I deployed an app almost successfully because the images don't show up. Here is what I did:
created C:\Deployment
copied the release version of MyApp.exe to C:\Deployment
copied all the .dll files from C:\Qt\5.2.1\mingw48_32\bin to C:\Deployment
copied all the folders from C:\Qt\5.2.1\mingw48_32\plugins\ to C:\Deployment
The program runs fine but missing 2 images one displayed on a label and another on a button.
I also tried creating C:\Deployment\qml\MyApp folder in which I moved the images following the direction in the link below with no success.
I have written a small program, what downloads 2 PDFs (marketplace shipping label), depending on a given purchase order on commandline. The App itself is build as unpackaged WinUI3. After downloading the PDFs, the Main Window starts, and the PDFs are visible with WebView2 in 2 different Pages. I included the WindowsSDK in the Build-Output, and its built as framework dependend.
The curious thing now is the following. If i'm starting the App from projects bin directory from commandline, the App works as expected. It downloads the PDFs, the MainWindow launches, and if i'm clicking on the pages, WebView2 launches as Page component and shows the PDF.
I'm planning to deliver it with a Installer (not MSIX), so unpackaged. For testing i copied the content of my bin directory to a new directory under C:\Program Files. If i'm starting the App from that location, with the same arguments, the App starts, i can access the two pages, but the pages are empty. No WebView2 is loaded (or loaded and not visible).
Maybe anyone has seen that too, and knows, how to fix that?
I have created scale-100 folder in UWP project, added multiple images to it with Build Action set to Content and Copy to Output Directory set to Copy Always.
In code I use image name + extension and the images work while debugging locally.
However, when I create package and upload it to Microsoft Store, the application seems to work, but images are not loaded and are not visible.
Anyone could help me with this??
I use time machine and drop box to synchronize stuffs.
Recently I found that some files are gone.
However, the project compiles just fine as if the file is there. My friend cannot compile though.
This is very frustating. I got to find the missing files and then restore it from time machine and then readd that to xcode. I don't even know what files are missing.
I used dropbox and time machine. Looks like file disappear, the file names becomes "red" in xcode for a while and then poof it's gone. Xcode automatically remove the files from the project. The project still compiles fine which is frustating. If the project doesn't compile, I will know ah this file is missing.
Looks like somehow xcode still have the file but doesn't show it. Files is not on finder either.
What could possibly be the explanation and how to fix that.
I have clean projects to make sure that my computer do not use cached files.
It still compile fines in my computer
The file is still missing in project navigator
My friends' computer that uses the EXACT same files (connected to drop box) cannot compile
For example, xcdatamodeld files are crucial. In my computer it still run fine without that file even though that file is obviously needed. Xcode behaves as if the file is there all along.
My friends' try to compile the project and crash.
Also there is a PNG file. In my computer it runs fine with the icons showing up. In my friends computer the icons doesn't show up at all.
For anyone who still have the problem, in my case Xcode6. It turns out somehow the "Show only files with source control status" and "Show recent file button" is enable. It located in the bottom of left sidebar.
This somehow happen after I update os to Yosemite.
Go to the project navigator (top left folder symbol). Files that are not found by XCode are displayed in red. But since your project compiles fine, there should not be any that are required. Now click one of the "missing" files to activate it. Open the utility area on the right side, and show file inspector. Under "location" you find the full path of this file. Probably, your XCode project uses just references to these "missing" files that are stored somewhere else, and not in your project folder.
I had the same problem ..then I added the files explicitly into our project…which resulted into Duplicate Symbols error …we solved that by following….
In Your Project go to targets-
At the bottom Bar of your Targets there are three options..
1.Add Target
2. Validate Settings
3. Build RUle..
Click on validate Settings….it will ask for you to remove the Duplicated files from the project do it…ur project would run fine
I'm trying to create a Qt app with a webview. I started out with a very simple UI with nothing more than a QWebview. When trying ui->webview->SetUrl("http://google.com"); the application crashes on something with openssl.
Auto configuration failed
3348:error:0200107B:system library:fopen:Unknown error:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:169:fopen('c:cygwinhomeAdministrateurbuildslavefull-windows_xp_32buildgpac_extra_libs/c:cygwinhomeAdministrateurbuildslavefull-windows_xp_32buildgpac_extra_libs/ssl/openssl.cnf','rb')
3348:error:2006D002:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:system lib:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:174:
3348:error:0E078002:configuration file routines:DEF_LOAD:system lib:.\crypto\conf\conf_def.c:199:
I continues trying the examples. Domtraversal is one of the easier applications so i tried to build and run this. It works.
Changed the url to "https://gmail.com" which also works (so no ssl issues there).
When i run the debug or release .exe it works normally (qt's bin path is in my path var so there are no dll problems), but when i move the executable to say, my Desktop it does not run.
I've tried several different things:
when i have any tree with the same amount of folders up to "build-domtraversal-Desktop_Qt_5_0_2_MSVC2010_32bit-Debug" as the folder it is build in continues by release with the executable in it (so: c:/test/test/test/test/test/test/build-domtraversal-Desktop_Qt_5_0_2_MSVC2010_32bit-Debug/release/app.exe) it works
When i add folders inside the release folder (...-Debug/release/test/test/app.exe) it works
When i change the name of either "build-domtraversal-Desktop_Qt_5_0_2_MSVC2010_32bit-*" or release folders it does not work (exept for the end of the build folder name)
When i change the name of the app itself it works.
When i change the folder structure to D:/* it does not work
When i turn off shadow build it does not work anymore in debug mode either. Unless i move the output .exe back into a folder structure where it did work.
There must be a path somewhere in the .pro.user or somewhere else i haven't thought about. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Cause right now I'm starting to believe in magic...
I'm having problems with deploying an application on Windows that displays an animated gif. For this purpose I use a QMovie and it works fine if I launch it from QtCreator. I gathered the files that are needed to run the application, and I can launch it just fine, but the gif won't show up.
I read this page and came to the conclusion that I need to add the qgif4.dll plugin which is located in qt/bin/plugins/imageformats. I tried copying it into a plugins folder next to the application, also plugins/imageformats, but it still doesn't work. I also tried to
and copy the qgif4.dll file next to my executable - without any success. How do I fix this?
Put it in ./imageformats, relative to the executable.