Include 3rd party css in ionic2 - css

How to include a 3rd party css in ionic2? I guess it is probably linked to webpack config but I can't find any example anywhere, does someone know? for example, adding font-awesome css file after npm install font-awesome

For those who are interested in this, you can just add the files in the build process in the ionic.config.js like:
module.exports = {
sass: {
src: [
dest: 'www/build/css',
include: [
fonts: {
src: [
dest: 'www/build/fonts'
This will compile font-awesome.css under www/build/css and fonts under www/build/fonts

ionic.config.js has been deprecated.
The correct answer is now:
npm install font-awesome
Then edit your gulpfile.js to add options to the sass and fonts tasks:
gulp.task('sass', function(){
return buildSass({
sassOptions: {
includePaths: [
gulp.task('fonts', function(){
return copyFonts({
src: [
You can find more information on the gulp tasks here:
Then you should be able to #import "font-awesome" in your app/theme/app.core.scss file and use it in your project wherever.

You can normally put css files in the index.html page and just use the css classes wherever you want. By default, your components are not completely isolated from the outside world so you should be able to use lets say bootstrap without any problems


bower concat CSS problems

Grunt novice here....what I am trying to do seems so simple, but I am at my wits end here. I am trying to concat the JS from a few separate bower components and then do the same with the CSS. Here is the relevant code from my grunt.file:
bower_concat: {
all: {
dest: 'builds/development/js/_bower.js',
cssDest: 'builds/development/css/_bower.css'
This is the last item in my config so does not need a comma after the final "}".
All the needed files are listed under "main" in their respective bower.json files. For example:
"main": [
I am positive these paths and file names are correct. The JS concats fine. The CSS does nothing. If I remove the "dest:..." line from my gruntfile (in an attempt to concat ONLY the CSS) terminal gives me the error ":Warning: You should specify "dest" and/or "cssDest" properties in your Gruntfile".
I clearly am specifying this. Help!
Finally got it to work with this:
bower_concat: {
all: {
dest: {
js: 'builds/development/js/_bower.js',
css: 'builds/development/css/_bower.css'
Essentially needed one more set of nested curly braces inside of "dest:". For the record you DO NOT need to specify mainFiles if they are designated in the bower_components json.
Ah, easy. You need to specify the component or library and then its mainFiles in your Gruntfile under grunt-bower-concat. Don't worry about messing with the individual components' files.
bower_concat: {
all: {
dest: 'builds/development/js/_bower.js',
cssDest: 'builds/development/css/_bower.css'
mainFiles: [
owlcarousel: [
FYI My current bower-concat for owlcarousel looks like this so double-check your bower_components folder tree structure.
bower_concat: {
all: {
dest: 'builds/development/js/_bower.js',
cssDest: 'builds/development/css/_bower.css'
mainFiles: [
owlcarousel: [
], // (Version 1.3.2)

Grunt CSS import and paths

I have the following setup in Grunt for the concat and minification of my projects css
cssmin: {
options: {
concat: {
files: {
'dist/app.css': [
min: {
files: [{
src: 'dist/app.css',
dest: 'dist/app.css'
It works fine with the exception that, as far as I can tell its removed the following import statement
#import url(",300,400,700,900,100italic,300italic,400italic,700italic,900italic");
And all 3rd party css files have relative image paths which are not resolved. I can see cssmin uses clean css which should be able to help handle these issues but after hours of searching and reading the docs I can't any clear examples or doucmentation on how to configure the above to solve this?
I used Ze Rubeus suggestion of moving my font import statement into the HTML instead (a little annoying as it means modifying a 3rd party css file). But I found the option for fixing the css paths which is
rebase: true,
relativeTo: './'
My cssmin configuration now looks like
cssmin: {
options: {
rebase: true,
relativeTo: './'
concat: {
files: {
'dist/app.css': [
min: {
files: [{
src: 'dist/app.css',
dest: 'dist/app.css'
And everything is working :)
You have to change all you import PATH depend on this directory 'dist/app.css'
And instead of css font import I advice you to use the HTML link like the following
<link href=',300,400,700,900,100italic,300italic,400italic,700italic,900italic' type='text/css'>
make sure to change all url Path's on these directory's :
depend on this output 'dist/app.css': because there is no task in gruntjs who correct the import Path in css files for you !
regarding your code the watch task need's to be something like so :
watch: {
css: {
files: ['tmp/*.css',
tasks: ['concat','cssmin'],
options: { spawn: false }
And execute this command grunt watch in your terminal to keep automatically tracking for changes in these files and apply these tasks .

loadPath in Gulp

I've got Bourbon and Neat installed via Bower (in the /bower-components folder) and I was wondering if I am able to call them in my .scss files like so, using Gulp.
#import 'bourbon';
I've just switched over from Grunt and was wondering if Gulp had a similar loadPath option. I'd normally use this to reference that Bower directory in my Gruntfile.js, like below:
sass: {
dist: {
options: {
style: 'expanded',
loadPath: '<%= app %>/bower_components/foundation/scss'
files: {
'<%= app %>/css/app.css': '<%= app %>/scss/app.scss'
Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I ended up using gulp-ruby-sass, that while is a bit slower than gulp-sass is rich with features, such as loadPath.
Let me show you an example installing bootstrap, Install gulp-ruby-sass but before that make sure you have ruby installed first:
npm install gulp-ruby-sass --save-dev
In gulpfile.js define the process:
var sass = require('gulp-ruby-sass')
gulp.task('processSCSS', function () {
return sass('./path/to/scss/you/mention/#important/main.scss', {
style: 'compressed',
loadPath: [
.on('error', sass.logError)
In main.scss just call stylesheet:
#import 'bootstrap'

Can't get a modular Sass structure working within mean.js grunt

I setup a grunt tast to compile all sass and scss files into css using grunt-contrib-sass.
The issue I am facing is because it's a modular architecture, I don't have a single sass and css folder.
Instead I have a sass and css folder for each module.
When I specify the module name it works and compiles the sass file into css, but only for that module, like so:
sass: {
dev: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'public/modules/someModuleName/sass',
src: ['*.{scss,sass}'],
dest: 'public/modules/someModuleName/css',
ext: ['.css']
Instead I need it to compile the sass files into css for each module dynamically, like so:
sass: {
dev: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'public/modules/**/sass',
src: ['*.{scss,sass}'],
dest: 'public/modules/**/css',
ext: ['.css']
Here is the folder structure:
From the looks of the directory structure and based on the tag, I'm assuming you are using or
What I did and recommend is that if you are going with sass, you go all in sass.
Rename your each css folder under public/modules/*/ to scss
Convert the existing *.css files to *.scss files
Create a new [style/scss/stylesheets] folder in the public directory
Create a new file(style.scss or main.scss) as the main style file. Recommend main.scss as a convention.
In your main.scss you import the module scss files:
#import "../modules/core/style/core";
#import "../modules/users/style/users";
This step is kind of annoying and I'm sure it can be automated somehow. (2 options below)
For your sass task:
sass: {
options: {
sourcemap: 'none',
update: true
dev: {
options: {
lineNumbers: true
files: {
'public/dist/application.css': 'public/style/main.scss'
dist: {
options: {
style: 'compressed'
files: {
'public/dist/application.min.css': 'public/style/main.scss'
} },
Cleanup work to your gruntfile:
You would need to add clientSCSS to your watchFiles if you want and
run the sass:dev task.
csslint task is not needed and should be
replaced with scsslint.
cssmin task is not needed as the sass:dist
has the compressed option.
Cleanup work in all.js and production.js:
Remove references to *.css files in the assets:lib:css and assets:css with the exception of public/dist/application.css and public/dist/application.min.css
Use the corresponding sass version of bootstrap if you want instead and follow the #include approach in main.scss

Creating a grunt file for an angular app

My directory structure looks like below:
--angular/ #angular libraries here
--jquery/ #jquery libraries here
--server/ #All server related files here
My Grunt file so far looks like this
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json');
concat: {
dist: {
src: ['client/js/angular/*.*]
dest: 'client/build/angular-build.js'
This is as far as I have gotten. Don't see any easy grunt file tutorials on this.
Th ouput I am looking for is all angular libraries in one output file. All jquery libraries in another.. all css libraries in third.
How do i achieve this ?
A few things:
You don't know it, but you're using grunt-contrib-concat, so you'd better npm install that and grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); it.
Concat doesn't support wildcards. This is good, because the order that these files are included is going to matter. angular.js must be included before angular-resource.js
I've included a rough template of what your Gruntfile needs to look like to accomplish this, but know that this is not the right way to do this. You should be loading your dependencies using something like bower and serving them individually, or using something like Browserify or Require.js. You'll come to see the value of that as the project progresses.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json');
concat: {
angular: {
src: [
dest: 'client/build/angular-build.js'
jquery: {
src: ['client/js/jquery/jquery.js']
dest: 'client/build/jquery-build.js'
