Modelling many to many relationships in Meteor - meteor

Hi I am building a small app to get used to Meteor (and Mongo). Something that is bothering me is the data modelling aspect. Specifically what is the best way to model a many to many relationship. I have read in the Mongo docs that a doc should not be embedded in another doc if you expect it to grow while the original doc remains fairly static.
In my test app students can register for courses. So from the Mongo perspective it makes sense to include the students as an embedded doc in the course as each course will have a limited number of students as opposed to the other way round where, over time, a student could theoretically join unlimited courses.
Then there is the Meteor aspect, I read that a lot of Meteor's features are aimed at separate collections, such as DDP working at the document level so any change in the student array would cause the entire course doc to be resent to every browser, and things like the each spacebars helper works with Mongo cursors but not with arrays etc, etc.
Has anyone dealt with a similar situation and could they explain what approach they took and any drawbacks they had to deal with etc? Thanks.

See this article:
And test how good your possible solutions are with this

Better use the guide:
The Meteor team tames (or hides!) the javascript monster to an amazing extent. By using their conventions, you get "free" a ton of much-used functionality "out of the box". Things that are usually re-invented over and over again, accounts, OAuth, live data across clients, standard live-data protocol etc.
But very soon... you need features not in the box. Wow... look at all the choices. Wait a minute, this is the same monster you were fighting before Meteor!
So use the official Meteor Guide. They recommend the wisest ways to extend functionality of your app when you make these choices.
Since they know how they have "hidden the monster", they know how to keep avoiding the monster when you extend.


Is this a bad DynamoDB database schema?

After a watching a few videos regarding DynamoDB and its best practices, I decided to give it a try; however, I cannot help but feel what I'm doing may be an anti-pattern. As I understand it, the best practice is to leverage as few tables as possible while also taking advantage of GSIs to do some 'heavy' lifting. Unfortunately, I'm working with a use case that doesn't actually have strictly defined access patterns yet since we're still in early development.
Some early access patterns that we may see are:
Retrieve the number of wins for a particular game: rock paper scissors, boxing, etc. [1 quick lookup]
Retrieve the amount of coins a user has. [1 quick lookup]
Retrieve all the items that someone has purchased (don't care about date). [Not sure?]
Possibly retrieve all the attributes associated with a user (rps wins, box wins, coins, etc). [I genuinely don't know.]
Additionally, there may be 2 operations we will need to complete. For example, if the user wins a particular game they may receive "coins". Effectively, we'll need to add coins to the user "coins" attribute & update their number of wins for the game.
Do you think I should revisit this strategy? Additionally, we'll probably start creating 'logs' associated with various games and each individual play.
Designing a DynamoDB data model without fully understanding your applications access patterns is the anti-pattern.
Take the time to define your entities (Users, Games, Orders, etc), their relationship to one another and your applications key access patterns. This can be hard work when you are just getting started, but it's absolutely critical to do this when working with DynamoDB. How else can we (or you, or anybody) evaluate whether or not you're using DDB correctly?
When I first worked with DDB, I approached the process in a similar way you are describing. I was used to working with SQL databases, where I could define a few tables and rely on the magic of SQL to support my access patterns as my understanding of the application access patterns evolved. I quickly realized this was not going to work if I wanted to use DynamoDB!
Instead, I started from the front-end of my application. I sketched out the different pages in my app and nailed down the most important concepts in my application. Granted, I may not have covered all the access patterns in my application, but the exercise certainly nailed down the minimal access patterns I'd need to have a usable app.
If you need to rapidly prototype your application to get a better understanding of your acecss patterns, consider using the skills you and your team already have. If you already understand data modeling with SQL databses, go with that for now. You can always revisit DynamoDB once you have a better understanding of your access patterns and determine that your application can benefit from using a NoSQL databse.

Architectural choices for a CRM

I am looking for some light in the complexity of architectural selection, before starting the development of a CMS or CRM or ERP.
I was able to find this similar question: A CRM architecture (open source app)
But it seems old enough.
I watch and read recently several conferences, discussions about monolith vs distrubuted, DDD philosophy, CQRS and event driven design, etc.
And I panic even more than before on the architectural choice, having taken into account the flaws of each (I think).
What I find unfortunate with all the examples of microservices and distributed systems that can be found easily on the net is that they always take e-commerce as an example (Customers, Orders, Products ...). And for this kind of example, several databases (in general, a NoSQL DB by microservice) exist.
I see the advantage (more or less) ==> to keep a minimalist representation of the necessary data for each context.
But how to go for a unique and relational database? I really think I need a single relational database, having worked in a company producing a CRM (without access to the source code of the machine, but the structure of the database), I could see the importance of relational: necessary for listings, reports, and consult the links between entities within the CRM (a contact can have several companies and conversely, each user has several actions, tasks, but each of his tasks can also be assigned to other users, or even be linked to other items such as: "contact", "company", "publication", "calendarDate", etc. And there can be a lot of records in each table (+ 100,000 rows), so the choice of indexes will be quite important, and transactions are omni-present because there will be a lot of concurrent access to data records).
What I'm saying to myself is that if I choose to use a microservice system, there will be a lot of microservices to do because there would really be a lot of different contexts, and a high probability of having a bunch of different domain models. And then I will end up having the impression of having to light each small bulb of a garland, with perhaps too much process running simultaneously.
To try to be precise and not go in all directions, I have 2 questions to ask:
Can we easily mix the DDD philosophy with a monolith system, while uncoupling very small quantity (for the eventual services that should absolutely be set apart, for various reasons)?
If so, could I ask for resources where I can learn a lot more about this?
Do we necessarily have to work with a multitude of databases, and should it necessarily be of the kind mongoDb, nosql?
I can imagine that the answer is no, but could I ask to elaborate a little more? Or redirect me to articles that will give me clear enough answers?
Thank you in advance !
(It would be .NET Core, draft is here:
DDD works perfectly as an approach in designing your CRM. I used it in my last project (a web-based CRM) and it was exactly what I needed. As a matter of fact, if I wouldn't have used DDD then it would have been impossible to manage. The CRM that I created (the only architect and developer) was very complex and very custom. It integrates with many external systems (i.e. with email server and phone calls system).
The first thing you should do is to discover the main parts of your system. This is the hardest part and you probably get them wrong the first time. The good thing is that this is an iterative process that should stabilize before it gets to production because then it is harder to refactor (i.e. you need to migrate data and this is painful). These main parts are called Bounded contexts (BC) in DDD.
For each BC I created a module. I didn't need microservices, a modular monolith was just perfect. I used the Conway's Law to discover the BCs. I noticed that every department had common but also different needs from the CRM.
There were some generic BCs that were common to each department, like email receiving/sending, customer activity recording, task scheduling, notifications. The behavior was almost the same for all departments.
The department specific BCs had very different behaviour for similar concepts. For example, the Sales department and Data processing department had different requirements for a Contract so I created two Aggregates named Contract that shared the same ID but they had other data+behavior. To keep them "synchronized" I used a Saga/Process manager. For example, when a Contract was activated (manually or after the first payment) then a DataProcessingDocument was created, containing data based on the contract's content.
Another important point of view is to discover and respect the sources of truth. For example, the source of truth for the received emails is the Email Server. The CRM should reflect this in its UI, it should be very clear that it is only a delayed reflection of what is happening on the Email Server; there may be received emails that are not shown in the CRM for technical reasons.
The source of truth for the draft emails is the CRM, with it's Email composer module. If a Draft is not shown anymore then it means that it has been deleted by a CRM user.
When the CRM is not the source of truth then the code should have little or no behavior and the data should be mostly immutable. Here you could have CRUD, unless you have performance problems (i.e. millions of entries) in which case you could use CQRS.
And there can be a lot of records in each table (+ 100,000 rows), so the choice of indexes will be quite important, and transactions are omni-present because there will be a lot of concurrent access to data records).
CQRS helped my a lot to have a performant+responsive system. You don't have to use it for each module, just where you have a lot of data and/or different behavior for write and read. For example, for the recording of the activity with the customers, I used CQRS to have performant listings (so I used CQRS for performance reasons).
I also used CQRS where I had a lot of different views/projections/interpretations of the same events.
Do we necessarily have to work with a multitude of databases, and should it necessarily be of the kind mongoDb, nosql? I can imagine that the answer is no, but could I ask to elaborate a little more? Or redirect me to articles that will give me clear enough answer
Of course not. Use whatever works. I used MongoDB in 95% of cases and Mysql only for the Search module. It was easier to manage only a database system and the performance/scalability/availability was good enough.
I hope these thoughts help you. Good luck!

Design pattern for a simple CRUD data driven application

I would like to know the best practice for a designing a simple CRUD application with some screens updating various tables (like admin pages to maintain static data for an application). the simplest way would be to drag a data grid/gridview, bind it to a dataset and use a data adapter for CRUD operations. but if this application needs to be scalable, lets say to add any extra UI/business logic in future, then is there any design pattern that can help with this? should I be using an object data source control and bind it to business objects instead? or are there any better ways of doing it? should I build a complete layered application or will that be overengineering for this requirement? any examples for UI design would also be helpful. thanks.
If you are looking for a really quick and easy approach, you can look at using Dynamic Data
on top of a Linq2SQL or EF4 backend - hardly any code needed at all.
+1 Oded. No offence RKP but you might be confusing "simple" with with "effective" or "value-for-money". I also think you might want to be more clear about exactly what it is you're after: example UI designs is quite a different issue from the logical architecture. Anyway - good on you for asking.
If this is a "tactical" solution: not expected to have a long life-span, or is a quick-and-dirty dev tool then how you build it might not be such a big issue. (also beware that short-term tactical apps can end-ed being long-term strategic ones - were working on an app now that the business see as a "temporrary" tool: they see it only being used for the next 5-10 years (!)).
If it's a tool the "business users" will use, then it's quite likely they'll expect changes overtime: depending on what the app is for a simple pass-through CRUD app might only cut the mustard for a short while.
So I guess this is where your admirable desire to look at best practice comes in.
Are you familiar with OO design? A lot of the principles behind good OO design also apply at the architectural level (SOLID, Common Reuse, Common Closure, Loose Coupling, Stable Dependancies and Stable Abstraction Principles).
lets say to add any extra UI/business
logic in future
So - this is where you need to consider up-front how you will seperate concerns and allow for growth: architecture doesn't mean you have to do a big upfront design, it just means you need to have an idea of how you'll grow the application as requirements grow..
To finish:
Have a good look at the different system quality attributes and work out which ones are particularly relevant to the system. prioritise them.
I get a lot of mileage out of Dependency Inversion (The D in SOLID) - abstract out things like data access early on.
For me the other really key "best practice" is to pay attention to SRP (the S in SOLID), is my bet. It's easy to start with and get going... You won't be dissapointed. :) StackOverflow itself is built on top of it.

Issue tracking applications that subdivide issues into (sub)tasks?

I am looking for an issue tracking application, which has two levels in its task hierarchy. This is because I find myself very often creating informal "TODO" lists within my issues. It seems to me that a FEATURE is usually bigger than a TASK - one feature usually requires several things to be done - e.g. "check if this sth will affect efficiency", "add the control in the GUI", "implement new extension to the core engine", "update documentation". Without stating all these sub-task, I find it impossible to estimate the time needed and the real complexity of the complete task.
I know I could create several issues, but it is often not feasible because these sub-tasks:
are related to a single feature from the user's perspective,
can be tested only together, when everything is done,
have the same developer assigned-to,
should be displayed together all the times,
should have only two states: todo or done.
Do you know any (commercial or not) applications that allows this? I am not just interested in hierarchies of issues or issue linking, but I need something with full issues on one level and with smaller and quicker "todo" lists on another one.
I've used both Jira and TeamTrack in previous jobs, and they both have sub-tasks.
Some suggestions:
(*) FogBugz -
"FogBugz allows you to create subcases to represent lower-level tasks."
(*) IssueTrak -
Solid issue-tracking system that I can recommend.
(*) CounterSoft's Gemini -
Feature-rich, much like Jira. Looks very promising.
Look also for project management systems for developers - these systems handle "projects" with "tasks".
/Kristoffer :-)
you could also use mantis:
you can relate issues, including as sub-issues
sub-issues can block a parent issue from being set to fixed until all sub-issues are fixed
you could have feature/ parent issues in a separate project
Yes, Jira and Fogbugz have subtasks. I have found however no application, where subtasks were something smaller and quicker than tasks - I still have to repeat all the fields of the main task.
I ended up using Project Kaiser and I am satisfied with it. It has quite nice hierarchical subtasks.
I tend to use ToDoList for my personal tasks list, since it is a very simple and focused tool.
I know it doesn't exactly fit what you're searching (one application that does everything), but I use it effectively in coordination with our enterprise-grade bug tracking system.

Requirements Gathering

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How do you go about the requirements gathering phase? Does anyone have a good set of guidelines or tips to follow? What are some good questions to ask the stakeholders?
I am currently working on a new project and there are a lot of unknowns. I am in the process of coming up with a list of questions to ask the stakeholders. However I cant help but to feel that I am missing something or forgetting to ask a critical question.
You're almost certainly missing something. A lot of things, probably. Don't worry, it's ok. Even if you remembered everything and covered all the bases stakeholders aren't going to be able to give you very good, clear requirements without any point of reference. The best way to do this sort of thing is to get what you can from them now, then take that and give them something to react to. It can be a paper prototype, a mockup, version 0.1 of the software, whatever. Then they can start telling you what they really want.
See obligatory comic below...
In general, I try and get a feel for the business model my customer/client is trying to emulate with the application they want built. Are we building a glorified forms processor? Are we retrieving data from multiple sources in a single application to save time? Are we performing some kind of integration?
Once the general businesss model is established, I then move to the "must" and "must nots" for the application to dictate what data I can retrieve, who can perform what functions, etc.
Usually if you can get the customer to explain their model or workflow, you can move from there and find additional key questions.
The one question I always make sure to ask in some form or another is "What is the trickiest/most annoying thing you have to do when doing X. Typically the answer to that reveals the craziest business/data rule you'll have to implement.
Hope this helps!
Steve Yegge talks fun but there is money to be made in working out what other people's requirements are so i'd take his article with a pinch of salt.
Requirements gathering is incredibly tough because of the manner in which communication works. Its a four step process that is lossy in each step.
I have an idea in my head
I transform this into words and pictures
You interpret the pictures and words
You paint an image in your own mind of what my original idea was like
And humans fail miserably at this with worrying frequency through their adorable imperfections.
Agile does right in promoting iterative development. Getting early versions out to the client is important in identifying what features are most important (what ships in 0.1 - 0.5 ish), helps to keep you both on the right track in terms of how the application will work and quickly identifies the hidden features that you will miss.
The two main problem scenarios are the two ends of the scales:
Not having a freaking clue about what you are doing - get some domain experts
Having too many requirements - feature pit. - Question, cull (prioritise ;) ) features and use iterative development
Yegge does well in pointing out that domain experts are essential to produce good requirements because they know the business and have worked in it. They can help identify the core desire of the client and will help explain how their staff will use the system and what is important to the staff.
Alternatives and additions include trying to do the job yourself to get into the mindset or having a client staff member occasionally on-site, although the latter is unlikely to happen.
The feature pit is the other side, mostly full of failed government IT projects. Too much, too soon, not enough thought or application of realism (but what do you expect they have only about four years to make themselves feel important?). The aim here is to work out what the customer really wants.
As long as you work on getting the core components correct, efficient and bug-free clients usually remain tolerant of missing features that arrive in later shipments, as long as they eventually arrive. This is where iterative development really helps.
Remember to separate the client's ideas of what the program will be like and what they want the program to achieve.
Some clients can create confusion by communicating their requirements in the form of application features which may be poorly thought out or made redundant by much simpler functionality then they think they require. While I'm not advocating calling the client an idiot or not listening to them I feel that it is worth forever asking why they want a particular feature to get to its underlying purpose.
Remember that in either scenario it is of imperative importantance to root out the quickest path to fulfilling the customers core need and put you in a scenario where you are both profiting from the relationship.
Wow, where to start?
First, there is a set of knowledge someone should have to do analysis on some projects, but it really depends on what you are building for who. In other words, it makes a big difference if you are modifying an enterprise application for a Fortune 100 corporation, building an iPhone app, or adding functionality to a personal webpage.
Second, there are different kinds of requirements.
Objectives: What does the user want to accomplish?
Functional: What does the user need to do in order to reach their objective? (think steps to reach the objective/s)
Non-functional: What are the constraints your program needs to perform within? (think 10 vs 10k simultaneous users, growth, back-up, etc.)
Business rules: What dynamic constraints do you have to meet? (think calculations, definitions, legal concerns, etc.)
Third, the way to gather requirements most effectively, and then get feedback on them (which you will do, right?) is to use models. User cases and user stories are a model of what the user needs to do. Process models are another version of what needs to happen. System diagrams are just another model of how different parts of the program(s) interact. Good data modeling will define business concepts and show you the inputs, outputs, and changes that happen within your program. Models (and there are more than I listed) are really the key to the concern you list. A few good models will capture the needs and from models you can determine your requirements.
Fourth, get feedback. I know I mentioned this already, but you will not get everything right the first time, so get responses to what your customer wants.
As much as I appreciate requirements, and the models that drive them, users typically do not understand the ramifications of of all their requests. Constant communication with chances for review and feedback will give users a better understanding of what you are delivering. Further, they will refine their understanding based on what they see. Unless you're working for the government, iterations and / or prototypes are helpful.
First of all gather the requirements before you start coding. You can begin the design while you are gathering them depending on your project life cicle but you shouldn't ever start coding without them.
Requirements are a set of well written documents that protect both the client and yourself. Never forget that. If no requirement is present then it was not paid for (and thus it requires a formal change request), if it's present then it must be implemented and must work correctly.
Requirements must be testable. If a requirement cannot be tested then it isn't a requirement. That means something like, "The system "
Requirements must be concrete. That means stating "The system user interface shall be easy to use" is not a correct requirment.
In order to actually "gather" the requirements you need to first make sure you understand the businness model. The client will tell you what they want with its own words, it is your job to understand it and interpret it in the right context.
Make meetings with the client while you're developing the requirements. Describe them to the client with your own words and make sure you and the client have the same concept in the requirements.
Requirements require concise, testable example, but keep track of every other thing that comes up in the meetings, diagrams, doubts and try to mantain a record of every meeting.
If you can use an incremental life cycle, that will give you the ability to improve some bad gathered requirements.
You can never ask too many or "stupid" questions. The more questions you ask, the more answers you receive.
According to Steve Yegge that's the wrong question to ask. If you're gathering requirement it's already too late, your project is doomed.
High-level discussions about purpose, scope, limitations of operating environment, size, etc
Audition a single paragraph description of the system, hammer it out
Mock up UI
Formalize known requirements
Now iterate between 3 and 4 with more and more functional prototypes and more specs with more details. Write tests as you go. Do this until you have functional software and a complete, objective, testable requirements spec.
That's the dream. The reality is usually after a couple iterations everybody goes head-down and codes until there's a month left to test.
Gathering Business Requirements Are Bullshit - Steve Yegge
read the agile manifesto - working software is the only measurement for the success of a software project
get familiar with agile software practices - study Scrum , lean programming , xp etc - this will save you tremendous amount of time not only for the requirements gathering but also for the entire software development lifecycle
keep regular discussions with Customers and especially the future users and key-users
make sure you talk to the Persons understanding the problem domain - e.g. specialists in the field
Take small notes during the talks
After each CONVERSATION write an official requirement list and present it for approving. Later on it would be difficult to argue against all agreed documentation
make sure your Customers know approximately what are the approximate expenses in time and money for implementing "nice to have" requirements
make sure you label the requirements as "must have" , "should have" and "nice to have" from the very beginning, ensure Customers understand the differences between those types also
integrate all documents into the latest and final requirements analysis (or the current one for the iteration or whatever agile programming cycle you are using ... )
remember that requirements do change over the software life cycle , so gathering is one thing but managing and implementing another
KISS - keep it as simple as possible
study also the environment where the future system will reside - there are more and more technological restraints from legacy or surrounding systems , since the companies do not prefer to throw to the garbage the money they have invested for decades even if in our modern minds 20 years old code is garbage ...
Like most stages of the software development process its iteration works best.
First find out who your users are -- the XYZ dept,
Then find out where they fit into the organisation -- part of Z division,
Then find out what they do in general terms -- manage cash
Then in specific terms -- collect cash from tills, and check for till fraud.
Then you can start talking to them.
Ask what problem they want you want to solve -- you will get an answer like write a bamboozling system using OCR with shark technoligies.
Ignore that answer and ask some more questions to find out what the real problem is -- they cant read the till slips to reconcile the cash.
Agree a real solution with the users -- get a better ink ribbon supplier - or connect the electronic tills to the network and upload the logs to a central server.
Then agree in detail how they will measure the success of the project.
Then and only then propose and agree a detailed set of requirements.
I would suggest you to read Roger-Pressman's Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach
Before you go talking to the stakeholders/users/anyone be sure you will be able to put down the gathered information in a usefull and days-lasting way.
Use a sound-recorder if it is OK with the other person and the information is bulky.
If you heard something important and you need some reasonable time to write it down, you have two choices: ask the other person to wait a second, or say goodbye to that precious information. You wont remember it right, ask any neuro-scientist.
If you detect that a point need deeper review or that you need some document you just heard of, make sure you make a commitment with the other person to send that document or schedule another meeting with a more specific purpose. Never say "I'll remember to ask for that xls file" because in most cases you wont.
Not to long after the meeting, summarize all your notes, recordings and fresh thoughts. Just summarize it rigth. Create effective reminders for the commitments.
Again, just after the meeting, is the perfect time to understand why the gathering you just did was not as right as you thought at the end of the meeting. That's when you will be able to put down a lot of meaningful questions for another meeting.
I know the question was in the perspective of the pre-meeting, but please be aware that you can work on this matters before the meeting and end up with a much usefull, complete and quality gathering.
I've been using mind mapping (like a work breakdown structure) to help gather requirements and define the unknowns (the #1 project killer). Start at a high level and work your way down. You need to work with the sponsors, users and development team to ensure you get all the angles and don't miss anything. You can't be expected to know the entire scope of what they want without their - as a project manager/BA - need to get them involved (most important part of the job).
There are some great ideas here already. Here are some requirements gathering principles that I always like to keep in mind:
Know the difference between the user and the customer.
The business owners that approve the shiny project are usually the customers. However, a devastating mistake is the tendency to confuse them as the user. The customer is usually the person that recognizes the need for your product, but the user is the person that will actually be using the solution (and will most likely complain later about a requirement your product did not meet).
Go to more than one person
Because we’re all human, and we tend to not remember every excruciating detail. You increase your likelihood of finding missed requirements as you talk to more people and cross-check.
Avoid specials
When a user asks for something very specific, be wary. Always question the biases and see if this will really make your product better.
Don’t wait till launch to show what you have to the user. Do frequent prototypes (you can even call them beta versions) and get constant feedback throughout the development process. You’ll probably find more requirements as you do this.
I recently started using the concepts, standards and templates defined by the International Institute of Business Analysts organization (IIBA).
They have a pretty good BOK (Book of Knowledge) that can be downloaded from their website. They do also have a certificate.
Requirements Engineering is a bit of an art, there are lots of different ways to go about it, you really have to tailor it to your project and the stakeholders involved. A good place to start is with Requirements Engineering by Karl Wiegers:
and a requirements engineering process which may consist of a number of steps e.g.:
Elicitation - for the basis for discussion with the business
Analysis and Description - a technical description for the purpose of the developers
Elaboration, Clarification, Verification and Negotiation - further refinement of the requirements
Also, there are a number of ways of documenting the requirements (Use Cases, Prototypes, Specifications, Modelling Languages). Each have their advantages and disadvantages. For example prototypes are very good for elicitation of ideas from the business and discussion of ideas.
I generally find that writing a set of use cases and including wireframe prototypes works well to identify an initial set of requirements. From that point it's a continual process of working with technical people and business people to further clarify and elaborate on the requirements. Keeping track of what was initially agreed and tracking additional requirements are essential to avoid scope creep. Negotiation plays a bit part here also between the various parties as per the Broken Iron Triangle (
IMO the most important first step is to set up a dictornary of domain-specific words. When your client says "order", what does he mean? Something he receives from his customers or something he sends to his suppliers? Or maybe both?
Find the keywords in the stakeholders' business, and let them explain those words until you comprehend their meaning in the process. Without that, you will have a hard time trying to understand the requirements.
i wrote a blog article about the approach i use:
basically: questions to ask your client before building their website.
i should add this questionnaire sheet is only geared towards basic website builds - like a business web presence. totally different story if you are talking about web-based software. although some of it is still relavant (e.g. questions relating to look and feel).
I prefer to keep my requirements gathering process as simple, direct and thorough as possible. You can download a sample document that I use as a template for my projects at this blog posting:
