How OData works in AspNet MVC without change any code -

To enable OData after installing the Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 package, the only thing to do is add the attribute EnableQuery and return IQueryable.
If the attribute EnableQuery is only metadata, what change in the framework?
I mean, when an request arrive the framework matches the url with the Route Table and then create the controller to manage the request. What does change with OData?

EnableQueryAttribute derives from ActionFilterAttribute, which means it can affect the result of an action via its OnActionExecuted method (called internally by Web API). Take a look at the source code to see what EnableQuery is really doing.


Service Fabric Web API Versioning issue

I'm working on a service fabric project with multiple stateless services. When i try to add versioning as in the code below
public class SessionController : Controller
it's not working when calling the service later using Postman or using some client winforms app i made just to call this service. And when i say it's not working i mean it's not looking for a specific version i placed in the controller.
I'm calling http://localhost:1234/api/v1.0/session/set-session and as you can see in my controller i only have version 2.0. Now my API gets hit this way or another no matter what version number i put in.
I added code to the Startup.cs
services.AddApiVersioning(options => {
options.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(2, 0);
options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
options.ReportApiVersions = true;
options.ApiVersionReader = new HeaderApiVersionReader("x-api-version");
Specific API call looks like this:
public async Task<IActionResult> SetSession([FromBody] SessionModel model)
{ ... }
Can anyone tell me what am i missing or maybe api versioning is not supported in service fabric at all?
Does your solution work locally? Based on what I see, I would suspect - no. This should have nothing to do with Service Fabric at all.
Issue 1
I see that your base class inherits from Controller, which is allowed, but is usually ControllerBase. No concern there, just FYI. The crux of the problem is likely that your controller has not applied the [ApiController] attribute. API Versioning defines IApiControllerSpecification and IApiControllerFilter, which is used to filter which controllers should be considered an API. This is important for developers building applications that have the UI and API parts mixed. A controller is a controller in ASP.NET Core and it was difficult to distinguish these two in the early days. There is now a built-in IApiControllerSpecification that considers any controller with [ApiController] applied to be an API. This can be changed, replaced, or completely disabled using ApiVersioningOptions.UseApiBehavior = false.
If your library/application is only APIs, you can decorate all controllers at once using:
[assembly: ApiController]
Since your controller is not currently being considered an API, all requests matching the route are being directed there. The value 1.0 is being considered an arbitrary string rather than an API version. This is why it matches at all instead of HTTP 400. I suspect you must only have one API and it is defined as 2.0; otherwise, I would expect an AmbiguousActionException.
Issue 2
Your example shows that you are trying to version by URL segment, but you've configured the options to only consider the header x-api-version. This option should be configured with one of the following:
URL Segment (only)
options.ApiVersionReader = new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader();
URL Segment and Header
// registration order is irrelevant
options.ApiVersionReader = ApiVersionReader.Combine(
new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader(),
new HeaderApiVersionReader("x-api-version"));
Default (Query String and URL Segment)
// NOTE: this is the configuration
// options.ApiVersionReader = ApiVersionReader.Combine(
// new QueryStringApiVersionReader(),
// new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader());
Side Note
As defined, using the URL segment and header versioning methodologies don't make sense. You have a single route which requires an API version. A client will always have to include the API version in every request so there is no point to also supporting a header.
If you define 2 routes, then it makes sense:
[Route("api/[controller]")] // match by header
[Route("api/v{version:apiVersion}/[controller]")] // match by url segment
Versioning by URL segment, while common, is the least RESTful. It violates the Uniform Interface constraint. This issue demonstrates yet another problem with that approach. Query string, header, media type, or any combination thereof will all work with the single route template of: [Route("api/[controller]")]
Observation 1
You have configured options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true. This will have no effect when versioning by URL segment. It is impossible to provide a default value of route parameter in the middle of a template. The same would be true for api/value/{id}/subvalues if {id} is not specified.
This option will have an effect if you:
Add a second route template that doesn't have the API version parameter
You update your versioning strategy to not use a URL segment
It should be noted that is a highly abused feature. It is meant to grandfather in existing services that didn't previously have explicit versioning because adding it will break existing clients. You should be cognizant of that if that isn't your use case.

ASP.Net Web API - Extract header in common place

I am working on SaaS application where I have implemented ASP.Net Web API as a service layer. In my Web API, when any request generated, it will have one header value "x-companyid" which is company specific and identify request comes from which company (Tenant).
I require that companyID in all my ApiControllers in Web API project. Of course I can get header value in every ApiController by using "Request.Headers.GetValues("x-companyid") but it will be repeated in all ApiControllers.
I have tried to create "BaseApiController" and inherit all my ApiControllers from "BaseApiController" but it's not allowing me to override ActionExecuting so that I can extract header at common place.
Can anyone suggest how can I extract "x-companyid" header commonly in my project so that I don't have to repeat code in all ApiController?
Your Best friend are action filters.
as they intercept each api call for specific controllers.
All u had to do is to decorate the controler name with something u made like
public foo MyController()
this approach gives you controll over what controllers you wish to add this extract to happen becouse maybe youll need some lookup apis and stuff that dont need to be for a specific Tenant
here is a very Helpful link :
since there is a only one company for each instance
i would recommend adding a singleton for the current tenant u can access that anyway

Html.BeginForm in WebApi - routing

I have a Web API project as part of my solution (also containing an MVC4 project) and within the Api project I am trying to post a form to the Values controller Post method (from a view also within the Api project).
Using Html.BeginForm() or Html.BeginForm("Post", "Values") posts to /Values/Post but I need it to go to /api/Values/Post
Any idea which overload or settings I need to post to the correct location?
I can hit all the action methods fine from fiddler (e.g. localhost/api/values).
You would need to use BeginRouteForm as link generation to Web API routes always depends on the route name. Also make sure to supply the route value called httproute as below.
#using (Html.BeginRouteForm("DefaultApi", new { controller="Values", httproute="true" }))
The API controller uses a different route to the default. It's supposed to be consumed from JS (AJAX) rather than a real form post so there's no obvious support for it in HtmlHelpers. Try:
Html.BeginForm("values", "api")
This would trick it into thinking "values" is the action and "api" is the controller. "Post" is inferred from the http method.

Why consuming WCF web service from ASP.NET 1.1 needs XmlSerializerFormat attribute in the ServiceContract

I am consuming a a WCF web service from APS.NET 1.1 and I read in everywhere that we need to
1 : Add XmlSerializerFormat attribute to the ServiceContract we want to consume.
2 : Use basicHttpBinding as Endpoint setting.
Why so?
-> Is it possible to set the POINT 1 condition someway in configuration file ?
-> When basicHttpBinding's default is XML serialization. Why do we need to explicitly declare the service contract as XmlSerializerFormat
Out of the box, I do not think WCF provides a way to override default serializer (i.e. DataContractSerializer). You however can create custom Service\Operation Behavior, define configuration element for custom Operation Behavior and use this to override serializer.
Default serializer of BasicHttpBinding is DataContractSerializer, NOT XmlSerializer. Both serializers work differently (although produce xml output). You can checkout the difference between behavior of these two serializers.

How Do I Get RouteData Values from a Web Service in .Net 4.0

I am trying to extract an id number from a URL using a web service so that it can be used as a parameter for a where clause in a select statement that produces data from a database based on the id number of a record. That data will then be passed back to the page to populate an element in a jQuery modal popup widow.
Everything works fine with a static id number (ex: string postid = "120"), but I don't know how to get the id number from the URL. I'm using Routing in .Net 4 and the method for accessing Routing in pages does not work in a web service. In pages I just do stuff like var id = RouteData.Values["id"]; and that gets the id, but when i did it in a web service I got an error:
CS0120: An object reference is required for the non-static field,
method, or property 'System.Web.Routing.RouteData.Values.get'
I have web service accessed form a details page where I want to get RouteData for the page making the request. I want to do this just as easily as I can on a page using RouteData.Values which is just as easy as the now the obsolete Request.Querystring.
Now I am more confused because although I could easily add a new route for the web service I don't know I would call that using jQuery Ajax because of the webservice.asmx/webmethod syntax.
Right now I have URL: "../webservices/googlemaps.asmx/GetGoogleMap" in my jQuery Ajax, but that is not a real URL. It only exists in jQuery somewhere and the way to call the service using just JavaScript is no a real URL either, its webservice.webmethod() which in this case would be googlemaps.GetGoogleMap().
I will try registering a route for webservices/googlemaps.asmx/GetGoogleMap/postid, but I doubt it will work because GetGoogleMap is not a directory or a querystring.
Get current http request and use RequestContext property to get request context - it has current routing data. For example,
var id = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"];
In case of WCF based web service, make sure that service is participating in ASP.NET pipeline (see ASP.NET Compatibility)
EDIT: Sorry for misleading answer - the above will not work unless web service url is registered in routing engine. However, it may not solve your issue of retrieving the id - what kind of service implementation are you using? Are you making a GET request or POST request? Typically, web service handler (asmx) or WCF pipeline should convert GET/POST parameters to method parameters. Post your web service code and how you invoke it.
