Golang: Function to determine the arity of functions? - reflection

Is it possible to write a function to determine the arity of arbitrary functions, such that:
func mult_by_2(x int) int {
return 2 * x
fmt.Println(arity(mult_by_2)) //Prints 1
func add(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
fmt.Println(arity(add)) //Prints 2
func add_3_ints(a, b, c int) int {
return b + a + c
fmt.Println(arity(add_3_ints)) //Prints 3

You can write such a function using the reflect package:
import (
func arity(value interface{}) int {
ref := reflect.ValueOf(value)
tpye := ref.Type()
if tpye.Kind() != reflect.Func {
// You could define your own logic here
panic("value is not a function")
return tpye.NumIn()


get all ranges between map keys golang

So I have following structs, and I want to iterate through FiniteSet to get all ranges between the actual keys from the range. By that I mean get ranges excluding the keys. The reason for float64 is because I want to handle Math.inf() too. I am not sure if this is the best approach though.
type (
FiniteSet struct {
set map[float64]nothing
nothing struct{}
Range struct {
lowerBoundary float64
upperBoundary float64
map[float64]nothing {
math.Inf(-1): nothing{},
1: nothing{},
2: nothing{},
5: nothing{},
math.Inf(): nothing{}
I want the output to be yield
[]Range {
Range{math.inf(-1), 0},
Range{6, math.Inf()}
I would include my attempt on the implementation, if it weren't such a mess. I doubt it will provide anything but confusion to the question.
package main
import (
type (
FiniteSet struct {
set map[float64]nothing
nothing struct{}
Range struct {
lowerBoundary float64
upperBoundary float64
func main() {
data := map[float64]nothing{
math.Inf(-1): nothing{},
1: nothing{},
2: nothing{},
5: nothing{},
math.Inf(1): nothing{},
r := process(data)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", r)
func process(data map[float64]nothing) []Range {
keys := make([]float64, 0)
for k := range data {
keys = append(keys, k)
r := make([]Range, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(keys)-1; i++ {
if 1 == keys[i+1]-keys[i] {
var current Range
if keys[i] == math.Inf(-1) {
current.lowerBoundary = keys[i]
} else {
current.lowerBoundary = keys[i] + 1
if keys[i+1] == math.Inf(1) {
current.upperBoundary = keys[i+1]
} else {
current.upperBoundary = keys[i+1] - 1
r = append(r, current)
return r

own len function with recursion in Go

I'm trying to build simple function to count elements in slice (like len) It must be simple (without additional libs) and with recursion. The problem is when i try to check is slice is empty (is nul).
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
x := []int{1, 2, 3}
func len2(s []int) int {
if s == nil {
return 0
return 1 + len2(s[1:])
the result it should be in this example '3'.
It's broken in if s == nil:
panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range
It panics because you have no valid termination condition.
When your len2() is called with a non-nil empty slice, it attempts to slice it like s[1:], which will be a runtime panic.
Instead of checking for nil slice, check if the slice is empty by comparing its length to 0:
func len2(s []int) int {
if len(s) == 0 {
return 0
return 1 + len2(s[1:])
Try it on the Go Playground.
If you can't use the builtin len() function (which you already did in your solution), you may use the for ... range:
func len2(s []int) int {
size := 0
for i := range s {
size = i + 1
return size
Try this on the Go Playground.
And if it must be recursive, then for example:
func len2(s []int) int {
size := 0
for range s {
size = 1 + len2(s[1:])
return size
Try this on the Go Playground.
But know that these are awful solutions compared to using the builtin len().
The following is not a solution with better performance than len but an implementation that does not use any extra libraries and depends on recursion to find length
func len2(s []int) (count int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
count = 0
return 1 + len2(s[1:])
Here is sample code
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var x []int = nil
var x1 = []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
var x2 = []int{}
var x3 = make([]int, 10, 20)
func len2(s []int) (count int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
count = 0
return 1 + len2(s[1:])
Checkout the same in playground
If you can leave without recursion here is a function that does not use len() and should be faster then re-slicing recursively.
func len2(s []int) (count int) {
for i := range s {
count = i + 1
If you do not want to use len() func, you can use cap()
func main() {
x := []int{1, 2, 3}
func len2(s []int) int {
if cap(s) == 0 {
return 0
return 1 + len2(s[1:])
Try it again
Original Answer:
In order to check if an array (slice) is empty, you should use the function len()
if len(s) == 0 {
return 0
Try it

golang how to print struct value with pointer

package main
import "fmt"
type A struct {
a int32
B *B
type B struct {
b int32
func main() {
a := &A{
a: 1,
B: &B{
b: 2,
fmt.Printf("v ==== %+v \n", a)
//ret: v ==== &{a:1 B:0xc42000e204}
//??? how to print B's content but not pointer
Basically, you have to do it yourself. There are two ways to do this. Either just print the thing how you want, or implement the Stringer interface for the struct by adding a func String() string, which gets called when you use the format %v. You could also reference each value in the format which is a struct.
Implementing the Stringer interface is the surest way to always get what you want. And you only have to do it once per struct, instead of per format string when you print.
package main
import "fmt"
type A struct {
a int32
B *B
type B struct{ b int32 }
func (aa *A) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("A{a:%d, B:%v}",aa.a,aa.B)
func (bb *B) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("B{b:%d}",bb.b)
func main() {
a := &A{a: 1, B: &B{b: 2}}
// using the Stringer interface
fmt.Printf("v ==== %v \n", a)
// or just print it yourself however you want.
fmt.Printf("v ==== A{a:%d, B:B{b:%d}}\n", a.a, a.B.b)
// or just reference the values in the struct that are structs themselves
// but this can get really deep
fmt.Printf("v ==== A{a:%d, B:%v}", a.a, a.B)
When you get into larger structs, it becomes a pain to write a bunch of custom String functions. Goconvey currently uses the following project to show diffs and expected/actual output on structs of any size: https://github.com/luci/go-render/blob/master/render/render.go#L51. It includes displaying pointer values.
If you need the output to be re-usable as code (like fmt.Printf("%#v", a) but include pointer values), I have a forked version of the above project which will render full nested pointers as re-usable code:
package main
import (
type A struct {
a int32
B *B
type B struct {
b int32
func main() {
a := &A{
a: 1,
B: &B{
b: 2,
output := render.AsCode(a)
// outputs: "&A{a:1, B:&B{b:2}}" compared to initial version of "&{a:1 B:0xc42000e204}"
Go Playground Example:
Another simple solution is to print the struct using marshaling. This works only for exported (public) variables by capitalizing the first char inside the struct.
package main
import (
type A struct {
Aa int32
B *B
type B struct {
Bb int32
func main() {
a := &A{
Aa: 1,
B: &B{
Bb: 2,
aJSON, _ := json.Marshal(a)
fmt.Printf("JSON Print - \n%s\n", string(aJSON))
aYAML, _ := yaml.Marshal(a)
fmt.Printf("YAML Print - \n%s\n", string(aYAML))
Output :-
JSON Print -
YAML Print -
aa: 1
bb: 2
If you are printing the struct multiple times then implement Stringer interface as follows :-
package main
import (
type A struct {
Aa int32
B *B
func (a A) String() string {
bytes, _ := yaml.Marshal(a)
return string(bytes)
type B struct {
Bb int32
func main() {
a := &A{
Aa: 1,
B: &B{
Bb: 2,
fmt.Printf("YAML Print - \n%+v\n", a)
Output -
YAML Print -
aa: 1
bb: 2
Use fmt and reflect.
package main
import (
type A struct {
a int32
B *B
type B struct {
b int32
func main() {
a := &A{
a: 1,
B: &B{
b: 2,
fmt.Printf("%s\n", GetGoString(a)) // output: &A{a: 1, B: &B{b: 2}}
func GetGoString(v interface{}) string {
return getGoString(reflect.ValueOf(v))
func getGoString(v reflect.Value) string {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Invalid:
return "nil"
case reflect.Struct:
t := v.Type()
out := getTypeString(t) + "{"
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
out += ", "
fieldValue := v.Field(i)
field := t.Field(i)
out += fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", field.Name, getGoString(fieldValue))
out += "}"
return out
case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
if v.IsZero() {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s)(nil)", getTypeString(v.Type()))
return "&" + getGoString(v.Elem())
case reflect.Slice:
out := getTypeString(v.Type())
if v.IsZero() {
out += "(nil)"
} else {
out += "{"
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
out += ", "
out += getGoString(v.Index(i))
out += "}"
return out
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", v)
func getTypeString(t reflect.Type) string {
if t.PkgPath() == "main" {
return t.Name()
return t.String()
Implement Stringer interface to custom type
no external packages
no need to wrap types in other types
package main
import "fmt"
type A struct {
B *B `json:"b"`
type B int
func (b *B) String() string {
if b == nil {
return "nil"
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", *b)
func main() {
var a A
fmt.Printf("a: %+v\n", a)
a.B = B(3)
fmt.Printf("a: %+v\n", a)
a: {B:nil}
a: {B:3}

How to implement GetStringValueByField(n interface{}, field_name string) string

I am trying to implement a method to get a value from a arbitrary struct-field as a string given by the struct and the fieldname as a string.
With reflect it is always panicing.
panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.FieldByName on interface Value
goroutine 16 [running]
// attempt to implement GetStringValueByFieldName()
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
import "strconv"
func main() {
a:=Order{A:"asdf", B:123}
fmt.Println(Test1(a, "A"))
fmt.Println(Test1(a, "B"))
type Order struct {
A string
B int64
func Test1 (n interface{}, field_name string) string {
var x string
s := reflect.ValueOf(&n).Elem()
x, ok := s.FieldByName(field_name).Interface().(string)
if ok {
return x
func GetStringValueByFieldName(n interface{}, field_name string) string {
ps := reflect.ValueOf(&n)
// struct
s := ps.Elem()
if s.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
f := s.FieldByName(field_name)
if f.IsValid() {
if f.CanSet() {
if f.Kind() == reflect.Int {
return strconv.FormatInt(f.Int(),10)
if f.Kind() == reflect.String {
return f.String()
return ""
Here's how to get a string field by name:
package main
import (
func main() {
a := Order{A: "asdf", B: 123}
fmt.Println(GetStringValueByFieldName(a, "A"))
fmt.Println(GetStringValueByFieldName(&a, "A"))
fmt.Println(GetStringValueByFieldName(a, "B"))
fmt.Println(GetStringValueByFieldName(0, "B"))
fmt.Println(GetStringValueByFieldName(a, "C"))
type Order struct {
A string
B int64
func GetStringValueByFieldName(n interface{}, field_name string) (string, bool) {
s := reflect.ValueOf(n)
if s.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
s = s.Elem()
if s.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return "", false
f := s.FieldByName(field_name)
if !f.IsValid() {
return "", false
switch f.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return f.Interface().(string), true
case reflect.Int:
return strconv.FormatInt(f.Int(), 10), true
// add cases for more kinds as needed.
return "", false
// or use fmt.Sprint(f.Interface())

How can go-lang curry?

In functional programming likes Haskell, I can define function
add a b = a+b
Then add 3 will return a function that take one parameter and will return 3 + something
How can I do this in GO?
When I define a function that take more than one (say n) parameters, can I only give it one parameter and get another function that take n-1 parameters?
Sorry for the imprecise words in my original question.
I think my question should be asked as two qeustions:
Is there partial application in GO?
How GO do function curry?
Thanks TheOnly92 and Alex for solving my second question. However, I am also curious about the first question.
To extend on the previous answer, which allows you to take an arbitrary number of arguments:
package main
import (
func mkAdd(a int) func(...int) int {
return func(b... int) int {
for _, i := range b {
a += i
return a
func main() {
add2 := mkAdd(2)
add3 := mkAdd(3)
fmt.Println(add2(5,3), add3(6))
Perhaps something like
package main
import (
func mkAdd(a int) func(int) int {
return func(b int) int {
return a + b
func main() {
add2 := mkAdd(2)
add3 := mkAdd(3)
fmt.Println(add2(5), add3(6))
You can take it a step further by defining a function type and then adding a method to it.
package main
import "fmt"
type Add func(int, int) int
func (f Add) Apply(i int) func(int) int {
return func(j int) int {
return f(i, j)
func main() {
var add Add = func(i, j int) int { return i + j }
add3 := add.Apply(3)
fmt.Println("add 3 to 2:", add3(2))
You can even try with variadic functions:
package main
import "fmt"
type Multiply func(...int) int
func (f Multiply) Apply(i int) func(...int) int {
return func(values ...int) int {
values = append([]int{i}, values...)
return f(values...)
func main() {
var multiply Multiply = func(values ...int) int {
var total int = 1
for _, value := range values {
total *= value
return total
var times2 Multiply = multiply.Apply(2)
fmt.Println("times 2:", times2(3, 4), "(expect 24)")
// ... and you can even cascade (if assigned the Multiply type)
times6 := times2.Apply(3)
fmt.Println("times 6:", times6(2, 3, 5, 10), "(expect 1800)")
Hope this helps!
