How can i redict ip which are out of range ip - ip

My question is how can i redirect ip out of a range of ip.
I have a code that could redirect to url in range but i need to do opposite - redirect ip`s out of range.
Something similar to that:
$location = '';
$range_low = ip2long("");
$range_high = ip2long("");
$ip = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if ($ip <= $range_low && $ip => $range_high) {
header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header ('Location: '.$location);
else {

I found solution
$location = file_get_contents('');
$location2 = file_get_contents('');
$range_low = ip2long("");
$range_high = ip2long("");
$range_low2 = ip2long("");
$range_high2 = ip2long("");
$range_low3 = ip2long("");
$range_high3 = ip2long("");
$ip = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if (($ip < $range_low or $ip > $range_high) ^ ($ip < $range_low2 or $ip > $range_high2) ^ ($ip < $range_low3 or $ip > $range_high3)) {
echo $location; // out of ip range
} else {
echo $location2; // in ip range


Contact Form 7 country list

I want Get Current country(Find by IP) in cf 7 dropdown.
Below I find the country by IP:
function wpcf7_custom_date_shortcode_handler($mycountry) {
$myipd = get_client_ip();
$url = ''.$myipd;
$details = ip_details($url);
$v = json_decode($details);
$mycountry = $v->geoplugin_countryName;
return $mycountry;
function get_client_ip() {
$ipaddress = '';
if (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
else if(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
else if(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED');
else if(getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR');
else if(getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED'))
$ipaddress = getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED');
else if(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'))
$ipaddress = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
$ipaddress = 'UNKNOWN';
return $ipaddress;
function ip_details($url) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
return $data;
Below the contact form 7 form tag:
Country[select* countrylist id:Country "Please Select a Country" "United States|USA" "Afghanistan|AFG" "Albania|ALB" "Algeria|DZA" "American Samoa|ASM" ........ ] (Note: ..... means list all countries defined)
you can use this plugin to achieve user tracking details in form email. Lead info with country for Contact Form 7

Invalid parameter: token 1 is not defined in the query

Here is my code to filter pets base on a JSON ajax Query
I am getting error follwoing image
public function filter($object, $active=true){
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('p');
$query->innerjoin('TadpetProfessionalBundle:ProPet', 'pp', 'WITH', 'pp.professionalId =');
$query->innerjoin('TadpetManagerBundle:Pet', 'ppp', 'WITH', ' = pp.petId');
$query->where('p.isActive = :active')
->setParameter('active', $active);
$qString = "";
for($i=1; $i<=sizeof($object->pets); $i++){
if($i == 1){
$qString .= " = :petname".$i;
$qString .= " OR = :petname".$i;
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
Help me please
In these lines:
You are adding 'petname' to the numbers, but you should concatenate them:
Also, you could use a loop:
for($i=1; $i<=sizeof($object->pets); $i++){

Circular References in PHPExcel - infinite loop or wrong result

I am using PHPExcel 1.8.0
I have read the posts regarding circular references, such as this one, but I am still running into issues.
If a spreadsheet contains one circular ref. formula, PHPExcel's calculations do not match MS Excel.
If a spreadsheet contains more than one circular ref, then PHPExcel goes into an infinite loop.
Here are the details of what I've done so far.
Assume a spreadsheet where A1 = B1 and B1 = A1+1, and Excel is set to 100 iterations. Here is my code:
// create reader
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel2007');
// load workbook
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($this->_path);
// set iterative calculations max count
PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance($objPHPExcel)->cyclicFormulaCount = 100;
// calculate
$objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheetByName('Testing');
$data = $objWorksheet->rangeToArray('A1:B1');
echo '<pre>';
print_r ($data);
echo '</pre>';
// release resources
MSExcel results in A1 = 99, B1 = 100. My code produces this:
[0] => Array
[0] => #VALUE!
[1] => #VALUE!
Further to that, if I add A2 = B2 and B2 = A2+1, and attempt to calculate (A1:B2), it goes into an infinite loop and eventually crashes:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24 bytes) in C:\xampp\htdocs\cgc\bulldog\application\third_party\PHPExcel\Calculation.php on line 2837
Here is what I've done so far. In _calculateFormulaValue in Calculation.php:
Line 2383: $cellValue = ''; - this is the cause of the #Value! error. I changed that to $cellValue = 0;
Line 2400:
} elseif ($this->_cyclicFormulaCell == '') {
$this->_cyclicFormulaCell = $wsTitle.'!'.$cellID;
This is the cause of the infinite loop. $this->_cyclicFormulaCell does not get re-set to '' after the formula in row 1 is done, so this condition does not work for the formula in row 2.
I fixed this as follows, starting from Line 2389:
if (($wsTitle{0} !== "\x00") && ($this->_cyclicReferenceStack->onStack($wsTitle.'!'.$cellID))) {
if ($this->cyclicFormulaCount <= 0) {
return $this->_raiseFormulaError('Cyclic Reference in Formula');
} elseif (($this->_cyclicFormulaCount >= $this->cyclicFormulaCount) &&
($this->_cyclicFormulaCell == $wsTitle.'!'.$cellID)) {
// Olga - reset for next formula
$this->_cyclicFormulaCell = '';
return $cellValue;
} elseif ($this->_cyclicFormulaCell == $wsTitle.'!'.$cellID) {
if ($this->_cyclicFormulaCount >= $this->cyclicFormulaCount) {
// Olga - reset for next formula
$this->_cyclicFormulaCell = '';
return $cellValue;
} elseif ($this->_cyclicFormulaCell == '') {
$this->_cyclicFormulaCell = $wsTitle.'!'.$cellID;
if ($this->_cyclicFormulaCount >= $this->cyclicFormulaCount) {
// Olga - reset for next formula
$this->_cyclicFormulaCell = '';
return $cellValue;
After these fixes, if I run $data = $objWorksheet->rangeToArray('A1:B2');, I get the following result:
[0] => Array
[0] => 100 // should be 99
[1] => 100
[1] => Array
[0] => 100 // should be 99
[1] => 100
As you can see, the results from PHPExcel are not consistent with MS Excel. Why is this happening and how can I get around this?
Ok, I managed to debug this. My spreadsheet was very complicated, lots of circular refs. The most challenging is a scenario where A depends on B, B depends on both A and C, and C depends on B.
I also added a maxChange parameter, so the thing works like Excel. Otherwise it takes too long on my spreadsheet.
Anyway, here is a usage example:
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($path);
$objCalc = PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance($objPHPExcel);
$objCalc->cyclicFormulaCount = 100;
$objCalc->maxChange = 0.001;
The two files that were modified are: Calculation.php and CalcEngine/CyclicReferenceStack.php
Here is the code (sorry Mark, I can't afford more time to submit it to git properly).
add these to class properties:
private $_precedentsStack = array();
public $maxChange = 0;
replace _calculateFormulaValue() function with this:
public function _calculateFormulaValue($formula, $cellID=null, PHPExcel_Cell $pCell = null) {
$this->_debugLog->writeDebugLog("BREAKPOINT: _calculateFormulaValue for $cellID");
// Basic validation that this is indeed a formula
// We simply return the cell value if not
$formula = trim($formula);
if ($formula{0} != '=') return self::_wrapResult($formula);
$formula = ltrim(substr($formula,1));
if (!isset($formula{0})) return self::_wrapResult($formula);
// initialize values
$pCellParent = ($pCell !== NULL) ? $pCell->getWorksheet() : NULL;
$wsTitle = ($pCellParent !== NULL) ? $pCellParent->getTitle() : "\x00Wrk";
$key = $wsTitle.'!'.$cellID;
$data = array(
'i' => 0, // incremented when the entire stack has been calculated
'j' => 0, // flags the formula as having been calculated; can only be 0 or 1
'cellValue' => $pCell->getOldCalculatedValue(), // default value to start with
'precedents' => array(),
'holdValue' => FALSE // set to TRUE when change in value is less then maxChange
// add this as precedent
$this->_precedentsStack[] = $key;
// if already been calculated, return cached value
if (($cellID !== NULL) && ( $this->getValueFromCache($wsTitle, $cellID, $cellValue))) {
return $cellValue;
$this->_cyclicReferenceStack->getValueByKey($key, $data);
$this->_debugLog->writeDebugLog("iteration # $i");
// if already calculated in this iteration, return the temp cached value
if ($i >= $this->cyclicFormulaCount || $j == 1) {
return $cellValue;
// on stack, but has not yet been calculated => return default value
if (($wsTitle{0} !== "\x00") && ($this->_cyclicReferenceStack->onStack($key))) {
if ($this->cyclicFormulaCount <= 0) {
return $this->_raiseFormulaError('Cyclic Reference in Formula');
return $cellValue;
// calculate value recursively
$cellValue = $this->_processTokenStack($this->_parseFormula($formula, $pCell), $cellID, $pCell);
// everything in precedent stack after the current cell is a precedent
// and every precedent's precedent is a precedent (aka a mouthfull)
while ( $this->_precedentsStack[ count($this->_precedentsStack) - 1 ] != $key ){
$data['precedents'][] = array_pop($this->_precedentsStack);
$data['precedents'] = array_unique($data['precedents']);
// check for max change
$oldValue = $this->_extractResult($data['cellValue']);
$newValue = $this->_extractResult($cellValue);
$data['cellValue'] = $cellValue;
$data['holdValue'] = (abs($oldValue - $newValue) < $this->maxChange);
// flag as calculated and save to temp storage
$data['j'] = 1;
$this->_cyclicReferenceStack->setValueByKey($key, $data);
// if this cell is a precedent, trigger a re-calculate
$tempCache = $this->_cyclicReferenceStack->showValues();
foreach ($tempCache as $tempKey => $tempData) {
if ( $tempData['holdValue'] == TRUE && ( in_array($key, $tempData['precedents'])) ) {
$tempData['holdValue'] = FALSE;
$this->_cyclicReferenceStack->setValueByKey($tempKey, $tempData);
// at the end of the stack, increment the counter and flag formulas for re-calculation
if (count($this->_cyclicReferenceStack->showStack()) == 0) {
$this->_precedentsStack = array();
$tempCache = $this->_cyclicReferenceStack->showValues();
foreach ($tempCache as $tempKey => $tempData) {
$tempData['i'] = $i;
if ( ! $tempData['holdValue'] ) $tempData['j'] = 0;
$this->_cyclicReferenceStack->setValueByKey($tempKey, $tempData);
$this->_debugLog->writeDebugLog("iteration # $i-1 finished");
if ($i < $this->cyclicFormulaCount) {
$cellValue = $this->_calculateFormulaValue($pCell->getValue(), $cellID, $pCell);
} elseif ($cellID !== NULL) {
// all done: move value from temp storage to cache
$this->saveValueToCache($wsTitle, $cellID, $cellValue);
// Return the calculated value
return $cellValue;
} // function _calculateFormulaValue()
add this helper function:
private function _extractResult($result) {
if (is_array($result)) {
while (is_array($result)) {
$result = array_pop($result);
return $result;
add a property:
private $_values = array();
add a bunch of functions:
public function setValueByKey($key, $value) {
$this->_values[$key] = $value;
public function getValueByKey($key, &$value) {
if (isset($this->_values[$key])) {
$value = $this->_values[$key];
return true;
return false;
public function removeValueByKey($key) {
if (isset($this->_values[$key])) {
public function showValues() {
return $this->_values;

Google geocoding using v3 not showing error

Kindly help on the code below. What happens is that I get the latitude and longitude of the name of a place when I click on a button. However, of late, it is not working. It prints that "Address x failed to Geocode. Received status " Note that x is a given address and no status code is given.
define("MAPS_HOST", "");
define("KEY", "xxxxxxx");
$query = "SELECT * FROM markers WHERE mid = $id LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result) {
die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
// Initialize delay in geocode speed
$delay = 0;
$base_url = "http://" . MAPS_HOST . "/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=";
if($row = #mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$geocode_pending = true;
$address = $row["address"];
while ($geocode_pending) {
$request_url = $base_url . urlencode($address) . "&sensor=false&key=" . KEY;
$xml = simplexml_load_file($request_url) or die("url not loading");
$status = $xml->Response->Status->code;
if (strcmp($status, "200") == 0) {
// Successful geocode
$geocode_pending = false;
$coordinates = $xml->Response->Placemark->Point->coordinates;
//$coordinatesSplit = split(",", $coordinates);
// Format: Longitude, Latitude, Altitude
//$lat = $coordinatesSplit[1];
//$lng = $coordinatesSplit[0];
list($lat,$lng) = explode(",",$coordinates);
$query = sprintf("UPDATE markers " .
" SET lat = '%s', lng = '%s' " .
" WHERE mid = '%s' LIMIT 1;",
$update_result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$update_result) {
die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
echo "$lat;$lng";
} else if (strcmp($status, "620") == 0) {
// sent geocodes too fast
$delay += 100000;
} else {
// failure to geocode
$geocode_pending = false;
echo "Address " . $address . " failed to geocode. ";
echo "Received status " . $status . "
I'm not sure on which API your code is based on, but the response of the current API will not work with these lines:
$status = $xml->Response->Status->code;
if (strcmp($status, "200") == 0) {
There are no elements Response,Status or code, furthermore the response will not contain a numeric status-code.
use this instead:
$status = $xml->status;
if (strcmp($status, "OK") == 0) {
To fix the rest of the code please take a look at the structure of the returned XML, there are also no elements Placemark,Point and coordinates.
it should be:
$lat = $xml->result->geometry->location->lat;
$lng = $xml->result->geometry->location->lng;

Counts and left join not working right

Trying to do a count on these lines COUNT(engineerName) AS engineerCount,
Count(managerName) as managerCount,
Count(isContractor) as contractorCount
but it keeps returning the same numbers for all three. So I'm trying to add a Where for each one, Example Count(isContractor where isContractor = 'yes') as contractorCount but getting errors please help, thank you.
clASs EfficiencyController extends DooController
function getEfficiency(){
include './protected/config/db.conf.php';
Doo::db()->setDb($dbconfig, 'local_network');
$Vendor = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") ? $_POST['Vendor'] : $_GET['Vendor'];
$date = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") ? $_POST['date'] : $_GET['date'];
$level = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") ? $_POST['level'] : $_GET['level'];
switch($level) {
case "Region":
case "area":
$query = " SELECT
Sum(Total_Sites) as totalCount,
Max(engineerCount) AS engineerCount,
Max(managerCount) AS managerCount,
Max(contractorCount) AS contractorCount,
network.envEquipSummaryConfig a
Left Join
COUNT(engineerName) AS engineerCount,
Count(managerName) as managerCount,
Count(isContractor) as contractorCount
GROUP BY market
ORDER BY COUNT(market) DESC) b ON a.Market99 =
a.DayKey <= \"$date\" and a.Vendor = \"$Vendor\"
Group By Market99 asc";
switch($level) {
case "region":
$query = $query. " order by region ASC";
case "area":
$query = $query. " order by areaName ASC";
$query = $query. " order by Market99 ASC";
//echo $query; exit;
$result = Doo::db()->fetchAll($query);
if(count($result) > 0)
foreach($result AS $row) {
COUNT(engineerName) AS engineerCount,
Count(managerName) as managerCount,
Count(isContractor) as contractorCount
GROUP BY market
should be
Group By market,areaName at a guess.
Which is all it can be seeing as you've provided next to no useful information.
