Firebase permissions based on user's role - firebase

In my application I am supposed to have three kinds of roles:
Store: Can do whatever kind of reads and writes on anything bellow their owned key;
Customers: Can create their chat keys only underneath their designated store; Once a chat is created they can only push to the message child, on their own chats;
Attendants: Can only update chats which are designated to them, and insert under their messages tag.
The database is something similar to:
"$store_id": {
"owner": STORE_ID,
"chats": {
"$chat_id": {
"owner": COSTUMER,
"attendant": ATTENDANT,
"messages": {
"$message_id": {
"owner": CUSTOMER_ID
I can't figure out how I can achieve this behavior because:
If a permission is applied to a top level node, their children can't override it;
If someone crack into the database with valid credentials (i.e.: customers'), they can assume whatever role they want;
How this kind of issue is managed in Firebase?


Authorize access to write and delete only if the user knows the node - Rules Firebase

I face an issue : I want the user of my web program to write and delete data in firebase only if he knows where it is and I don't understand what rules have to apply to that.
For instance, my user has an id which is '785475' and I want to only give him access to '/data/785475'. How do I do that please?
Do I have to use authentification?
Thanks in advance and please have a nice day!
In Firebase security rules permission cascades. So in your model and requirement, it is important that the user doesn't have read access to /data, as that means they could read /data and all nodes under it.
To the trick is to only grant them access to the individual child nodes of /data:
"rules": {
"data": {
"$any": {
".write": true
With the above nodes, a user can delete any existing node that the know the key of, but they can't read (or query) the entire /data node to determine those keys.
To only allow them to overwrite existing data, and not create any new nodes, you can do:
"rules": {
"data": {
"$any": {
".write": "data.exists()"
For more on this, and other examples, check out the Firebase documentation on new vs existing data.

Firebase db rule to prevent delete related to another node

Assume that we have two nodes: "items" and "sales". How can I write a firebase db rule to prevent any item being deleted if it is related in another node. If a user wants to delete ("items\i01") it should not give permission because it is a relation under ("sales\s01\i01")
"items": {
"i01": {
"name": "item1"
"i02": {
"name": "item2"
"sales": {
"s01": {
"itemKey": "i01",
"price": "45"
"s02": {
"itemKey": "i02",
"price": "60"
Security rules can check whether data exists at a known path, but cannot perform searches for data across (a branch of) the JSON tree. So in your current data structure, there is no way to prevent the deletion of the item based on it still being referenced.
The typical solution would be to add a data structure that you can check in security rules to see if the item is still referenced anywhere. This would pretty much be an inverse of your current sales node, which tracks the items in a sale. The inverse node would track the sales for any item:
"sales_per_item": {
"i01": {
"s01": true
"i02": {
"s02": true
You will need to make sure that this new structure (sometimes called an inverted index) is updated to say in sync with sales, both in code and in security rules.
With that in place, you can then prevent deletion of an item that still has references with:
"rules": {
"items": {
"$itemid": {
".write": "!newData.exists() && !newData.parent().parent().child('sales_per_item').child($itemid).exists()"
As an alternative, you can consider moving the deletion logic into a Cloud Function, where you can do the "check for orders with the item" in code, instead of in security rules.
I also recommend reading these:
How to write denormalized data in Firebase
Patterns for security with Firebase: combine rules with Cloud Functions for more flexibility
Patterns for security with Firebase: offload client work to Cloud Functions

How to password protect certain nodes in Firebase Realtime Database

I'm creating a chat room with a Fireabse Realtime Database backend and I want some of the rooms to be password protected. I have a rough idea of how that could work but I'm having trouble fully fleshing it out. Say my structure is like this:
Chatrooms : {
-randomID : {
roomName: 'Chatroom 1',
password: 'foobar'
messages: {
I could set up security structure as such for rooms that need a passwords:
'Chatrooms' : {
-randomID : {
'roomName': 'Chatroom 1',
'password': 'foobar',
'.read': "data.child('validatedUsers/*user's uid*').val() === true",
'validatedUsers' : {
*user's uid* : true,
*other user's uid* : true,
'messages': {
'.read': false
This way (as I understand it) I can add user's who have been granted access to the validatedUsers object and if they are in the list then the top level .read will override the 'messages' read.
My problem is I can't figure out a secure way to get the password, check it against what the user entered, and then enter them into the validatedUsers object. Since it wouldn't be secure to do so no the client would I need a cloud function of some sort to do the checks? Now that I think about it I would likely need a cloud function to hash the password anyway?

Setting hierarchical rules in firebase by comparing array to an array in firebase security rules

I am making realtime chat of my app using firebase. The login is userId based. so the auth.uid is this userId. A user is owner of many profiles(say of his family members), and a profile can belong to multiple users(say a child profile can belong to his father and mother). Now a chat is always on behalf of a profile(i.e. a father and wife can send chatMessage on behalf of their son). I want to set security rules for this chat.
The issues which I am facing are
Only the users whose profile has created a chat-message can edit that message. I am unable to set this security as I would have to compare an array to an array for which I have to write a function in security rules which firebase does not allow.
//...Other user data(like email, phone no.) which might be required
users:{},//I want to avoid putting this field as least as possible, but if its very critical for setting security, then there is no avoiding it.
lastMessage:"hello world"
//...Other chat meta data(like last message,etc) which might be required
message1Id:{ //these are randomly generated messageIds by firebase
message:"hello world",
timestamp:1459361875337 //can be replaced by a standard date time format
//Rules for reading the realtime database
//The list of profiles can be put in the payload of the auth token (auth.profiles) which is not implemented yet
$userId:{ //A user can only read/write/modify his $userId key-value object
"./read": "$userId == auth.uid"
$profileId:{ //Can be read/write/modified by Users who have access to this profiles.
".read": "root.child('Users').child(auth.uid).child('profiles').child($profileId).exists()"
$chatRoomId:{ //Only the profiles who are present in its "members" keys can read it and a profile can only modify his $profileId entry in "members".
".read": "data.child('users').child(auth.uid).exists()"
$chatRoomId:{ //Only the profiles who are present in "ChatMetadata.$chatRoodId.members" keys can read it and push new values in it.(optional: modification to a child can be done only if that profile belongs to "ChatMetadata.$chatRoodId.members" & his profileId==the child.profileId)
TL;DR: Can I compare array to an array in firebase security rules to set hierarchical rules

Restrict querying by a certain child value in security rules

I'm struggling to come up with the best way to structure part of my database and its associated security rules.
I have chat groups, and users can be added to those groups at any point. When users are added to a group, they should be able to retrieve only the messages sent after that. It shouldn't be possible for them to retrieve any messages that were sent before they (the users) were added to the group.
My first approach wrongly assumed that security rules would apply only to the data being queried.
Simplifying it for this question, I had the following structure:
"groups": {
"-Kb9fw20GqapLm_b8JNE": {
"name": "Cool people"
"groupUsers": {
"-Kb9fw20GqapLm_b8JNE": {
"3JzxHLv4b6TcUBvFL64Tyt8dTXJ2": {
"timeAdded": 1230779183745
"timeAdded": 1480113719485
"groupMessages": {
"-Kb9fw20GqapLm_b8JNE": {
"-KbKWHv4J4XN22aLMzVa": {
"from": "3JzxHLv4b6TcUBvFL64Tyt8dTXJ2",
"text": "Hello",
"timeSent": "1358491277463"
"-KfHxtwef6_S9C5huGLI": {
"from": "S2GMKFPOhVhzZL7q4xAVFIHTmRC3",
"text": "Goodbye",
"timeSent": "1493948817230"
And these security rules:
"rules": {
"groupMessages": {
".indexOn": "timeSent",
"$groupKey": {
".read": "root.child('groupUsers').child(auth.uid).child($groupKey).child('timeAdded').val() <= data.child('timeSent').val()"
".write": "!data.exists() && root.child('groupUsers').child(auth.uid).child($groupKey).exists() && newData.child('from').val() === auth.uid",
With that, I figured I could retrieve the messages for a particular group like so:
var myTimeAdded = /* already retrieved from the database */;
.on('child_added', /* ... */);
But like I said, that was a wrong assumption. Any suggestion on how I could achieve this?
Read rules are enforced at the location where you attach a listener.
So in your case that is groupMessages/-Kb9fw20GqapLm_b8JNE. If your user has read permission there the listener is allowed. If the user does not have read permission, the listener is rejected/cancelled.
This means that rules cannot be used to filter data. We often refer to this as "rules are not filters" and it's one of the most common pitfalls for developers who are new to Firebase's security model. See:
the section rules are not filters in the Firebase documentation
previous questions about Firebase that mention "rules are not filters"
By themselves your rules are not wrong: they only allow access to each specific child if it's not too old. They just don't allow you to run a query on groupMessages/-Kb9fw20GqapLm_b8JNE anymore.
The common way to work around this is to have a separate structure (commonly called an "index") with the keys of the items that your query would otherwise return. In your case it looks like that might turn into a index for each user with the keys of all messages after they joined.
But I'll be honest, it sounds like you're trying to use security rules in a SQL way here. It seems unlikely that the user isn't allowed to see older messages. More likely is that you don't want the user to be bother by the older messages. In that case, I'd just solve it with a query (as you already have) and remove the ".read" rule.
