSprite().addChild(child). You could even wrap that method so it's like the one in the class above, addToStage.
Transform/Drawing Stage: If you have some global painting stage, or place where you scale/resize things, you might want to be able to add/remove graphics from that from any class.
The super() method isn't useful in this scenario. The only time you really use super() is if you have overridden a method, and want to access the super-classes implementation. Something like this (assuming you're extending Sprite):
override public function addChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
if (child is MyDrawingSprite)
return StageUtil.addToStage(child); // add to main stage
return super.addChild(child); // add directly to this class
Otherwise, try to stick to just adding children directly to the "MyClass".
Hope that helps.

AS3: call a static class method - class and method names are strings

I have an ugly problem. I have two string variables (className and staticMethod) store the name of a class and it's static method I have to call:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
public class ClassPlay extends Sprite {
public function ClassPlay() {
new Foo();
var className:String = 'Foo';
var staticMethod:String = 'bar';
var classClass:Class = getDefinitionByName(className) as Class;
try {
} catch (e:Error) {}
This is the subject class:
package {
public class Foo {
public static function bar():void {trace('Foo.bar() was called.');}
It works just perfectly. The problem when you comment out this (9th) line:
// new Foo();
Without this line it exits with an exception:
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Foo is not defined.
How could I do this without that instantiation? If that is impossible, is there a way to instantiate the class from the string variable? Or if it's still a bad practice, how would you do that? (I have to work with those two unknown string variable.)
Thanks in advance.
The reason is that the compiler will strip out unnecessary classes - if you don't have an explicit reference to the class Foo somewhere, it won't be present in your final application.
You could the reference elsewhere and still force it to be loaded - for example, a static array of references to the classes.
It should work if you just throw in a trace(classClass) - that should give you the reference you need, if I remember this stuff correctly.
