chosen select in a table with horizontal scroll [duplicate] - css

I created a jsFiddle which shows the chosen-select control being 'truncated' by it's parent div. And even though the overflow is set to hidden for the y-axis, it's showing the scroll bar anyway when clicking on the chosen-select control.
The height of this parent div is fixed and set to 200px, and needs to remain this way.
How can I make chosen-select go over the parent div when clicked upon?
EDIT: jsFiddle updated with more CSS.
If I comment the div.content, it doesn't mess up the layout.
The chosen-select control is now on top of the 4th header. In this fiddle I can still select the chosen-select control, but in my application I can't.
Is there something I need to do for the header's positions?
EDIT2: jsFiddle. I just noticed that the chosen-select control stays on its place when heading 1/2 are sliding up. For the record, this doesn't happen in my application.
What does happen, is when you slide up the 3rd heading, chosen-select control is visible until it's slided up all the way. Unlike the other heading's, where the input's are slowly hiding.

Simply add this CSS class:
Added border to show you the definition of your other box is staying fixed.
div.content {
View Here:
When you select position:absolute, you are effectively telling it to ignore the constraints of your fixed parent div and be able to bound outside the box.
Does this answer the question? I can elaborate further if you'd like.
absolute positioning will remove it from the flow of the rest of the document and treat it as if it didn't exist (it displays where you tell it to, but will not modify other element flow).
Try just adding a spacer like so:
div.filler {
<div class="filler">
<div class="content">
<select class="chosen-select">
Try this:
JS Fiddle:
Add CSS:
.hider {
Add ID in HTML:
<div id="dropper" class="heading">header 3 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up pull-right"></div>
Add jQuery if/else:

I added
border: 1px solid black;
to the parentbox, and removed "overflow: hidden" and the dropdown stays in front of the div.
It was not based on any prior knowledge, just dumb luck. I was trying to figure out the exact borders of the divs...oh well.
It's always something...


How to prevent elements from causing scrolling

I am trying to create a simple black box that spans the top of my web page.
Currently I have this:
<canvas id="block" align="center" height="250" width="5000"
style="border:1px solid #000000;background:#ffffff;position:absolute;top:-100px;z-index:10;">
Initially I tried making it a percentage, but it's far too complex for me.
I need to prevent the box from causing the page to scroll to the sides.
I'm sure this is a very simple thing, probably the main issue I am having is not knowing what to search for.
I have been googling for 2 hours now.
Yo can simply use overflow:hidden
<div style="overflow:hidden; width:200px; height:200px;position:relative;"></div>
Watch the demo: jsFiddle Live Demo
I am trying to create a simple black box that spans the top of my web page.
If you're trying to accomplish this then all you need to do is the following:
<div style="background-color:#000;height:10px;width:100%;"></div>
and place it directly under your opening <body> tag.
I'm confused as to why you are setting width:5000px; on a canvas, if you're expecting to make a canvas element wider than the viewport and still not allow scrolling then you need to set overflow:hidden on the body element.
body {
If the unwanted scrolling is due to user pressing arrow keys in your application, then you should be telling the browser that you are handling the arrow keys yourself by executing:
in the handler for keyboard events.
Additionally html {overflow: hidden} might work too.

CSS display block and floated elements (css mastery) Can this be done?

So I'm developing a mobile micro site and that said, I want the links on the page, to behave
like ios links/tabs do, that when you click on them, the whole width of the button is active and changes color to display a click/finger over state the WHOLE width of that div behaves like a button so that either on a small phone or a tablet, as long as I don't specify a width, that its active state goes from left to right ALL THE WAY as a "block"
To that effect for example, if I have a regular text link. like this:
<div class="mainBtns">Portfolio</div>
id give it this CSS so that on mouseover/click with finget etc, that it behaves like an ios button/tab.
.mainBtns a{
.mainBtns a:hover{
Now that said. This is the problem im trying to solve.
I have a parent Div called thumbItemW (the content wrapper);
and two child items called galThumb and galThumbtxt
The content block looks like this:
<div class="thumbItemW ">
<div class="galThumb">
<a href="gallery-highrise.php" alt=""><img src="images/thumbs/highrise.jpeg" alt="High rise Gallery" />
</div> **//this is the gallery thumb floated left**
<div class="galThumbTxt">
</div>**//this is the gallery thumb text floated right**
<div class="clearEm"> </div>//clear the float
</div> <!-- thumbItemW ender -->
What I want to do is that, when the user finger clicks the parent div, that the background color changes like in the example above with "mainBtns / mainBtns a:hover"
Problem is that, unlike the first example with mainBtns, since this one has child items, if I do something like:
pseudo CSS:
.thumbItemW a:hover{
or something like this, this doesn't work the way id want it, since the elements are floats inside this parent div.
What I'm wanting to do is make the parent div .thumbItemW be like a display block so that when the user clicks, that they can click ANYwhere along that divs width and still activate the button as oppose to clicking RIGHT ontop of the button or text.
Can this be achieved the way I have it? Can this be achieved with CSS alone WITHOUT javascript/jquery?
Hope it's not too confusing.
why wouldn't you just specify width and height on the a element?

Absolute positioning: One element expands window, other element doesn't affect it. Both use same code :C

I added two divs to hold background images for decorative purposes - as requested by the artist whom is working with me on a website.
At first, it worked very well. The images were supposed to show on each side of the wrapper div holding the website content - without affecting page width.
Then the organization owning the website got another sponsor, who's logo I had to add to a column on the right. I created a new id for the 5th "button" and created a div for it. Uploading it, I noticed that a scroll bar had suddenly appeared on the bottom of the page, for no apparent reason.
I first suspected the button to be the problem, but eventually found out that the right-most decorative div was bending the page width, despite using absolute positioning. Both of the divs use the same code, only mirrored for left and right. I have no idea what is causing the problem..
(You can see the problem in action while it lasts at
Please help me out! Here is the CSS for both of the divs:
Here is an HTML snippet showing the HTML of the divs:
<div class="wrapper"> <!-- Contains the entire website for structure -->
<div id="wolf">
<div id="lion">
((In case you didn't get it: The wrapper div is supposed to be centered, and it is. But when I resize my window, I find that a scroll bar appears long before the wrapper content is even close to the browser window borders. That would be annoying on computers with low resolution or small screens!))
I think what you want is to have the lion and wolf progressively appearing as the user widens the browser viewport, but otherwise partially hidden off to the sides of the wrapper. Correct?
I think you're only safe option to achieve this without triggering the scrollbars you don't like are to combine the images into one and attach them as the background image on the body element of the page.
I believe you're right about using overflow-hidden on the body -- you'd loose the ability to scroll to see overflowed content if the viewport is resized down below the wrapper's width.
I have checked that you posted link but i coudnt see bottom scroll bar ,
Anyway , Why you cant set background?
<div class="overlay">
<div class="wrapper">
body{width:100%; background:---;}
.overlay{width:100%; background:---;}

CSS transition of div on hover over only part of div?

Let me see how well I can explain this. I am working on an index on a website that is in a div that is pushed off of the page via css margin with only part of it showing. When you hover over the part that is showing, the rest slides down into view. This works fine. I already have the transition effect in place for the margin change slide and also a background color change with rgba. It looks very nice.
My question is, the index is around 500px wide and the visible part before hovering is 70px high. So that is a fairly large area of the screen for people to accidentally catch with their mouse hover if they are not trying to display the index div. Is there some way that I can only make part of the initially visible portion of the div activate the hover transition animation to bring the full div into view? Or perhaps someway I can attach a smaller div to this one as a sort of tab, that will bring down the larger div and itself via transition on hover?
I hope this makes sense. Thank you.
Here is the basic idea of the current code:
#index {
margin:-430px 0 0 -500px;
#index:hover {
margin:0 0 0 -500px;}
<div id="slider"><div id="trigger"><br></div></div>
solution without jQuery:
sorry i usually just browse jquery questions, so i didn't check the tags lol
Using only CSS you can use another block, or a pseudo-element to overlay the parts of block where you don't want to have transition, and then, after hover, make z-index for the element with transition bigger than overlaying element, so all the contents of it would be accessible.
Here is a fiddle with an example:
This comes from the position:relative property. I strongly feel that your current div tag has position relative property. Please remove that.

How can I add a scroll bar to a DIV?

I have a DIV on my page. Within the DIV I have other DIVs which I customize to look like buttons. Here's an example:
Because I have so many buttons I need to have some means of scrolling so that the user can scroll down to the correct button (DIV). In the fiddle this is done using an iframe but I think I read that this can give problems with search engine optimization.
Is there some way that I can add a scroll bar to my DIV? I have never seen this done but I hope someone has some ideas.
You could do something like this:
padding-right:30px; overflow:auto; height:500px;
to the main div
You will need to set a height to make it work.
Also, you will need padding so the scroll bar does not overlap the content.
If you're willing to use some JQuery, JScroll Pane plugin is exactly what you're looking for
set the height for the containing div + overflow:auto or : scroll
<div style="width: 200px; height:240px;overflow:auto">
<div class = "abc" >.....
You need to set a height on the div and add overflow:auto;. I forked your fiddle, here's the code:
