Log likelihood implementation in Delphi - r

I am trying to compute a Log Likelihood score for occurrence of pairs of words in text and am getting the same anomalous results in my Delphi implementation which I've derived from Java and Python sources found online. Ted Dunning who published on this source in 1993 gives these results for one particular pair:
K11 (AB, ie joint frequency) = 110,
K12 (word A without B nearby) = 2442,
K21 (B without A nearby) = 111
K22 (number of words other than A or B in the text) = 29114
and gives the desired result as 270.72
Dunning also gives an implementation in R at
Computing the log-likelihood ratio score (also known as G2) is very
simple, LLR = 2 sum(k) (H(k) - H(rowSums(k)) - H(colSums(k)))
where H is Shannon's entropy, computed as the sum of (k_ij / sum(k)) log (k_ij / sum(k)) . In R, this function is defined as
H = function(k) {N = sum(k) ; return (sum(k/N * log(k/N + (k==0)))}
but I do not know R and am unsure how to translate that to Pascal.
My translation attempts include these functions
function LnOK(x : integer): extended;
if x<=0 then Result :=0
else Result := Ln(x);
function Entropy2(a, b: Integer): extended;
Result := LnOK(a + b) - LnOK(a) - LnOK(b);
function Entropy4(a, b, c, d: Integer): extended;
Result := LnOK(a + b + c + d) - LnOK(a) - LnOK(b) - LnOK(c) - LnOK(d);
function Log_likelihood_from_Java(f1, f2, joint, total_tokens: Integer):
k11, k12, k21, k22: Integer;
matrixEntropy, rowEntropy, colEntropy: extended;
k11 := joint;
k12 := f2 - joint;
k21 := f1 - joint;
k22 := total_tokens - f1 - f2 + joint;
rowEntropy := Entropy2(k11 + k12, k21 + k22);
colEntropy := Entropy2(k11 + k21, k12 + k22);
matrixEntropy := Entropy4(k11, k12, k21, k22);
if (rowEntropy + colEntropy < matrixEntropy) then
Result := 0.0 // round off error
Result := 2.0 * (rowEntropy + colEntropy - matrixEntropy);
The above returns 7.9419 instead of the desired 270.72 when it's called like this:
Log_likelihood_from_Java(2552, 221, 110, 31777);
Grateful for help!

I've found the issue in the translation of the LnOk function which should be as follows:
function LnOK(x: Integer): Extended;
if x = 0 then
Result := 0
Result := x * Ln(x);
Off topic
As a side note if I'm allowed, just to improve the coding style, you might prefer to overload the Entropy functions instead of calling them with different names:
function Entropy(a, b: Integer): Extended; overload;
Result := LnOK(a + b) - LnOK(a) - LnOK(b);
function Entropy(a, b, c, d: Integer): Extended; overload;
Result := LnOK(a + b + c + d) - LnOK(a) - LnOK(b) - LnOK(c) - LnOK(d);

I can't make any sense of the code that you wrote which bears no obvious relationship to the R code to which you linked. I did not make any attempt to reconcile these differences.
Here's a literal translation of the R code. The algorithm is much simpler written this way as I am sure you will agree.
SysUtils, Math;
TVector2 = array [1..2] of Double;
TMatrix2 = array [1..2] of TVector2;
function rowSums(const M: TMatrix2): TVector2;
Result[1] := M[1,1] + M[1,2];
Result[2] := M[2,1] + M[2,2];
function colSums(const M: TMatrix2): TVector2;
Result[1] := M[1,1] + M[2,1];
Result[2] := M[1,2] + M[2,2];
function H(const k: array of Double): Double;
i: Integer;
N, kOverN: Double;
N := Sum(k);
Result := 0.0;
for i := low(k) to high(k) do begin
kOverN := k[i]/N;
if kOverN>0.0 then begin
Result := Result + kOverN*Ln(kOverN);
function LLR(const M: TMatrix2): Double;
k: array [1..4] of Double absolute M; // this is a little sneaky I admit
rs, cs: TVector2;
rs := rowSums(M);
cs := colSums(M);
Result := 2.0*Sum(k)*(H(k) - H(rs) - H(cs));
M: TMatrix2;
M[1,1] := 110;
M[1,2] := 2442;
M[2,1] := 111;
M[2,2] := 29114;


Is this a bug with UTF conversion in GNAT Ada

I am trying to convert from UTF 16 to UTF 8; this is a test program:
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions;
use Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Strings.Utf_Encoding.Conversions;
use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding;
procedure Main is
Str_8: UTF_8_String := "𝄞";
Str_16: UTF_16_Wide_String := Convert(Str_8);
Str_8_New: UTF_8_String := Convert(Str_16);
if Str_8 = Str_8_New then
end if;
end Main;
With latest GNAT community it prints "Bug". Is this a bug in the implementation of UTF conversion functions or am I doing something wrong here?
Edit: For reference, this issue has been accepted as Bug 95953 / Bug 95959.
As shown here, #DeeDee has identified a bug in the implementation of Convert for UTF_16 to UTF_8. The problem arises in byte three of the four byte value for code points in the range U+10000 to U+10FFFF, shown here. The source documents the relevant bit fields:
-- Codes in the range 16#10000# - 16#10FFFF#
-- UTF-16: 110110zzzzyyyyyy 110111yyxxxxxxxx
-- UTF-8: 11110zzz 10zzyyyy 10yyyyxx 10xxxxxx
-- Note: zzzzz in the output is input zzzz + 1
Byte three is constructed as follows:
Result (Len + 3) :=
(2#10_000000# or Shift_Left (yyyyyyyy and 2#1111#, 4)
or Shift_Right (xxxxxxxx, 6));
While the low four bits of yyyyyyyy are used to construct byte three, the value only needs to be shifted two places left to make room for the top two bits of xxxxxxxx. The correct formulation should be this:
Result (Len + 3) :=
(2#10_000000# or Shift_Left (yyyyyyyy and 2#1111#, 2)
or Shift_Right (xxxxxxxx, 6));
For reference, the complete example below recapitulates the original implementation, with enough additions to study the problem in isolation. The output shows the code point, the expected binary representation of the UTF-8 encoding, the conversion to UTF-16, the incorrect UTF-8 conversion, and the correct UTF-8 conversion.
Codepoint: 16#1D11E#
UTF-8: 4: 2#11110000# 2#10011101# 2#10000100# 2#10011110#
UTF-16: 2: 2#1101100000110100# 2#1101110100011110#
UTF-8: 4: 2#11110000# 2#10011101# 2#10010000# 2#10011110#
UTF-8: 4: 2#11110000# 2#10011101# 2#10000100# 2#10011110#
-- https://stackoverflow.com/q/62564638/230513
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding; use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding;
with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions;
use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions;
with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings;
use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings;
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
with Unchecked_Conversion;
procedure UTFTest is
-- http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1d11e/index.htm
Clef : constant Wide_Wide_String :=
(1 => Wide_Wide_Character'Val (16#1D11E#));
Str_8 : constant UTF_8_String := Encode (Clef);
Str_16 : constant UTF_16_Wide_String := Convert (Str_8);
Str_8_New : constant UTF_8_String := Convert (Str_16);
My_Str_8 : UTF_8_String := Convert (Str_16);
function To_Unsigned_16 is new Unchecked_Conversion (Wide_Character,
procedure Raise_Encoding_Error (Index : Natural) is
Val : constant String := Index'Img;
raise Encoding_Error
with "bad input at Item (" & Val (Val'First + 1 .. Val'Last) & ')';
end Raise_Encoding_Error;
function My_Convert (Item : UTF_16_Wide_String;
Output_BOM : Boolean := False) return UTF_8_String
Result : UTF_8_String (1 .. 3 * Item'Length + 3);
-- Worst case is 3 output codes for each input code + BOM space
Len : Natural;
-- Number of result codes stored
Iptr : Natural;
-- Pointer to next input character
C1, C2 : Unsigned_16;
zzzzz : Unsigned_16;
yyyyyyyy : Unsigned_16;
xxxxxxxx : Unsigned_16;
-- Components of double length case
Iptr := Item'First;
-- Skip BOM at start of input
if Item'Length > 0 and then Item (Iptr) = BOM_16 (1) then
Iptr := Iptr + 1;
end if;
-- Generate output BOM if required
if Output_BOM then
Result (1 .. 3) := BOM_8;
Len := 3;
Len := 0;
end if;
-- Loop through input
while Iptr <= Item'Last loop
C1 := To_Unsigned_16 (Item (Iptr));
Iptr := Iptr + 1;
-- Codes in the range 16#0000# - 16#007F#
-- UTF-16: 000000000xxxxxxx
-- UTF-8: 0xxxxxxx
if C1 <= 16#007F# then
Result (Len + 1) := Character'Val (C1);
Len := Len + 1;
-- Codes in the range 16#80# - 16#7FF#
-- UTF-16: 00000yyyxxxxxxxx
-- UTF-8: 110yyyxx 10xxxxxx
elsif C1 <= 16#07FF# then
Result (Len + 1) :=
Character'Val (2#110_00000# or Shift_Right (C1, 6));
Result (Len + 2) :=
Character'Val (2#10_000000# or (C1 and 2#00_111111#));
Len := Len + 2;
-- Codes in the range 16#800# - 16#D7FF# or 16#E000# - 16#FFFF#
-- UTF-16: yyyyyyyyxxxxxxxx
-- UTF-8: 1110yyyy 10yyyyxx 10xxxxxx
elsif C1 <= 16#D7FF# or else C1 >= 16#E000# then
Result (Len + 1) :=
Character'Val (2#1110_0000# or Shift_Right (C1, 12));
Result (Len + 2) :=
(2#10_000000# or (Shift_Right (C1, 6) and 2#00_111111#));
Result (Len + 3) :=
Character'Val (2#10_000000# or (C1 and 2#00_111111#));
Len := Len + 3;
-- Codes in the range 16#10000# - 16#10FFFF#
-- UTF-16: 110110zzzzyyyyyy 110111yyxxxxxxxx
-- UTF-8: 11110zzz 10zzyyyy 10yyyyxx 10xxxxxx
-- Note: zzzzz in the output is input zzzz + 1
elsif C1 <= 2#110110_11_11111111# then
if Iptr > Item'Last then
Raise_Encoding_Error (Iptr - 1);
C2 := To_Unsigned_16 (Item (Iptr));
Iptr := Iptr + 1;
end if;
if (C2 and 2#111111_00_00000000#) /= 2#110111_00_00000000# then
Raise_Encoding_Error (Iptr - 1);
end if;
zzzzz := (Shift_Right (C1, 6) and 2#1111#) + 1;
yyyyyyyy :=
((Shift_Left (C1, 2) and 2#111111_00#) or
(Shift_Right (C2, 8) and 2#000000_11#));
xxxxxxxx := C2 and 2#11111111#;
Result (Len + 1) :=
Character'Val (2#11110_000# or (Shift_Right (zzzzz, 2)));
Result (Len + 2) :=
(2#10_000000# or Shift_Left (zzzzz and 2#11#, 4) or
Shift_Right (yyyyyyyy, 4));
Result (Len + 3) :=
(2#10_000000# or Shift_Left (yyyyyyyy and 2#1111#, 2) or
Shift_Right (xxxxxxxx, 6));
Result (Len + 4) :=
Character'Val (2#10_000000# or (xxxxxxxx and 2#00_111111#));
Len := Len + 4;
-- Error if input in 16#DC00# - 16#DFFF# (2nd surrogate with no 1st)
Raise_Encoding_Error (Iptr - 2);
end if;
end loop;
return Result (1 .. Len);
end My_Convert;
procedure Show (S : String) is
Put(" UTF-8: ");
Put (S'Length, 1);
Put (":");
for C of S loop
Put (Character'Pos (C), 12, 2);
end loop;
end Show;
procedure Show (S : Wide_String) is
Put("UTF-16: ");
Put (S'Length, 1);
Put (":");
for C of S loop
Put (Wide_Character'Pos (C), 20, 2);
end loop;
end Show;
Put ("Codepoint:");
Put (Wide_Wide_Character'Pos (Clef (1)), 10, 16);
Show (Str_8);
Show (Str_16);
Show (Str_8_New);
My_Str_8 := My_Convert (Str_16);
Show (My_Str_8);
if Str_8 = My_Str_8 then
Put_Line ("OK");
Put_Line ("Bug");
end if;
end UTFTest;
See also Bug 95953 / Bug 95959.
There's a mismatch between the 3rd byte of Str_8 and Str_8_New which causes the round-trip to fail. This seems a bug.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions;
use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding;
use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Conversions;
procedure Main is
-- UTF8 encoded Clef (U+1D11E)
-- (e.g.) https://unicode-table.com/en/1D11E/
Str_8 : constant UTF_8_String :=
Character'Val (16#F0#) &
Character'Val (16#9D#) &
Character'Val (16#84#) &
Character'Val (16#9E#);
Str_16 : constant UTF_16_Wide_String := Convert (Str_8);
Str_8_New : constant UTF_8_String := Convert (Str_16);
for I in Str_8'Range loop
Put (Character'Pos (Str_8 (I)), 7, 16);
end loop;
New_Line (2);
for I in Str_16'Range loop
Put (Wide_Character'Pos (Str_16 (I)), 9, 16);
end loop;
New_Line (2);
for I in Str_8_New'Range loop
Put (Character'Pos (Str_8_New (I)), 7, 16);
end loop;
New_Line (2);
end Main;
$ ./main
16#F0# 16#9D# 16#84# 16#9E#
16#D834# 16#DD1E#
16#F0# 16#9D# 16#90# 16#9E#

Pascal recursive summation function school practice problem

This function is a school practice problem (it is running but does not work properly).
My task is to call for a integer from the user.
When the number arrives, my task is to write out (with a recursive algorithm)
what is the sum of the number with the numbers before the given number.
For example if our number is 10 then the upshot is 55 because 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55, etc.
I've already tried to write this code:
function egesszamosszeg(n:integer) : integer;
if n=1 then
for n:=1 to egesszamosszeg do
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var egesszam:integer;
egesszam:=strtoint(Inputbox('','Give an integer please!',''));
My problem is that I do not know what is the main problem with this code.
I do not know what is the main problem with this code.
There are several problems with your code: it's iterative, not recursive; it's way too complicated; this loop:
for n:=1 to egesszamosszeg do
is effectively:
for n:=1 to 0 do
Consider this simple function which effectively implements the gist of your problem:
function egesszamosszeg(n:integer) : integer;
egesszamosszeg := n;
if (n > 1) then
egesszamosszeg := egesszamosszeg + egesszamosszeg(n - 1);
You are simply trying to increment egesszamosszeg (couldn't you use an easier name?), instead of adding the consecutive numbers to it. But your loop is wrong: eggesszamosszeg is 0, so you are in fact doing for n := 1 to 0 do. That loop will never run. Don't re-use n, use another variable for the loop index:
for i := 1 to n do
egesszamosszeg := egesszamosszeg + i;
But you say it must be recursive, so it must call itself with a different parameter value. Then do something like:
function egesszamosszeg(n: integer): integer;
if n = 1 then // terminating condition
egesszamosszeg := 1
egesszamosszeg := n + egesszamosszeg(n - 1); // recursion
In most Pascals, you can use the pseudo-variable Result instead of the function name. Often, that makes typing a little easier.
FWIW, did you know that you could make this a little simpler and do not need recursion or iteration at all? The result can be calculated directly:
function egesszamosszeg(n: Integer): Integer;
result := n * (n + 1) div 2;
For 1..10, that will give 10 * 11 div 2 = 55 too.
See: https://www.wikihow.com/Sum-the-Integers-from-1-to-N
In effect, you count (1+10) + (2+9) + (3+8) + (4+7) + (5+6) = 5 * 11 = 55. You can do the same for any positive number. Same with 1..6: (1+6) + (2+5) + (3+4) = 3 * 7 = 21.
That leads to the formula:
sum = n * (n + 1) div 2
(or actually:
n div 2 * (n+1) // mathematically: n/2 * (n+1)
which is the same).

Defining recursive relation in Maple by "for loop"

I'm trying to make a recursive relation by "for loop" in Maple. Suppose we have two sequences M[i](x) and N[i](x) which N[0](x)=x^2 and M[i](x)=N[i-1](x)+1 and N[i](x)=M[i](x)+2. So I tried this code:
N[0] := proc (x) options operator, arrow; x^2 end proc;
for i to 3 do M[i] := proc (x) options operator, arrow; N[i-1](x)+1 end proc; N[i] := proc (x) options operator, arrow; M[i](x)+2 end proc end do;
But it doesn't give the correct answer (e.g. N[1](x) must be x^2+3). By the way, for some reasons I have to define my functions by mapping x. Is there anyway to modify this code?
The rsolve command can easily handle this example, except that it expects functions of the independent variable i.
And what you have is equations involving functions of x (which doesn't bear on the recursion), with i only appearing as an index.
You can rewrite the equations as functions of i, call rsolve, and then resubstitute back for the original functions.
It would be little effort to construct the substituion set S below by simply entering it in by hand. But for fun I construct it programmatically.
R1 := N[0](x) = x^2;
R1 := N[0](x) = x
R2 := M[i](x) = N[i-1](x)+1;
R2 := M[i](x) = N[i - 1](x) + 1
R3 := N[i](x) = M[i](x)+2;
R3 := N[i](x) = M[i](x) + 2
S := map( u->u=op([0,0],u)(op([0,1],u)),
specfunc(anything,{N,M})) );
S := {M[i](x) = M(i), N[0](x) = N(0), N[i](x) = N(i),
N[i - 1](x) = N(i - 1)}
newEqs := eval( {R1,R2,R3}, S );
newEqs := { M(i) = N(i - 1) + 1, N(0) = x , N(i) = M(i) + 2 }
newV := eval( {N[i](x),M[i](x)}, S );
newV := {M(i), N(i)}
tempans := rsolve( newEqs, newV );
2 2
tempans := { M(i) = x + 3 i - 2, N(i) = x + 3 i }
ans := eval( tempans, map(rhs=lhs,S) );
2 2
ans := { M[i](x) = x + 3 i - 2, N[i](x) = x + 3 i }
Having constructed equations for the general forms of M[i](x) and N[i](x) you can evaluate either of those at specific cals of i. You can also create procedures from those results, and assign them. Eg,
for k from 1 to 3 do
N[k] := unapply(subs(i=k,eval(N[i](x),ans)), [x]);
end do:
It seems inefficient to create all those operators (procedures separately). Why not create just on for N and one for M, that admits two arguments for i and x?
Nfunc := unapply(eval(N[i](x),ans), [i,x]);
Nfunc := (i, x) -> x + 3 i
x + 9
Nfunc(3, 11);
[edited] I should tell you why your original attempt failed.
When you try your original attempt the i that appears within both of the procedure bodies is not simplified to the current value of the loop index i. And when you subsequently try and run any of the constructed procedures then it would just pick up whatever value the global i still had. There is no link between the index value of the name N[2] say and the i in its assigned procedure, whenever you subsequently call N[2](x).
N[0] := x -> x^2:
for i to 2 do
M[i] := x -> N[i-1](x)+1;
N[i] := x -> M[i](x)+2;
end do;
M[1] := x -> N[i - 1](x) + 1
N[1] := x -> M[i](x) + 2
M[2] := x -> N[i - 1](x) + 1
N[2] := x -> M[i](x) + 2
N[2](11); # why this result, you might asK
M[3](11) + 2
i; # still the value coming out of that do-loop
N[2](11); # no relation between the 2 and the `i`
M[i](11) + 2
You could fix up your original by constructing a recursive sequence of procedures. The following "works". But it is incredibly inefficient at run-time because every call to any of the N[..] or M[..] procedures will recursively call into the others in the chain. And that whole recursive set of calls will happen every time you call it. That is to say, here the recursion occurs at run-time of each of the procedures.
N[0] := x -> x^2:
for i to 3 do
M[i] := subs(ii=i, x -> N[ii-1](x)+1);
N[i] := subs(ii=i,x -> M[ii](x)+2);
end do;
M[1] := x -> N[0](x) + 1
N[1] := x -> M[1](x) + 2
M[2] := x -> N[1](x) + 1
N[2] := x -> M[2](x) + 2
M[3] := x -> N[2](x) + 1
N[3] := x -> M[3](x) + 2
The overall performance of running such a scheme would be very poor.
Much better would be to utilize the unapply command so that each of the N[i] and M[i] (for explicit i values) is a procedure that contains its explicit formula. When using unapply in the following way we pass it the function call which recursively evalutes to the respective formula. Here the recursion occurs only at construction time of each of the procedures.
N[0] := x -> x^2:
for i to 3 do
M[i] := unapply( N[i-1](x)+1, x);
N[i] := unapply( M[i](x)+2, x);
end do;
M[1] := x -> x + 1
N[1] := x -> x + 3
M[2] := x -> x + 4
N[2] := x -> x + 6
M[3] := x -> x + 7
N[3] := x -> x + 9
But as I noted in my Answer above, there is no need to construct all those procedures at all. By utilizing the rsolve command we can solve the recurrence relation for the general formula (closed in terms of both i and x). And then from that closed formula we can utilize the unapply command to construct only one 2-argument procedure for N and one for M.

Backtracking in Pascal: finding maximal weighted branch

I've been learning Pascal (using the Free Pascal compiler) for a week now, and came across a seemingly easy exercise. Given a structure as shown below, find the maximal weighted branch:
4 9
7 0 2
4 8 6 3
A branch is any sequence of numbers, starting from the top (in this case: 1), when for every number the branch can expand either down-left or down-right. For example, the branch 1-4-0 can expand into either 1-4-0-8 or 1-4-0-6. All branches must start from the top and end at the bottom.
In this example, the maximal branch is 1-4-7-8, which gives us 20. In order to solve this question, I tried to use backtracking. The triangular structure was stored in an array of type 'triangle':
type triangle = array[1..MAX_NUM_OF_ROWS, 1..MAX_NUM_OF_ROWS] of integer;
Here's my implementation:
function findAux(data: triangle; dim: integer; i: integer; j:integer) : integer;
if i = dim then
findAux := data[i][j]
if findAux(data, dim, i + 1, j + 1) > findAux(data, dim, i + 1, j) then
findAux := data[i+1][j+1] + findAux(data, dim, i + 1, j + 1);
findAux := data[i+1][j] + findAux(data, dim, i + 1, j);
function find_heaviest_path(data: triangle; dim: integer) : integer;
find_heaviest_path := findAux(data, dim, 1, 1);
As you can see, I've used an auxiliary function. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to give the right result. For the structure seen above, the result I get is 27, which is 7 points off. What am I missing? How does the implementation look overall? I should add that the maximal number of rows is 100, for this exercise. If clarification is needed, please don't hesitate to ask.
Your findAux is adding the wrong value to the recursively obtained result. As an aside, you can neaten the code a bit using some local variables. A corrected version of findAux:
uses math;
function findAux(data: triangle; dim: integer; i: integer; j:integer) : integer;
left, right: integer;
if i = dim then
findAux := data[i][j]
else begin
left := findAux(data, dim, i + 1, j);
right := findAux(data, dim, i + 1, j + 1);
findAux := data[i][j] + Max(left, right);

Pascal Quicksort - counting the total number of recursions

I am stuck on my quicksort program. I need to count the total number of times the sorting function calls itself.
procedure quick (first, last, counter: integer);
var i, k, x : integer;
i := first;
k := last;
x := a[(i+k) div 2];
counter := counter + 1;
while i<=k do begin
while a[i] < x do
i:= i+1;
while a[k] > x do
k:= k-1;
if i<=k then begin
if first<k then quick(first,k, counter);
if i<last then quick(i,last, counter);
P:= P + counter;
I tried this, where P is global variable and counter is recursive variable, first called as 1 ( quick(1, n, 1) ) . Sadly did not work. I also set P:= 0; right before I called the sorting (quick) procedure (I am not quite sure if it is correct way to approach the problem but it's all I could come up with).
Any ideas how to make this correctly and / or why my counter is not working?
This looks overly complex. If you just remove the counter, initialize P with the value -1 (instead of 0) and replace P := P + counter with P := P + 1, it should work.
