Can a webform application handle extension less URLS? -

Can a webforms application handle extensionless URLS?
The application is running version 4.5
So I want a URL like:
to redirect to the actual page like:
I am ideally looking for a solution that doesn't require any IIS modification ie. application level only

Sure. There are a bunch of articles that will tell you how. Here are a couple:


Extensionless URL in ASP.NET 4.0 on IIS6

I have a ASP.NET 4.0 WebForms webapp running on a IIS6 webserver. I'm not allowed to make any changes to the webserver. I have a flex app embedded in this file called:
I'd like to only require the user to use the URL:
to reach the application and essentially hid the mysubapp.aspx permanently. I've been checking out URLRewrite and It all looks to be a little much for this once instance in which I need it (if I need to add more rewrites in the future I'll use one of those frameworks). Is there a simple way to achieve this? I've checked out similar posts... it seems that I may need to write a simple one myself?
URL Rewriting using iis6 with no extensionless urls
How to deal with extensionless Url in ASP.Net and IIS6
The simplest thing I can think of is to rename your web page from mysubapp.aspx to default.aspx. This will allow users to request and get your page. This should work if you have not removed default.aspx from the default document list in IIS.
Alternatively, you can add mysubapp.aspx to the list of default documents in IIS.

Disable IIS / ASP.NET 4.0 automatic friendly URLs

for some reason I have not yet found, IIS or ASP.NET 4.0 automatically maps requests to directories such as
I'm sure this is meant to be an improvement for "friendlier URLs", however I really want to stick with my .aspx URLs and do not want secondary "friendly" URLs pointing to the same page.
How can I completely disable this behavior in IIS / ASP.NET, or better, disable any "smart" mappings I'm not yet aware of? Thank you!
It's possible you could use an ignore route in the global.asax
Something like:
routes.IgnoreRoute("{*allaspx}", new {allaspx=#".*\.aspx(/.*)?"});
Should send all .aspx pages through the normal route

ASP.Net routing from website root

Say I have a website What would be the best way to determine when users attempt to access pages like and ?
I've done some research and found that Request.PathInfo works quite well when the user visits but it does not work without having the Default.aspx portion included in the URL.
Right now all I get are 404 errors when attempting this with the built in IIS server in VS2k8 and on a published website. I'm using ASP.Net 3.5 and IIS 6 if those things matter.
This works better in IIS7 since it routes all request through the ASP.NET pipeline (not just requests for ASP.NET resources).
In IIS6, I think your best bet would be to write an HTTPModule. I think IIS passes all requests (not just requests for ASP.NET resources) through the HTTPModule pipeline.
In IIS7, you can just use your applications Global.asax to hook into the Application_BeginRequest event.
I am running 3.5 on IIS 6 and there are a few things to do, but it can be done. A post already covers this, look at ASP.NET routing on IIS 6.

How to create a blog in ASP.NET and not ASP.NET MVC

I have created a blog application with ASP.NET MVC and MSSQL. I must say, i really enjoyed the process of creating an application with ASP.NET MVC. Clean URLS(with URL routing), No view States and so on.
BUT i was wondering how would this would have been done if i choose web-form style coding? will the aspx would be created in the fly as i create a article.(take this url for ex: though the URL is not clean but still makes sense. if yes then what about its corresponding cs file? if no how is the URL so clean?
Would be great if someone throw some light on how it is done in ASP.NET.
Thank you, Faraaz.
If your using .NET 4, you can make use of MapPageRoute to accomplish the clean URL's with regular Web Forms.
routes.MapPageRoute("MySuperCleanRoute", "some/clean/url", "~/ActualPage.aspx");
With the addition of MapPageRoute, you no longer have the feeling "I should use ASP.NET MVC because i want clean URL's".
Choose ASP.NET MVC if you like the pattern. If your used to Web Forms, use it - and use MapPageRoute to achieve clean URL's (or use a URL Rewriting module if <= .NET 4)
A blog in ASP .NET would have been done in much the same way. The idea is to use one file and URL rewriting. IIS7 has URL rewriting built in but for IIS6 you can use something like ISAPI_Rewrite to handle .htaccess style files (which is what Apache uses).
ASP .NET MVC handles all this for you in its routing but you can do it yourself using a URL rewriting tool. The difference is that for MVC, the application handles the rewriting but ISAPI_Rewrite, IIS Rewriting are done by the server. This can change a URL like to
The second link is only internal to the server (it doesn't actually change the URL in the user's address bar). In the case of a URL like on Scott's blog, you could store the 'announcing-nupack-asp...' bit in a database as part of the article row so your blog article page has something to look for. The files don't actually exist on the server but the rewriting passes all requests to an existing file with parameters.
Note that this technique is common for lots of different sites - not just blogs. Notice the Stack Overflow URL, Twitter URLs, etc.
MSDN has an old article on URL Rewriting in ASP .NET, along with some examples of filters you can use.
See IIS URL Rewrite Module
You can use the URL Rewriting that is in MVC with WebForms if you are using .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 (if you don't have access to .Net 4)
Here's an MSDN magazine article explaning...

URLs like ASP.NET MVC offers

Is there any way to implement a URL mechanisim in like it has in mvc
e.g. but without using the MVC
if so, how?
You do this by using the System.Web.Routing assembly
Here's a blogpost showing how :-)
You can use the same routing mechanism that ASP.NET MVC uses inside of an ASP.NET WebForm application. Check this post by Phil Haack on how to learn more about it.
If you don't want to use the routing feature and you want to roll your own, check this question out.
If you have access to IIS:
If it is IIS7, the URL Rewriting module might work.
Set IIS up to process ANY request with ASP.NET, and add an entry to Global.ashx
If it is Apache, use mod_rewrite.
Otherwise, you could use:
and process Request.Uri.PathInfo
It has to go to a .aspx file somewhere, as otherwise it will not be processed.
I've done this in the past with ASP.NET 2.0 and the UrlRewrite.Net library
The only trick is that if you want it to work with paths that don't have aspx extensions, you have to configure IIS to pass every request through the ASP.NET engine.
I built a classic ASP.NET (I can't believe this term exists) application around 2005 that used rewriting, and this article on MSDN was very helpful at the time:
If you're constrained to 2.0, or even 1.1, this may be the way to go, as System.Web.Routing is 3.5 only.
IIRF does URL Rewrite for IIS5 and 6.
It supports Regex. Free. Open source.
