wierd tables in mysql system database - mariadb - mariadb

I can see additional tables in the mysql system database in mariadbin our environment:
below is the output of show tables:
MariaDB [mysql]> show full tables;
| Tables_in_mysql | Table_type |
| ahelkk | BASE TABLE |
| ahxgcg | BASE TABLE |
| akysit32 | BASE TABLE |
| amtyyy | BASE TABLE |
| aucykv32 | BASE TABLE |
| avjyfr | BASE TABLE |
| azimlo32 | BASE TABLE |
| bdbtrg32 | BASE TABLE |
| bguwtk32 | BASE TABLE |
| blpqss | BASE TABLE |
| brafih | BASE TABLE |
| bsbwxu | BASE TABLE |
| ccadhg32 | BASE TABLE |
| cmdtsw32 | BASE TABLE |
| column_stats | BASE TABLE |
| columns_priv | BASE TABLE |
| ctpsqi | BASE TABLE |
| ctrkwg | BASE TABLE |
| cyubjk | BASE TABLE |
| db | BASE TABLE |
| event | BASE TABLE |
| fbuiud | BASE TABLE |
| fjzzfq32 | BASE TABLE |
| flrqbb32 | BASE TABLE |
| fqewut32 | BASE TABLE |
| fryhrd | BASE TABLE |
| func | BASE TABLE |
| gbsutw | BASE TABLE |
| general_log | BASE TABLE |
| gmidqb | BASE TABLE |
| gothrx | BASE TABLE |
| gtid_slave_pos | BASE TABLE |
| gzsvhs32 | BASE TABLE |
| hdeavq32 | BASE TABLE |
| help_category | BASE TABLE |
| help_keyword | BASE TABLE |
| help_relation | BASE TABLE |
| help_topic | BASE TABLE |
| host | BASE TABLE |
| hrkyld32 | BASE TABLE |
| hygrpv32 | BASE TABLE |
| ibugsz | BASE TABLE |
| ihpyuc | BASE TABLE |
| index_stats | BASE TABLE |
| innodb_index_stats | BASE TABLE |
| innodb_table_stats | BASE TABLE |
| iozatq32 | BASE TABLE |
| jnuujq | BASE TABLE |
| jqugjw | BASE TABLE |
| kbnvvb | BASE TABLE |
| kekqtj | BASE TABLE |
| kftigg32 | BASE TABLE |
| laohij | BASE TABLE |
| mkgqnj32 | BASE TABLE |
| mljiue32 | BASE TABLE |
| molina | BASE TABLE |
| mwpefl32 | BASE TABLE |
| nbbphu | BASE TABLE |
| ngyful | BASE TABLE |
| niggpy32 | BASE TABLE |
| nljabx32 | BASE TABLE |
| noncef32 | BASE TABLE |
| nqndzp32 | BASE TABLE |
| ochwks32 | BASE TABLE |
| oifzmo | BASE TABLE |
| otrjmp32 | BASE TABLE |
| ovpjpb | BASE TABLE |
| ozecir32 | BASE TABLE |
| pgyniw32 | BASE TABLE |
| plugin | BASE TABLE |
| proc | BASE TABLE |
| procs_priv | BASE TABLE |
| proxies_priv | BASE TABLE |
| ptetpt | BASE TABLE |
| pxpdnv | BASE TABLE |
| pywfzl | BASE TABLE |
| qdfngi32 | BASE TABLE |
| qfbsjj | BASE TABLE |
| qjrzhs32 | BASE TABLE |
| qxxtry | BASE TABLE |
| rmiuit | BASE TABLE |
| roles_mapping | BASE TABLE |
| rpppwd32 | BASE TABLE |
| rrmxoy32 | BASE TABLE |
| servers | BASE TABLE |
| sgjqvv | BASE TABLE |
| slow_log | BASE TABLE |
| svmelw32 | BASE TABLE |
| table_stats | BASE TABLE |
| tables_priv | BASE TABLE |
| tebato | BASE TABLE |
| tempMix | BASE TABLE |
| tempMix1 | BASE TABLE |
| tempMix4 | BASE TABLE |
| time_zone | BASE TABLE |
| time_zone_leap_second | BASE TABLE |
| time_zone_name | BASE TABLE |
| time_zone_transition | BASE TABLE |
| time_zone_transition_type | BASE TABLE |
| ugtpei32 | BASE TABLE |
| uktxny | BASE TABLE |
| user | BASE TABLE |
| utimtd | BASE TABLE |
| vshiuk32 | BASE TABLE |
| wtuhjh | BASE TABLE |
| xgdwfu32 | BASE TABLE |
| xgxdti32 | BASE TABLE |
| xzsihp32 | BASE TABLE |
| yopjcy32 | BASE TABLE |
| zchwft | BASE TABLE |
| zefdjd | BASE TABLE |
| zmbics32 | BASE TABLE |
112 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Please can anyone help me understand the wierd tables in the mysql system database other than the usual ones which are present.
Also these tables have columns of type longblob for example:
MariaDB [mysql]> describe zmbics32;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| data | longblob | YES | | NULL | |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
My question is this something a mariadb behaviour or an application behavious.
I have checked with the application team and they are convinced that it is not the application creating these tables.
Please shed some light.
Thanks in advance

All tables other than the usual system tables must have been created by either some application or user outside server. The following options (if enabled) can help you understand when/who/how these tables were created :
General query log
Audit log plugin


How to update/change a created openstack flavor "name" field

I simply ask if there is any way to change an openstack flavor name after its creation with VMs using it as flavor, for example consider this flavor:
| Field | Value |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled | False |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral | 0 |
| access_project_ids | None |
| description | None |
| disk | 0 |
| id | g1-1-1-0 |
| name | g1-1-1-0 |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True |
| properties | |
| ram | 1024 |
| rxtx_factor | 1.0 |
| swap | |
| vcpus | 1 |
How to change its name field to g1-small?

How to merge on a relationship between three existing nodes in Cypher?

Nodes A, B, and C already exist. I want to merge the node Z between A, B, and C. I know that I can merge between 2 of the nodes as follow:
MERGE (A)-[:HAS]->(Z)<-[:SENT]-(B). However, I am curious how I could also merge with C?
| |
| A |
| |
| |
| Z |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | +-----------+
+----------+ | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| B +-----------------+ +--------------+ C |
| | SENT RECV'D | |
| | | |
| | | |
+----------+ +-----------+
You can match all your nodes and keep the identifiers around and then re-use those identifiers.
MATCH (a:Node {name: 'A'})
MATCH (b:Node {name: 'B'})
MATCH (c:Node {name: 'C'})
MERGE (z:Node {name: 'Z'})
MERGE (a)-[:HAS]->(z)
MERGE (b)-[:SENT]->(z)
MERGE (c)-[:RECEIVED]->(z)

org-mode: add a header to a table programmatically

I have a table definied in org-mode:
`#+RESULTS[4fc5d440d2954e8355d32d8004cab567f9918a64]: table
| 7.4159 | 3.0522 | 5.9452 |
| -1.0548 | 12.574 | -6.5001 |
| 7.4159 | 3.0522 | 5.9452 |
| 5.1884 | 4.9813 | 4.9813 |
and I want to produce the following table:
#+caption: Caption of my table
| | group 1 | group 2 | group 3 |
| plan 1 | 7.416 | 3.052 | 5.945 |
| plan 2 | -1.055 | 12.574 | -6.5 |
| plan 3 | 7.416 | 3.052 | 5.945 |
| plan 4 | 5.1884 | 4.9813 | 4.9813 |
How can I accomplish that? Here is what I tried (in R):
#+begin_src R :colnames yes :var table=table :session
But of course it doesn't work, here is what I get:
| X7.4159 | X3.0522 | X5.9452 |
| -1.0548 | 12.574 | -6.5001 |
| 7.4159 | 3.0522 | 5.9452 |
| 5.1884 | 4.9813 | 4.9813 |`
Any suggestions?
This gets pretty close. first define this function:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun add-caption (caption)
(concat (format "org\n#+caption: %s" caption)))
Next, use this kind of src block. I use python, but it should work in R too, you just need the :wrap. I passed your data in through the var, you don't need it if you generate the data in the block.
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results value :var data=data :wrap (add-caption "Some really long, uninteresting, caption about data that is in this table.")
data.insert(0, ["", "group 1", "group 2", "group 3"])
data.insert(1, None)
return data
This outputs
#+caption: Some really long, uninteresting, caption about data that is in this table.
| | group 1 | group 2 | group 3 |
| plan 1 | 7.416 | 3.052 | 5.945 |
| plan 2 | -1.055 | 12.574 | -6.5 |
| plan 3 | 7.416 | 3.052 | 5.945 |
| plan 4 | 5.1884 | 4.9813 | 4.9813 |
and it exports ok too I think.

Nova list fields

Is there any way to find the possible fields for the nova show --fields command? Currently I can fill the --fields parameter with anything and it never complains, just fails silently.
The docs say use the show command, but that reports a machines characteristics.
the nova show returns may different from version to version, here is an example:
$ nova show b3cdc6c0-85a7-4904-ae85-71918f734048
| Property | Value |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| image | cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | instance-00000002 |
| flavor | m1.small |
| id | b3cdc6c0-85a7-4904-ae85-71918f734048|
| security_groups | [{u'name': u'default'}] |
| user_id | 376744b5910b4b4da7d8e6cb483b06a8 |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| progress | 0 |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | nova |
| config_drive | |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2013-07-16T16:25:34Z |
| hostId | |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | None |
| key_name | KeyPair01 |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | None |
| name | myCirrosServer |
| adminPass | tVs5pL8HcPGw |
| tenant_id | 66265572db174a7aa66eba661f58eb9e |
| created | 2013-07-16T16:25:34Z |
| metadata | {u'KEY': u'VALUE'} |
The property column is all the fields available to specify to --fields

How to create very dynamic menu like Picnik's?

Picnik's left hand menu:
Basic features:
Accordion like components (but multiple items can be selected)
Each stack has multiple child stacked
The whole menu resizes depending on how many stacks are selected and a scrollbar is also shown if necessary
So how Do I go about creating a menu like this? Any pointers to boot?
You might try a combination of VBox, collapsible panels and lists ( http://hasseg.org/blog/?p=113 ) That should give you all the tools you need.
My Vision of it: (cause I like drawing with pipes and dashes)
| |
| Collapsing Panel-------- |
| | | |
| | Tile List---------- | |
| | | | | |
| | | Tile | | |
| | | Tile | | |
| | ------------------ | |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| Collapsing Panel-------- |
| | | |
| | Tile List---------- | |
| | | | | |
| | | Tile | | |
| | | Tile | | |
| | ------------------ | |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| Collapsing Panel-------- |
| | | |
| | Tile List---------- | |
| | | | | |
| | | Tile | | |
| | | Tile | | |
| | ------------------ | |
| ----------------------- |
