Where is #Twig defined in symfony - symfony

I am new to symfony.While going through an error template I came across value a value like
Just wanted to know where is #Twig defined in symfony framework

Just google twig traces_text.html.twig and you'll see the file here: https://github.com/symfony/twig-bundle/blob/master/Resources/views/Exception/traces_text.html.twig
Or use your IDE and search the vendor/ folder for the traces_text.html.twig file until you find it.


Symfony using multiple translation files for single language

I was wondering if it is possible with Symfony 3.5 to use multiple translation files for a single language when using yml files.
Currently I have something like this:
which contains all my translations in either language. However I was wondering if it was possible to change this to the following structure:
I have been looking but I have been unable to find some kind of solution for this. I got it working for splitting up my routes.
resource: '#AppBundle/Resources/config/routing'
type: directory
Inside that folder I got all my routes split like:
I was wondering if it was possible to achieve the same thing with translations?
Symfony's Translator requires files to by named in format domain.locale.loader. In case you have messages.en.yml:
messages is the default name of domain, you can also specify eg. invoices
en is the locale
yml is specifying YAML loader will be used
So your proposed use is not possible to achieve with standard set of configs and functionality. However, you can split your translations to different domain files. So paths would be:
And when you are using translator you specify the domain in which the translation should be looked for:
$translator->trans('translated.key', [], 'invoices');
Or in Twig:
{{ 'translated.key'|trans({},'invoices') }}

symfony shortCodes bundle

i have used laravel shortcodes (https://github.com/webwizo/laravel-shortcodes) with success, it is a nice bundle.
the question is: is there any bundle like this for symfony 3.x?
what this essentially do is take formatted string like [myString] with some optional parameters like [myString param1="abc" param2="def" ...] from a rendered blade / twig and looks for a controller / function etc. to resolve "myString". it passes the params to the controller, and the whole [...] stuff is replaced with the returned output. and it is done recursivly, so the result may contain another [myString2 ...] and so on. this is very useful in CMS building.
does anyone know anything like this for symfony?
There is a bundle that looks exactly what you are searching for:

reading yaml from twig

Preface: in ez4 i remember there was a tpl function to read ini settings, we used to use this to pass specific locations or id's with which we could then render certain content.
In ezplatform I am now doing the same thing but by using the PreContentViewListener (in the PreContentViewListener read a yml file and pass into the view as params), but this doesn't feel like the correct way as the PreContentViewListener doesn't always get triggered, in custom controllers for example.
Is there a native way to read yaml files from within twig templates? After searching the docs and available packagists i cannot find anything :/
If your needs are simple (i.e. reading container parameters), you can also use eZ Publish config resolver component which is available in any Twig template with ezpublish.configResolver.
You can specify a siteaccess aware parameter in format <namespace>.<scope>.<param_name>, like this:
app.default.param.name: 'Default param value'
app.eng.param.name: 'English param value'
app.cro.param.name: 'Croatian param value'
where default, eng and cro are different eZ Publish scopes.
You can then use the config resolver to fetch the parameter in current scope with:
{{ ezpublish.configResolver.parameter('param.name', 'app') }}
If you have Legacy Bridge installed, this even falls back to legacy INI settings if no Symfony container parameter exists:
{{ ezpublish.configResolver.parameter('SiteSettings.SiteName', 'site') }}
Disclaimer: Some say that using config resolver is bad practice, but for simpler usecases it is okay, IMO.
Have a look to our CjwPublishToolsBundle.
Here we have 2 wrapper twig functions
{{cjw_config_resolver_get_parameter ( 'yamlvariablename', 'namespace default ezsettings') }}
=> ezpublish siteaccessmatching
{{cjw_config_get_parameter( 'mailer_transport' )}}
=> core symfony yaml reader without siteaccess
You could do a lot of things in eZ 4 and not always really good for your application design. ezini was able to read the configuration from the template but now in eZ Platform and by extension Symfony you need to respect more common patterns. IMO the view should not be that smart.
Then injecting variables to the view from a listener (PreContentViewListener or your own) is not a bad idea.
You can also use the Twig Globals that could allow you to do 2 global things:
inject variables (1)
inject a service (2)
Look here: https://symfony.com/doc/current/templating/global_variables.html
(2): please don't inject the service container globally it is bad
(1): I don't remember if the Twig Globals are Site Access aware, if not injecting your own service (2) to manage access to the config might be better.
And finally, I think that the use case is not a common one:
we used to use this to pass specific locations or id's with which we could then render certain content.
Most of the time it is a bad idea to pass ids coming from the configuration to render something, it is much better to organize the content structure to let you pull the location you want using the PHP API. (no id in configuration no hassle with dev, stage, preprod and prod architecture)

Nelmio/Alice 2.x Symfony 3 , Loading Related Fixtures in Different Bundles

If there's already answer to my question then sorry and please point me in the right direction because I can't find anything.
Let's say I have two Bundles. Each bundle has fixures.yml file and loader file.
Loaders and fixtures are working fine when they are not depending on each other.
However when I am referencing fixtureA from fixtureB I get duplicated record in database.
email (unique): '<firstName()>+<randomNumber()>#gmail.com'
plainPassword: 'secret'
user: "#user_<current()>"
title: '<word>'
When they are in separated files - duplicated row. When they are in the same file everything is ok.
Why it's being loaded twice?
I even tried this:
$objects = Fixtures::load(__DIR__ . '/fixtures.yml', $manager, ['persist_once'=>true]);
No luck.
Evey time I am trying to use user object in story fixtures alice tries to save it into db again.
Best Regards,
I did a little research and talked to people - it looks like it's a possible bug. You can learn more here:
Nelmio/Alice 2.x Duplicated Row
Also I would like to share my work around:
I wanted to keep things separated and clean. Instead of keeping all fixtures in one file in one bundle you can move it to App/DataFixtures/ORM directory. However Symfony will not look for fixtures in this directory. You can:
add path to the fixtures in console command:
doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=/var/www/story/app/DataFixtures/ORM
create alias for above solution
override DoctrineFixturesBundle - how to do this
I hope this will help if you have similar issue.

How to add correctly use Meteor package in a angular2-meteor project?

I am writing an angular2-meteor program.
When I am using urigo:angular2-meteor package, I add reference path like this:
/// <reference path="../typings/angular2-meteor.d.ts" />
The question is: can I use other normal meteor packages in a angular2-meteor project? Or I can only use some packages written for angular2-meteor specifically.
For example, if I want to use yuukan:streamy, how can I use it correctly? Right now, I have one line code
Streamy.broadcast('hello', {data: 'world!'});
When I compile it, it shows: Cannot find name 'Streamy'.
you can use all the libraries from meteor.
you will have 2 choices.
find the streamy definition file (streamy.d.ts) if it exists. This will give you autocompletion and compile errors if you misuse streamy functions.
If you dont find a definition file than just add declare var Streamy at the top of the file you want to use it. The library is already there if you add it via atmosphere. But typescript does not know about it. By declaring the variable you tell typescript that this exists and it wont complain when compiling.
