Practical uses for Recursion - recursion

Are there any times where it is better to use recursion for a task instead of any other methods? By recursion I am referring to:
int factorial(int value)
if (value == 0)
return 1;
} else
return value * factorial(value - 1);

Well, there are a few reasons I can think of.
Recursion is often easier to understand than a purely iterative solution. For example, in the case of recursive-descent parsers.
In compilers with support for tail call optimization, there's no additional overhead to using recursion over iteration, and it often results in fewer lines of code (and, as a result, fewer bugs).

First of all your example doesn't make any sense.
The way you wrote it would just lead to an endless loop without any result ever.
A "real" function would more look like this:
int factorial(int value)
if (value == 0)
return 1;
return value * factorial(value - 1);
Of course you could accomplish the same thing with a loop (which might even be better, especially if the function call incurs the penalty of a stack frame). Usually, when people use recursion they do so because it's easier to read (for certain problem domains).


how recursion processing under the hood

It should be fundamental question about recursion.
Simple code:
func fact(n int) int {
if n == 0 {
return 1
return n * fact(n-1)
how the line n * fact(n-1) will be processing under the hood by general programming languages, C++, Java, Go...
In my understanding the line n * fact(n-1) will create expression on the fly like
n * n-1 * n-2. ... So executable program will prepare expression according to incoming functional parameter. Also how will be processing simple recursion and tail recursion under the hood. Could you add more details, any useful docs.
You can use to see what's happening "under the hood" for C++ and Go. (As well as a few other languages.)
If you modify your algorithm to one of the languages (such as C++), godbolt will show you the assembly language that is generated. You can't get much more "under the hood" than knowing whats happening with the registers and how it branches in assembly.
Of course, it requires you to understand assembly. But your example is actually quite a simple one.
Here is a quick C++ example (of your code) you can paste into godbolt:
int fact(int n);
int main()
int fact(int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;
return n * fact(n-1);
Hope that gives you new insights into what is going on behind the scenes.

Calculating number of nodes in BST using recursion c++

I'm trying to find the number of nodes in a BST using recursion. Here is my code
struct Node{
int key;
struct Node* left;
struct Node* right;
int key = 0;
struct Node* left = nullptr;
struct Node* right = nullptr;
src_root is the address of the root node of the tree.
int BST::countNodes(Node* src_root, int sum){
if((src_root==root && src_root==nullptr) || src_root==nullptr)
return 0;
else if(src_root->left==nullptr || src_root->right==nullptr)
return sum;
return countNodes(src_root->left, sum + 1) + countNodes(src_root->right, sum + 1) + 1;
However my code only seems to work if there are 3 nodes. Anything greater than 3 gives wrong answer. Please help me find out what's wrong with it. Thanks!
It is a long time ago since I made anything in C/C++ so if there might be some syntax errors.
int BST::countNodes(Node *scr_root)
if (scr_root == null) return 0;
return 1 + countNodes(scr_root->left) + countNodes(scr_root->right);
I think that will do the job.
You have several logical and structural problems in your implementation. Casperah gave you the "clean" answer that I assume you already found on the web (if you haven't already done that research, you shouldn't have posted your question). Thus, what you're looking for is not someone else's solution, but how to fix your own.
Why do you pass sum down the tree? Lower nodes shouldn't care what the previous count is; it's the parent's job to accumulate the counts from its children. See how that's done in Casperah's answer? Drop the extra parameter from your code; it's merely another source for error.
Your base case has an identically false clause: src_root==root && src_root==nullptr ... if you make a meaningful call, src_root cannot be both root and nullptr.
Why are you comparing against a global value, root? Each call simply gets its own job done and returns. When your call tree crawls back to the original invocation, the one that was called with the root, it simply does its job and returns to the calling program. This should not be a special case.
Your else clause is wrong: it says that if either child is null, you ignore counting the other child altogether and return only the count so far. This guarantees that you'll give the wrong answer unless the tree is absolutely balanced and filled, a total of 2^N - 1 nodes for N levels.
Fix those items in whatever order you find instructive; the idea is to learn. Note, however, that your final code should look a lot like the answer Casperah provided.

Recursion in functional programming will not give high concurrency. Is it correct?

I am new to functional programming. Loops in imperative programming replaces recursion in FP. Another statement is FP gives high concurrency. The instructions being executed parallelly on multi-core/cpu systems as the data is immutable.
Whereas in recursion, steps cannot be executed parallelly due to a step execution is dependent on the previous steps result.
So, I am assuming that recursion in FP will not give high concurrency. Am I correct?
Sort of. You cannot get more execution parallelism than the data parallelism; this is Amdahl's law. However, you frequently have more data parallelism than is expressed in typical sequential algorithms, whether functional or imperative. Consider for example taking the scalar multiple of a vector: (note: this is some made-up algol-style language):1
function scalar_multiple(scalar c, vector v) {
vector v1;
for (int i = 0; i < length(v); i++) {
v1[i] = c * v[i];
return v1;
Obviously, this isn't going to run in parallel. The situation isn't improved if we re-write in a functional language, using recursion (you can think of this as Haskell):
scalar_multiple c [] = []
scalar_multiple c (x:xn) = c * x : scalar_multiple c xn
This is still a sequential algorithm!
However, you can notice that there is no data dependency --- you don't actually need the result of earlier / later multiplications to calculate later ones. So we have the potential for parallelization here. This can be accomplished in an imperative language:
function scalar_multiple(scalar c, vector v) {
vector v1;
parallel_for (int i in 0..length(v)-1) {
v1[i] = c * v[i];
return v1;
But this parallel_for is a dangerous construct. Consider a search function:
function first(predicate p, vector v) {
for (int i = 0; i < length(v); i++) {
if (p(v[i])) return i;
return -1;
If we try speeding this up by replacing for with parallel_for:
function first(predicate p, vector v) {
parallel_for (int i in 0..length(v)-1) {
if (p(v[i])) return i;
return -1;
Now we won't necessarily return the index of the first element to satisfy the condition, just an element that satisfies it. We broke the contract of the function by parallelizing it.
The obvious solution is 'don't allow return inside parallel_for. But there are lots of other dangerous constructs; in fact, you'll notice I had to abandon the C-style for loop because the increment-and-test pattern itself is dangerous in parallel languages. Consider:
function sequence(int n) {
vector v;
int c = 0;
parallel_for (int i = 0..n-1) {
v[i] = c++;
return v;
This is again a 'toy' example ("just use v[i] = i;!"), but it illustrates the point: this function initializes v in a random order, due to parallelism. So it turns out that the constructs that are 'safe' to use inside a construct like parallel_for are precisely the constructs that are allowed in purely-functional languages, which makes adding parallel constructs to those languages 'safer' than adding them to imperative languages.
1 This is just a very simple example; of course, real parallelism involves finding bigger chunks of work to parallize than this!
Not sure, if I understand you right, but it generally depends on what you want to accomplish.
One recursion alone cannot execute its subcalls parallel. But you CAN have 2 recursions working on the same dataset. i.e. processing an array from left AND from right simultaneosly trough two concurrent running recursive functions. Those (two) functions can then (theretically) run parallel.
In detail it does not matter if you have a recursive function or a function with a loop inside as long as there is a function who can run on its own. So in respect to your question:
No, a recursive function per definition does not give you any concurrency.
Loops are replaced by higher-order functions more frequently than by direct recursion. Recursion is sort of a catch-all measure in functional programming for when higher-order functions don't already exist for what you need to do.
For example, if you want to run the same calculation on all elements of a list, you use a map, which is highly parallelizable. Finding which elements meet certain criteria is a filter, also highly parallelizable.
Some algorithms just plain require the result of the previous iteration in order to proceed. Those are the ones that tend to require a recursive function, and you're right, they are not generally easy to make highly concurrent.

Does recursive method increase cyclomatric complexity

I do not have any programs installed for measuring cyclomatric code complexity at the moment. But I was wondering does a recursive method increases the complexity?
// just a simple C# example to recursively find an int[]
// within a pile of string[]
private int[] extractInts(string[] s)
foreach (string s1 in s)
if (s1.ints.length < 0)
return ints;
As far as I understand, no. There is only one linearly independent path to the recursive method in your example, so it wouldn't increase the cyclomatic complexity.
Loops do increase cyclomatic complexity.
A loop can often be rewritten using recursion plus a guard condition.
Even if the recursive call itself would not count strictly as an increment, the guard condition does. This makes the loop and recursion+guard on par.

Reentrancy and recursion

Would it be a true statement to say that every recursive function needs to be reentrant?
If by reentrant you mean that a further call to the function may begin before a previous one has ended, then yes, all recursive functions happen to be reentrant, because recursion implies reentrance in that sense.
However, "reentrant" is sometimes used as a synonym for "thread safe", which is introduces a lot of other requirements, and in that sense, the answer is no. In single-threaded recursion, we have the special case that only one "instance" of the function will be executing at a time, because the "idle" instances on the stack are each waiting for their "child" instance to return.
No, I recall a factorial function that works with static (global) variables. Having static (global) variables goes against being reentrant, and still the function is recursive.
global i;
{ if i == 0 return 1;
else { i = i -1; return i*factorial();
This function is recursive and it's non-reentrant.
'Reentrant' normally means that the function can be entered more than once, simultaneously, by two different threads.
To be reentrant, it has to do things like protect/lock access to static state.
A recursive function (on the other hand) doesn't need to protect/lock access to static state, because it's only executing one statement at a time.
So: no.
Not at all.
Why shouldn't a recursive function be able to have static data, for example? Should it not be able to lock on critical sections?
sem_t mutex;
int calls = 0;
int fib(int n)
down(mutex); // lock for critical section - not reentrant per def.
calls++; // global varible - not reentrant per def.
if (n==1 || n==0)
return 1;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
This does not go to say that writing a recursive and reentrant function is easy, neither that it is a common pattern, nor that it is recommended in any way. But it is possible.
