How to handle multiple connections of the same user on Firebase? - firebase

How to manage concurrent connections of the same user. Is there any way I can limit how many connections my user can keep active?
I could make my database something like:
"users": {
"active_connections": 2
And update the key active_connections whenever a user changes their state.
How cases like connection lost and app crashes would be managed in this scenario? Is there a Firebase native way of doing this?

To handle when the user connects, look at .info/connected. You could use this to set a flag when the user connects.
To handle when the user disconnects (either by closing the app or because they lose their connection), look at onDisconnect(). You could this to remove the flag when the user disconnects.
But why would you want to limit the user to only access their data on a single device? Firebase doesn't charge per connection, so why would you want to limit it on that?
A few years ago I was using an app that exhibited this exact behavior and I found myself locked out of the app multiple times per day. I moved over to another app.


Does firebase logged in users are considered as concurrent users?

I'm making an app where i'm using firebase as a database(a free plan i.e 100 concurrent users at a time). Let say user comes to my app, register and gets logged in and is not supposed to log out of the app.
The confusion for me is that does that logged in user be counted as
a concurrent user on firebase? Even if the user closes the
app(without logging out), is this be still counted as concurrent? Or
else firebase will itself remove that particular user from the row?
Secondly when should i use goOffline? I am not sure about what it
actually does.
I have already gone through the present look a like SO questions but they didn't cleared my confusion. Thank you in advance
A "concurrent user" is a user who has your app open and is maintaining a socket connection to the database. This connection will be broken when the app is no longer working. So, users who are not actively using your app with an open connection do not count as a "concurrent user".
Use goOffline when you want the database connection to be closed until you call goOnline, or the app is killed and the user launches it again. A vast majority of apps don't have a use for this.

Firebase - Automatically sign out user onDisconnect

Since I have noticed that once a user signs in with email and password, on reopening the application the session will not have expired and there is no need for a new authentication, I wish to avoid this.
I want to automatically .signOut() a user when .onDisconnect is triggered. How can I achieve this? I have tried with the following code, but unsuccessfully:
When you say "onDisconnect", I'm assuming that you mean Realtime Database onDisconnect triggers.
The first thing to know about onDisconnect is that it triggers when the socket connection between Realtime Database and the client app is closed. This could happen for any number of reasons, and it can happen at any time, even if the app seemingly has a good internet connection. So, be careful about what you're trying to do here.
Also, onDisconnect triggers can only affect data in the database directly, and nothing else. So, this limits what you can effectively accomplish. You can't perform any action in the client app in response on an onDisconnect.
Between these two facts, what you're trying to do isn't really possible, and, I don't think it's desirable. You could end up logging out the user just because their train went underground momentarily, or if they simply switched out of the application for some time. This would be massively inconvenient to the user.
If you want to automatically log out the user, I strongly suggesting finding some other way to do this, such as writing some code to remember how long it's been since the user used your app, and forcing the logout on the on the client app based on your preferred logic.
The onDisconnect() is related to the database connection, and has little to do with your authenticated user. As in: onDisconnect() may fire when your user is signed in, simply because the connection to the database drops temporarily.
But more importantly: onDisconnect handlers run server-side, once the server detects that the client has disappeared. When this is because if a dirty disconnect (e.g. the app crashes), there is no way for the client to detect this anymore.
The most likely approach you'll want is to simply sign the user out when they close the app.
Alternative you might want to attach a listener to .info/connected in your client. This is a client-side listener that fires when the client detects that it is connected or disconnected.

Understanding How to Store Web Push Endpoints

I'm trying to get started implementing Web Push in one of my apps. In the examples I have found, the client's endpoint URL is generally stored in memory with a comment saying something like:
In production you would store this in your database...
Since only registered users of my app can/will get push notifications, my plan was to store the endpoint URL in the user's meta data in my database. So far, so good.
The problem comes when I want to allow the same user to receive notifications on multiple devices. In theory, I will just add a new endpoint to the database for each device the user subscribes with. However, in testing I have noticed that endpoints change with each subscription/unsubscription on the same device. So, if a user subscribes/unsubscribes several times in a row on the same device, I wind up with several endpoints saved for that user (all but one of which are bad).
From what I have read, there is no reliable way to be notified when a user unsubscribes or an endpoint is otherwise invalidated. So, how can I tell if I should remove an old endpoint before adding a new one?
What's to stop a user from effectively mounting a denial of service attack by filling my db with endpoints through repeated subscription/unsubscription?
That's more meant as a joke (I can obvioulsy limit the total endpoints for a given user), but the problem I see is that when it comes time to send a notification, I will blast notification services with hundreds of notifications for invalid endpoints.
I want the subscribe logic on my server to be:
Check if we already have an endpoint saved for this user/device combo
If not add it, if yes, update it
The problem is that I can't figure out how to reliably do #1.
I will just add a new endpoint to the database for each device the user subscribes with
The best approach is to have a table like this:
endpoint | user_id
add an unique constraint (or a primary key) on the endpoint: you don't want to associate the same browser to multiple users, because it's a mess (if an endpoint is already present but it has a different user_id, just update the user_id associated to it)
user_id is a foreign key that points to your users table
if a user subscribes/unsubscribes several times in a row on the same device, I wind up with several endpoints saved for that user (all but one of which are bad).
Yes, unfortunately the push API has a wild unsubscription mechanism and you have to deal with it.
The endpoints can expire or can be invalid (or even malicious, like You need to detect failures (using the HTTP status code, timeouts, etc.) when you try to send the push message from your application server. Then, for some kind of failures (permanent failures, like expiration) you need to delete the endpoint.
What's to stop a user from effectively mounting a denial of service attack by filling my db with endpoints through repeated subscription/unsubscription?
As I described above, you need to properly delete the invalid endpoints, once you realize that they are expired or invalid. Basically they will produce at most one invalid request. Moreover, if you have high throughput, it takes only a few seconds for your server to make requests for thousands of endpoints.
My suggestions are based on a lot of experiments and thinking done when I was developing Pushpad.
Another way is to have a keep alive field on you server and have your service worker update it whenever it receives a push notification. Then regularly purge endpoints which haven't been responded to recently.

SignalR just for checking if user is online or not

I would like to ask, if it is a good idea to use SinglR just for knowing if the current user now online or not?
For example I have an small website with log in system, and some where on the side i would like to show the logged in members.
Is this a good idea to use signalr for that?
And if it the case should I then on each page start the connection with hub? (In this case when user navigates on the pages, will be the ReConnected method called on hub, or OnDisconnected and OnConnected)?
I'm just starting with signalr, so curious what ppl think.
You could use SignalR though there might be better methods to do this. So when a user logs in, logs out or becomes inactive - you would have some sort of message being sent from the client to the server that indicates the change in status. You can store that information in a temporary database and whenever a value in the database changes you can use SignalR to relay that information to all the connected clients.
Signalr will get reconnected when the user moves from one page to another page. Whenever a user logs into a website the user security details will be persisted in a cookie assuming you are using Cookiebase authentication. So till the user logs out or session timesout the cookie will be active. So there is no real need for Signalr here.
I have been investigating the same thing. From my research, I would say that you COULD do this, but I'm on the fence of whether it's the best way to go about it. I would expect a LOT of disconnecting, connecting and reconnecting. If you're persisting this data in a database, you should anticipate a lot of database traffic. if you're only on a single server though, you could just persist this in memory.
Something to also note is that the ConnectionId changes with each page refresh. At first, I thought that was dumb because I wanted the connection id to be consistent so i could keep a handle on a user with it. However, if you open a link in a new tab and then close one of them, you have to still keep the other connection in storage. If the id was the same you would remove it on disconnect even though the other tab was open, so your user would incorrectly be marked as offline.
However, the other issue that i'm thinking about is that if you're just browsing around the site in a single tab, you will disconnect for a split second between each page load. So you might run into connection consistency issues with that.
I'd say online presence with signalr is more common to be used for a chat room or game lobby. So I'd say this is possible, but whether it's a good solution -- i'm unsure.

Check database for changes via long polling

Im creating a chat app in ASP.NET MVC3.
im using long polling and AsyncController to do so
when a user posts a chat its saved in database , to retrieve should i constantly check database for change in record or after definite interval
or is there an better/ efficient way of doing it
i came across this question but could not get a usable answer.
You may take a look at SignalR for an efficient way. Contrary to the standard polling mechanism (in which you are sending requests at regular intervals to check for changes), SignalR uses a push mechanism in which the server sends notifications to connected clients to notify them about changes.
Since you're already using long polling and an asynccontrolller, why not create a message pool? Take a look at this solution.
In a nutshell, instead of just writing the updated chat to the database, you should also stick it in some sort of queue. Then each user's async thread is listening to that pool waiting for a message to appear. When one appears return the data to the user through your normal operation. When all listening threads have picked up the message it can be removed from the queue. This will prevent you from having several threads hammering your database looking for a new message.
You can give PServiceBus( a try and here is a sample web chat app( running and does not need database in between to pass message between two web clients. If you want to persist data in the database for logging sake, you can always subscribe to the chat message and log it to database.
