Is Windows Authentication enough to sign my user in? -

I have an ASP.NET Core application using Identity. It is an intranet application and I am requiring all users be authenticated using Windows Authentication, which uses Kerberos.
I want to have the system be seamless for the user, so that when they access the page and they are not signed in but are authenticated, they are automatically signed in using their User.Identity.Name which corresponds to their Identiy Username which I first check to see if exists with UserManager.FindByIdAsync
If it does exist, I sign them in using the SignInManager. If it doesn't exist, I create a new user in the Identity store and then sign that user in.
Is this assuming too much? is this potentially going to come back and bite me, or is this perfectly acceptable? Most examples I see exist with user credentials being transmitted to sign the user in to Active Directory.

With integrated authentication IIS becomes the point at which users login, and you don't need, and shouldn't use Identity 3.0 - you don't need it, AD is the user database here, you don't need to add Identity.
When you create a new application you should click the change authentication button in the new project dialog and choose Windows authentication. That will configure everything correctly and won't add any of the Identity pieces.
Note that in RC1 authorization based on role/AD group membership is broken, so Authorize[Roles = "MYDOMAIN\mygroup"] won't work. This will be fixed in RC2.


How to get Window's logged in User Name and Password using ASP.NET WEB API 2

I am working on a Intranet application where i am calling a SAP service from a ASP.NET WEB API, Currently it is working fine with a HttpBasicAuthentication with a predefined user name and password. But now the requirement is to get the logged in windows user's user name and password through ASP.NET WEB API and pass it to the SAP service for authentication? Can anyone help me on this?
1) HttpBasicAuthentication won't apply in this case.
2) Use identity impersonate via the web.config tag (ref Identity Impersonate) to have the current user's identity taken up in api. However this will only work for Intranet based applications and not over internet. For Internet based, you will need to have Kerberos bridge (somewhat complicated) concept implemented.
3) In you app.start method, you need to set the current principal to windows principal.
Then you can have the user detail available..
Please note that you will not have the user's password available as OS protects that very very securely. You can get the user's Kerberos token though which your target system can auth against the AD being used.

.Net Authentication and Authorization

I have one third party web application developed in the ASP.Net. This web application shows some pdf planning data which comes from the the oracle database.
I have windows authentication defined on this application for authentication purpose. So whenever i first launch this application there is a popup comes up and ask for username and password like this.
I want to get rid this pop up and Instead of entering different username and password each time I want to use a single userid/password for all the hits to this web application. Because I do not want all users to have access to my database.
Please help. I want to use the single username and password without getting the login popup.
Here is the solution i got for my problem We need do the things to get rid of the login popup
Set the IIS authentication mode as windows and Use the Active directory authentication.
Add the web site as a trusted website in the internet properties.
In the internet properties allow automatically login with username and password. It will use your windows username and password and login you.

Sign out from Windows Authenticated ADFS and sign in as different user in form base auth

We are going enhance the authentication and authorization system of our Intranet web app. After having few days reading about ADFS, STS, claim based authentication, Identity. Still not sure how these things works together.
Most of our intranet web applications are using Windows Integrated Authentication, we uses windows group or AzMan to do role base authorization. We have few applications(Vendor application) use it own user database and form base authentication.
We want to add following features to our web applications.
For Windows Authentication application, we want to let user to Sign Out / Sign in as different user. So when User A using his/her computer to access the application, it will auto logged in (default windows integrated authentication). When he/she do log out, it will redirect to a form to allow to input other user credential.
We want to allow user login to System A using System B username/password.
e.g. For the windows authentication application, we want allow user login to the application using the credential of the Form base application (Vendor application) of via visa
I don't know if ADFS can solve these two problems.
From my understanding, the main purpose of ADFS is to allow access to internal application from Internet, and it require SSL.
Our application all are in Intranet, and we don't want to manage the ssl cert.
But by using ADFS, perhaps I can enable both Windows and Form Authentication on my application, so then let use log out and re-direct him to the login form as which just like he access outside company network. It should solve the problem 1.
For problem 2, what if I can create a custom STS to issue security token by using the user database of the form base authentication appliaction. Then I can use claim based authentication and allow one application can use ADFS and my STS. It should solve my problem 2.
Is my direction correct? or am I complicated the problem?
ADFS will not work without SSL.
Furthermore, all RP have to use SSL.
Internally, users will be logged in seamlessly using WIA. When they logout, they will simply be seamlessly logged in again.
Also ADFS v3.0 and below can only authenticate against AD.
While what you want is possible using ADFS, the question is whether it's a good idea and worth the trouble. It may be more appropriate to ask the user to log out of the machine and log in with a different account so you can stick with Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). Writing your own security infrastructure is fraught with peril.
If you really feel these are hard requirements and it is worth the trouble, the following may work.
Write an ASP.NET web application based on Katana and enable Integrated Windows Authentication. This will make sure that the first time a completely unauthenticated request comes in, the application will challenge the browser. Subsequent requests will have a WindowsPrincipal populated in the HttpContext.User and Thread.CurrentPrincipal.
Now, write a piece of OWIN middleware that checks if an authentication cookie is present. If the cookie is not present, it checks the Thread.CurrentPrincipal and serializes the claims into a secure cookie.
If the security cookie is present, it overwrites the WindowsPrincipal in Thread.CurrentPrincipal with a new ClaimsPrincipal created from the claims in the cookie.
Now, when a user navigates to the web application the first time, he/she will be logged in automatically using IWA and the cookie will be created. Now, provide a logout action which deletes the authentication cookie and presents the user with a username and password dialog.
In the POST handler for that action, use WIF to talk to the username endpoint in ADFS (using WS-Trust protocol) and try to authenticate the user with the supplied credentials. If successful, use the claims from the returned token to create a new authentication cookie.

How to get current User Name in Silverlight application without asking user to login

I need to get current username of user who start silverlight application.
I was able to do it, when I get User.Identity.Name in aspx page and pass it to silverlight app.
But it requires windows authentication, so asks users to sign in with domain user(with same domain as iis server).
Is it possible to get windows username, without asking user to sign in, and get name even if user is in another domain?
It is not possible. You should use windows authentication within your service.

Using Windows Identity Foundation to log someone in to an application

My supervisor at the office tells me that he saw a demonstration with a pre-release version of Microsoft "Geneva" (now Windows Identity Foundation) where a developer did the following:
He set up some sort of web application where a user could log in using a customized log-on system. Behind the scenes, the web application logs the user in as a user in an Active Directory.
The user logs in.
Once the user is logged in, the the web application thread runs as the logged in user for the duration of the user's session and can access resources on the network (such as running SQL queries on tables whose access is controlled Active Directory)
Steps 2) and 3) are exactly the same as using the "Integrated Windows Authentication" setting in the "Directory Security" tab of the web site settings in IIS. Step 1) is different because we are using a custom log-on system as opposed to the Kerberos authentication.
We want to set up one of our applications to operate exactly as described in 1), 2), and 3). However, all the documentation that I've seen regarding Windows Identify Foundation is about Cardspace and Federated Security. We have zero interest in using either of these technologies right now.
We just want to be able to log users in to Active Directory Accounts behind the scenes.
Yes, we've tried the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider with Forms Authentication, but it's a complete kludge to actually access resources on the network requiring impersonation on every page!
UPDATE Jan 7, 2010. Okay, I've been working at this for a while, and everything I've managed to come up falls short of what I want to achieve. Perhaps the functionality I want is not in the release version of WIF.
Here's where I'm at now. I've found some documentation on MSDN that indicates that there are three different identities used in the identity specified by HttpContext.Current.User, the identity specified by Thread.CurrentPrincipal, and finally the identity specified by WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent. link
In one example of where I want to use the process I'm looking to design, I want to perform a SQL query as the logged in user. In my debugger, I see that I easily set the HttpContext and Thread users to the logged in user. However, when I connect to the SQL server using Windows Authentication, it always always always connects as the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent user and that user is always always always the identity of the process unless I'm using Windows Authentication with impersonation. I absolutely cannot use Windows Authentication with my application because my users must log in by playing a magic flute song and Windows Authentication has no support for logging in with magic flute songs.
To clarify, there is no trouble with obtaining a WindowsIdentity representing the logged in user (who logged in with a magic flute song). The problem is that I cannot use that WindowsIdentity to perform SQL queries for my user.
WIF allows you to configure it so a claims based identity maps to an AD account, the claim may either be a federated identity claim, or delivered via an information card. c2WTS performs this function.
Even when it does map because of delegation you're always going to have to delegate if you want to use the AD identity IIS is impersonating - that's just how it works, unless you setup Kerberos delegation for IIS
You can achieve the same using Identity Impersonation in Also you need to enable windows integrated authentication for you web app. This will solve the purpose. If the logged in user does not have the required rights to access resources you will get security exceptions which you will have to handle.
