Moq - Parameter mismatch - moq

I am trying to figure out why I am getting the following exception when Im mocking my very simple interface.
System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Parameter count
var zoneLocator = new Mock<IZoneLocator<ZoneInfo>>();
.Setup(zl => zl.GetZoneInfo(
It.IsAny<double>(), It.IsAny<double>()))
.Returns((ZoneInfo zoneInfo) =>
var z = zoneLocator.Object.GetZoneInfo(1, 1);
public interface IZoneLocator<T>
Task<T> GetZoneInfo(double latitude, double longitude);

The overload of Returns that expects a Func is expecting a function that has the same inputs as the inputs of your mocked method. This allows you to alter the return value based on the inputs to the method.
So, to fix this, change your setup to this:
.Setup(zl => zl.GetZoneInfo(It.IsAny<double>(), It.IsAny<double>()))
.Returns((double latitude, double longitude) =>
Task.FromResult(/* TODO: create a timezone somehow*/));


Moq: How to setup a method with tupel having type T as tupel element

I am using Moq 4.18.1. I have to setup a mock for the following method signature:
Task AddMultiMessagesWithTransactionAsync<T>(List<(string queueName, T content, string messageId)> messageInfos, bool createQueue = false) where T : class;
The special thing is the generic type inside the tupel, which is at the first parameter. And I think there lies the problem. Other mock-setups in the same project are working fine. The mock looks like:
Mock<IServiceBusService> sbSrvMock2 = new();
var messageInfos = It.IsAny<List<(string queueName, It.IsAnyType content, string messageId)>>();
var createQueue = It.IsAny<bool>();
.Setup(sb => sb.AddMultiMessagesWithTransactionAsync<It.IsAnyType>(messageInfos, createQueue))
.Callback(new InvocationAction((inv) =>
var p1 = inv.Arguments[0];
var p2 = inv.Arguments[1];
Console.WriteLine("I was here");
The callback is never triggered! Do I have a problem with setting up the signature? Is it something with async?

Callling event function through Observable.FromEvent object

I am using one delegate and event for the same as below:
public delegate void DelgSampledelegate(string status);
public static event DelgSampledelegate sampleEvent;
sampleEvent += new DelgSampledelegate(sample_method);
public void sample_method(string value)
Now I wanted to use Rx Extension for above delegate. So I tried below code to create object of Observable.FromEvent
var objDataUpdated = Observable.FromEvent(h => sampleEvent += h, h => sampleEvent -= h);
var movesSubscription = objDataUpdated.Subscribe(evt => evt.ToString());
My aim is to call 'sample_method' function as I was calling earlier.I know it may be done either via subscribe.Please guide me proper way to do it.
Can't see that you're missing much except the type parameters and actually raising an event to test it:
var objDataUpdated = Observable.FromEvent<DelgSampledelegate, string>(
h => sampleEvent += h,
h => sampleEvent -= h);
var movesSubscription = objDataUpdated.Subscribe(x => sample_method(x));
// note the preceding line can be shortened to finish
// .Subscribe(sample_method) but I didn't want to make too many leaps
// raise a sampleEvent, will call sample_method("Test")
See How to use Observable.FromEvent instead of FromEventPattern and avoid string literal event names for a comprehensive explanation of FromEvent - although note the form in this answer needs no conversion function because DelgSampledelegate's signature matches the required OnNext signature.

Using Moq can you verify a method call with an anonymous type?

I'm trying to verify a method call using Moq, but I can't quite get the syntax right. Currently, I've got this as my verify:
repository.Verify(x => x.ExecuteNonQuery("fav_AddFavorites", new
fid = 123,
inputStr = "000456"
}), Times.Once());
The code compiles, but the test fails with the error:
Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times:
x => x.ExecuteNonQuery("fav_AddFavorites", new <>f__AnonymousType0<Int32, String>(123, "000456"))
No setups configured.
Performed invocations:
IRepository.ExecuteNonQuery("fav_AddFavorites", { fid = 123, inputStr = 000456 })
How can I verify the method call and match the method parameters for an anonymous type?
To answer the questions:
I am trying to verify both that the method was called and that the parameters are correct.
The signature of the method I'm trying to verify is:
int ExecuteNonQuery(string query, object param = null);
The setup code is simply:
repository = new Mock<IRepository>();
It looks like this is a problem with Moq and how it handles anonymous types in .Net. The code posted by Paul Matovich runs fine, however, once the code and the test are in different assemblies the test fails.
This Passes
public class Class1
private Class2 _Class2;
public Class1(Class2 class2)
_Class2 = class2;
public void DoSomething(string s)
_Class2.ExecuteNonQuery(s, new { fid = 123, inputStr = "000456" });
public class Class2
public virtual void ExecuteNonQuery(string s, object o)
/// <summary>
///A test for ExecuteNonQuery
public void ExecuteNonQueryTest()
string testString = "Hello";
var Class2Stub = new Mock<Class2>();
Class1 target = new Class1(Class2Stub.Object);
Class2Stub.Verify(x => x.ExecuteNonQuery(testString, It.Is<object>(o => o.Equals(new { fid = 123, inputStr = "000456" }))), Times.Once());
That is strange, it doesn't work in different assemblies. Someone can give us the long definition about why the object.equals from different assemblies behaves differently, but for different assemblies, this will work, any variance in the object values will return a different hash code.
Class2Stub.Verify(x => x.ExecuteNonQuery(testString, It.Is<object>(o => o.GetHashCode() == (new { fid = 123, inputStr = "000456" }).GetHashCode())), Times.Once());
One option is to "verify" it in a Callback. Obviously this needs to be done at Setup time, e.g.:
aMock.Setup(x => x.Method(It.IsAny<object>())).Callback<object>(
(p1) =>
dynamic o = p1;
Assert.That(o.Name, Is.EqualTo("Bilbo"));
None of the answers are great when your test assembly is different than the system under test's assembly (really common). Here's my solution that uses JSON serialization and then strings comparison.
Test Helper Function:
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public static class VerifyHelper
public static bool AreEqualObjects(object expected, object actual)
var expectedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected);
var actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actual);
return expectedJson == actualJson;
Example System Under Test:
public void DoWork(string input)
var obj = new { Prop1 = input };
Example Unit Test:
var expectedObject = new { Prop1 = "foo" };
dependency.Verify(x => x.SomeDependencyFunction(It.Is<object>(y => VerifyHelper.AreEqualObjects(expectedObject, y))), Times.Once());
This solution is really simple, and I think makes the unit test easier to understand as opposed to the other answers in this thread. However, because it using simple string comparison, the test's anonymous object has to be set up exactly the same as the system under the test's anonymous object. Ergo, let's say you only cared to verify the value of a single property, but your system under test sets additional properties on the anonymous object, your unit test will need to set all those other properties (and in the same exact order) for the helper function to return true.
I created a reusable method based on Pauls answer:
object ItIsAnonymousObject(object value)
return It.Is<object>(o => o.GetHashCode() == value.GetHashCode());
x => x.SomeDependencyFunction(ItIsAnonymousObject(new { Prop1 = "foo" })),
Also, this can be used for property name case-insensitive comparison:
protected object ItIsAnonymousObject(object value)
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase };
return It.Is<object>(o => JsonSerializer.Serialize(o, options) == JsonSerializer.Serialize(value, options));

Is there a simpler way to have an IObservable be asynchronously dependent upon another IObservable?

I'm new to RX, and I have my desired scenario working well, but it seems to me there must be a simpler or more elegant way to achieve this. What I have is an IObservable<T> and I want to subscribe to it in such a way that I end up with an IObservable<U>, by triggering an asynchronous operation that generates a U for each T it sees.
What I have so far (that works great, but seems cumbersome) uses an intermediate event stream and goes something like this:
public class Converter {
public event EventHandler<UArgs> UDone;
public IConnectableObservable<U> ToUs(IObservable<T> ts) {
var us = Observable.FromEvent<UArgs>(this, "UDone").Select(e => e.EventArgs.U).Replay();
ts.Subscribe(t => Observable.Start(() => OnUDone(new U(t))));
return us;
private void OnUDone(U u) {
var uDone = UDone;
if (uDone != null) {
uDone(this, u);
var c = new Converter();
IConnectableObservable<T> ts = ...;
var us = c.ToUs(ts);
I'm sure I'm missing a much simpler way to do this...
SelectMany should do what you need, to flatten out the IO<IO<T>>
Observable.Range(1, 10)
.Select(ii => Observable.Start(() =>
string.Format("{0} {1}", ii, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)))
This is exactly what SelectMany is for:
IObservable<int> ts
IObservable<string> us = ts.SelectMany(t => StartAsync(t));
us.Subscribe(u =>
Console.WriteLine("StartAsync completed with {0}", u));
private IObservable<string> StartAsync(int t)
return Observable.Return(t.ToString())
Keep in mind that if StartAsync has a variable completion time, you may receive the output values in a different order from the input values.

Is it possible to define a generic type Vector in Actionsctipt 3?

Hi i need to make a VectorIterator, so i need to accept a Vector with any type. I am currently trying to define the type as * like so:
var collection:Vector.<*> = new Vector<*>()
But the compiler is complaining that the type "is not a compile time constant". i know a bug exists with the Vector class where the error reporting, reports the wrong type as missing, for example:
var collection:Vector.<Sprite> = new Vector.<Sprite>()
if Sprite was not imported, the compiler would complain that it cannot find the Vector class. I wonder if this is related?
So it looks like the answer is there is no way to implicitly cast a Vector of a type to valid super type. It must be performed explicitly with the global Vector.<> function.
So my actual problem was a mix of problems :)
It is correct to use Vector. as a generic reference to another Vector, but, it cannot be performed like this:
var spriteList:Vector.<Sprite> = new Vector.<Sprite>()
var genericList:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>()
genericList = spriteList // this will cause a type casting error
The assignment should be performed using the global Vector() function/cast like so:
var spriteList:Vector.<Sprite> = new Vector.<Sprite>()
var genericList:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>()
genericList = Vector.<Object>(spriteList)
It was a simple case of me not reading the documentation.
Below is some test code, I would expect the Vector. to cast implicitly to Vector.<*>.
public class VectorTest extends Sprite
public function VectorTest()
// works, due to <*> being strictly the same type as the collection in VectorContainer
var collection:Vector.<*> = new Vector.<String>()
// compiler complains about implicit conversion of <String> to <*>
var collection:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>()
for each (var eachNumber:String in collection)
trace("eachNumber: " + eachNumber)
var vectorContainer:VectorContainer = new VectorContainer(collection)
public class VectorContainer
private var _collection:Vector.<*>
private var _index:int = 0
public function VectorContainer(collection:Vector.<*>)
_collection = collection
public function hasNext():Boolean
return _index < _collection.length
public function get next():*
return _collection[_index++]
public var selectedItems:Vector.<Category>;
public function selectionChange(items:Vector.<Object>):void
selectedItems = Vector.<Category>(items);
I believe you can refer to an untyped Vector by just calling it Vector (no .<>)
With Apache Flex 4.11.0, you can already do what you want. It might have been there since 4.9.0, but I have not tried that before.
var collection:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>()
But i'm just speculating, haven't tried it.
var collection:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>()
but only on targeting flash player 10 cs4
