How to append a vector to Julia matrix as a row? - multidimensional-array

I have an empty matrix initially:
m = Matrix(0, 3)
and a row that I want to add:
v = [2,3]
I try to do this:
[m v]
But I get an error
ERROR: ArgumentError: number of rows of each array must match
What's the proper way to do this?

That is because your matrix sizes don't match. Specifically v does not contain enough columns to match m. And its transposed
So this doesnt work
m = Matrix(0, 3)
v = [2,3]
m = cat(1, m, v) # or a = [m; v]
>> ERROR: DimensionMismatch("mismatch in dimension 2 (expected 3 got 1)")
whereas this does
m = Matrix(0, 3)
v = [2 3 4]
m = cat(1, m, v) # or m = [m; v]
>> 1x3 Array{Any,2}:
>> 2 3 4
and if you run it again it creates another row
m = cat(1, m, v) # or m = [m; v]
>> 2x3 Array{Any,2}:
>> 2 3 4
>> 2 3 4

Use the vcat (concatenate vertically) function:
help?> vcat
search: vcat hvcat VecOrMat DenseVecOrMat StridedVecOrMat AbstractVecOrMat levicivita is_valid_char #vectorize_2arg
Concatenate along dimension 1
Notice you have to transpose the vector v, ie. v', else you get a DimensionMismatch error:
julia> v = zeros(3)
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> m = ones(3, 3)
3x3 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
julia> vcat(m, v') # '
4x3 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
julia> v' # '
1x3 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0 0.0 0.0
julia> vcat(m, v)
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("mismatch in dimension 2 (expected 3 got 1)")
in cat_t at abstractarray.jl:850
in vcat at abstractarray.jl:887
Note: the comments; # ' are there just to make syntax highlighting work well.

Isn't that Matrix creates a two-dimensional array in Julia? If you try with m =[0, 3], which creates a one-dimensional Vector for you, you can append it by [m; v].
I think using [m v] is create a two-dimensional array as well, from the Julia Document


Add matrix dimension with map()

I have a 2D array of colours in Julia
using Images
white = RGB{Float32}(1, 1, 1)
green = RGB{Float32}(0.1, 1, 0.1)
blue = RGB{Float32}(0, 0.1, 1)
A = [white white;
green blue;
blue blue]
I want to turn each RGB colour into a Array{Float32, 3} in the higher dimension. This is what I tried:
B = map(A) do a
[a.r, a.g, a.b]
size(B) == (3, 2, 3) # (rows, cols, channels)
# => false
Instead, B is a 2D-matrix of 1D-arrays.
Does Julia have a map-like method for expanding the dimensions of a matrix?
You should use ImageCore's channelview instead:
julia> Av = channelview(A)
3×3×2 reinterpret(reshape, Float32, ::Array{RGB{Float32},2}) with eltype Float32:
[:, :, 1] =
1.0 0.1 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.1
1.0 0.1 1.0
[:, :, 2] =
1.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.1 0.1
1.0 1.0 1.0
The color channel is the first dimension (the fastest dimension). You can check that by setting some values and seeing the impact on the original, since Av is a view of A:
julia> Av[1,2,1] = -5
julia> Av[1,2,2] = -10
julia> A
3×2 Array{RGB{Float32},2} with eltype RGB{Float32}:
RGB{Float32}(1.0,1.0,1.0) RGB{Float32}(1.0,1.0,1.0)
RGB{Float32}(-5.0,1.0,0.1) RGB{Float32}(-10.0,0.1,1.0)
RGB{Float32}(0.0,0.1,1.0) RGB{Float32}(0.0,0.1,1.0)
In both cases we tweaked the red channel, because of using 1 as the first index.
map doesn't work because it is elementwise, so it can only allocate an output with the same size as the input. It's not difficult to allocate your output array in this case:
function RGBtoT_loop(x::Array{RGB{T}, N}) where {T,N}
# allocate output array without any (valid) instances
result = Array{T, N+1}(undef, size(x)..., 3)
# write RGB values into output array
for i in CartesianIndices(x)
result[i, 1] = x[i].r
result[i, 2] = x[i].g
result[i, 3] = x[i].b
EDIT: I figured out how to do the same thing by broadcasting the getfield method where getfield(RGBvalue, 1) is equivalent to RGBvalue.r. Interestingly, ndims(A) and thus the Tuple of ones is calculated at compile-time from A's type parameters, so this method ends up type-stable and only allocates 1 thing at run-time: the result array.
RGBtoT(x) = getfield.(x, reshape(1:3, ntuple(i->1, ndims(x))..., 3) )

How to use nested list comprehension in julia

How do I make the following code into nested list comprehension?
node_x = 5
node_y = 5
node_z = 5
xyz = Matrix(undef, node_x*node_y*node_z,3)
ii = 0
dx = 1.0
for k in 0:node_z-1
for j in 0:node_y-1
for i in 0:node_x-1
x = i * dx
y = j * dx
z = k * dx
ii += 1
#println([x, y, z])
xyz[ii, 1] = x
xyz[ii, 2] = y
xyz[ii, 3] = z
In python and numpy, I can write such as following codes.
xyz = np.array([[i*dx, j*dx, k*dx] for k in range(node_z) for j in range(node_y) for i in range(node_x)])
Comprehensions can be nested just the same, it's just range that is a bit different, but in your case there is the start:end syntactic sugar:
julia> [[i*dx, j*dx, k*dx] for k in 1:node_z for j in 1:node_y for i in 1:node_x]
125-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
[2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
[4.0, 5.0, 5.0]
[5.0, 5.0, 5.0]
To get the same array as your Python example, you'd have to permute the dimensions of the 3-element vectors and concatenate the list:
julia> vcat(([i*dx j*dx k*dx] for k in 1:node_z for j in 1:node_y for i in 1:node_x)...)
125×3 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 1.0 1.0
2.0 1.0 1.0
4.0 5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0 5.0

How to create two nested for loops in a single line in Julia

I have seen it a few times where someone has a situation where they want to put two for loops on the same line nested in one another.
Just to confirm, is this possible in Julia and if so what does it look like? Thanks!
Correct, Julia allows you to tersely express nested for loops.
As an example, consider filling in a 3x3 matrix in column order:
julia> xs = zeros(3,3)
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
julia> let a = 1
for j in 1:3, i in 1:3
xs[i,j] = a
a += 1
julia> xs
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 4.0 7.0
2.0 5.0 8.0
3.0 6.0 9.0
The above loop is equivalent to this more verbose version:
julia> let a = 1
for j in 1:3
for i in 1:3
xs[i,j] = a
a += 1
This syntax is even supported for higher dimensions(!):
julia> for k in 1:3, j in 1:3, i in 1:3
#show (i, j, k)

What is the Julia way to dot product over desired dimensions

I have a xy-grid with two vector fields u and v. I represent vector fields as Array{Float64, 3} with dimensions nx × ny × 2.
I would like to have dot product u.v as a scalar field (Array{Float64,2} with dimensions nx×ny). What is the best way to achieve that?
It would be perfect to have something like dot(u,v,3), where 3 is the dimension over which the dot product is taken.
nx, ny = 3, 4
u = Array{Float64,3}(rand(0:1, nx, ny, 2))
#[0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0; 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0; 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0]
#[1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0; 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0; 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0]
v = Array{Float64,3}(rand(0:1, nx, ny, 2))
#[1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0]
#[1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0]
[dot(u[i,j,:], v[i,j,:]) for i in 1:nx, j in 1:ny]
3×4 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 2.0 0.0
sum(u.*v,3) is both (reasonably) fast and short.
To explicity get a matrix you can squeeze the third dimension like so squeeze(sum(u.*v,3), 3)
Update: Of course, this has allocations and is not the best answer if speed is everything. In this case, see #DNF's direct loop implementation which is basically as fast as you can get it.
squeeze(sum(u .* v, 3), 3) is clean and simple, but if you need more speed, this is approximately 20x times faster on my pc:
a = fill(zero(eltype(u)), nx, ny)
#inbounds for k in indices(u, 3)
for j in indices(u, 2)
for i in indices(u, 1)
a[i, j] += u[i, j, k] * v[i, j, k]
Edit: For easier benchmarking comparison, this try this code:
function dotsum3(u, v)
a = fill(zero(eltype(u)), size(u, 1), size(u, 2))
#inbounds for k in indices(u, 3)
for j in indices(u, 2)
for i in indices(u, 1)
a[i, j] += u[i, j, k] * v[i, j, k]
return a
Also note that, if using #inbounds, one should probably explicitely check that the sizes of u and v are compatible.
Another version is
a = copy(view(u,:,:,1))
a .*= view(v,:,:,1)
a .+= #views u[:,:,2].*v[:,:,2]
Which is easily extensible to arbitrary 3rd dimension length. The benchmarks from my machine:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> function f1(u,v)
a = fill(zero(eltype(u)), nx, ny)
#inbounds for k in indices(u, 3)
for j in indices(u, 2)
for i in indices(u, 1)
a[i, j] += u[i, j, k] * v[i, j, k]
return a
f1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f2(u,v) = squeeze(sum(u .* v, 3), 3)
f2 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> function f3(u,v)
a = copy(view(u,:,:,1))
a .*= view(v,:,:,1)
a .+= #views u[:,:,2].*v[:,:,2]
return a
f3 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> nx, ny = 3, 4
(3, 4)
julia> u = Array{Float64,3}(rand(0:1, nx, ny, 2));
julia> v = Array{Float64,3}(rand(0:1, nx, ny, 2));
Timing results:
julia> #btime f1($u,$v); # DNF suggestion
1.016 μs (1 allocation: 176 bytes)
julia> #btime f2($u,$v); # original answer
1.263 μs (14 allocations: 816 bytes)
julia> #btime f3($u,$v); # this answer
168.591 ns (5 allocations: 432 bytes)
The suggested version is faster (which is logical considering memory ordering of Julia Arrays).

Bad results in sparse matrix assignment with logical indexing

In Matlab/Octave, I can use logical indexing to assign a value to matrix B in every location that meets a certain requirement in matrix A.
octave:1> A = [.1;.2;.3;.4;.11;.13;.14;.01;.04;.09];
octave:2> C = A < .12
C =
octave:3> B = spalloc(10,1);
octave:4> B(C) = 1
B =
Compressed Column Sparse (rows = 10, cols = 1, nnz = 5 [50%])
(1, 1) -> 1
(5, 1) -> 1
(8, 1) -> 1
(9, 1) -> 1
(10, 1) -> 1
However, if I attempt essentially the same code in Julia, the results are incorrect:
julia> A = [.1;.2;.3;.4;.11;.13;.14;.01;.04;.09];
julia> B = spzeros(10,1)
10x1 sparse matrix with 0 Float64 entries:
julia> C = A .< .12
10-element BitArray{1}:
julia> B[C] = 1
julia> B
10x1 sparse matrix with 5 Float64 entries:
[0 , 1] = 1.0
[0 , 1] = 1.0
[1 , 1] = 1.0
[1 , 1] = 1.0
[1 , 1] = 1.0
Have I made a mistake in the syntax somewhere, am I misunderstanding something, or is this a bug? Note, I get the correct results if I use full matrices in Julia, but since the matrix in my application is really sparse (essential boundary conditions in a finite element simulation), I would much prefer to use the sparse matrices
It looks as if sparse has some problems with BitArray's.
julia> VERSION
julia> A = [.1;.2;.3;.4;.11;.13;.14;.01;.04;.09]
julia> B = spzeros(10,1)
julia> C = A .< .12
julia> B[C] = 1
julia> B
10x1 sparse matrix with 5 Float64 entries:
[0 , 1] = 1.0
[0 , 1] = 1.0
[1 , 1] = 1.0
[1 , 1] = 1.0
[1 , 1] = 1.0
So I get the same thing as the questioner. However when I do things "my way"
julia> B = sparse(C)
ERROR: `sparse` has no method matching sparse(::BitArray{1})
julia> B = sparse(float(C))
10x1 sparse matrix with 5 Float64 entries:
[1 , 1] = 1.0
[5 , 1] = 1.0
[8 , 1] = 1.0
[9 , 1] = 1.0
[10, 1] = 1.0
So this works if you convert the BitArray to Float. I imagine that this workaround will get you going, but it does seem that sparse should work with BitArray.
Some Additional Thoughts (Edit)
As I thought further about this, it occurs to me that one reason why there is no BitArray method for sparse() is that it is not terribly useful to implement sparse storage for an already highly compact type. Considering B and C from above:
julia> sizeof(C)
julia> sizeof(B)
So for these data, the sparse version is much larger than the original. It's actually worse than this simple (perhaps simplistic) check shows at first glance. sizeof(::BitArray{1}) appears to be the size of the entire array, but sizeof(::SparseMatrixCSC{}) shows the size of each element stored. So the real size disparity is something like 8 versus 200 bytes.
Of course if the data is sparse enough (somewhat less than 1% true), sparse storage begins to win out, despite it's high overhead.
julia> C = rand(10^6) .< 0.01
julia> B = sparse(float(C))
julia> sizeof(C)
julia> sum(C)*sizeof(B)
julia> C = rand(10^6) .< 0.001
julia> B = sparse(float(C))
julia> sizeof(C)
julia> sum(C)*sizeof(B)
So perhaps it is not an oversight that sparse() has no BitArray method. Cases where it would represent a significant space saving may be less common than one might think at first glance.
