Gulp — how to get lazy, ‘make’-like building? - css

I am using gulp for css and js processing. Sometimes I am missing the good old lazyness of the unix make command:
only generate transformed (whatsover, e.g. compilation) files from original files, that have actually changed (based on time stamps).
this is true from stage 1 to 2 (.cpp -> .o), stage 2 to 3 (linking or other stuff) whatever your dependency graph gives...
Make is not limited to source code: You can do image manipulation in several steps (efficiently ‘lazy’ generation of downscaled thumbs for example) or much else. All based on the fairly simple rule: „is at least one of the source files newer in respect to the current output file(s)?“
Unlike gulp, every step generates (more or less temporary) files, not a continuous pipe.
Is there a way, to get the same kind of lazyness in gulp**, i.e. when generating css?
only transform those (less|sass|stylus) files➝css if something changed (on the very respective file)
same for adding in browser prefixes, concat, minify
Admittedly, beyond the first 1 or 2 steps, the output is most likely already a single stream. So any change means ‘touched’. Still, when playing for example with minify options, I'd rather be lazy about the early transpile, prefixing and concat stages (drawing prior results from a temp file). Also on the javascript side ( typeScript, ... )
lazypipe and gulp-cache sound tempting but are something else, if I understand correctly. Saying .watch() is also only a partial answer, for the very first stage.
Is there a more generic approach?

If you're set on using Gulp, then this would seem to be the way to do it. It involves the gulp-cached and gulp-remember plugins.


Altering .cpp to make mechanically unsoloable bosses --> fully soloable

What would I need to change in the following .cpp files to make that encounter fully soloable?
(How could I prevent adds from spawning, or alternatively, reduce the number of eggs that initially spawn?)
(How could I prevent bone spike graveyard from ever being cast)
(How can I make it so the encounter ends successfully when Valithria is healed any amount instead of to 100%)
(No idea here)
Mechanically unsoloable encounters; looking for simple changes in .cpp to make soloable.

Why Juila module have to be prefixed with dot?

Why module using .A has to be prefixed with dot? It doesn't work if you omit the dot.
File ./A.jl
module A
export sayHi
function sayHi()
File ./Main.jl
using .A # <= Why it has to be prefixed with dot?
Running, start REPL and type
Part 2
And if you move file A.jl to different location, like ../some-dir/A.jl it has to be prefixed to two dots using ..A. Why?
Because you define module A inside your current module. The dot means "look inside the current module for this".
After digging it deeper - it seems like the answer is - don't use modules.
The documentation is wrong, it says
When in reality, the module usage is heavily tied to the location of files, it could be using Foo, using .Foo, using ..Foo or using Main.Foo - depending on the location of the Foo module relative to the file that imports it. In my personal opinion - something is very wrong with that design.
No support in the VSCode Editor, it doesn't understand using ..Foo. There are other ways to use modules, including altering startup.jl or JULIA_LOAD_PATHS - none of it works either. I assume nobody noticing these problems because nobody actually using modules.
Top answer on YCombinator - gives the same answer - the best way to use modules in Julia - is to not use it at all

Obtaining the QAST of a Perl 6 file from another program

This is related to this question on accesing the POD, but it goes further than that. You can easily access the Abstract Syntax Tree of a Perl 6 program using:
perl6 --target=ast -e '"Þor is mighty!".say'
This will print the whole Q abstract syntax tree. It's not too clear how to make this from your own program, or I haven't found how to do it. In fact, the CoreHackers::Q module runs that as an external script. But being able to access it from your own program, like
use QAST; # It does not exist
my $this-qast = QAST::Load("some-external-file.p6") # Would want something like this
would be great. I'm pretty sure it should be possible, at the NQP level and probably in a Rakudo-dependent way. Does someone know hot it goes?
Since QAST is not a part of the Perl 6 language specification, but an internal implementation detail of Rakudo, there's no official way to do this. Eventually there will be an AST form that is part of the language specification, but that doesn't yet exist (the 007 project which is working on exploring this area).
It is, however, possible to obtain the QAST tree by using:
use nqp;
my $ast = nqp::getcomp("perl6").eval("say 42", :target<ast>);
say $ast.dump();

What could be wrong with my premake5 script that it takes so long to build a solution

I am using premake5 version 0.06 to generate a vs2012 project that contains 3000+ files in a directory tree that goes about 2 levels deep.
The project contains 6 configurations and 3 platforms.
It takes approximately 2 minutes to bake the configurations and then about 10 seconds to process the action and write out the solution and project files.
I am wondering if this is the expected time for this number of files or whether I can optimise my premake scripts to improve the bake times?
I make use of a number of overrides and I include my files by making use of wildcards.
files {
Is it better to put all options under one filter?
For convenience of setup I have options setup by different functions and so effectively list the same filter multiple times for different options e.g.
setupOption1 = function(args)
filters( "platforms:win" )
--set up option1
setupOption2 = function(args)
filters( "platforms:win" )
--set up option2
--with the project
--global setup
language "C++"
kind "WindowedApp"
--individual options
That does sound a little long, but as this is still an alpha build performance isn't being as closely monitored right now. There is an open pull request to reduce memory usage that might help?
In general, fewer filters should help, but I would be surprised if it made a dramatic difference (unless you really have a lot).
I found that using ** wildcards in a files filter slows the build right down.
filter {"files:**_win.cpp", "platforms:not win"}
flags "ExcludeFromBuild"
filter {"files:**_xone.cpp", "platforms:not xone"}
flags "ExcludeFromBuild"
filter {"files:**_ps4.cpp", "platforms:not ps4" }
flags "ExcludeFromBuild"
If I comment out these filters, the configuration now takes about 30 seconds to build.

How to `diff` files to create a "common" file?

I have a slew of CSS files to go through where someone just grunted through making alterations to various core stylesheets on a number of subsites. Obviously if the original developer had had some foresight they would have just included a master stylesheet and overridden the necessary elements…
I first started off with comm thinking that it might do the trick, but quickly found that it needed to receive a sorted input file.
I then switched over to diff and have gotten down to the following through some reading and research:
diff --unchanged-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" --old-group-format='' --new-group-format='' --changed-group-format='' file_1.css file_2.css
The previous obviously is almost there, but:
A) I need to grep out the ## lines (which should be fine, right? At first glance this appears right, but does diff throw in any other unexpected lines that need to be yanked?) and then
B) I need to create two more files that first is the leftover unique lines from file_1.css and then the leftover unique lines of file_2.css.
Obviously the first "in common" file will go into an include folder and then be included into the two latter created files as a #import url("common.css");
I am thinking that the following simple alteration will create the latter two files to which I'm referring:
diff --unchanged-group-format='' --old-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" --new-group-format='' --changed-group-format='' file_1.css file_2.css
diff --unchanged-group-format='' --old-group-format='' --new-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" file_1.css file_2.css
Sample files:
file 1:
file 2:
So for example, upon executing a test of the following:
diff --unchanged-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" --old-group-format='' --new-group-format='' --changed-group-format='' file_1.css file_2.css | egrep -v "^##\d*" > common.css
diff --unchanged-group-format='' --old-group-format="## %dn,%df%c'\012'%<" --new-group-format='' --changed-group-format='' file_1.css file_2.css | egrep -v "^##\d*" > old.css
And then searching for body with egrep "^body" *css, it yielded only a body in common.css and none in old.css, whereas it showed that there were two different entries in file_1.css and file_2.css. So obviously this methodology is flawed.
How would one about creating these two files that would ultimately become the common include and the override files?
#ylluminate, you have a couple of options:
use BeyondCompare to visually verify the differences. It does a fantastic job comparing similar files. It allows saving common lines/left only lines/right only lines. Only downside is it is interactive and if you have a lot of files, will take some time. On the positive side, it looks like you want to build trust first by testing it out a few times.
Add formatting text for --changed-group-format and capture modified code (and the old code as your command does it now). You need to run one more comparison to get what is in new code but not in old code. Downside here is the validation is going to be hard.
Saving all the lines in a database table and comparing columns is another option. Take care to store old and new line numbers. Downsides are the data lines need to be unique, blank lines will be chopped off.
I would go with option 1 if i have less than 50 files.
Hope this helps.
PS: I am not associated with BeyondCompare in any way. just a happy user of the software
