how to access annotation of an property(class,mappedBy,inversedBy) - symfony

Good morning,
Is it exist an function where I pass an entity and the propertyName and return me the mappedBy,inversedBy and absoluteClassName of an Entity.
The goal is to use the __call to create automatic getteur/setteur and addFucntion bidirectionnal.
I don't want to use generates Entities I want all getteur,setteur and add Function use __call.
But i can"t do an addBirectionnal if i don't know if the relation is many to many or one to many and if i don't know the name of the mappedBy.
my code:
public function __get($p){
return $this->$p;
public function __set($p,$v){
$this->$p = $v;
return $this;
public function __call($name,$arguments){
$name2 = substr(3);
if($name[0] == 'g'){
return $this->$name2;
}else{//substr($name,0,1) == 's'
$this->$name2 = $arguments[0];
/*for a one to one*/
/*$mappedByName= getmappedByOrInversedBy(get_class($name),$name2);
$this->$name->$mappedByName = $this;/
return $this;
I need getmappedByOrInversedBy, thanks.
edit: I try this
public function test(){
$str = "AppBundle\Entity\Group";
$mapping = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo($str);
$d = $mapping->getAssociationMappedByTargetField('trad');
return $this->render('default/index.html.twig', array(
'base_dir' => realpath($this->getParameter('kernel.root_dir').'/..'),
class Group
* #ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="Traduction",inversedBy="grp")
protected $trad;
Result : Undefined index: trad

The ClassMetadataInfo is what you are looking for.
Creates an instance with the entityName :
$mapping = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo($entityNamespaceOrAlias);
Then, get the informations you want :
Get all association names: $mapping->getAssociationNames();
Get the join column of an association:
Get the mappedBy column of an association:
Look at the class to know which method you can access.
Hopes it's what you expect.
As you can access the EntityManager (i.e. from a controller), use :
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$metadata = $em->getClassMetadata('AppBundle:Group');
To be sure there is no problem with your entity namespace, try :
print $metadata->getTableName();
To retrieve the associations of the entity, use :
And to get the mapping informations of an existing association, use :
And to get all the association mappings of your entity, use:


what is the correct way to pass not services to the constructor of a custom normalize in symfony

I'm creating my own Normalizer, based on the tutorial on the Symfony documentation page, which I find incomplete because it tells you how to create it but not apply it, that's the first point.
Then based on my little experience in Symfony I'm trying to guess how to pass data to the normalizer to be the proper calculations, the data I'm trying to pass are not services, which can be a String or a Request object, but none of this data allows me, really I need to understand or I need to refactor to get what I want?
I put my normalizer code to understand well what I am looking for.
namespace App\Serializer;
use App\Entity\Task;
use App\Traits\TaskControl;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\NormalizerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ObjectNormalizer;
class TaskNormalizer implements NormalizerInterface
use TaskControl;
private $normalizer;
private $rangeDate;
public function __construct(ObjectNormalizer $normalizer, $rangeDate )
$this->normalizer = $normalizer;
$this->rangeDate = $rangeDate;
public function normalize($task, $format = null, array $context = [])
$data = $this->normalizer->normalize($task, $format, $context);
$data['totalWork'] = $this->timeTask($task,$this->rangeDate);
return $data;
public function supportsNormalization($task, $format = null, array $context = []): bool
return $task instanceof Task;
Applying the normalizer:
Passing the variable $rangeDate that is dynamic from object Request.
$rangeDate = $request->request->get('range','all');
$serializer = new Serializer([new TaskNormalizer($normalizer,$rangeDate)]);
$data = $serializer->normalize($attendances, null, ['attributes' => $attributes]);
and this is the error I get:
Cannot autowire service "App\Serializer\TaskNormalizer": argument "$rangeDate" of method "__construct()" has no type-hint, you should configure its value explicitly.
Why would you pass your range date as constructor argument?
Normalizer is a service dependency, rangeDate is a dynamic value.
You can pass it as an argument for the method normalize instead either as a new argument, or in the context array:
$rangeDate = $request->request->get('range','all');
$serializer = new Serializer([new TaskNormalizer($normalizer)]);
$data = $serializer->normalize($attendances, null, ['attributes' => $attributes, 'rangeDate' => $rangeDate]);
You'll have t odeclare your service explicitely... something like this should do the trick:
## services.yml
App\Serializer\TaskNormalizer :
$normalizer: '#serializer.normalizer.object' ## check the alias ...
$rangeDate: '%range_date%'
Keep in mind that it is better depend on interface than class, for the sake of dependency inversion principle. So you should think about changing the constructor to :
## your class
public function __construct(NormalizerInterface $normalizer, $rangeDate )
$this->normalizer = $normalizer;
$this->rangeDate = $rangeDate;

PhpUnit testing repositories Symfony findOneBy

I am net to phpunit in Symfony 3 and I'm wondering what exactly should I follow when testing a repository. For example, I have the following repo function:
* {#inheritdoc}
public function findAdminRole()
$role = $this->repository->findOneBy(['name' => Role::ADMIN]);
if (null === $role) {
throw new NotFoundException();
return $role;
What exactly a test for this would look like? Should I test that the function findOneBy and the NotFoundException are called or to get real data values? I am kinda stuck here.
Thank you.
ok so findOneBY returns either Null or an Object, you can set up sample data which would return either Null or say a role object and test for that, here's something in my opinion to help you get started.
so, in the setup i would mock the repository:
$this->mockRepository = $this
->getMockBuilder('path to the respository')
->setMethods(array('if you want to stub any'))
$this->object = new class( //this is the class under test
// all your other mocked services, ex : logger or anything else
now we have a mock of the repo, lets see how the sample tests would look like
1st test
public function findAdminRoleTestReturnsException(){
$name = ['name' => Role::ABC]; // consider this will return Null result from DB due to whatever reason
$exception = new NotFoundException();
// do whatever other assertions you need here
// Now call the function
$role = $this->object->findAdminRole();
$this->assertEquals($exception, $role);
in the same manner above you can write another test like:
2nd test
public function findAdminRoleTestReturnsNewRole(){
$name = ['name' => Role::ADMIN] // this will find the entry in theDB
$ testRoleObject = new Role();
// Now call the function
$role = $this->object->findAdminRole();
$this->assertEquals($testRoleObject, $role);
hope this helps

Sorting list of VirtualPages on a field from its Page

I have an AreaPage with $many_many VirtualPages:
class AreaPage extends Page {
* #var array
private static $many_many = [
'RelatedVirtualPages' => 'VirtualPage'
// ...
The RelatedVirtualPages are copying content from ContentPages:
class ContentPage extends Page {
* #var array
private static $db = [
'Highlighted' => 'Boolean'
// ...
What's the best way to sort RelatedVirtualPages on the Highlighted db field of the ContentPage that it's copying?
Virtual Pages could be pointed at pages of different types and there is no enforcement that all of those pages are ContentPages, or at least pages that have a Hightlighted db field. You can ensure this manually when you create your SiteTree, but users could come along and screw it up so keep this in mind.
Here is some psuedo-code that might help you get started. It assumes that all virtual pages are ContentPages. If you will have multiple types of VirtualPages referenced by an AreaPage then this is probably not sufficient.
$virtualPages = $myAreaPage->RelatedVirtualPages();
$contentSourcePages = ContentPage::get()->byIDs($virtualPage->column('CopyContentFromID'));
$sortedSourcePages = $contentSourcePages->sort('Highlighted','ASC');
You possibly could also use an innerJoin, but then you have to deal with _Live tables and possibly multiple page tables (again if not just using ContentPage as VirtualPage) which could lead to some complicated scenarios.
So, to summarize in my own words, you need a list of the VirtualContentPages linked to a specific AreaPage sorted on the Highlighted field from the ContentPage that each VirtualContentPage links to. If this summary is accurate, would this work:
$sortedVirtualPages = $myAreaPage->RelatedVirtualPages()
->innerJoin('ContentPage', '"ContentPage"."ID" = "VirtualContentPage"."CopyContentFromID"')
->sort('Highlighted DESC');
I could not find a very clean method, but did find two ways to achieve this. The function goes in the class AreaPage
public function getRelatedVirtualPages()
$items = $this->getManyManyComponents('RelatedVirtualPages');
$highlighted = $items->filterByCallback(function($record, $list) {
if($record->CopyContentFrom() instanceOf ContentPage) {
//return ! $record->CopyContentFrom()->Highlighted; // ASC
return $record->CopyContentFrom()->Highlighted; // DESC
return $highlighted;
Second (the method you described in the comments)
public function getRelatedVirtualPages()
$items = $this->getManyManyComponents('RelatedVirtualPages');
$arrayList = new ArrayList();
foreach($items as $virtualPage)
if($virtualPage->CopyContentFrom() instanceOf ContentPage) {
$virtualPage->Highlighted = $virtualPage->CopyContentFrom()->Highlighted;
$arrayList = $arrayList->sort('Highlighted DESC');
return $arrayList;
I'm not very proud of any of these solutions, but I believe they do fit your criteria.
Here's what I ended up doing, which I think works:
* #return ArrayList
public function VirtualPages()
$result = [];
$virtualPages = $this->RelatedVirtualPages();
$contentPages = ContentPage::get()
->map('ID', 'Highlighted')
foreach($virtualPages as $virtualPage) {
$highlighted = $contentPages[$virtualPage->CopyContentFromID];
$virtualPage->Highlighted = $highlighted;
$result[] = $virtualPage;
return ArrayList::create(
And then it's sortable like so:
$areaPage->VirtualPages()->sort('Highlighted DESC');
Thank you for all the answers and pointers. I'll wait a bit before marking any answer.
Couldn't you just do
//just get one areapage
$AreaPageItem = AreaPage::get()->First();
//now get the RelatedVirtualPages sorted
$related_pages = $AreaPageItem->RelatedVirtualPages()->sort("Highlighted","ASC");

Symfony call get by Name from variable

I would like to call a getter with the stored fieldname from the database.
For example, there are some fieldnames store like ['id','email','name'].
Normally, I will call ->getId() or ->getEmail()....
In this case, I have no chance to handle things like this. Is there any possibility to get the variable as part of the get Command like...
foreach ($array as $item){
Can I use the magic Method in someway? this is a bit confusing....
Symfony offers a special PropertyAccessor you could use:
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess;
$accessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor();
class Person
private $firstName = 'Wouter';
public function getFirstName()
return $this->firstName;
$person = new Person();
var_dump($accessor->getValue($person, 'first_name')); // 'Wouter'
You can do it like this :
// For example, to get getId()
$reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod('AppBundle\Entity\YourEntity','get'.$soft[0]);
$i[] = $reflectionMethod->invoke($yourObject);
With $yourObject being the object of which you want to get the id from.
EDIT : Don't forget the use to add :
use ReflectionMethod;
Hope this helps.
// You can get Getter method like this
use Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector;
$array = ['id', 'email', 'name'];
$value = [];
foreach ($array as $item){
$method = Inflector::classify('get_'.$item);
// Call it
if (method_exists($repository, $method))
$value[] = $repository->$method();

Symfony2 rejecting my custom findBy function in my model class

I followed the example of setting up a custom findOneByJoinedToCategory($id) function in the Doctrine model class as explained in the documentation here:
In my case, I have a model class called TestVendorCategory containing a bunch of attributes and this function:
public function findOneByNameJoinedToVendorCategoryMappings($vendorCategoryName)
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
SELECT vc, vcm FROM TestCoreBundle:VendorCategory vc
JOIN vcm.vendorCategoryMapping vcm
WHERE = :name'
)->setParameter('name', $vendorCategoryName);
return $query->getSingleResult();
catch (\Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException $e)
return null;
In my controller, I call it like this:
$vendorCategoryMapping = $this->em->getRepository("TestCoreBundle:VendorCategory")->findOneByNameJoinedToVendorCategoryMappings($vendorCategoryName);
When I go to the browser and execute this action with this call in it, I get the following error message:
Entity 'Test\CoreBundle\Entity\VendorCategory' has no field 'nameJoinedToVendorCategoryMappings'. You can therefore not call 'findOneByNameJoinedToVendorCategoryMappings' on the entities' repository
It looks like Symfony 2.1 wants the findOneBy...() methods to reflect names of existing fields only, no custom "JoinedTo..." kinds of methods. Am I missing something, please? The documentation shows an example like this where it supposedly works. I am using annotations, but this method doesn't have any. Thank you!
You have to put the findOneByNameJoinedToVendorCategoryMappings function in the VendorCategoryRepository class:
namespace Test\CoreBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException;
class VendorCategoryRepository extends EntityRepository
public function findOneByNameJoinedToVendorCategoryMappings($vendorCategoryName)
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
SELECT vc, vcm FROM TestCoreBundle:VendorCategory vc
JOIN vcm.vendorCategoryMapping vcm
WHERE = :name'
)->setParameter('name', $vendorCategoryName);
return $query->getSingleResult();
catch (NoResultException $e)
return null;
and link this repository class in the Entity:
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Test\CoreBundle\Entity\VendorCategoryRepository")
class VendorCategory
