How to ping a remote server(with public ip) from a local machine? - networking

I have a board in office with ip 192.168.20.x. I have vpn access to the office from my laptop with public ip.
I'm able to ping the board, but what should I do to ping my laptop from the board?
I am running a ntp server on my machine, so that the time will be in sync with my laptop.
How do I do this?

Your laptop should get an IP address from the virtual VPN adapter. Try to use this address when doing reverse ping. You can see all adapters and IP addresses in your PC using console command ipconfig assuming you are on windows.


VM can't ping host, and host can't ping VM or see web server

I have a Debian VM on my Windows 10 machine, in VMWare Player 16. The VM is running a web server. Both are using my router for DHCP, and the router lists the VM as a DHCP client.
The PC is on The VM is
The VM's networking is set to 'bridged'. It can access the internet, and it can ping various devices on my nework. But it cannot ping the PC that is hosting the VM - it shows Destination Host Unreachable.
The PC cannot ping the VM (also destination host unreachable) and cannot see the VM's web server.
The router can ping the VM, and the PC.
My phone, on the same network via WiFi, can ping the PC and also the VM.
My phone can also access the web server of the VM.
The firewall is off in both the VM and the PC.
It seems like the host PC is not allowing traffic that it sent (even though it is sending it by proxy for the VM) to reach the VM. Traffic from other sources on the network, i.e. not the PC or the VM, can get to the VM without any problem. It is as if the PC sees data coming in and says "That traffic came from me, but I have nothing listening for it so I will just ignore it."
Any ideas on how I can fix this?

Failed to ping vm ip address from another device (android phone) under same network

i have network issue from using vm.
This is ifconfig info of vm ubuntu 16.04.
This is ipconfig info of my host machine.
And this is the network settings of vm.
I able to ping vm ip addr from host machine.
I able to ping phone ip addr from vm.
I unable to ping vm ip addr from phone under same network.
Im bad in networking. Any of you have good clue can help me solve this issue?
Appreciate your help & Thanks in advance.
NAT has four different types, and it always works as a firewall. That is why we need UDP traversal and hole-punch sometime. If you want other devices like host and phone build a connection to vm, you need firstly connect from vm to thoses deivces to build a "hole" as a path.

issue when using bridge connection

I have a windows 10 host machine connected to internet through wifi. . I have installed vmware workstation in it.
I have created a linux virt machine and set a static ip address and used a bridged connection.
Each time I start the vmware machine intenet connection on all pc of the office is dropped. It is not an ip confict problem because other pc get range of ip from to 200. The host and vmware machine have and
Everything is ok when I use NAT.
May sb help me please? Thanks in advance
Well, if you want a static ip you need to set it on the machine (here a VM) and the router/dhcp server so that it knows this machine doesn't need an ip and which ip it has...

Boot2Docker: how to access container with Bridged Networking

I am running Boot2Docker in Virtual Box on Windows, using VB bridged networking. The IP address of my PC ( and of the VM ( is determined by the DHCP server.
I have configured the docker bridge as follows:
File /var/lib/boot2docker/profile:
EXTRA_ARGS='--bip= --fixed-cidr='
From my Windows PC I can successfully ping the folloing IP addresses: (ip address of eth1 in the Docker Host) (ip address of docker0)
However I cannot ping any container that I start. E.g. for container IP,
I get a reply from (my PC address) that the Desitination Host is unreachable.
How can I get this to work?
I figured it out in the meantime:
On Windows 7, from an elevated cmd shell do:
route add
This way the IP packets find their way to the containers!

How to access loopback adapter from another PC on my LAN

I have installed MS Loop-back adapter and have given it a static IP:
my laptop is configured as , and my gateway is
i can ping the loop-back NIC from my laptop, but not from any other machine on the LAN. i am trying to beat the 65k port limitation by seeing if i can have virtual IP addresses on one machine and each can then give me 65k ports
By very definition, you CANNOT talk to a loopback adapter from any other machine but your own.
If on Linux, you could bridge it to a physical adapter, such as eth0, but why would you want to do that?
Take a look here for setting up IP alias on Windows (disclaimer - I don't own any windows machines, so can't really verify this).
You can ping your Loopback interface from LAN by installing Remote and Routing Access role on the server. After installing the R&S role on the server , configure LAN routing feature. It will start pinging from LAN. I have done this practically in my environment.
