Atmega328p sending data through USB - arduino

I'm using the atmega328p and I would like to send data through the USB to use like the serial monitor in the arduino for code testing purposes, so I doesn't need an LCD to print data. I used USART when simulating my code in proteus, and I believe there is a similar approach using the data pins of the USB connector.

When you send data over the UART on the ATmega328, it is converted to serial over USB by the Arduino. The Arduino will enumerate as a virtual serial port on your computer, and you can connect to this with the serial terminal of your choice (screen, PuTTY, RealTerm, etc). The Arduino IDE also has an built-in serial monitor. Note that you cannot use this serial connection while programming the Arduino via the USB port, as it will interfere with the programming.
If you are using the hardware UART for other purposes, then you can use an external TTL serial-USB converter and SoftwareSerial on the Arduino.


On Arduino Micro, is there a way to use the "Serial" port from pin connections?

Micro and Leonardo have two serial ports, denoted by "Serial" and "Serial1."
I can use Serial1 through the RX and TX pins for my sensor, a TF Mini, and still get output to the Arduino IDE through the Serial connection via USB.
I would like to, instead send that output via Bluetooth, which also requires a serial connection. I have attempted Software Serialization solutions for the sensor, without success.
Is it possible to access both Serial and Serial1 connections through the pins?
The Serial port in the Arduino Leonardo is virtual, so there is no physical way to interact with it, you'll need to do bit banging in other GPIO pins to simulate this connection. By doing this, it will slow down your sketch if you are doing more complicate stuff. And if you add an extra connection via Serial1 port, will be worse.

Use the Arduino Nano's serial interface to communicate with ESP8266 -- currently hangs

I have designed a ledstrip driver capable of receiving commands over UDP-IP. I initially worked with an Arduino MEGA, and currently I'm in the process of deploying the code in an Arduino NANO.
The Arduino NANO only has one hardware serial interface, unlike the MEGA, which has several. This forces me to disable the usual debugging through one of the Serial ports (by sending strings to the computer) and to reserve the one and only serial interface for the ESP8266. In short, I am connecting the ESP8266 to the TX and RX pins in the NANO.
I am aware that I could use the softwareserial.h library, but I'd like to avoid it if possible.
The following function sets up the Wifi object:
void wifi_setup(){
// Initialize serial for ESP module
// Initialize ESP module
WiFi.init(&Serial); /* GETS STUCK HERE */
The problem is: the microcontroller gets stuck in the Wifi.init() function and never abandons it.
I am aware that the serial interface is connected to the USB port, and am suspicious this might be a problem. However, I have tried giving power to the NANO through the VIN pin instead of through the USB port, and it hasn't worked.
What am I doing wrong?
The best solution will be to write separate code for ESP8266 and Arduino Nano - or even only for ESP8266 (NodeMCU to make it easy). It will be much easier. But if you really want to do it in your way, i think ESP uses 115200 baud, and you've set it to 9600.

SIM900 module not responding on hardware COM port

I've got my sim900 module working with arduino by using their software serial library, however, I want to eliminate arduino from the equation and have serial communication directly to sim900 module.
I'm using putty as my terminal emulator. It's serial is configured to COM1 19200 8 N 1 the same as device manager configuration for this port.
I connect straight from hardware serial on my PCs motherboard into serial-to-ttl interface board which connects to sim900 module. The board has 4 pins - VCC GND TX RX. They're all connected to my sim900 hardware serial as follows: VCC=5V GND=GND TX=TX RX=RX (Yes I know that it's always actually TX=RX and RX=TX, but when I connect it that way my interface board doesn't blink any led to indicate a transfer whereas it does when I connect TX=TX and RX=RX). The switch on the module is set to hardware serial pins as well.
So the only thing that happens when I send AT commands such as AT or ATI and press enter is that puttys cursor comes back to the beginning of command that I typed. No response.
I'm thinking that I'm not doing something that the arduinos software serial port is doing when it sends commands to sim900.
Can anyone help please ? It's literally been days of trying different configurations with no results.
In that time besides getting sim900 working with arduino software serial I verified that the hardware serial port on my motherboard is working correctly and the interface board is working correctly as well.

Is it possible to use Arduino 2560's serial/USB communication without Arduino bootloader?

I have an Arduino 2560 and would like to send serial data to my PC. However, I am currently not using the Arduino Bootloader because I wanted to use a program that I wrote for an Atmega644 before (as far as I understood, one has to use the Arduino language when using the Bootloader?).
Does anyone know if what I am trying to do is possible with reasonable effort?
Connection to PC via 2560's serial0 does not depend on bootloader (if you plan connection when main program is running). You need 16u2 running to bridge 5V serial UART to USB or you can of course use any other option (e.g. MAX232 or so) to convert 5V UART to USB or RS232. But in case of RS232 double check baud rate error because of 16MHz crystal for particular baudrate.
2560 bootloader just implements firmware flash.

What happen when use rs232 instead of usb in arduino?

I just start a project which is very basic actually. But I need an information. It is about arduino serial communication. Here is the question.
If I connect arduino to computer using TTL to RS232 converter without USB cable then can I still use serial monitor to get some data or what happens ? Assume arduino is programmed before using usb cable, and it is powered externally when usb is not used.
for instance the code just
Serial.println("It is working");
Thansk a lot.
you will fry it. Standard RS232 use a +-12V level, while arduino use TTL level (0-5V), so you still need a RS232 -> RS232TTL converter. If you use it, then using virtual serial over USB or real hardware serial is exactly the same, except that hardware serial port never appear/disappear when you plug in the arduino (there is not something like plug'n'play in rs232, it is always plugged)
