setting rowsPerPageOptions in alfresco share document library pagination section - alfresco-share

I need to enable rowsPerPageOptions in documentLibrary paginator section.I found that paginator is configured in _setupHistoryManagers function in OOTB documentlist.js. so I have created documentlist-custom.js and overwrite entire function[_setupHistoryManagers] that exists in OOB documentlist.js and put it in my custom js working fine.
But I want to know Is it the right way or Is there any way setting the adding this rowsPerPageOptions option in this.widgets.paginator function instead of copying whole _setupHistoryManagers function in custom js file?
using 4.2.2 version.
// YUI Paginator definition
this.widgets.paginator = new YAHOO.widget.Paginator(
containers: [ + "-paginator", + "-paginatorBottom"],
rowsPerPage: this.options.pageSize,
initialPage: this.currentPage,
rowsPerPageOptions: [25,50,75,100,500],
template: this.msg("pagination.template"),
pageReportTemplate: this.msg(""),
previousPageLinkLabel: this.msg("pagination.previousPageLinkLabel"),
nextPageLinkLabel: this.msg("pagination.nextPageLinkLabel")


DataTables editable (where to put the editable_ajax.php file)

I'm trying to edit my tables content by following this example DataTables example
In my twig page I've added this script at the end:
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Init DataTables */
var oTable = $('.dataTable').dataTable();
/* Apply the jEditable handlers to the table */
oTable.$('td').editable( 'editable_ajax.php', {
"callback": function( sValue, y ) {
var aPos = oTable.fnGetPosition( this );
oTable.fnUpdate( sValue, aPos[0], aPos[1] );
"submitdata": function ( value, settings ) {
return {
"row_id": this.parentNode.getAttribute('id'),
"column": oTable.fnGetPosition( this )[2]
"height": "auto",
"width": "auto"
} );
} );
the file editable_ajax.php is in the folder where my twig page is.
When I try to edit a cell I see with the debugging tool that the 'editable_ajax.php' file is not found, Can someone tell me where I should place it please ?
I'm sorry to say, but you seem to not have a good grasp of how templating and Symfony in general work. You're mixing very different things (PHP code, twig templates, Javascript code).
So, first read the Symfony Book. I would also suggest reading up on Javascript.
Some mistakes:
PHP files should never be in the "views" folder (aka. with twig files)
Javascript runs on the client side so you need to think about URLs when calling server-side code (aka. php code) NOT filesystem paths.
Javascript (jQuery is just a library) should not be in a twig file, but it's own *.js file and linked with a <script> html tag.

(AngularJS) Only one less file for entire Website

I am a beginner with AngularJS and I have a little problem, I installed grunt-contrib-less to support less files instead css but now I have to declare all less styles that will be compiled into only one css file.
But my problem is normally when I'm using less, I write some code for a specific page, and here I have to write the style code for all pages. This is confusing and not really maintanable so is there a best practice to organize less styles?
I tought that there may be multiple solution:
Apply a class to body tag and change it with I don't know what
(controller, services or other)
(Import LESS file only for one page)
Generate multiple css file depending which style is compiled (but I can't do this because I can't configure grunt correctly)
Do this with DOM manipulation (but it don't find it beautifull because I think Angular must have a good way to solve that problem)
Could you explain me how to have different style for differents views ? I don't want to have the same style for all links in all views and without create hundreds classes I don't know how to do that.
Use directive
and add whatever variables/code/logic you want to add
HTML template(directive) of style can be added to your view and after compile you will get different ui for all your views
for reference read
angular directive
I solve my problem by adding specific class on body tag depending the route.
I put a variable in rootScope called 'pageStyle' with correspond to the classname that I want. This variable is updated automatically when route change (see run function). There is an event when the route change ($stateChangeSuccess or $routeChangeSuccess depending if you are using ngRoute or -angularui-routeur).
In my case i would like to add the name of the route but you can do it with the controller name or something else.
Here is an example
This is the routes :
.module('frontApp', [])
.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $mdThemingProvider) {
.state('home', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: '../views/home.html',
controller: function ($scope) {
$scope.msg = 'Xavier';
.state('form', {
url: '/form',
templateUrl: '../views/form.html',
controller: 'FormCtrl'
And in the run function you will see the event bound to adapt the class when route change :
.run(function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.pageStyle = '';
// Watch state and set controller name in pageStyle variable when state change
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, toState) {
if (toState && && typeof === 'string'){
$rootScope.pageStyle =;
} else {
$rootScope.pageStyle = '';
Extra informations :
Note that the event called when route change is different if you are using ngroute. use "$routeChangeSuccess" if you use ngRoute and "$stateChangeSuccess" if you choose to use angular-ui-routeur
If you want to add the controller name instead the route name simply use the follow and replace 'ctrl' with you controller suffixe:
if (toState && toState.controller && typeof toState.controller !== 'function'){
$rootScope.pageStyle = toState.controller.toLowerCase().replace('ctrl','');
Hope it help someone else

tinymce how to specify the css file to be used for tinymce in another js file

I have made my own plugin.I am using tinymce with it.Now, to specify the css file for tinymce we use content_css inside tinymce.init, but in my case i dont want to specify the css file path in tinymce file itself but want it to be looked up in my plugin.js file. How can i do that?
Done.Thought of sharing the solution here. In my plugin's js file which i have called plugin.js i have written
tinymce.PluginManager.add('matheditor', function(editor, url) {
function TinyMCEAdapter(){
var pluginPath = '../editor.html',
editOptions = null,
editedElementId = null;
editor.settings.content_css = '../themes/tangerine/css/equationeditor.css';
here the parameter matheditor is the name of my plugin.We set the content_css for tinymce with the line
editor.settings.content_css = '../themes/tangerine/css/equationeditor.css';`
Check out this tutorial:
You call loadjscssfile function as soon as your plugin is loaded.

Excluding bootstrap from specific routes in Meteor

I was hoping anyone could give some input on this,
I'm creating a meteor app in which I would like to use bootstrap to creating the admin environment, but have the visitor facing side using custom css. When I add the bootstrap package to my app using meteor it's available on every page, is there a way to restrict the loading of bootstrap to routes that are in '/admin' ?
When you add bootstrap package it's not possible. You can, however, add bootstrap csses to public directory and then load them in a header subtemplate that will only be rendered when you're in the dashboard.
But then how would you go about creating seperate head templates?
{{> adminHeader}}
<template name="adminHeader">
{{#if adminPage}}
... // Put links to bootstrap here
Template.adminHeader.adminPage = function() {
return Session.get('adminPage');
'/admin': function() {
Session.set('adminPage', true);
DISCLAIMER: I am unsure of a 'meteor way' to do this, so here is how I would do it with plain JS.
JS - Credit to javascriptkit
function removejscssfile(filename, filetype){
var targetelement=(filetype=="js")? "script" : (filetype=="css")? "link" : "none" //determine element type to create nodelist from
var targetattr=(filetype=="js")? "src" : (filetype=="css")? "href" : "none" //determine corresponding attribute to test for
var allsuspects=document.getElementsByTagName(targetelement)
for (var i=allsuspects.length; i>=0; i--){ //search backwards within nodelist for matching elements to remove
if (allsuspects[i] && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr)!=null && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr).indexOf(filename)!=-1)
allsuspects[i].parentNode.removeChild(allsuspects[i]) //remove element by calling parentNode.removeChild()
removejscssfile("bootstrap.css", "css")
However, doing that would complete remove it from the page. I am not sure whether meteor would then try to readd it when a user goes to another page. If that does not automatically get readded, then you have an issue of bootstrap not being included when someone goes from the admin section to the main site, which would break the look of the site.
The way I would get around that would be to disable and enable the stylesheets:
$("link[href='bootstrap.css']").disabled = true;
$("link[href='bootstrap.css']").disabled = false;
There my be other bootstrap resources which may need to be removed, take a look at what your page is loading.
To use jQuery in the same way but for the javascript files, remember to change link to script and href to src
From my tests, Meteor does not automatically re-add the files once they have been removed so you would need to find some way of re-adding them dynamically if you want the same user to be able to go back and forth between the main site and the admin site. Or simply if the http referrer to the main site is from the admin, force reload the page and then the bootstrap resources will load and everything will look pretty.
P.s. make sure you get the href correct for the jQuery version
If somebody is interested in including any js/css files, I've written a helper for it:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// dynamic js / css include helper from public folder
Handlebars.registerHelper("INCLUDE_FILES", function(files) {
if (files != undefined) {
var array = files.split(',');
var regex = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/;
var extension = regex.exec(entity)[1];
if(extension == "js"){
$('head').append('<script src="' + entity + '" data-dynamicJsCss type="text/javascript" ></script>');
} else if (extension == "css"){
$('head').append('<link href="' + entity + '" data-dynamicJsCss type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />');
Then simply use:
{{INCLUDE_FILES '/css/html5reset.css, /js/test.js'}}
in any of your loaded templates :)

NHP Theme Options Framework using Wordpress 3.5 Media Manager

Could anyone help me make a new field type for NHP Theme Options Framework based on "upload" type so that it would use the new "Media Manager" that Wordpress uses since 3.5 instead of Media Uploader. This would be very useful for use with sliders.
Maybe this post would be helpful.
you're in luck i needed this same functionality. I managed to do it by looking at the code and applying the same override techniques as the the old media manager.
In fact i've written a tutorial about it here.
Here's the javascript code:
var doc = {
ready: function(){
// initialize only if our button is in the page
if($('#btn_browse_files').length > 0){
slider = {
// the following 2 objects would be our backup containers
// as we will be replacing the default media handlers
media_send_attachment: null,
media_close_window: null,
init: function(){
// bind the button's click the browse_clicked handler
browse_clicked: function(event){
// cancel the event so we won't be navigated to href="#"
// backup editor objects first
slider.media_send_attachment =;
slider.media_close_window =;
// override the objects with our own = slider.media_accept; = slider.media_close;
// open up the media manager window;
media_accept: function(props, attachment){
// this function is called when the media manager sends in media info
// when the user clicks the "Insert into Post" button
// this may be called multiple times (one for each selected file)
// you might be interested in the following:
// alert(; // this stands for the id of the media attachment passed
// alert(attachment.url); // this is the url of the media attachment passed
// for now let's log it the console
// not you can do anything Javascript-ly possible here
media_close: function(id){
// this function is called when the media manager wants to close
// (either close button or after sending the selected items)
// restore editor objects from backup = slider.media_send_attachment; = slider.media_close_window;
// nullify the backup objects to free up some memory
slider.media_send_attachment= null;
slider.media_close_window= null;
// trigger the actual remove;
fyi... is a fork of NHP and has added 3.5 media loader and also fixed other areas of NHP.
I just switched over to and so far not to bad.
See the usage in our vafpress theme framework github code snippet:
media manager with WP < 3.5 fallback
in the code, there is also this variable (vp_wp.use_new_media_upload), that you will need to 'expose' into your JS code via wp_localize_script, that variable needed to state whether the Wordpress you're running is under 3.5 or not, if it's under 3.5 then it's should not use the new media manager, and use the old method using thickbox media-upload.php iframe.
NHP has just merged with Redux Framework and Redux 3.0 has been released. It can be run as a Wordpress Plugin or Embedded within a theme. You should really give the new version a try.
It has full Wordpress media 3.5 support, and then some. It not only stores the media URL, but also the ID and full-dimension size.
Seriously, check it out.
