I want to create and modify .doc and .docx file in Qt creator with ability to compile for Windows, Linux, Android and IOS.
This is not a Qt-specific question imho. Anyhow here is my answer:
Quoting wikipedia:
is a zipped, XML-based file format
What this means is you need to decompress (you need to figure out how it is compressed to begin with) and process the XML for doc files. Qt provides basic (de)compression facilities and does provide the tools to process XML data.
In terms of Qt Creator - you have to write your own plugin for that purpose. You can check what's already there - processing of CMake, C++, C, Python files.
You should use what's already there. LibreOffice for example, which is open source and free, can handle such documents (incl. doc). There are libraries that do that too. So your best bet is to integrate some library into your Qt application. I would NOT recommend implementing it yourself unless you have a lot of spare time. The fact that big projects such as LibreOffice, OpenOffice etc. still don't have 100% support for such documents should give a big enough hint that it's not a trivial task.
I use CMake to build Qt project with internatiolization support. Using qt5_create_translation I can create *.ts files into the source directory and *.qm files into the build directory.
I want to reduce the number of files I should to distribute. Storing translation files :/translations/*.qm into the Qt resources is straitforward solution.
But during build process names of the resources are generated automatically and there is no native way to emplace them into the *.qrc file automatically.
How to achieve desired using, say, add_custom_command or something else?
Qt's qrc file is just xml files. Thus you can an external tool to add it.
A pure cmake solution could be:
Create a dummy resource file named #TRANS_FILE#
Add this file to your qrc file
Fetch the name of the translation file into a variable. Don't know how.
Use cmake's configure_file to replace the dummy resource name
set(TRANS_FILE ${NameOfTranslationFile})
configure_file(infile.qrc outfile.qrc #ONLY)
I'm a little bit confused about the qtquickcompiler, the JIT qml caching and what is available (and what is not) in the open source version of qt 5.8 (respectively 5.9).
Basically, I want to protect my .qml and .js files from being readable in my release build. I started a new example QtQuick project without editing any code. I followed these instructions and added the CONFIG += qtquickcompiler in the .pro file, but it has no effect.
My .qml files are built into the .exe (on Windows), but if look in the executable, e.g. with notepad++, I can still see the source code of the .qml files.
On the other hand, if I don't use the QRC for my .qml files, .qmlc files are created for every of my .qml at runtime. These files are not (easily?) readable. But I don't find a way to use only the .qmlc files without shipping the .qml files in my build (and I don't think it was meant to be like that).
Coming to my question: Is there a way to protect my .qml and .js files with the open source version of qt? And what is the difference between the qtquickcompiler and the new JIT .qmlc?
Updated answer:
Since Qt 5.11, the qt quick compiler is also available in the open source version:
CONFIG += qtquickcompiler
See https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.11
No, it was going to be, but then they gave up on those plans for the time being and replaced it with the caching thing.
I don't think you will be able to reuse .qmlc files on another computer, as IIRC they are not architecture portable.
In the future, it should be possible to pre-compile .qml to .qmlc ahead of time and bundle those into the application binary.
If your files are on the file system, then there is no way to protect them, from being read, reverse engineered, or tampered with.
With the compiler, the QML code is translated to C++ code, which is then compiled to a native binary. Also, last time I checked, if you go for the compiler, it is an "either / or" situation, if you use compiled qml you can only use compiled qml, so no mixing with regular qml files. It is also ahead of time, and requires a commercial license.
The qml caching in contrast is just-in-time (possibly ahead of time in the future), doesn't require a commercial license and doesn't come with the limitation that prevents you from using regular qml files. I am not aware of the implementation details, but it certainly is not qml code translated to C++ and then compiled, as it happens on the client side and doesn't require having Qt or even a C++ compiler installed. It doesn't really sound like bytecode either, as IIRC it is not binary compatible between platforms, it is more like caching the qml file processing result to avoid on doing it every time.
As outlined in this answer, with some extra work it might be possible to implement a decent amount of protection, for example encrypted QML files or binary resources, but I still haven't dug into it.
Lastly, if you set compression for the qrc file with a low threshold, it will somewhat obfuscate the QML code in the executable binary, but even so, it is regular zip compression, so if your code is really worth stealing, it will not really prevent that, just make it a tad less trivial.
Is there a way to protect my .qml and .js files with the open source version of qt?
Not yet. Up to (and including) 5.8 you'll need to buy a license in order to use the QML compiler.
And what is the difference between the qtquickcompiler and the new JIT .qmlc?
That the compiler will turn QML into C++, which gets then compiled into your application. The .qmlc files are a cache generated by the engine to avoid parsing / optimizing / etc. the same files all over again. Yet, they're a cache -- you'll need to original source around in case they don't get used. At the Qt Contributors' Summit 2016 there have been some discussions about how to streamline and integrate the compiler with the cache, but so far nothing exists.
Coming to my question: Is there a way to protect my .qml and .js files
with the open source version of qt?
Yes, of course,
look at my answer:
You can use an encripted resource file, an decrypt it in execution time...
I do that in all my projects ...
Is not a trivial job, but works fine.
I want to get a path to the project directory in Qt and reference the other files of my project relative to it. I know this issue have been already discussed here
Get current working directory in a Qt application
and here
How to get current working directory path of a Qt application?
but the answer is still unknown. In case it's impossible to get such a path then what is the approach of navigation among files of the Qt project.
Based on your comment, you are trying to:
Access some images which are being used in my program. I could of course put them into build target directory, but it becomes uncomfortable to pass my code to others.
The approach to store resource files in the project source directory and rely on such structure at runtime is not a greatest idea. I can't imagine the situation when mixing the concepts of initially decoupled source and build directories could be useful, correct me if I'm wrong.
So, according to your needs:
The most simple and plain way is to use the Qt resource system. The resource files are simply embedded into the executable, so there will be no need to access the file system.
Another way is the automatic deployment of the needed files. This answer describes the way to copy your files to the target directory using qmake.
How to decompress compiled qt resource file with rcc extension?
Since the accepted answer did not meet my needs, I thought I'd post my experience in this.
I wrote a node module that will extract PNG files from QT binary rcc files. It is available on npm as png-extractor if you are interested.
rcc is not a file format. It's Qt's resource compiler. It doesn't create a resource file either. It converts the resources specified in your qrc file into a C++ source file and lets C++ compiler compile it into object code to be linked into your app.
Look for qrc_yourproject.cpp in your build directory to see what's produced. Do not try to access the objects/structures defined in the file directly since Qt may change how they are constructed in later versions. Use Qt's resource management calls to do that.