Can modules in Morea be marked as optional? - morea-framework

I'd like to add to my course materials, some additional modules which will be marked as optional.
By optional, I mean that they have content (mostly static, e.g., readings) and are probably not going to be covered directly during the course lectures.
However, I'd like them still to appear below the main modules, but somehow separated and marked differently as, well, optional.
I guess I could index them last and also add "(Optiona)" text, but just wondering if there is a better solution for presenting them, e.g. a separating line, a tag like the "coming soon" option, etc.

The simple approach is to list these modules last (by using a high value for morea_sort_order) and then add an Optional label (by using morea_labels). Here's an example:
If you want to get fancier, then you could edit the master/src/modules/ file to customize the way the modules page is rendered. If you go this way, you could put a dividing line between the required and optional modules, add some CSS to change the border color or background of the optional modules, or anything else you want to do.


What is the best way to customize the design/skin of mediawiki?

I'm new to mediawiki and want to make my own skin for a mediawiki. For example I have a button (div.button-field > input) and I want to give it height: 100%. I know you can put it in a custom.css like
div.button-field > input {height: 100%;}
But if I do it for every element I want to customize the .css gets very long. The other thing, if I want only to customize a specific button which is nested like "div > div.container > form > div > div.button-field > input" and I add a div or remove a div, then it wont work anymore and I have to adjust the "path". So what would be the right way todo it? Or is the .css the best way todo it?
With kind regards
The answers depend on how much you want to change.
The first easiest path is to find an existing skin, see on
You can configure some elements like the logo, the favicon or the sidebar, and you can change every text message of the interface.
Then, you can customise, as a logged-in administrator, the CSS rules by modifying the page MediaWiki:Common.css (example on English Wikipedia), or possibly MediaWiki:YourSkinName.css for skin-specific rules (for example MediaWiki:Vector.css to modify only the skin Vector; example on English Wikipedia).
You can also modify add JavaScript features by modifying MediaWiki:Common.js (example on English Wikipedia), or MediaWiki:YourSkinName.js for skin-specific rules (for example MediaWiki:Vector.js to modify only the skin Vector; the page does not exist on the English Wikipedia).
This kind of modification is recommended because it will be kept during MediaWiki updates, although minor adaptations could be needed on the long term.
If you want heavier changes, you can copy an existing skin, rename it, and change the PHP code, for instance by moving or deleting entire blocks. Prefer copying a well-supported skin like Vector or Monobook to be sure it is compatible with most MediaWiki extensions.
But it will take some or lot of work during MediaWiki updates (depends on the quantity of changes), and if you cannot do this work the risk is either you custom skin breaks or you will stay with an old MediaWiki version (which is not recommended for security reasons).
Also, if you choose this path, be warn not to break the structure expected by the VisualEditor if you want it continues to work.
There is a tutorial on to adapt the skinning from easiest ways to heaviest, see Manual:Skinning Part 1 and next pages.

How to put pictures in a single row using semantic view?

I'm trying to put these pictures in a single row using semantic view in drupal7. I just created this view named try and put 2 pictures in it.
After that, I'm editing this view->format-format->setting->row (this is asking for class attribute, not mandatory) and I don't know what to write in this class attribute.
How do I put these pictures in a single row?
Make custom template for that view. Open "Advanced settings" on right side of view editing page and at bottom find "Theming information". There you can see template file suggestions. There if you can see the code of default templates (and copy it to clip board) but you can also see naming suggestions for overriding default templates. So copy code from default template, make from it file with some suggested name, save file in your theme...and clear the cache.
Then change the file as you wish, depending on your needs....
The CSS 'display:inline-block' is a good way to make rows. CSS Flexbox is more difficult to understand, but very powerful. Occasionally, the CSS 'float:left' will do what you need, but it has a tendency to 'log jamb' on differing element heights.
I have used Semantic Views to create continuous, wrap-around content from multiple View rows. I removed the View row element by deleting the default 'div' in the 'Format settings'. That way only a continuous stream of fields appears within the '.view-content' tag.
A custom template is also good.

My CSS is huge. Using ModX, can I split up a CSS into parts?

I have several large CSS files and making a change can sometimes take a few minutes just to find the right selector to change. I would like it if there was a nice ModX editor for CSS, but I haven't been able to find one. I am willing to settle for splitting up my files into parts, as long as my site still renders. Can I do that and how? If there is a nice editor (plugin?) instead, where can I find one?
I guess the real question is what kind of parts are acceptable for you. If you follow this question, you can begin the process of allowing ModX to manage your CSS. Once this happens, your options open considerably. Your CSS editing will then become easier and less time consuming depending on your level of expertise with ModX. This answer will be pretty simple, as it will show simply how to add a given selector as a resource. Other further development can be intuited from here, though.
CSS as a Resource
Once your CSS is being managed as a Resource (which takes about 15 minutes), you may utilize Templates, Template Variables, Chunks, Snippets and Plugins. Thisis actually pretty amazing, but setup can be a bit of a pain. You will basically be investing some time to save a lot of time in the future. The next logical step is split your Selectors accordingly, but you don't want to break what currently works. Having a fluid understanding of the getResources addon will be crucial to further development.
How to do it:
1. Create a new chunk
Click the Elements tab, and click "New Chunk". Name it "css-selector". Set the content to:
[[+pagetitle]] {[[+content]]}
It's as simple as that. Don't forget to click "Save"! This will let you set a Selector as a resource. It will use the title for the selector and content for the rules. You can forget about using those braces any more. Your new chunk will handle those from now on.
2. Adjusting your Template
Now, we just have to convince the template that it nows how to read parts, as well as not forget the whole. Open your CSS Stylesheet template (the one that says [[*content]] for its content). Adjust the code so that it has the following:
Again, click "Save". Let me explain the Template real quick. If you have child, they'll get rendered first depending on their menu index. Further, it will render the contents of the document that are not children afterward. This will allow you to only make new resources for your most important selectors, while keeping the stuff that will never change in the main resource.
3. Create a new Template
This is so that your selectors don't do anything funny and just render the content. Create a new Template named "CSS Selector". Set its content to:
4. Create a new Resource
Create a new Resource. Set the title to the selector for the css statement you want to manage. Then set the content to the rules without the braces. For instance, if your css statement is: div#header .logo {border:0;}, you'll set the title to div#header .logo and the content to border:0;. Set the resource alias to whatever you want. I use numbers for each one. Set the template to your new "CSS Selector". Important Now, set the Parent Document to your Stylesheet. Click Save.
5. Testing the Stylesheet
First, Right-click your new resource and choose "View Resource". This will just make sure that the statement was rendered correctly. It should simply say your rule in CSS format.
Next, Right-Click the Stylesheet resource and choose "View Resource". You should see the Selector at the top and all of the other rules below it.
Final Considerations
You'll notice that your child resources do not have to be changed to "CSS" for Document Type. Only the parent stylesheet has to be. This allows for some neat stuff as your expertise with ModX grows.
You can change the order of rules by simply changing the menu index of them.
The number of rules that can be done this way is based on the &limit variable in the getResources statement in your template. &limit applies to each stylesheet, so in this example you have 99 statements per stylesheet that may be separate resources.
A Note on Server Load
This will place load on the server as the number of resources goes up. For development, keep the "do not cache flag" (!) on your getResources statement. Once you are done, remove the exclamation mark and let it all be cached. This will save a ton of load.
Further Development
I added an isEnabled template variable to mine so I can turn on and off each rule as I pleased.
You may possibly begin to manage your CSS on the front-end utilizing FormIt.
Custom Manager Pages may even be a better option for you.
Further abstraction might allow you to create Groupings of statements for even further organization.

Drupal: Change Color Scheme Based On Node

A web designer has created a design for our Drupal web site which requires a different color scheme for various sections of the site. Drupal does not support this design requirement by default.
Currently I am using JavaScript to change the color scheme based on the page title. After adding some content pages I now realize that this is a terrible way of doing things. I need some ideas for a better way of changing the color scheme depending upon the content.
Is there a way to apply a different theme to a page based on its node value? I could create a slight variation of my theme for each color scheme, although that makes theme maintenance more difficult.
I've also thought about using CCK to add a field to my page content type and then changing the color scheme based on that custom field. This would eliminate the need to add code to my JavaScript for every new page.
Or is there a module for changing color schemes per page?
You might want to take a look at the ThemeKey module, which allows you to determine which theme is used based on conditions like node type or path.
You could add some css in hook_preprocess_page function based on node or other criteria and add the css in the page template as embedded styles.
The idea will be the same as doing it in JavaScript, but you will have php, drupal etc available to do what you need. It should be a lot easier since you can test the node type, or a value you set on the node object.
The CSS module does node-specific CSS, so you could use that to adjust colors.
I would suggest implementing hook_preprocess_page in your theme, and applying a body class based on the node type (or types) being displayed. Or, potentially, put these classes in the node's preprocess for display. So, for instance, if you're viewing a 'project' node, put:
<body class="... node-type-project">...
Then the designer can target styles based on which classes the body has. This is fairly easy to automate, just do a "node-type-". strreplace("_", "-", $node->type) to change any future node type into a class, which you then feed into either the body or the node.

epydoc and reStructuredText change link name

I'm using reStructuredText with epydoc. How can I have the text of an internal link different than the target of the link? I have:
:todo: Figure out the `Product.manufacturer` relationship in `Product`.
The Product link looks fine and links to the Product object. The Product.manufacturer link goes to the proper member variable, but instead of the text being Product.manufacturer, I'd like to just be manufacturer.
I know this can be done if I use epytext, but we'd like to stick with reStructuredText so that we can switch documentation generators later if we want to.
I'm not familiar with epydoc myself, but the normal reStructuredText way would be this:
`manufacturer <Product.manufacturer>`_
Or, with Sphinx,
:attribute:`manufacturer <Product.manufacturer>`
Considering that epydoc seems to have overridden the default role to provide links, it will be being left to it. However, this is the most likely to work:
:todo: Figure out the `manufacturer <Product.manufacturer>` relationship in `Product`.
