Analogue of background thread in VSIX project? - visual-studio-extensions

Basically, I'm trying to carry out a number of tasks while a Visual Studio instance is running.
I have not been able to find anything yet in the Visual Studio SDK reference which is analogous to a background thread or IsRunning or anything like that. All I can do so far is respond to very specific events such as the view changing or the cursor being moved.
I don't even understand what event fires when the Visual Studio instance finishes loading.
Surely there must be something pretty big that I'm missing here? What manages the lifecycle of a Visual Studio instance?

So nothing prevents you from launching a background thread and doing work there. All sorts of components do that all the time. There are some ways you can register your package to load in various scenarios, and from there you could always launch a thread.
Be careful of course with any of these -- if everybody did "I'll run a background thread once VS loads", your CPU cores would be very, very busy! There's an older concept in VS called the "idle loop" where some code can be registered to run whenever the UI thread doesn't have a message to pump, and the internal joke is that the idle loop is never idle.


Visual Studio + Qt Addin, PC freeze when building

this is a more unusual question so give me a hint when stack overflow isn't the right place for it. ;)
I have a problem with Visualstion 2012 where it freezes every so often when I compile my project.
I am currently working on a Qt project so the Qt add-in is installed. I am sure you can't remote-fix my problem but I would like to ask what could cause such freezes.
Here are some important infos:
the PC doens't freeze every time I compile (seems to be a bit random)
the freeze takes from 5 to 15 minutes. In most cases, it ends with the screen switching to black and then back to "normal"
I often try to open the task manager which returns an exit code after the freeze which says that the task manager couldn't start
the PC comes back to life after 5-15 minutes but many applications (incl VS) aren't responding for additional ~5 minutes.
the hardware components are fine for what I can tell. (I tested HDD and RAM, temps are fine)
I hope you can give me a hint where the cause of the freezes could be hiding. ;)
You could start by analyzing what is unique about your system.
Perhaps you are using an unusual source control system, anti-virus, network connections, mapped drives or some weird form of integration that nobody else uses. My guess is that this may be your source control integration or some server connection that is triggering an unusual locking condition.

How to determine cause of DirectX 11 driver hang

I am working on a QT application for which I've integrated DirectX 11 into a custom widget. The application renders a scrolling display - a graphical representation of data being read from a file. The user can speed up and slow down the scrolling speed.
For the most part, this is working great. The DirectX 11 rendering is presented to my custom widget just as I'd expect. The problem is that the graphics driver randomly hangs and crashes my program. I say "random" because I have been testing this with the same data file and it never seems to crash at the same point in the file, after a specific amount of time, or at a specific scrolling speed (the faster the scrolling speed, the more work being done by the GPU per frame).
When the application hangs, my screen freezes for a moment, goes black, then returns with a nice message from NVidia that it has recovered from a driver crash. The Debug Output in Visual Studio contains the following:
D3D11: Removing Device.
D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11Device::RemoveDevice:
Device removal has been triggered for the following reason
(DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: The Device took an unreasonable amount of
time to execute its commands, or the hardware crashed/hung. As a
result, the TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery) mechanism has been
triggered. The current Device Context was executing commands when the
hang occurred. The application may want to respawn and fallback to
less aggressive use of the display hardware). [ EXECUTION ERROR #378:
I have discovered that by simply commenting out the IDXGISwapChain1::Present call, the application will run through the file at blazing speed. Graphics-wise it is still pushing data to the GPU and drawing to render targets, it just never gets displayed to my window.
What I'm hoping for is help with ideas of what types of things cause driver hangs. My shaders are incredibly simple - basically just positioning my vertices using a projection matrix. And considering what I described in the above paragraph, shaders should still be cranking through vertices and pixels even when Present isn't being called, yes?
I was suspicious that this could be a compatibility issue with Qt - I know DirectX isn't officially supported by Qt. So I tried creating a separate window using CreateWindowEx and using that for my swap chain instead of the custom Qt widget. It rendered to that window but also hung the driver just like before.
I was also suspicious of a driver bug in my laptop, so I tried running the application on a beefier desktop PC that regularly runs another DirectX 11 application (non-Qt) without a hitch (worth mentioning that this other application renders similar data in a scrolling display as well, using shaders that are a lot more complex). But my QT application hangs the driver on that PC as well.
Anyone know of a way I can get a more detailed description of what is causing the driver to hang?
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
UPDATE: 2013-08-01 17:16 CST
I am currently investigating a possible thread syncing issue that may be the culprit. Will continue tomorrow morning and post if I solve this on my own.
After some testing today, it appears to have been a threading issue. I have run several times today with no graphics crash. So my problem must be fixed, unless I've just been getting lucky with my tests today (or unlucky, rather - if this shows its ugly face again in a day or two).
I was aware that the immediate device context is not thread safe. Rather than using deferred contexts, though, I was using critical sections to sync my threads and coordinate use of the device context. What I did not realize is that it is not safe to call IDXGISwapChain1::Present while another thread is using the device context. Makes sense, but since it is not call directly from the device context itself, I overlooked it. I literally moved my Present() call a few lines up into my critical section block, and it hasn't given me a crash since.

The process or thread has changed since last step

I'm debugging some of my code on Visual Studio. This code belongs to a custom Session Provider that I created, and I'm debugging it on my web application launch. It starts initializing my provider, and on that function I have a breakpoint that is being hit successfully the first time. However, that same breakpoint is being hit again, but it has a small blue icon and if you hover over, this message is displayed:
The process or thread has changed since last step
On my research I've found several kinds of answers, from people saying that the breakpoint is hitting a different assembly to some others saying that the breakpoint has been hit from a different thread.
Does anybody know what does this really mean?
When you have multiple threads running the same piece of code and you have a breakpoint there, Visual Studio will stop the execution every time any of those threads hit the breakpoint.
This will happen for every thread, in an unpredictable order.
When you are debugging step by step on your code, another thread can execute the code that you were debugging and hit the breakpoint. Visual Studio will let you know about this by putting that blue circle with the exclamation mark on the next statement arrow.
See more here: Debug Multithreaded Applications in Visual Studio
This icon simply means the breakpoint was hit on a different thread than the last thread you were on. It doesn't affect the program behavior at all.

Calling functions in Qt from third-party DLL works in debug mode, crashes in release

I use a third-party DLL (FTD2xx) to communicate with an external device. Using Qt4, in debug mode everything works fine, but the release crashes silently after successfully completing a called function. It seems to crash at return, but if I write something to the console (with qDebug) at the end of the function, sometimes it does not crash there, but a few, or few dozen lines later.
I suspect a not properly cleaned stack, what the debug build can survive, but the release chokes on it. Did someone encounter a similar problem? The DLL itself cannot be changed, as the source is not available.
It seems the reduction of the optimization level was the only way around. The DLL itself might have problems, as a program which does nothing but calls a single function from that DLL crashes the same way if optimization is turned on.
Fortunately, the size and speed lost by the change in optimization level is negligible.
Edit: for anyone with similar problems on Qt 5.0 or higher: If you change the optimization level (for example, to QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE = -O0), it's usually not enough to just rebuild the application. A full "clean all" is required.
Be warned - the EPANET library is not thread safe, it contains a lot of global variables.
Are you calling two methods of that library from different threads?

Silverlight Multiple Application Debugging

I have three Silverlight 3 applications in the same solution. In my hosting project I have a seperate page for all three projects. When I navigate between the pages, the only Silverlight breakpoints that get hit are the ones the initial page I load.
This problem has only started recently. I used to be able to debug between all silverlight projects at the same time. Any ideas? I have deleted the ClientBin folder, I have deleted all files and re-retrieved from source control. Nothing seems to be working.
"The problem has only started recently". What changed? Here are some guesses:-
You upgraded to Windows 7
You installed some more memory
Some other memory guzzling app is no longer running when you are testing.
By default IE8 will run multiple processes at least 2. One for the browser frame and one for the content of the intial tab. As you open more windows and tabs IE may add new processes to the set it is currently using.
When you debug VS will launch an new IE8 session and will attach to the process handling the content of the single tab that is open, (it doesn't bother attaching to the parent frame process). However as you navigate about your application IE8 will start new process that VS won't be attached to. This forces you to open the Attach to Process dialog and do it manually.
You can control this IE8 feature (called BTW LCIE, Loosely Coupled IE) from the Registry.
In the Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main add a new DWORD value TabProcGrowth. Set its value to 1. Now IE8 will only ever create 2 processes per session one for the frame and one for all the tab and window contents which is the one the VS will attach to.
This perhaps is a bit draconian if you also use IE8 as your general browser. One option is to leave IE8 for test purposes and use another browser for general browsing. Another option is a variation of the above. Instead of creating TabProcGrowth as a DWORD create it as a string type instead and set is value to "small". In this mode IE8 is much less aggressive in the number of processes it will open. Of course you could create a couple of scripts to create and delete the registry entry.
Note without the registry entry IE8 uses its own hueristics that depends on available memory etc to determine if a new process is warrented or not. This might explain why in the past your debugging worked and that for apparently no reason it stopped working.
Here was the issue:
One of my child windows had a Silverlight that calling a .Net Ria Service. The service call ended in an error.
The next time several I debugged, the debugger did not attach to the child windows. I had to attach to the child windows manually.
I fixed the Ria Service call so that it did not end in an error. And had to manually attach to the child windows in that debugging session. However in subsequent debugging sessions, the debugger automatically attached.
I tried breaking the Ria Service call and I had to manually attache again. What is a little weird is that closing Visual Studio and even rebooting the machine does not make Visual Studio automatically attach again. You have to have a debugging session where the child window make a sucessful call to a Ria Service to fix it.
The RIA error that was breaking my debugger was caused by a misspelled include in the domain query (ie...
return Context.SOME_ENTITY.Include("Misspelled_Association_Property");
) not all RIA exceptions cause this problem.
My scenario has a number of specific cases that I will go over. I don't have all the things handy to test a more general scenario, but I will when I finish my project unless someone does this first.
Here is what I have:
I am using the a LinqToEntitiesDomainService from the July 2009 Preview release of .Net RIA Services.
To complicate things a little more, since my application is using an Oracle backend, I am using DevArt's dotConnect Entities provider as the EntityFramework model for my domain service.
When I get time, I will try this on the Nov 2009 RIA and a standard SQL backend and EF to see if I still have the same issue. If this is the case I will report it to Microsoft as a visual studio bug.
