Mirage OS and Xen - Storing data on a DB - xen

Which are the best options available if I want my MirageOS unikernel to store some information on an external DB (doesn't matter the type)? I had a look at different solutions but it seems that none of the libraries offering DB bindings are XEN-compatible. Last one I tried is Redis but apparently the ocaml library cannot be compiled for XEN.

The Redis code looks like it should work on Xen. It appears (from a quick look) that there is a Redis core module and a separate Redis_lwt that applies it to Lwt_unix. You probably need to write a Mirage-equivalent version of this:
Most bits would be the same, but things using Unix APIs would need changing. E.g the Lwt_unix.socket would need changing to using Mirage's TCP/IP API.


Upload non-java files to Nexus/Artifactory

I want to upload cobol files to Nexus. These cobol files can be equipped with groupId, artifactId, version. For packaging/type I would use cobol.
Is there any harm in doing this (these files are not zipped like jar,war,ear,zip)?
At the moment we are using Nexus 2.14, but I would like to use this method in the future also with Nexus 3.x or Artifactory.
The reason: Our developers often have to release wars/ears and cobol simultaneously and I would like to handle them in a similar way.
Repository Managers are at their core somewhat like hard drives. There's no harm in putting anything in them but there can be problems on usage, which is generally more the concern. Without knowing the specific usage, it's really impossible to say.
NXRM3 does have a "raw" format which is intended for "everything else" use so not as to tangle with your actual repository formats. Documentation here: https://help.sonatype.com/display/NXRM3/Raw+Repositories+and+Maven+Sites
That being said there are use cases where formats need to intermingle with things outside their norm and thus it is helpful to be stored side by side. The default security of a NXRM repository prevents this but can be lowered to accept anything (temporarily or permanently). See the "Strict Content Validation Type" field in a repository configuration. This is at your own risk=)

Symfony3 Translation System Cache to Memcache

I have found so far an bundle that uses memcache as translation source but I haven't found anything on how to move the translation cache from disk storage to a service or directly to memcache.
I have also look at the options for the framework but I haven'T found anything useful on it (or I'm to stupid to use google ^^).
I need to move the cache files to memcache for deployment reason.
I'm having multiple Application Servers.
And to store the translation cache etc. on disk is slow and pane full if I deploy software (php Process on the productive app servers need to be restarted). It would make my live easier if that stuff would be stored in memcache as I would simply flush memcache to reset the translation stuff.
did anyone ever try this?
What first comes to the mind is to make a console command that would use one Loader (for example, \Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\XliffFileLoader) and then another Dumper (something implementing \Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper\DumperInterface from that bundle, like MemcacheDumper).
In your command your would load translations from one source by loader (in the form of \Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue) and then dump them into another.

JxBrowser: (why) can I (not) use URI path for cache directories?

I evaluated JxBrowser a short while ago. The following questions came to mind:
Can I use Java URIs to "reroute" all temporary files from the underlaying Chromium engine through a custom FileSystemProvider like encFs4J?
The reason I want to that is to comply with data privacy laws. Since browsers can not be forced by a web application to clear their cache or store any temporary files in a safe manner, I thought I could use JxBrowser for this. If I can handle all files myself, I can do some crypto magic so that (almost) no one has access to the data besides my application.
There is an API to define the directories via BrowserContextParams.
However, only absolute paths are allowed. URIs are not accepted.
Instead of doing
BrowserContext context = new BrowserContext(new BrowserContextParams("C:\\Chromium\\Data"));
Browser browser1 = new Browser(context);
I would like to do something like
BrowserContext context = new BrowserContext(new BrowserContextParams(new URI("enc+file:///C:/Chromium/Data"));
Browser browser1 = new Browser(context);
Does anyone know of a way to tap into the file handling routines of a process like JxBrowser? Can I somehow add this functionality like a wrapper around it?
I considered using something like VeraCrypt for this. But this is no good in terms of usability since you have to install virtual harddrive drivers. This is overkill for a rather simple issue.
Underlying Chromium engine in JxBrowser does not use Java IO API to access files. There is only a path string to the data directory that is passed to Chromium engine and it decides by itself how to handle all IO operations.
There is a mode in Chromium called incognito. In that mode all the files, including cookies, cache, history are stored in memory, nothing is stored on the hard drive, so once you close the application, all the data will be cleared automatically. If this meets your requirements we could investigate how to enable incognito mode in JxBrowser.
I will accepting Artem's answer to the original question. Incognito / private browser sessions - as long as they do not store anything on hard disk - would be a perfect and simple solution.
Furthermore, I want to share my research on this topic. The following answer is not related to JxBrowser but to any 3rd party applications and libraries which do not support URI path or require additional safeguarding of (temporary) files.
Option 1: RamDisk
needed: kernel mode driver for ram disk
privileges: admin once (to install the driver)
usability: might be seemless, if application can handle ram disk by code (not researched)
Installing a RamdDisk which can "catch" the files. If the ram disk only persists while the application is running, it is already automatically cleaned up. (not researched for feasibility)
With an own ram disk implementation one could perform additional steps.
Option 2: Virtual File System, e.g. VeraCrypt
needed: VeraCrypt, kernel mode driver
privileges: admin once (to install the driver)
usability: user has to mount container manually before using the application
Due to usability issues this was not further researched.
Option 3: embedded SMB server with local share
needed: SMB server implementation (e.g. JVLAN for Java), creating a server and share in code
privileges: user (Ports 1445 can be used under Linux etc.)
usability: seemless for the user, but quite a complicated solution for a simple issue
Steps: start a SMB server by code, add a share and user authentication (optional), mount the share to a local drive (windows) or mount point (linux), use an absolute path to access the files on the locally mounted share. If the application crashes, then the volatile / in-memory key for the "real" file encryption of the SMB server is lost and the files are safe from other eyes.
This option also has more potential, like clearing files once they got read, controling the access to third party apps and many more - even freakier - ideas.

putting Navicat files in git?

I'm looking at switching from MySQL Workbench to Navicat because we're using MariaDB and the incompatibilities are starting to annoy me.
I'm working through the issues of getting Navicat to run on Centos under WINE but assume I will succeed (edit: this failed. The "linux" version requires WINE. Navicat will sort of run with a bit of hacking, but critical features rely on MS-Windows/WINE)
How do I get Navicat to work with git (or any other source code control)? Workbench is sufficiently primitive that file changes either get picked up automatically or completely ignored (almost always a dialog "file on disk has changed, reload?")
Specific problems:
when adding new query files Navicat only seems to rescan the folder when I add a new query. Is there a smart way to do that? (edit: no. You can manually refresh one file at a time by right clicking)
model and query files are buried deep in the WINE tree. Can I relocate them or or symlinks work? I'd rather keep all the DB-related code in one repo, rather than having a special Navicat repo. (edit: yes, but the explanation of how to do so is lengthy)
is there a way to merge a model file if more than one person has changed it? Workbench can't do this but I'd really like the feature. (edit: no, never. Merge the schema SQL files instead)
Also, bonus question: can we make multiple edits using Navicat other than repeated use of the GUI? If I want to change (say) a bunch of columns from VARCHAR(255) to CHAR(20) I'd normally script that in SQL but Navicat models don't do reverse engineering, only "delete the table from the model then re-import it" so there doesn't seem to be a non-tedious way to do that. (edit: no, but they might look at it in the future)
Final edit: I used the Navicat forums and the team were very helpful, but fundamentally Navicat is Windows software and the 64-bit purists behind Centos will never support WINE. For most Linux users this is not a problem, but I work with Centos enthusiasts and have long since lost the argument about which distro to use.
To the 1st question, you can sync it in different ways with a remote database/folder, when you are managing the database with Navicat, just right-click in your current connection and press "refresh", so you will be updated with the server changes. You also can do it with a programmed task.
Another matter is, why would you want to run navicat from wine when it has a native linux version? (I hope that answers the 2nd question)
For the 3rd question note that Navicat has an internal utility to sync data between servers, so you don't need git at all, or at most, you can automate the structure exportation and then sync it with a git repository (in form of a .sql file)
IMHO you need to review your concepts about mariadb and navicat, both are quite flexible and offer several ways to do such things you propose, like sync the data and they also allow to insert git in the workflow, just review your strategy and try to apply some new perspective with the available features.

Development shell in ASP.NET

I write a lot of code, most of it I throw away eventually when I am done with it; recently I was thinking that if I just kept every small piece of utility script I wrote, named it, tagged it and filed it in a dev shell, I will never loose the code, and on top of that I won't need to redo something I have done already, which is the main motivation, as I keep finding myself writing something I've done earlier.
Is there a ASP.NET shell style environment anywhere?
If not, what would be the best way to go about this?
I am looking to be able to do the following:
Write big or small bits of code.
Derive from or chain together alread written code/libraries/services.
Ability to have everything on my desktop (would that mean IIS on the desktop? or is there an lighter weight mechanism?), sync'ed with the server at home, so if I am on the move I can still access this and make this part of my day-to-day workflow.
You could build a unique solution, with many class library projects inside. Each project would address a specific scenario, something like this:
MyStuff (Solution)
Then you can put this solution on an online versioning service like bitbucket or assembla, so you can access your source code from anywhere, edit it and commit it back to the server. This way you get the advantages of versioning and you store your code on a remote server so even if your harddisk breaks it's not a problem, cause what's on the server is what matters.
You should either look into a source control system (Git perhaps?) or into a file storage / syncing / sharing service like DropBox.
DropBox would allow you to access code snippets from wherever you are and works really easily (just drop a file into a folder).
If you need versioning and branching you're going to have to look into a source control system. Since you have a server at home, that should be no problem.
