Create custom router service - symfony

am creating own framework based on Sf2 commponents and i try to create router service.
I i need that service for generateUrl() method
protected function generateUrl($route, $parameters = array(), $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH)
return $this->get('router')->generate($route, $parameters, $referenceType);
I try this
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
$container->setDefinition('router_loader', new Definition('Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface'));
$container->setDefinition('router', new Definition('Symfony\Component\Routing\Router', array()));
And when i execute in my methodAction
he return me:
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to
Symfony\Component\Routing\Router::__construct() must be an instance of
Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface, none given in
D:\xampp\htdocs\my_fw\vendor\symfony\routing\Router.php on line 95
looking on router constructor i see. I need that interface
public function __construct(LoaderInterface $loader, $resource, array $options = array(), RequestContext $context = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null)
how to avoid that implementation in service?
**New update:** routing.php
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
// Routing
$routes = new RouteCollection();
// Home
$routes->add('home', new Route('/', array(
'_controller' => 'MyCompany\\Controller\\HomeController::indexAction',

You are having this error because you are configuring the router service with no service definition the service definition should have your service arguments which is the source of your error because the container try to create the router with no arguments check this
For better use you can configure the router service in the service.yml/.xml file

Edit: The documentation page for the Routing component has detailed setup instructions
Try injecting the router_loader service as an argument into the router service. For this case you have to use the Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference class.
Routes have to be configured with a config file when using the all in one Router class. You have to use a FileLocator and a real Loader class, like the YamlFileLoader, you can't just use the interface (services generally can't be interfaces in Symfony).
The service container setup for the router service should look like this:
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
// Loads config files from the current directory, change this to
// your liking, or add more than one path
$container->setDefinition('router_config_locator', new Definition(
'Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator', [[__DIR__]]
$container->setDefinition('router_loader', new Definition(
'Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\YamlFileLoader', [
new Reference('router_config_locator'),
new Definition('Symfony\Component\Routing\Router', array(
'loader' => new Reference('router_loader'),
// Definition of routes in Yaml form
'resource' => 'routes.yml',
The routes.yml file contains your route definitions:
path: /home
defaults: {_controller: "MyController:index"}
Also have a look at this documentation page about setting up the routing component, which also talks about setting up the routing without the all in one class and config file.


Symfony2 - Dynamic Doctrine Database Connections at Runtime

I am looking for a good solution to on-the-fly connection of databases within Symfony utilizing Doctrine for entity management.
The scenario I have is that all inbound users to our service will be visiting * addresses, like
We would like to use one Doctrine entity for the Client table to then look up their database credentials based on the URL of their account on the fly.
So far I have found the following topics here on stackoverflow that discuss dynamically changing the database credentials--but no clear workable solutions.
I'd like to propose collaborating to put together a working solution, and I'll put together a blog/tutorial post for other folks looking to modify database connection parameters within Symfony.
Here are some related posts:
Dynamic database connection symfony2
Symfony2, Dynamic DB Connection/Early override of Doctrine Service
If $em is existing entity manager and you want to reuse it's configuration, you can use this:
$conn = array(
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'user' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'dbname' => 'foo'
$new = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create(
I needed to do something similar - runtime discovery of an available database server. I did it by overriding the doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.class parameter and substituting my own derivation of the Doctrine bundle's ConnectionFactory class
My services.yml provides the parameter, pointing at my custom class
doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.class: Path\To\Class\CustomConnectionFactory
Then fill in your discovery logic in Path\To\Class\CustomConnectionFactory.php
namespace Path\To\Class;
use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\ConnectionFactory;
use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration;
class CustomConnectionFactory extends ConnectionFactory
public function createConnection(array $params, Configuration $config = null, EventManager $eventManager = null, array $mappingTypes = array())
// Discover and override $params array here.
// A real-world example might obtain them from zookeeper,
// consul or etcd for example. You'll probably want to cache
// anything you obtain from such a service too.
$params['driver'] = 'pdo_mysql';
$params['host'] = '';
$params['port'] = 3306;
$params['dbname'] = 'foo';
$params['user'] = 'myuser';
$params['password'] = 'mypass';
//continue with regular connection creation using new params
return parent::createConnection($params, $config, $eventManager,$mappingTypes);
Note also that Symfony 3.2 features the ability to use environment variables in container configurations, and to use their values on-demand (rather than fixing them when the container is compiled). See the blog announcement for more details.

Access Service from Controller and/or Twig template

Disclaimer: I'm slowly starting to get into Symfony and still have some problems understanding how the architecture works.
Currently I set up different Bundles (Services, right?) that should deliver different output for different routes. So far I got around adding a simple Twig template that loads stylesheets and scripts via Assetics and Twig-blocks. Now I added another Bundle that queries data via Buzz from a remote location, which worked fine as a standalone script, but I don't get around printing output in a Twig template.
The architecture of the original script is like the following (names made more generic):
Vendors - abstract class that serves as base for all remote request Bundles.
ServiceABC - abstract class that extends Vendors and defines Error handling and output preparation for the ABC service.
ClientXYZ - final class that extends Service_ABC, defines output parsing and normalization of the returned data.
This Bundle got a services.yml file:
# ~/MyApp/Bundle/ServiceABCBundle/Resources/config/services.yml
service_abc_manager.class: MyApp\Bundle\ServiceABCBundle\Models\Service_ABC
location_manager.class: MyApp\Bundle\ServiceABCBundle\Models\Clients\ClientLocation
monitor_manager.class: MyApp\Bundle\ServiceABCBundle\Models\Clients\ClientMonitor
abstract: true
class: %location_manager.class%
parent: service_abc_manager
class: %monitor_manager.class%
parent: service_abc_manager
Names changed for easier reference - Typos by accident possible.
Now my problem/question is, that I don't really get behind the Symfony2 concept of how to get the output into the template.
namespace MyApp\Bundle\ServiceABCBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use MyApp\Bundle\ServiceABCBundle\Models\Clients\ClientLocation;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
$services = array();
$services[] = $this->container->has('service_abc_manager');
$services[] = $this->container->has('location_manager');
$services[] = $this->container->has('client_location');
$services[] = $this->container->has('ClientLocation');
var_dump( $services );
$client = new ClientLocation();
var_dump( $client );
$response = $this->render(
# $response->setCharset( 'utf-8' );
# $response->headers->set( 'Content-Type', 'text/html' );
return $response;
The output of the first array() named $services is always false and the $client = new ClientLocation(); throws an Exception that the class name wasn't found.
How can I access those Services/Bundle(parts)/Classes? And how would I render the output to a template?
After I added the complete tree definition to Configuration()->getConfigTreeBuilder(), I'm able to see the definitions in the CLI:
class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
$treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
$rootNode = $treeBuilder->root( 'myapp_service_abc' );
return $treeBuilder;
The CLI command php app/console config:dump-reference myapp_service_abc now gives me the following output:
service_abc_manager: ~
location_manager: ~
monitor_manager: ~
I can as well see that the config data was loaded, when I var_dump( $loader ); inside MyAppServiceABCExtension right after $loader->load( 'services.yml' ); was called.
The output is the following:
protected 'container' =>
private 'definitions' =>
'service_abc_manager' =>
'location_manager' =>
private 'parent' => string 'service_abc_manager'
// etc.
The problem itself remains: There's still a FALSE return value inside DefaultController()->indexAction() when I var_dump( $this->container->has( 'service_abc_manager' );. I as well tried var_dump( $this->container->has( 'location_manager' ); and var_dump( $this->container->has( 'myapp.service_abc_manager' ); with the same result.
You should not call your services from the twig file, but from the controller.
The role of the controller is to :
validate your forms if there were a form posted
call your services to get some stuffs to display in a view
initialize forms if there is a form to display
return a Response that typically contains a rendered twig view
Do not call your services using something like $client = new ClientLocation();, but call it using the service container. This will allow you to take the whole power of the dependancy injection offered by Symfony2.
Your controller will look like :
namespace MyApp\Bundle\ServiceABCBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
$locationService = $this->container->get('location_manager');
$someStuffs = $locationService->someMethod();
$response = $this->render(
'ServiceABCBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array('stuffs' => $someStuffs)
return $response;
From your twig file, you'll be able to use the stuffs variable :
{{ stuffs }} if your variable is a terminal ( a string, a number... )
{{ stuffs.attribute }} if your variable is an object or an array
About your services file, I am a bit confused, because your architecture does not look to be the standard Symfony2's one :
# ~/MyApp/Bundle/ServiceABCBundle/Resources/config/services.yml
Why your services.yml file isn't in the src/MyApp/SomethingBundle/Resources/config/ directory?
If you didn't already read it, I suggest you to have a look to the Symfony2 : The Big Picture documentation, which is the best way to start with Symfony2.

How to use a cookie in routing configuration in Symfony2?

I have a City parameter stored in a cookie. I would like to include its value as a pattern prefix in my routing configuration like so:
# MyBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml
resource: "#MyBundle/Resources/config/routing/hotel.yml"
prefix: /%cityNameFromCookie%/hotel
How can I achieve that?
Give us a use case on how you would want this to work because I don't see the difficulty. Routes are made of parameters that you can specify through the generateUrl function, the url twig function or the path twig function.
In Twig you can do this
{{ path('MyBundle_hotel', {cityNameFromCookie: app.request.cookies.get('cityNameFromCookie')}) }}
In a controller action
$cookieValue = $this->get('request')->cookies->get('cityNameFromCookie');
$url = $this->generateUrl('MyBundle_hotel', array('cityNameFromCookie' => $cookieValue));
Or from any places that have access to the container
$cookieValue = $this->container->get('request')->cookies->get('cityNameFromCookie');
$url = $this->container->get('router')->generate('MyBundle_hotel', array('cityNameFromCookie' => $cookieValue));
In the last example, you will probably want to change how the container is being accessed.
If you are concerned about how complicated it looks like, you can abstract this logic and put it inside a service or extend the router service.
You can find documentation about services and the service container in the Symfony's documentation.
You can also list the services via the command php app/console container:debug and will find the router service and its namespace and from this you can try to figure out how to extend the router service (a very good way to learn how services work).
Otherwise, here is simple way to create a service.
In your services.yml (either in your Bundle or in app/config/config.yml)
class: MyBundle\Service\CityService
arguments: [#router, #request]
In your CityService class
namespace MyBundle\Service
class CityService
protected $router;
protected $request;
public function __construct($router, $request)
$this->router = $router;
$this->request = $request;
public function generateUrl($routeName, $routeParams, $absoluteUrl)
$cookieValue = $this->request->cookies->get('cityNameFromCookie');
$routeParams = array_merge($routeParams, array('cityNameFromCookie' => $cookieValue));
return $this->router->generateUrl($routeName, $routeParams, $absoluteUrl);
Anywhere you have access to the container, you will be able to do the following
$this->container->get('city')->generateUrl('yourroute', $params);
If you still think that it isn't a great solution; you will have to extend the router service (or find a better way to extend the router component to make it behave the way you are expecting it to).
I personally use the method above so I can pass an entity to a path method in Twig. You can find an example in my MainService class and PathExtension Twig class defined in the services.yml.
In Twig, I can do forum_path('routename', ForumEntity) and in a container aware environment I can do $this->container->get('')->forumPath('routename', ForumEntity).
You should have enough information to make an informed decision

Custom route configuration with Silex

I know that the basis of Silex approach in which all the application logic in a single file. But my application will be possible to have more than twenty controllers. So I want to have a handy map to manage the router.
My question is to search for solutions in which I would be able to make a router to a separate file. In the best case, the file must be of YAML type:
# config/routing.yml
pattern: /
defaults: { _controller: MyProject\Controller\MyController::index }
But the native is also a good case (for me):
$routes = new RouteCollection();
new Route('/', array('controller' => 'MyProject\Controller\MyController::index')
return $routes;
Problem of the second case is that I have to use the match() function for each rule of routing. It is not at all clear.
What are the ways to solve this issue? The condition is that I want to use the existing API Silex or components of Symfony2.
Small note:
I don't use a ControllerProviderInterface for my Controller classes. This is an independent classes.
First of all, the basis of Silex is not that you put everything in one file. The basis of Silex is that you create your own 'framework', your own way of organizing applications.
"Use silex if you are comfortable with making all of your own architecture decisions and full stack Symfony2 if not."
-- Dustin Whittle
Read more about this in this blogpost, created by the creator of Silex.
How to solve your problem
What you basically want is to parse a Yaml file and get the pattern and defaults._controller settings from each route that is parsed.
To parse a Yaml file, you can use the Yaml Component of Symfony2. You get an array back which you can use to add the route to Silex:
// parse the yaml file
$routes = ...;
$app = new Silex\Application();
foreach ($routes as $route) {
$app->match($route['pattern'], $route['defaults']['_controller']);
// ...
I thought I'd add my method here as, although others may work, there isn't really a simple solution. Adding FileLocator / YamlFileLoader adds a load of bulk that I don't want in my application just to read / parse a yaml file.
First, you're going to need to include the relevant files. The symfony YAML component, and a really simple and useful config service provider by someone who actively works on Silex.
"require": {
"symfony/yaml": "~2.3",
"igorw/config-service-provider": "1.2.*"
Let's say that your routes file looks like this (routes.yml):
pattern: /
defaults: { _controller: 'IndexController::indexAction' }
method: GET
Individually register each yaml file. The first key in the file is the name it will be available under your $app variable (handled by the pimple service locator).
$this->register(new ConfigServiceProvider(__DIR__."/../config/services.yml"));
$this->register(new ConfigServiceProvider(__DIR__."/../config/routes.yml"));
// any more yaml files you like
You can get these routes using the following:
$routes = $app['config.routes']; // See the first key in the yaml file for this name
foreach ($routes as $name => $route)
$app->match($route['pattern'], $route['defaults']['_controller'])->bind($name)->method(isset($route['method'])?$route['method']:'GET');
->bind() allows you to 'name' your urls to be used within twig, for example.
->method() allows you to specify POST | GET. You'll note that I defaulted it to 'GET' with a ternary there if the route doesn't specify a method.
Ok, that's how I solved it.
This method is part of my application and called before run():
# /src/Application.php
protected function _initRoutes()
$locator = new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/config');
$loader = new YamlFileLoader($locator);
$this['routes'] = $loader->load('routes.yml');
Application class is my own and it extends Silex\Application.
Configuration file:
# /src/config/routes.yml
pattern: /
defaults: { _controller: '\MyDemoSite\Controllers\DefaultController::indexAction' }
It works fine for me!
I think this is the right option to add collections:
More flexible.
You could extend the routes service (which is a RouteCollection), and load a YAML file with FileLocator and YamlFileLoader:
use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\YamlFileLoader;
$app->extend('routes', function($routeCollection) {
$locator = new FileLocator([__DIR__ . '/../config']);
$loader = new YamlFileLoader($locator);
$collection = $loader->load('routes.yml');
return $routeCollection;
You will need symfony/config and symfony/yaml dependencies though.

How do I read configuration settings from Symfony2 config.yml?

I have added a setting to my config.yml file as such:
For the life of me, I can't figure out how to read it into a variable. I tried something like this in one of my controllers:
$recipient =
But I get an error saying:
The parameter "contact_email" must be
I've cleared my cache, I also looked everywhere on the Symfony2 reloaded site documentation, but I can't find out how to do this.
Probably just too tired to figure this out now. Can anyone help with this?
Rather than defining contact_email within app.config, define it in a parameters entry:
You should find the call you are making within your controller now works.
While the solution of moving the contact_email to parameters.yml is easy, as proposed in other answers, that can easily clutter your parameters file if you deal with many bundles or if you deal with nested blocks of configuration.
First, I'll answer strictly the question.
Later, I'll give an approach for getting those configs from services without ever passing via a common space as parameters.
FIRST APPROACH: Separated config block, getting it as a parameter
With an extension (more on extensions here) you can keep this easily "separated" into different blocks in the config.yml and then inject that as a parameter gettable from the controller.
Inside your Extension class inside the DependencyInjection directory write this:
class MyNiceProjectExtension extends Extension
public function load( array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container )
// The next 2 lines are pretty common to all Extension templates.
$configuration = new Configuration();
$processedConfig = $this->processConfiguration( $configuration, $configs );
// This is the KEY TO YOUR ANSWER
$container->setParameter( 'my_nice_project.contact_email', $processedConfig[ 'contact_email' ] );
// Other stuff like loading services.yml
Then in your config.yml, config_dev.yml and so you can set
To be able to process that config.yml inside your MyNiceBundleExtension you'll also need a Configuration class in the same namespace:
class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
$treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
$rootNode = $treeBuilder->root( 'my_nice_project' );
$rootNode->children()->scalarNode( 'contact_email' )->end();
return $treeBuilder;
Then you can get the config from your controller, as you desired in your original question, but keeping the parameters.yml clean, and setting it in the config.yml in separated sections:
$recipient = $this->container->getParameter( 'my_nice_project.contact_email' );
SECOND APPROACH: Separated config block, injecting the config into a service
For readers looking for something similar but for getting the config from a service, there is even a nicer way that never clutters the "paramaters" common space and does even not need the container to be passed to the service (passing the whole container is practice to avoid).
This trick above still "injects" into the parameters space your config.
Nevertheless, after loading your definition of the service, you could add a method-call like for example setConfig() that injects that block only to the service.
For example, in the Extension class:
class MyNiceProjectExtension extends Extension
public function load( array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container )
$configuration = new Configuration();
$processedConfig = $this->processConfiguration( $configuration, $configs );
// Do not add a paramater now, just continue reading the services.
$loader = new YamlFileLoader( $container, new FileLocator( __DIR__ . '/../Resources/config' ) );
$loader->load( 'services.yml' );
// Once the services definition are read, get your service and add a method call to setConfig()
$sillyServiceDefintion = $container->getDefinition( 'my.niceproject.sillymanager' );
$sillyServiceDefintion->addMethodCall( 'setConfig', array( $processedConfig[ 'contact_email' ] ) );
Then in your services.yml you define your service as usual, without any absolute change:
class: My\NiceProjectBundle\Model\SillyManager
arguments: []
And then in your SillyManager class, just add the method:
class SillyManager
private $contact_email;
public function setConfig( $newConfigContactEmail )
$this->contact_email = $newConfigContactEmail;
Note that this also works for arrays instead of scalar values! Imagine that you configure a rabbit queue and need host, user and password:
user: guest
password: guest
Of course you need to change your Tree, but then you can do:
$sillyServiceDefintion->addMethodCall( 'setConfig', array( $processedConfig[ 'amqp' ] ) );
and then in the service do:
class SillyManager
private $host;
private $user;
private $password;
public function setConfig( $config )
$this->host = $config[ 'host' ];
$this->user = $config[ 'user' ];
$this->password = $config[ 'password' ];
I have to add to the answer of douglas, you can access the global config, but symfony translates some parameters, for example:
# config.yml
domain: 'localhost'
You can use var_dump to search an specified key or value.
In order to be able to expose some configuration parameters for your bundle you should consult the documentation for doing so. It's fairly easy to do :)
Here's the link: How to expose a Semantic Configuration for a Bundle
Like it was saying previously - you can access any parameters by using injection container and use its parameter property.
"Symfony - Working with Container Service Definitions" is a good article about it.
I learnt a easy way from code example of
1) notice the ZendeskBlueFormBundle and file location
# myproject/app/config/config.yml
- { resource: parameters.yml }
- { resource: security.yml }
- { resource: #ZendeskBlueFormBundle/Resources/config/config.yml }
2) notice Zendesk_BlueForm.emails.contact_email and file location
# myproject/src/Zendesk/BlueFormBundle/Resources/config/config.yml
# Zendesk contact email address
3) notice how i get it in $client and file location of controller
# myproject/src/Zendesk/BlueFormBundle/Controller/PageController.php
public function blueFormAction($name, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, Request $request)
$client = new ZendeskAPI($this->container->getParameter("Zendesk_BlueForm.emails.contact_email"));
Inside a controller:
to get the config from config/config.yaml:
configname: configvalue
