Meteor: Call template helper from other template - meteor

I have two templates and I've defined JavaScript helpers and events to go with each. When a button is clicked in template A, one of the things I want to do is call a helper function for template B which will change what's displayed on the screen. Is this possible?
If it's not possible, I'd instead like to reload template B.
How can I do either of these? Do I use Tracker.autorun? Reactive variables? Ideally I would do, inside an event function for template A,"helperFunctionFromTemplateB");

There are a lot of solutions to what I think you want to achieve, but the answer really depends on context.
If template A is a child template of B:
You can pass a reference to a ReactiveVar in the parent template down to the child template's data context and modify it using {{>childTemplate reactiveVar=reactiveVar}} where reactiveVar is a helper in the parent template that returns the reference to the reactive variable
If the thing you want to change is in the parent's data context, you can use Template.parentData(n) where nis the amount of levels you want to jump up. While modifying the parent's data may not immediately seem reactive, you can make the data prop reactive by accessing it via Template.currentData()
Use some kind of globally accessible state. The most common answer would probably be to use the Session package and use Session.get('var') and Session.set('var', val).
Use an event emitter. This approach gets +'s for decoupling and reusability, but it's also potentially heavy handed if you only need to modify this variable in one place from one source (i.e. your requirements are simple)
Meteor 1.3 - If you want to make references to your reactive data in multiple places but don't want to create a global like Session, use a ReactiveVar or Reactive Dict (closer to session), create your variable where it makes sense, export it, and import it in your templates/anywhere else to be used.
There's a lot of other solutions, these are just the first that come to mind. If you provide more specific context, I'll provide a code sample of what I think's best and explain why. :)


Using collections of data in a store with React and Flux

I have a React + Flux application that uses multiple tab-pages of data. Each tab-page displays the same kind of data (e.g. an invoice), but from another object. Based on other posts I read on this subject, I decided to create a collection in the 'InvoiceStore' that contains an 'Invoice' object for every tab page that displays an invoice.
On every tab (in the details of the invoice), there are multiple widget-like components. These components are nested in multiple layers.
The challenge is that every component should know for which invoice object the data must be displayed. I know that I can arrange that by passing data (actual data or the 'key' of the item in the invoices collection) from the top component of an invoice (tab) to each of its descendants, but that would imply that the components in the middle would need to pass the received properties to its children. This seems like overkill to me.
Is it possible to have some kind of variable that has a scope of one component and its descendants? Or is there another sort of 'standardized' solution for this challenge?
Suggestions are really appreciated!
You can pass through props with JSX spread attributes: {...this.props}, which are based on the ES7 spread operator proposal.
This destructures all the props you received in the parent and passes them to the child. Occasionally, you don't want to pass all the props, and then you need to comb out (or add in) the props you want to pass explicitly. For that, it may be useful to use the new destructuring syntax available in ES6.
There is also an undocumented, hacky technique using this.context, but that API is unstable and is likely to change. The spread operator is currently the technique recommended by the React team.
There is no "scope" concept in React, since React way prefers composition design pattern. The child component has to be as self-complete as possible, which should not know anything about the parent component except for the required props. Thus the object is required for each child component.
An alternative is to provide a public method getItem(itemId) in the InvoiceStore. But still one would have to pass the invoiceId by props.

Render a meteor reactive variable from a database field

If I have a field in my DB that contains a string like "Hello {{currentUser}}," is there a way to allow that value to retain reactivity when rendered into a template? I am also looking to see if I can somehow inject my own variable into the output by running it through a helper and handling string replacement.
One solution I've come up with thus far:
The message stored in the db is something like: "Hello, [user], how are you?"
I then render the message from the DB as usual with {{#each}} and a predefined template.
When the message is actually rendered, I pass it through a helper. The helper replaces all []'s with <span class="$1"></span> so that I can target each item directly.
Once the message template's rendered() is called, I know that the message body contains the cleaned and prepped content (with the spans), so I use this.$('.user').each() and loop over each instance of the spans.
I've also created a special template in my page called 'placeholderUser' that only contains a call to {{user}}. I've added Template.placeholderUser.user = function(){} to the code to pull through a value and maintain reactivity.
Whew! Now that I have the structure set up, when looping through in the "each," I can call:
UI.insert(UI.render(Template.placeholderUser), el), which will render the template in the given span and maintain all reactivity.
It's super hacky, but it works. Any other, better, solutions out there?

Executing an item in the package as a Dreamweaver Template

Does anybody know if it is possible in a compound template to use a string item in the package and execute it as if were a dreamweaver template? And whether you apply the same method to other mediators (like razor)?
I suspect this is not possible.
Package.EvaluateExpression may be useful, but as the name suggests it'll only work on expressions, not large snippets of code with embedded expressions (i.e. TEL)
Engine.GetMediator expects a Template and returns the appropriate Mediator for it. Your problem then is that the IMediator interface only defines the Transform method, which requires an Engine, a Template and a Package.
I can't think of any elegant ways around these. Maybe write your own Mediator, but that would still expect a Package, not a string, so you'd have to first store the string based Item from another TBB.
My advice: Sounds like you need to go back to the drawing board and find an alternative solution to your problem.
I'm afraid that won't be possible on just any item in the Package, since the Engine expects Templates to be based on Tridion items.
If your Template Item is based on a Tridion Item you can probably get pretty far by starting at the Engine.GetMediator method. If it isn't, you'll have to find some way to turn it into a valid Template object.
Template template = ...
IMediator mediator = engine.GetMediator(template);
mediator.Transform(engine, template, package);
When I have to create a Component object from a Tridion-based Item in the Package, I normally do something like this:
Component component = new Component(item.GetAsXmlDocument().DocumentElement,
I haven't tried, but expect that you can do the same for a Template - given that you start with a valid Item from the Package representing a Template to begin with. You can probably clone the XML from an existing Item or find some other way to fake it.
If you get this to work, it will work across all registered template types. The Engine provides no special treatment for the types that come with Tridion.

Mixing Google Maps custom overlays with Backbone Views

Is PinView.prototype = _.extend(PinView.prototype, google.maps.OverlayView.prototype) the "proper" way to have a Backbone View inherit from another "class"?
Long read
We're redoing our site using Backbone and are working on including some mapping functionality.
I've got a Backbone view that handles placing <div>s onto specific points within the browser window; this seems like a natural thing to extend in order have Google's Map API place them on geographical coordinates.
According to the Google API, in order to generate a custom overlay you create a new object and set the prototype for that object to a new instance of google.maps.OverlayView. You then implement three functions on top of that object so that the object responds to:
Where onAdd is responsible for generating the HTML and then applying it on top of the Map. This subsequently calls draw which positions the element correctly according to the LatLng pairs and bounds you've provided. onRemove gets called when you want to get rid of your layer.
So I've modified my View to include these three methods (which just call render and unrender and are bound to my collection). And then to make "the magic happen" I'm doing:
PinView.prototype = _.extend(PinView.prototype, google.maps.OverlayView.prototype)
Does this look right? I can post the code for the View and the Model on which it's based, but honestly, they're irrelevant to this example -- the code works and I'm able to place custom divs generated through Backbone model, view and controller components on the map without a issue, what I'm asking I guess (and maybe this question is more apropos for, so let me know and I'll move it).
This seems to be the easiest way to make my PinView both a Backbone View and a Google Maps OverlayView, but I'm not 100% comfortable with prototypal inheritance to know if I'm doing something "wrong" or breaking something somewhere down the road.
Nice idea! I'm usually a bit sceptical about weather or not you're 'correct' when things work so if you haven't run into a showstopper and the overlays shows up and does what the're supposed to do I'd say you are.
One thing to check out closer, though:
This isn't (and can't) be "real" multiple inheritance - that concept isn't really relevant in a prototype based language: one implementation of a method will inevitable "win" and overwrite the other implementation, at least when using _.extend()
This means that if there are members or methods with the same names in Backbone.View and google.maps.OverlayView the one last in your _.extend() call will be the one that takes over. But when I inspect them using Chrome's Developer Tools I didn't see any obvious collision of this kind.
So my recommendation: continue using this, just test a lot. I'd love to see an example of this technique some time.
Ah! So I've been doing the above, but it's never felt right.
Then I found this discussion on a Backbone group which leads me to the following:
var MyView = (function(){
var view = function(){
Backbone.View.apply(this, arguments);
view.extend = Backbone.View.extend;
_.extend(view.prototype, Backbone.View.prototype, google.maps.OverlayView.prototype, [other prototypes...], { [VIEW DEFINITION] });
return view;
This way if we need to override any of the definitions in a class we're extending from, we can since it's earlier in the _.extend chain (later definitions overwrite earlier definitions).
I'm working on 'extending' extend to keep track of the "parent" object's references that would be overridden and providing a method to call them still (like Python's super call). I haven't decided if this should be done through monkey-patching, an intercepter pattern (via underscore's _.tap() method or something else, but I think it'll add a lot of flexibility.
This would allow you to define an initialize view in your "parent" class which could be called by doing something like _.super('ParentClass', 'initialize'); at the end of the "child" class's initialize routine...

Accessing other templates' instances

You can access the current template's instance by doing Template.instance(). But you often run into situations where you have to access other templates' instances as well. For example, if you use ReactiveVar, then you would want to get or set variables that are attached to other template instances.
I came across How to get the parent template instance (of the current template) but this is not complete.
Q1. How can we access any template's instance, not just the current template's
Q2. Is it against the Meteor way if I need to access other templates' instances?
you can try to set your template variable directly at the template level instead of inside the instance.
Template.example.myVariable = new ReactiveVar();
instead of
Template.example.onCreated(function (){
this.myVariable = new ReactiveVar();
The closest I got was to target the template by one of its elements (assume the template contains a form)
If your target templates are in the same file, you can just define the reactive variable outside the template functions, at the beginning of the file. All templates in the file will access it.
If your target template is the parent template, (or any further parent template) you can access its data context using Template.parentData() the argument being the rank of the parent (default is 1). It seems that you know that already.
If you need to access a DOM element within a different template in the same page, you can use jQuery selectors.
I don't know any other way to reach another template instance (afaik, there is no Blaze.getTemplate(name) function.) The answer you are referring to seems to be the better you can get.
I think this is purely subjective, since in Meteor there are so many different ways of doing things, but I actually think Session is perfectly suited for sharing variables across several templates. People argue that Session is bad since it's global and can pollute the namespace. I would argue that it's up to the developer to keep their environment clean in any way that works for them. So for instance, this is bad:
Session.set('count', 23);
Session.set('last', new Date());
But this is better:
Session.set('notifications/count', 23);
Session.set('notificatinos/last', new Date());
