How to delete metrics in opentsdb using http api - opentsdb

How to delete metrics in Opentsdb using HTTP API based on given time period.
http query and metric name

edit /etc/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf file
add below property to enable deletion
then restart opentsdb.
try below sample query to delete data ,
select http DELETE method in rest client.


B2B transaction meta data to database

Using soap input we can query b2b metadata .
Sample query:
I want response of above to checked at Datapower regularly and sent to MQ Queue or soap node of broker...
Want to log complete b2b transactions meta data to database once response pass to Mq queue or soap node of broker it is easy to log to database.
But how get the response for every transaction in B2B Transaction viewer..
You'll have to set up Processing Policies for your partners (both Internal and External) where you dump out data.
If you need to add AS2/ebMS MDN's you can grab those in the Response rule (Server to Client).
If you need the final AS2/MDN envelopes you need to proxy the messages through a XML Firewall or MPGW as you won't get the final envelopes otherwise...

Microsoft AX Dynamics Process Integration through Outbound Ports

I would like to know the Process Integration steps.
Through Outbound ports
If any of the event occurs at AX Dynamics, we just want to know that events in the form of XML(Process Integration).
Example: Sales Order Creation, Customer Creation, Purchase Order Creation..
Outbound ports are only useful for asynchronous communication.
See AX 2012 Export Data with Outbound ports for an example (using the file system).
The steps to initiate sending data is in the AIF_SendCustomer.
As this is no lightweight operation, you may consider logging the records which needs integration in a custom integration table, then doing the processing in batch.
This is done in the insert and/or update and maybe delete method.
Deletes requires you store the RecId field value in the external system to be used for delete requests. The following does not cover this.
For logged table make the following method:
void syncRecord()
XXXRecordLog log;
log.RefTableId = this.TableId;
log.RefRecId = this.RecId;
Then call this.syncRecord() in the insert and update methods.
In the query to the outbound service be sure to exists join your table and the log table. This way only changed records are exported.
Make a batch job to do the transfer using the AIF_SendCustomer as a template.
After a synchronous (AifSendMode::Sync) transfer of the records, delete the log records (or mark them transferred).
Finally call AIFoutboundProcessingService to flush the file:
new AIFoutboundProcessingService().run();
Try to keeps things simple. It might be simpler to do a comma file export of the changed records!

Is there any way to input the result got from the curl via fluentd?

We are seeking the most simple way for sending alfresco's audit log to elasticsearch.
I think using the alfresco supplying query and getting audit log would be most simple way.(since audit log data is hardly watchable on db)
And this query processes the effect measure as json type then I'd like to download the query direct using fluentd and send to elasticsearch.
I roughly understood that it would ouput at elasticsearc but I wonder whether I can download 'curl commend' using query direct at fluentd.
Otherwise, if you have other simple idea to get alfresco's audit log then kindly let me know.
I am not sure weather I understood it fully or not but based on your last statement I am giving this answer.
To retrieve audit entries from alfresco repository you could directly use REST APIs of Alfresco which allows you to access them.

Get a value which is being inserted in DB via an HTTP request and later being used in another transaction

JMeter Version: 2.9
Test Scenario:
To test purchase order creation process.
In the process, an HTTP request generates a temp id for the purchase being made and stores it into the DB. Later this tempid gets fethced from the DB and used in the purchase closure step.
Could anyone suggest how to get this temp id value from the DB and reuse the same later in the JMeter test plan in the purchase closure step.
If the value is stored in the DB only and doesn't appear anywhere in DOM (page source) the only way to get it is using JDBC Sampler (or JDBC Post Processor wrapped in Transaction Controller if you don't want extra sampler in your results and extra time being tracked to HTTP Request).
You'll need to know database URL, credentials, etc. and have a proper JDBC driver somewhere in JMeter classpath - download the JDBC driver for your database and drop it to /lib folder of your JMeter installation.

alfresco-access application query filtering not working on 4.0.e

I have created application which is accessing alfresco using web service client. Now I want to audit all events of that application in alfresco, so I have enabled alfresco-access audit application. Here when I execute simple audit query it is returning all results properly, but when I execute query to get all audit events related to specific file it returning 0 entries.
Simple Query to get all audit events
Advanced Query to only get audit events of specific file
I have added following configuration in my
Following query is now working, just need to add application name in key parameter -
http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/api/audit/query/alfresco-access/alfresco-access/transaction/path? verbose=true&value=/app:company_home/cm:test/cm:test1/cm:test2/cm:testfile.pdf
