Kibana visualize query without the dashboard time - kibana

Is there any way in Kibana to omit the dashboard time from a particular query? The example use case:
I track open sessions, and want to see how many are currently open. The sessions like all the objects I log are imported against their create date. But they also have an expired date.
I want to ignore the creation date and just show sessions that have not expired yet.
I've got the query part like this one from ES:
GET /dev/authority/_search
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"and": [
"term": {
"_type": "authority"
"term": {
"enabled": true
"term": {
"_issuedTo.userType": "customer"
"range": {
"expires": {
"gt": "now"
The problem is that the dashboard is acting like a "between" filter, so it only gets sessions that were created after the dashboard start time. I want to ignore this value and get all matches regardless of create time, can it be done?

No, you can't.
The time filter applies to all the widgets in the dashboard.

When you create index pattern you can specify any date field as Timed-field:
And from right up corner you can change time interval for time series data:
Click it and choose whatever you want.


Best way to make ReactiveAggregate reactive when data changes on a user

I am currently using ReactiveAggregate to find a subset of Product data, like this:
ReactiveAggregate(this, Products, [
{ $match: {}},
{ $project: {
title: true,
image: true,
variants: {
$filter: {
input: "$variants",
as: "variant",
cond: {
$setIsSubset: [['$$'], user.variantFollowing]
], { clientCollection: 'aggregateVariants' }
As you can see, a variant is returned if user.variantFollowing matches. When a user 'follows' a product, the ID is added to their object. However, if I understand correctly, this is not triggering ReactiveAggregate to get the new subset when this happens. Only on a full page refresh do I get the correct (latest) data.
Is this the correct way to approach this?
I could store the user's ID as part of the Product object, but the way this would be stored would be nested two places, and I think I would need the Mongo 3.5 updates to then be able to accurately update this. So i'm looking for how to do this in Meteor 1.5+ / Mongo 3.2.12
So, I've been able to get there by adding autorun to the subscription of the aggregate collection, like this:
Template.followedProducts.onCreated(function() {
this.autorun(() => {
... rest of function
For context, productsFollowed is the subscription to retrieve aggregateVariants from the original question.
Thanks to robfallows in this post:

Firebase data structure - Keeping duplicated data up-to-date

I created a flatted data structure. When pushing duplicated data whats the accepted pattern for keeping that data up-to-date. Here the data for the groups info is duplicated into the users-groups and the groups tree.
"users": ..
"users-groups": ..
"groups": ..
When creating a group for a user two updates takes place:
First: push to /groups/group_key
"name": "Test Group",
"image: "/testimage.jpg"
Second: push to /users-groups/user_uid/group_key
"orderNum: 0,
"info": {
"name": "Test Group",
"image: "/testimage.jpg"
Should keeping this data in the user-groups up-to-date be a job for the client or should a server handle this?
The data in the groups tree will always be the newest and the changes should propagate down to all the users that are members of that group.
Is there any tutorials or reference material for this problem?
note: i'm using this structure because a user can be a member of multiple groups and I don't think it would be a good idea to make possibly several ref.once's to get the data from the /groups/ directly.
You can use multi path update. Just observe reference with function and update all other informations
'/users/dedd': info,
'/users/cdcd': info2
You should not have data saved duplicated. Instead you should save reference to group.
Your data should look like this.
"users": {
"userkey1": {
"data": {
"name": "",
"firstname": ""
"groups": {
"groupkey1": true // true or orderNum value
"groups": {
"groupkey1": {
"data": {
"name": "Test Group",
"image": "/testimage.jpg",
"other": "data"
"users": {
"userkey1": true
You can easily check if user is in group by checking if value at any of these positions is true.
users/userkey1/groups/groupkey1 or groups/groupkey1/users/userkey1.
When you create new group you save in under groups/newgroupkey position and you updated groups under users node by only setting newgroupkey to true.
So you do not duplicate your data.
For more information about structuring your data check the following link.

Validate arbitrary length object with simple schema

I have a Players collection and a Games collection. I want to construct a data structure that looks as follows:
"_id": "1234",
"accounts": {
"battlenet": "blah#1234"
"games": {
"overwatch": {
"class": "Hanzo",
"timePlayed": ISODate
"world-of-warcraft": {
"class": "Shaman",
"timePlayed": ISODate
games is an object, where every key refers to a specific document in the Games collection's slug attribute. Every value is a sub-schema definition with autoValues.
I can't find any good way to create validation in such a way that it updates an autoform correctly without weird coersion of data. Is there any way to accomplish this validation with simple schema?

OR filter on dashboard in Kibana 4

I want to create a dashboard which shows information about a limited set of request values :
request:("/path1" OR "/path2" OR "/path3")
What I've tried so far:
I can add filters to the dashboard by clicking on a part of a pie chart, but all these filters are applied as AND filters and not OR. This way of working also requires actual data for all possible request values. Which is not always the case in a test environment.
in Discover I created a saved search but I don't know how I can apply this to my Dashboard so it gets part of the dashboard definition.
Is their a way to do this using the Dashboard editor or does it require some json scripting via Settings->Objects->Dashboards ? If so can you point me a good reference to this (escaped) syntax ?
In Kibana 3 you could define filters of type "either". Does this functionality exist in Kibana 4 ?
I'm using Kibana 4.0.2
I am not sure if this is an answer to your actual question, I'll write it anyway as someone may benefit and I found examples on the Kibana filter syntax to be elusive when googling.
I am trying to define a boolean filter instead of a boolean query in my Discover tab, to unclutter the search field and fascilitate further filtering on a limited set of values.
I found this link to the documentation where AND, OR, NOT filter syntax is described. After a bit of experimenting this was what worked for me, example:
I have a field named host containing the name of the server shipping the log entry. There are quite a few servers, each belonging to one of several redundancy groups. To filter only for log entries produced by the servers "SERVER06 OR SERVER07 OR SERVER08" which happen to belong to a distinct redundancy group B-Servers I can make an OR filter like so:
"bool": {
"should": [
"query": {
"match": {
"host": {
"query": "SERVER06",
"type": "phrase"
"query": {
"match": {
"host": {
"query": "SERVER07",
"type": "phrase"
"query": {
"match": {
"host": {
"query": "SERVER08",
"type": "phrase"
and save it as a search called B-Servers. Now I get a filtered list, where I can cherry pick a server with a further and more restrictive filter. Before I had all servers and the quick count only listed the five top entries, so I had to pick one and then edit the filter manually if my target wasn't in the list.
This should be useful for other string type fields too. The documentation should have included a couple of more examples I think, to set the context for the placement of the bool statement and not just a demonstration of the principle.
This link was also useful for demonstrating how to do booleans from the search field rather than as a filter.
[EDIT] An update for Kibana 5.2 as I could not get the previous syntax to work. The following did the trick with 5.2, I used this link to figure it out:
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"host": "SERVER06"
"match": {
"host": "SERVER07"
"match": {
"host": "SERVER08"
"minimum_should_match": 1
Kibana 4 is a total rewrite and apparently not all Kibana 3 features are yet implemented. I've found an "enhancement" ticket in the Kibana github:
This closes my question for the moment.
Definitely you can add OR filters in your dashboard. As dashboard is created from saved visualizations, In your visualization you can add filter containing OR which will reflect such data.
As per my understanding of your question I am posting my answer (Feel free to correct me):-
Clicking on pie chart under visualize tab (Create a new visualization).
Selecting a search source - From a new search
Go to Split Slices, select aggregation as filters.
Under Query1 enter the filter you want to apply such as request:("/path1" OR "/path2")
Click on add Filter and add Query2 as: request:("/path2" OR "/path3")
Click on Apply to view the changed pie chart as per filters.
Save Visualization by selecting it from toolbar (2nd option beside search bar).
Go to Dashboard & Click on Add Dashboard & select your saved visualization which will reflect your pie chart.
Hope it answers your question :)
The lucene syntax is "OR" (uppercase), so "foo OR bar".
Once your query is corrected, you can save the search in the Discover tab and refer to that saved search in your Visualization.
You can also manually set the query in the visualization if you don't want the overhead of saving it separately.

Different priority based on user in Firebase

I have data which looks like this:
"-JnbxaJp3rgsIeM2O0EN" : {
"-yryexaJp3rgsIeM2O0EN" : {
"-6yrhxaJp3rgsIeM2O0EN" : {
"-gn643Jp3rgsIeM2O0EN" : {
When a user is logged in with id simplelogin:5 I want to order the output based on their sort preferences. So say for example user simplelogin:5 previously set his order to Jack,Jill,Joh,Bill and simplelogin:1 set their order to Bill,John,Jack,Jill.
I know I can set priority but that's priority for the data as a whole and it isn't tied to a user, this is shared data which needs custom priority per user.
I was thinking of setting up something like this:
"nameOrder":[-gn643Jp3rgsIeM2O0EN, -yryexaJp3rgsIeM2O0EN, etc.]
But it seems like there should be a better way, and even if I was able to generate a list like that, i'm not sure how to sort the output to follow the order in the nameOrder entry.
First you need to modify your main list with a persistent sort id. I used a numeric value but you can use whatever value you prefer.
"-JnbxaJp3rgsIeM2O0EN" : {
nameIndex": 0
"-yryexaJp3rgsIeM2O0EN" : {
"nameIndex": 1
"-6yrhxaJp3rgsIeM2O0EN" : {
"nameIndex": 2
"-gn643Jp3rgsIeM2O0EN" : {
"nameIndex": 3
Then store your user defined sort preference
"simplelogin:1" : {
"nameOrder": "0,2,3,1"
"simplelogin:5" : {
"nameOrder": "3,1,2,0"
Now when you read the name list, use the array index saved in nameOrder to display results.
