Flow router Meteor - meteor

I'm new with this framework. I want to use flow router as it is reactive. Before this I'm using iron router. Please someone show me how to change the code to flow router as flow router has no waitOn concept and onBeforeAction(replaced by triggersEnter). Your help and kindness really appreciated.
Router.route('/EditLokasi/:_id', {
name: 'EditLokasi',
template: 'EditLokasi',
onBeforeAction: function(){
var lokasiID = Lokasi.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
this.render('EditLokasi',{data: lokasiID});
waitOn: function(){
var userid = Meteor.user().username;
return [ Meteor.subscribe('profiles', userid), Meteor.subscribe('login') ];
lokasi: function(){
return Lokasi.find({data:lokasiID});

You can use subscriptions to subscribe and then, on the template, check if the data is ready through subReady
FlowRouter.route('/login', {
name: 'login',
subscriptions: function() {
var userid = Meteor.user().username;
this.register('subscribe-to-profile', Meteor.subscribe('profiles', userid));
// do it the same for other subscribe
action(params) {
var lokasiID = Lokasi.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
BlazeLayout.render('EditLokasi', {data: lokasiID});
And on your template
<template name="EditLokasi">
{{# if helper_checkSubReady}}
helper_checkSubReady is a helper to check if the subscriptions are ready or not (check the link I mentioned above)


Meteor publish - subscribe user profile

I'm trying to publish a user profile. I have the following publish function in publish.js:
Meteor.publish("singleProfile", function ( profileId ) {
check(profileId, String);
return Meteor.users.find(profileId, { fields: { _id: 1, services: 1, profile: 1 }});
This is my route in router.js:
Router.route('/profile/:_id', {
name: 'profilePage',
template: 'appProfile',
onBeforeAction: function() {
var currentUser = Meteor.userId();
if(currentUser) {
} else {
waitOn: function() {
this.response = Meteor.subscribe('singleProfile', this.params._id);
return this.response;
action: function() {
Question is, how do I access the profile details in the appProfile template? Do I need a template helper defined? Or do I need to modify this code?
You can use a template helper for this:
users() {
return Meteor.users.find();
Then in your template:
{{#each users}}
{{profile.myProperty}} <!-- Renders the myProperty field of the profile. -->

Meteor: Pulling variable from iron router to a template

I am trying to get two variable from the iron router so that I can essentially call them in my temlate such as {{user.telephone}} and {{pic.profilepic}}.
My code in the router is as follows. (Does Not Work!)
Router.route('/profile/:_id', {
name: 'profile',
template: 'profile',
return {
pic: Profilepics.findOne({_id:this.params._id})
subscriptions: function(){
return {
Meteor.subscribe( "profilepic");
action:function (){
if (this.ready()){
}else {
I able to do just one variable with the following code. i.e get {{user.telephone}}. Any chance anyone can help me get both variable instead of just one?
enterRouter.route('/profile/:_id', {
name: 'profile',
template: 'profile',
return {
subscriptions: function(){
return Meteor.subscribe("userInfo")
action:function (){
if (this.ready()){
}else {
If you are using the latest version of iron router, i suggest you update the code to something a bit more modern.
First you create a general app controller:
ApplicationController = RouteController.extend({
layoutTemplate: 'DefaultLayout',
loadingTemplate: 'loading_template',
notFoundTemplate: '404_template',
Then you start to extend it for different purposes:
ProfileController = ApplicationController.extend({
show_single: function() {
After this you can create your routes for the profile part
Router.route('/profile/:_id', {
controller: 'ProfileController',
action: 'show_single',
waitOn: function() {
return [
subscriptions: function() {
this.subscribe("somethingyoudontneedtowaitfor", this.params._id);
data: function() {
if (this.ready()) {
return {
user: Info.findOne({
_id: this.params._id
pic: Profilepics.findOne({
_id: this.params._id
It might be a bit more code, but it gives you complete control over what it does. Also, using this, while the router is waiting for the subscriptions to be ready, it displays the loading template defined above. If you don't want to display the loading, you move the subscriptions out of waiton.
Return multiple subscriptions as an array from subscriptions function,
Use return [
Meteor.subscribe( "profilepic")
instead of
return { Meteor.subscribe("userInfo"), Meteor.subscribe( "profilepic"); which has {} mismatch.
In a similar situation I have
data: function() {
var gridId = this.params._gridId;
return (People.find({gridId: gridId})
&& GridLog.find({gridId: gridId}));
with the subscribe calls in the waitOn() handler as part of the Boolean status
waitOn: function() {
return (Meteor.subscribe('people', this.params._gridId)
&& Meteor.subscribe('gridlog', this.params._gridId) );
You may have more success just &&ing them together in waitOn() (as strange as that seems).

One template for 2 thing MeteorJS

I have db with posts and all of them have bollean flagged
I have one template and navigation like (Read, Dont Read).
Problem is that I see all posts (when I must see posts with flagged false or flagged true), and I dont understand why, I think problem in publish/subscribe
layoutTemplate: 'layout',
loadingTemplate: 'loading',
AllPostsController = RouteController.extend({
template: 'timeTable',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('allPosts');
readPostController = AllPostsController.extend({
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('readPosts');
dontreaderPostController = AllPostsController.extend({
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('dontreadPosts');
Router.map(function() {
this.route('timeTable', {path: '/',
controller: AllPostsController
this.route('readPosts', {path: '/read',
controller: readPostsController
this.route('dontreaderPosts', {
path: '/dontreader',
controller: dontreaderPostController
Meteor.publish('allPosts', function(){
return Posts.find({},{ sort: { createdAt: -1 }});
Meteor.publish('readPosts', function(){
return Posts.find({read:true},{ sort: { createdAt: -1 }});
Meteor.publish('dontreadPosts', function(){
return Posts.find({read:false},{ sort: { createdAt: -1 }});
If someone need more code, Just ask me
Anybody help
EDIT : David solved problem for regular tasks. Main problem that I have specific return Posts.find(...) in my tamplate helper.
<template name="timeTable">
{{#if posts_exist_week}}
{{> table posts=week}}
{{#if posts_exist_month}}
{{> table posts=month}}
<template name="table">
<table class="main-table table">
{{#each posts}}
{{> post}}
You solved my problem if I did not have template timeTable (that show posts for last week and month) Because here it Template helper
week: function() {
return Posts.find({createdAt: {$gte: weekstart, $lt: yesterday}},{ sort: { createdAt: -1 }}); //return posts that was created in this week
month: function() {
return Posts.find({createdAt: {$gte: monthstart, $lte: weekstart}},{ sort: { createdAt: -1 }});
And now you see that if I choose your decision (David) I will have 2 !!
first - in router
second - in template helper
I recreated this locally and found that extend causes the parent controller's waitOn to run. So whenever you go to the /read route it will actually activate both subscriptions and you'll end up with all of the documents on your client. A simple fix is to refactor your controllers like so:
PostController = RouteController.extend({
template: 'timeTable'
AllPostsController = PostController.extend({
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('allPosts');
readPostController = PostController.extend({
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('readPosts');
dontreaderPostController = PostController.extend({
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('dontreadPosts');
That being said, you don't want to build your app in a way that it breaks when extra subscriptions happen to be running. I would rewrite the controllers to select only the documents that pertain to them. For example:
dontreaderPostController = PostController.extend({
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('dontreadPosts');
data: {selector: {read: false}}
And now your helpers can use the selector like this:
week: function() {
var selector = _.clone(this.selector || {});
selector.createdAt = {$gte: weekstart, $lt: yesterday};
return Posts.find(selector, {sort: {createdAt: -1}});
Also note that sorting in the publish functions may not be useful - see common mistakes.

MeteorJs: Return data Iron:router

Iron router return data is in template but I can't use it.
For example I have db with jobs, where every job has a position (e.g. jobs.position):
ExistJobPostController = RouteController.extend({
layoutTemplate: 'existJob',
data:function() {return Posts.findOne(this.params._id); }
Router.map(function() {
this.route('existJob', {
path: '/jobs/:_id',
controller: ExistJobPostController,
<template name="existJob">
And nothing happens, I think that it's my fault, but I really can't understand how to fix this.
Can anybody help?
You should first check that the correct data is even being set on your template data context. Here's a quick general summary of how to set the data context and how to access it from various locations:
Router.map(function() {
this.route('index', {
path: '/index',
data: function(){
var obj = {
fname: "Tom",
lname: "Smith"
return obj;
'click body': function(e, tmpl){
lastName: function(){
return this.lname;
<template name="index">
You have to use `this` when directly accessing template data from spacebars.
The following comes from Template.index.helpers:

Data not accessible in helper block in Meteor

I have autopublish on.
Template.play.helpers ({
title: function () {
wcount = Workouts.find().count();
This gives me 0.
But if I'm in the developer console of my browser.
I have recently upgraded to 0.8
If I add waitOn to the Router then I get this behavior every other time I load the page.
Router.map(function() {
this.route('splash', {path: '/'});
this.route('play', {
path: '/play',
template: 'play',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('Workouts')
After some help from #Christian Fritz it seems that my problem is that its not waiting on my subscription and if the helper doesn't return anything because its undefined then it doesn't get rerun when the data does get loaded.
I have now turned off autopublish. My server/publications.js is:
Meteor.publish('workouts', function() {
return Workouts.find();
My router is:
layoutTemplate: 'layout',
loadingTemplate: 'loading'
Router.map(function() {
this.route('splash', {path: '/'});
this.route('play', {
path: '/play',
template: 'play',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('workouts')
in play.js
var workoutsSubcription = Meteor.subscribe('workouts');
console.log("workoutsSubscription.ready() is ",workoutsSubcription.ready());
workoutsSubscription.ready() is false
once or twice then finally reruns when its fully loaded as true. But shouldn't the waitOn mean that it doesn't run that page until the data is there?
You probably want something like this:
var workoutsSubcription = Meteor.subscribe('workout_count');
Template.play.helpers ({
title: function () {
wcount = Workouts.find().count();
You would need to publish your subscription on the server as well
Meteor.publish("workout_count", function () {
return Workouts.find();
