What is the default WordPress API - wordpress

I'm looking to start a new WordPress API based project. I want to make sure I'm starting with the best tools at hand so that I'm not changing my mind half way through. What I want to know is; What is the best supported API framework for WordPress? What is the default API that comes as part of WordPress core and how does it compare to other WP API plugins.
I'm leaning towards the WP REST API however I would like to know if the XML-RPC interface 'WordPress API' would alternatively be the right way to go.
Any feedback would be great.

The official wordpress API is still under ongoing development. You can find the old legacy REST api here, which will work, but might be broken in the future: http://wp-api.org/index-deprecated.html
As for the new and improved version 2 found here http://v2.wp-api.org/ this is the version that will be supported and used in the future. I would recommend using this API, as there will most likely not be any huge breaking changes in the future, and this is being actively maintained and developed by a considerable amount of contributors.
There's still a lot missing from the official API, but they're working away on these issues as we speak. In it's current state, it's still quite powerful.

By default WordPress come with REST-API. If you don't want to use WordPress REST-API then You can use API-Framework and access the wordpress functions.
There are small api framework like slim api framework, fat-free api framework you can use for API's.


how can i add a functionality ( with the framework .net ) in shopify?

I has created eshop in shopify and I want to add a functionality ( with the framework .net ) in shopify but I don't know how....
I searched on the internet but I didn't find anything just I found this link from the ShopifySharp github but I didn't understand how to use it.
Who can help me?
There are several possible ways to add functionalities to a Shopify shop depending on what you want to do.
They range from editing your shop's theme (mostly for simple needs) using html and/or js and/or and/or css and/or the liquid templating language (be careful though that any theme update may override your edits), to developing and hosting a custom app that would interact with your shop via a set of APIs (for more complex needs). Both techniques require a certain level of expertise (especially the later). See this very complete blog article for more info about how to build a Shopify app.
Basically you can build an app using any language and framework. The repo you found on Github looks like a C# SDK implementation of Shopify API. You are free to structure your app as you want provided you authenticate and communicate with Shopify using the possibilities offered by the API.

Which are limits of Community version of the eZ Publish CMS?

I am currently looking for informations about eZ Publish Community version and its limits to develop a public portal.
Can I use Oracle database? Should I prefer ezoracle to any Symfony extension?
Can I integrate an antivirus solution? If yes which one?
Can I use 2 different instances, one to write and export contents, and another one to import and update contents?
Which newsletter system do you suggest?
Is back-end IE8 and IE9 compatible?
Can I (de)activate contact forms on demand?
Can I integrate a more powerful anti-spam solution than visual CAPTCHA? (ex: reCAPTCHA)
Can the webmaster modify layout elements, such as logos, bannes, aso.
Thank you for your help!
Latest community version is using Doctrine DBAL (through new stack) which supports Oracle. But so far there is no information that someone tried it as the Doctrine support is quite new. ezoracle extension is a legacy extension which might be used but not if new stack is being utilised.
Anti-virus solutions are not something that makes sense to integrate with CMS-es. Those are either client software (CMS runs on web servers) or server side software which is installed on the web server and monitors uploaded files.
You probably describe a content staging kind of setup for which there is no out-of-the-box solution. But the CMS is quite flexible and some solution could be possible to develop.
Solid and integrated one is the cjw_newsletter, but its legacy based. There is nothing similar in the new stack, there might be some Symfony based bundles that could be integrated but would require some development effort. Depends on the integration needed. If not much integration is needed external services are an option
Legacy admin interface is, for the new editor UI which is under development at the moment I am not sure what will be the oldest IE supported. IE8 probably not, maybe just with graceful degradation.
If you mean legacy collected info based forms yes. You can hide the node of the forms for example. In new stack there are no similar implementation yet.
Yes, although it would probably require some web development knowledge. If you use legacy collected info forms you can try to install some of the existing legacy extension that deal with that (e.g. http://projects.ez.no/recaptcha) but to do it in new stack (Symfony based) you will probably need to dig deeper with Symfony Forms and custom controllers or find and integrate bundles that implement this
This depends on how the front-end is implemented. If done properly it should be possible, yes
For more detailed help feel free to use the community forum: http://share.ez.no/forums/ez-publish-5-platform

Is WordPress appropriate for building customized Web Apps

Our company is aiming to build an eLearning Website, we are a team of developers and our boss is suggesting using WordPress for it. We are experienced in building web apps using Codeigniter and Laravel.
I already know that we can build any type of web app using WordPress, but my questions is that is it appropriate using WordPress for building it, in terms of ease in teamwork, time, customization, easiness or anything else which you may suggest compared to usign Codeigniter or Laravel?
Yes definitely Wordpress would be a great platform to work in. Since it has extended its wings from a normal CMS to ecommerce, social networking and much more to come.
And about developing the eLearning site yes it would be definitely magnificent to develop it in wordpress as there could be some plugins for it or else you can develop one with ease.
Benefits of Working in Wordpress:
Large number of community members around to help you.
Your website will be most search engine friendly with it.
Really takes less time to develop any application because most of things are in built and you can also modify them to match your requirements.
Installation and migration is effortless.
It absolutely is suitable. There's several advantages:
Prototype can be developed in a number of days
Great for SEO since it's also a blogging platform. You won't have to code SEO friendly CMS by hand.
Possible to have a website front end that can compliment the webapp front end
JSON API is already done for you.
Lots of people are proficient with wordpress so it's not difficult to find staff further down the track
It can use a responsive design straight out the box
The JSON API can work with HTML5 mobile app API's like cordova and jquerymobile and onsen.

How to integrate PayPal Express Checkout with ASP.NET Web Pages site ("Razor")

I have an ASP.NET Razor / Web Pages site that I need to integrate with PayPal Express Checkout. Edit: this integration requires more than just a simple PayPal-generated button, e.g., I need to dynamically set the price, item description, tax etc.
I am quite new to both Web Pages and PayPal integration so would like to ask what the preferred approach would be.
So far, I have found there are these options:
Use PayPal Helper for WebMatrix
Just read the PayPal spec and create a form with hidden fields etc.
Use some of the NuGet packages from PayPal
Inspire in some custom code like this one
No. 1 is probably some outdated code (both the release date and recent reviews suggest that), no. 2 will certainly work but I'll be on my own, I'm hoping that no. 3 would be the best answer but there are many of those NuGet packages and I haven't found any good examples yet, and 4 is an option if no other works.
Any suggestions? The goal is to have a simple form, below it my custom "Pay Now" button (preferably; could be also a PayPal-provided button) and when user clicks it, the website should redirect him to PayPal, process the payment notification / approval etc.
I realize this question is old, but if you're looking for SDKs provided by PayPal that support Express Checkout, then you have the following two options:
This SDK (formerly known as the "RestApiSdk") is built on the newer PayPal REST APIs and provides support for Express Checkout through the Payments API. All API calls use an OAuth token for security and the calls (and associated code) are a bit cleaner than its Classic counterpart. While some aspects of the REST services are still not quite up to par compared to Classic (e.g. Subscriptions), the Payments portion of the REST APIs is mostly at parity with Classic. Moving forward, this is the SDK that PayPal will be investing in and improving, so it's recommended that any new integrations use this SDK.
Recently, the .NET SDK repo on GitHub was updated with a Wiki that should hopefully make it easier to get started using the SDK. Also, a lot of work has also been put into the included samples project to help show how to use SDK with various use cases. And if there's a use case that's missing or needs better/more explanation, definitely don't hesitate to let me know on there. :)
PayPal Classic Merchant SDK
The Merchant SDK has been around for awhile and all the classes are auto-generated from PayPal's publicly-available WSDL schema files. While it provides support for every Express Checkout-related feature, using it is a bit more cumbersome than the REST-based SDK.
PayPal is no longer actively supporting the Merchant SDK and will only be providing bug fixes when necessary. For this reason, PayPal doesn't recommend using this SDK for new integrations.
If you find a feature that you enjoy using in this SDK that isn't available in the REST counterpart, please let me know here or on GitHub. One issue we've noticed for people looking to switch is the REST API does not provide payment history details for payments made via Classic calls. The PayPal SDK team is currently looking into ways this support can be added to the REST-based SDKs to make it easier for developers to make the transition.
The only option you have is to call rest api from asp.net web pages.
You can find the source code of rest api at following places.
if you just want PayPal Express Checkout the easiest way to do it is to simply create a PayPal "Buy It Now" button. You don't need to code anything.
You can find out how to do it here https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/paypal-payments-standard/ht_create-pps-buttons/ but the basic steps are:
Create the button inside PayPal.
Copy the button code inside PayPal.
Paste it into your website/email whatever.
Hope that helps!

Build an App for a Wordpress site. Is PhoneGap the solution?

I have a few Wordpress sites and I would like to create apps (IOS and Android) for all of them. I did some research and found that PhoneGap (or similar products) appears to be the solution.
The App will simply get information from existing Wordpress site. I do not plan to add login/edit/post features to the app at this time. My sites have both Pages and Posts. Does that matter?
Is there any better solution than PhoneGap?
The two current big multi-platform solutions for apps are PhoneGap and Titanium. PhoneGap is less work, but Titanium has better performance and uses the platform default UI. Since you aren't building an advanced app, just reading JSON feeds, PhoneGap should work great for you.
It does not matter that you have both pages and posts. You will need to use a JSON API in order to get the data from WordPress. There are a couple plugins that do this and they are working on adding a JSON api to core right now. Until the core API is done, I would recommend using the WordPress.com JSON API that's included with the JetPack plugin since its made by Automattic and it has great documentation. If you go this route, you can also fairly easily add login/editing/posting later on with OAUTH2.
You should also check out Steroids.js, which builds on top of PhoneGap and adds features like real-time updates to devices without compiling, native UI elements etc.
