Redux state and component property undefined until ajax resolves - redux

My component get some properties via props with the function:
const mapStateToProps = state => {
const { entities: { keywords } } = state
const {locale} = state
return {
keywords: keywords[locale]
I got state keywords using ajax, in the same component:
componentDidMount() {
My component gets rendered twice. First, before the ajax resolves, so in my render method I got undefined:
render() {
const { keywords } = this.props.keywords
Which is the proper way to solve it? I changed componentDidMount to componentWillMount without success.
Right now, based on the real-world example, I have initialized keywords state with an empty object:
function entities(state = { users: {}, repos: {}, keywords: {} }, action) {
if (action.response && action.response.entities) {
return merge({}, state, action.response.entities)
return state
My reducer:
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { routerReducer as router } from 'react-router-redux'
import merge from 'lodash/merge'
import locale from './modules/locale'
import errorMessage from './modules/error'
import searchText from './modules/searchText'
// Updates an entity cache in response to any action with response.entities.
function entities(state = { users: {}, repos: {}, keywords: {} }, action) {
if (action.response && action.response.entities) {
return merge({}, state, action.response.entities)
return state
export default combineReducers({
My action:
import { CALL_API, Schemas } from '../middleware/api'
import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty'
// Fetches all keywords for pictos
// Relies on the custom API middleware defined in ../middleware/api.js.
function fetchKeywords() {
return {
endpoint: 'users/56deee9a85cd6a05c58af61a',
schema: Schemas.KEYWORDS
// Fetches all keywords for pictograms from our API unless it is cached.
// Relies on Redux Thunk middleware.
export function loadKeywords() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const keywords = getState().entities.keywords
if (!isEmpty(keywords)) {
return null
return dispatch(fetchKeywords())
All based on the Real world redux example
My Solution
Given initial state to keywords entity. I'm getting json like this through ajax:
{'locale': 'en', 'keywords': ['keyword1', 'keyword2']}
However as I use normalizr with locale as id, for caching results, my initial state is as I describe in the reducer:
function entities(state = { users: {}, repos: {}, keywords: { 'en': { 'keywords': [] } } }, action) {
if (action.response && action.response.entities) {
return merge({}, state, action.response.entities)
return state
What I don't like is the initial if we have several languages, also remembering to modify it if we add another language, for example fr. In this
keywords: { 'en': { 'keywords': [] } }
should be:
keywords: { 'en': { 'keywords': [] }, 'fr': { 'keywords': [] } }

This line looks problematic:
const { keywords } = this.props.keywords
It's the equivalent of:
var keywords = this.props.keywords.keywords;
I doubt that's what you intended.
Another thing worth checking is keywords[locale] in your mapStateToProps() which will probably initially resolve to undefined. Make sure your component can handle that, or give it a sensible default.


NextJS: getServerSideProps - Is there a problem to use props object with redirect in the same return?

I'm using Next.js with Typescript, and I'm having some troubles to correctly type my props that getServerSideProps would return me. On getServerSideProps, or as I call it, getServerSidePropsImpl, I check user authentication and decide if I give it a redirect or the data for it to initialize. The problem with this is that Typescript doesn't correctly type my props, or give me some errors.
So, i had the idea to :
// /pages/sheet/1.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { GetServerSidePropsContext, InferGetServerSidePropsType } from 'next';
import database from '../../utils/database';
import { sessionSSR } from '../../utils/session';
export default function Sheet1(props: InferGetServerSidePropsType<typeof getServerSidePropsImpl>): JSX.Element {
//...Do some stuff...
return <></>;
async function getServerSidePropsImpl(ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext) {
const player = ctx.req.session.player;
if (!player) {
return {
redirect: {
destination: '/',
permanent: false
props: {
playerID: 0,
playerInfo: []
const playerID =;
const results = await Promise.all([
where: {
player_id: playerID
select: {
info: true,
value: true
return {
props: {
playerInfo: results[0]
export const getServerSideProps = sessionSSR(getServerSidePropsImpl);
To make sure Typescript would correctly type my props object, I had to put generic values when returning a redirect:
return {
redirect: {
destination: '/',
permanent: false
props: {
playerID: 0,
playerInfo: []
Is there any issues to this approach, giving the amount of props will increase as I make this component?

Composition API - Axios request in setup()

I am experimenting with Vue3's Composition API in a Laravel/VueJS/InertiaJS stack.
A practice that I have used a lot in Vue2 with this stack is to have 1 route that returns the Vue page component (eg. Invoices.vue) and then in the created() callback, I would trigger an axios call to an additional endpoint to fetch the actual data.
I am now trying to replicate a similar approach in Vue3 with composition API like so
export default {
components: {Loader, PageBase},
props: {
fetch_url: {
required: true,
type: String,
setup(props) {
const loading = ref(false)
const state = reactive({
invoices: getInvoices(),
selectedInvoices: [],
async function getInvoices() {
loading.value = true;
return await axios.get(props.fetch_url).then(response => {
}).finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
function handleSelectionChange(selection) {
state.selectedInvoices = selection;
return {
This however keeps on giving me the propise, rather than the actual data that is returned.
Changing it like so does work:
export default {
components: {Loader, PageBase},
props: {
fetch_url: {
required: true,
type: String,
setup(props) {
const loading = ref(false)
const state = reactive({
invoices: [],
selectedInvoices: [],
axios.get(props.fetch_url).then(response => {
state.invoices =;
}).finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
function handleSelectionChange(selection) {
state.selectedInvoices = selection;
return {
I want to use function though, so I can re-use it for filtering etc.
Very curious to read how others are doing this.
I have been googling about it a bit, but cant seem to find relevant docu.
All feedback is highly welcomed.
I tried this now with async setup() and await getInvoices() and <Suspense> but it never displayed any content.
So this is how I'd do it, except I wouldn't and I'd use vuex and vuex-orm to store the invoices and fetch the state from the store.
<div>loading:{{ loading }}</div>
<div>state:{{ state }}</div>
import {defineComponent, ref, reactive} from "vue";
import axios from "axios";
export default defineComponent({
name: 'HelloWorld',
props: {
fetch_url: {
required: true,
type: String,
setup(props) {
const loading = ref(false)
const state = reactive({
invoices: []
async function getInvoices() {
loading.value = true;
await axios.get(props.fetch_url).then(response => {
state.invoices =;
}).finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
return {
async created() {
await this.getInvoices()
<style scoped>
This is of course similar to what you're doing in option 2.

Vue 3 compoition API computed function

Trying to switch my code to the new composition API that comes with Vue 3 but I cant get it to work.
export default {
props: {
classProp: {type: String},
error: {type: String},
// move to here (this is not working)
computed(() => {
const classObject = () => {
return ['form__control', this.classProp,
'form__invalid': this.error
computed: {
classObject: function () {
return ['form__control', this.classProp,
'form__invalid': this.error
skip "computed" all together
you need to use "ref" or "reactive". these are modules:
import { ref } from 'vue'
const whateverObject = ref({ prop: "whatever initial value" });
whateverObject.value.prop= "if you change something within setup you need to access it trough .value";
return { whateverObject } // expose it to the template by returning it
if you want to use classes you import them like in this example of my own:
import { APIBroker } from '~/helpers/APIbroker'
const api = new APIBroker({})
Now "api" can be used inside setup() or wherever

Providing root reducer in #ngrx/store 4.0

In #ngrx/store 2.0 we could provide the root reducer as a function and from there we split our logic inside the application. After I updated to #ngrx/store 4.0 I cannot use this feature any more from what I can see the reducers need to be a map of reducers which will create objects under the same keys in the state. Is there a way to use the old behavoir in #ngrx/store 4.0 In my state components are aware one of another and I need to be able to split my state dynamically also I need to be able to dispatch actions to the right reducer in my own way. Also app is splitted in multiple lazy loaded routes which in some cases reuse the data from another feature.
StoreModule.provideStore(reducer, {
auth: {
loggedIn: true
StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, {
initialState: {
auth: {
loggedIn: true
I need reducers to be a function which gets the full state and dispatches it to the correct reducer, Is there a way to achieve this behavior?
After I had a second look over ngrx repo I figured it out. To achieve the wanted result we need to replace the #ngrx/store reducer factory with a new implementation. I injected a new reducer factory and right now the application works as before. Simple code sample on how to replace the reducer factory it.
// This factory replaces #ngrx combine reducers so we can manage how we split the keys inside the state
export function combineReducersFactory(
reducers: any,
initialState: any = {}
): ActionReducer<any, Action> {
return function combination(state = initialState, action) {
const nextState: any = reducers(state, action);
return nextState !== state ? nextState : state;
export const NG_RX_STORE_PROVIDER = [
StoreModule.forRoot(rootReducer, createEmptyState()),
export const NG_RX_REDUCER_FACTORY = [
useFactory: () => combineReducersFactory
imports: [
providers: [...NG_RX_REDUCER_FACTORY]
export class AppModule {
You can set up a meta reducer to receive every event and manipulate the state from its root. Here is an example way to set it up:
const myInitialState = {
// whatever you want your initial state to be
export function myMetaReducer(
reducer: ActionReducer<RootStateType>
): ActionReducer<RootStateType> {
return function(state, action) {
if (iWantToHandleThisAction) {
state = doWhatIWantWith(state);
return reducer(state, action);
imports: [
StoreModule.forRoot(myInitialState, { metaReducers: [myMetaReducer] })
export class AppModule {}
The StoreModule forRoot() function accepts a reducerFactory which can be used as follows:
export function myReducerFactory(reducers: any, initState: any) {
return (state = myInitialState, action) => myCustomReducer(state, action);
// ...
imports: [
StoreModule.forRoot(null, { reducerFactory: myReducerFactory })
// ...
export class AppModule {
This works for me:
// your old reducer that handled slicing and dicing the state
export function mainReducer(state = {}, action: Action) {
// ...
return newState;
// new: metaReducer that just calls the main reducer
export function metaReducer(reducer: ActionReducer<AppState>): ActionReducer<AppState> {
return function (state, action) {
return MainReducer(state, action);
// new: MetaReducer for StoreModule.forRoot()
export const metaReducers: MetaReducer<any>[] = [metaReducer];
// modified: app.module.ts
// ...
imports: [
// neglect first parameter ActionReducerMap, we don't need this
StoreModule.forRoot({}, {
metaReducers: metaReducers,
initialState: INITIAL_STATE // optional

Redux action reuse

I'm a beginner in react / redux.
I've finished a basic component <HeatMap /> in my app, with its actions / reducer / store and it works well.
And I'll render another <HeatMap /> with different settings (props).
What I'm trying to do is to separate this 2 component, because when i dispatch an update action in one, the other one performed it simultaneously.
Question 1
I tried this to separate the states in store
import heatMap from './heat-map1'
import {combineReducers} from 'redux';
export let reducers = combineReducers({
heatMap1: heatMap,
heatMap2: heatMap
combineReducers and connectthe 2 heatmap in different object in store
export default connect((state)=> {
return {
onState: state.heatMap1.onState,
config: state.heatMap1.config
export default connect((state)=> {
return {
onState: state.heatMap2.onState,
config: state.heatMap2.config
is this correct?
Question 2
Because 2 component both react when action is dispatched
I'm thinking about separating the shared actions, but I don't think it's a good idea. Or maybe the issue is not here.
So can you tell me what cause this problem and how to solve it?
Here are my reducer
import * as actionTypes from '../actions/heat-map';
import Immutable from 'immutable';
const onState = {
fetching: 'FETCHING',
error: 'ERROR',
drawn: 'DRAWN'
const initialState = {
onState: onState.fetching,
config: {}
export default function heatMapReducer(state = initialState, action) {
let immutableState = Immutable.fromJS(state);
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypes.INITIALIZING:
return immutableState.set('onState', onState.drawn).set('config', action.payload.initConfig).toJS();
case actionTypes.FETCH_DATA_REQUEST:
return immutableState.set('onState', onState.fetching).toJS();
case actionTypes.FETCH_DATA_SUCCESS:
return immutableState.set('onState', onState.drawn).setIn(['config','series',0,'data'],Immutable.fromJS(;
case actionTypes.FETCH_DATA_FAILURE:
return immutableState.set('onState', onState.error).set('config', action.payload.mapData).toJS();
return state;
Action is simple
export function initializeConfig(initConfig) {
return {
payload: {
text: 'Initializing',
export function requireMapData() {
return {
payload: {
text: 'Loading'
//Async Action for fetching map data and redraw the map
export function fetchMapData(address) {
return function (dispatch) {
//dispatch requireMapData action to set the map in loading state
return fetch(address)
.then(fetchUtil.checkHttpStatus) //check if 404
.then(mapData => dispatch(fetchDataSucceed(mapData)))
.catch(error => dispatch(fetchDataFailed(error)));
Thank you my friend.
You cannot duplicate your reducers in the manner you've depicted. Both are going to respond in the exact same way to the exact same actions.
The solution is to have all of your heat map data in the same reducer state. e.g.
const initialState = {
heatMap1: {},
heatMap2: {}
export default heatmap(state = initialState, action) {
// etc
Now if you want to use the same actions for both heat maps, you'll need to have an action property specifying which heap map you're targeting. If you have several heat maps, I'd recommend an array of heat maps with each action containing an index or id to target a particular heat map. e.g.
function updateHeatMap(index, value) {
return {
index: index,
value: value
You can also take a look at the multireducer module ( It was designed to solve exactly the scenario you propose.
So you would be able to configure your store as such:
import multireducer from 'multireducer';
import heatMap from './heat-map1'
import {combineReducers} from 'redux';
export let reducers = combineReducers({
multireducer: multireducer({
heatMap1: heatMap,
heatMap2: heatMap
After that, you would then need to use connectMultireducer() instead of redux's standard connect() in order to connect the specific slice of the store to particular components like so:
export default connectMultireducer((state)=> {
return {
onState: state.heatMap.onState,
config: state.heatMap.config
And finally in order to get the correct part of the state to each of those components you would pass in the key when rendering them as such:
<CHMSHeatMap multireducerKey="heatMap1"/>
<CHMSHeatMap multireducerKey="heatMap2"/>
Obviously it's better to read the actual docs at the multireducer repo, but that should give a brief overview. Basically the module is just abstracting the process of adding a key-based lookup to each reducer that is created through the multireducer function.
I suggest original concept of multireducer working without any libraries.
The base idea is unique Symbol action types and self-contained Redux-module like this:
import * as services from './../../../api/services';
const initialState = {
list: [],
function getListReducer(state, action) {
return {
list: action.payload.list,
function removeItemReducer(state, action) {
const { payload } = action;
const list = state.list.filter((item, i) => i !== payload.index);
return {
export default class List {
constructor() {
// action types constants
this.GET_LIST = Symbol('GET_LIST');
getList = (serviceName) => {
return async (dispatch) => {
const list = await services[serviceName].get();
type: this.GET_LIST,
payload: {
removeItem = (index) => {
return (dispatch) => {
type: this.REMOVE_ITEM,
payload: {
reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case this.GET_LIST:
return getListReducer(state, action);
case this.REMOVE_ITEM:
return removeItemReducer(state, action);
return state;
More information read there.
