Curious about behaving of OCaml - functional-programming

I have a question why does OCaml behaves somewhat unusual. By defining the function
let abs_diff x y = abs(x - y);;
we get val abs_diff : int -> int -> int = <fun> now by defining as
let abs_diff x y =
fun x -> (fun y -> abs(x - y));;
val abs_diff : 'a -> 'b -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
now using another function called as
let dist_from3 = abs_diff 3;;
with the first definition it works perfectly but with the second one it does not work as expected. We get that it is
val dist_from3 : '_a -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
why is it behaving like that, and why are those two definition of the at first look same function different?

In your second definition you have two distinct appearances (bindings) of x and y. That's why there are four parameters in the result. This is what you want:
let abs_diff = fun x -> fun y -> abs (x - y)
(FWIW in actual practice I sometimes make this mistake, especially when using the function keyword.)


How can I create a type in order to accommodate the return value of my Ocaml function?

I am trying to implement a lazy fibonacci generator in Ocaml as shown below:
(* fib's helper *)
let rec fibhlpr n = if n == 0 then 0 else if n == 1 then 1 else fibhlpr (n-1) + fibhlpr (n-2);;
(* lazy fib? *)
let rec fib n = ((fibhlpr n), fun() -> fib (n+1));;
I am trying to return the result of fibhlpr (an int) and a function to retrieve the next value, but am not sure how. I think I have to create a new type in order to accommodate the two items I am returning, but I don't know what type fun() -> fib (n+1) returns. When messing around with the code, I received an error which informed me that
fun() -> fib (n+1) has type: int * (unit ->'a).
I am rather new to Ocaml and functional programming in general, so I don't know what this means. I tried creating a new type as follows:
type t = int * (unit -> 'a);;
However, I received the error: "Unbound type parameter 'a".
At this point I am truly stuck: how can I returns the two items that I want (the result of fibhlpr n and a function which returns the next value in the sequence) without causing an error? Thank you for any help.
If you want to define a lazy sequence, you can use the built-in sequence type
constructor Seq.t
let rec gen_fib a b () = Seq.Cons(a, gen_fib b (a+b))
let fib () = gen_fib 0 1 ()
This implementation also has the advantage that computing the n-th term of the sequence is O(n) rather than O(2^n).
If you want to keep using an infinite lazy type, it is also possible. However, you cannot use the recursive type expression
type t = int * (unit -> t)
without the -rectypes flag. And using -rectypes is generally ill-advised for beginners because it reduces the ability of type inference to identify programming errors.
It is thus better to simply use a recursive type definition as suggested by #G4143
type 'a infinite_sequence = { x:'a; next: unit -> 'a infinite_sequence }
let rec gen_fib a b () =
{ x = a; next = gen_fib b (a+b) }
let fib = gen_fib 0 1 ()
The correct type is
type t = int * (unit -> t)
You do not need a polymorphic 'a, because fibonacci only ever yields ints.
However, when you call the next function, you need to get the next value, but also a way to get the one after it, and so on and so on. You could call the function multiple times, but then it means that the function has mutable state, the above signature doesn't require that.
type 'a t = int * (unit -> 'a);
Your whole problems stems from this function:
let rec fib n = ((fibhlpr n), fun() -> fib (n+1))
I don't think the type system can define fib when it returns itself.. You need to create a new type which can construct a function to return.
I quickly tried this and it works:
type func = Func of (unit ->(int * func))
let rec fib n =
let c = ref 0 in
let rec f () =
if !c < n
c := !c + 1;
((fibhlpr !c), (Func f))
failwith "Done"
Following octachron's lead.. Here's a solution using Seq's unfold function.
let rec fibhlpr n =
if n == 0
else if n == 1
fibhlpr (n-1) + fibhlpr (n-2)
type func = Func of (unit -> (int * int * func))
let rec fib n =
(n, (fibhlpr n), Func(fun() -> fib (n+1)))
let seq =
fun x ->
fun e ->
let (c, d, Func f) = e in
if c > x
Some((c, d), f())
) (fib 0)
let () =
(fun (c, d) -> Printf.printf "%d: %d\n" c d; (flush stdout)) (seq 30)
You started right saying your fib function returns an integer and a function:
type t = int * (unit -> 'a);;
But as the compiler says the 'a is not bound to anything. Your function also isn't polymorphic so that is has to return a type variable. The function you return is the fib function for the next number. Which also returns an integer and a function:
type t = int * (unit -> int * (unit -> 'a));;
But that second function again is the fib function for the next number.
type t = int * (unit -> int * (unit -> int * (unit -> 'a)))
And so on to infinity. Your type definition is actually recursive. The function you return as second half has the same type as the overall return type. You might try to write this as:
# type t = int * (unit -> t);;
Error: The type abbreviation t is cyclic
Recursive types are not allowed in ocaml unless the -rectypes option is used, which has some other side effects you should read about before using it.
A different way to break the cycle is to insert a Constructor into the cyclic type by making it a variant type:
# type t = Pair of int * (unit -> t)
let rec fibhlpr n = if n == 0 then 0 else if n == 1 then 1 else fibhlpr (n-1) + fibhlpr (n-2)
let rec fib n = Pair ((fibhlpr n), fun() -> fib (n+1));;
type t = Pair of int * (unit -> t)
val fibhlpr : int -> int = <fun>
val fib : int -> t = <fun>
Encapsulating the type recursion into a record type also works and might be the more common solution. Something like:
type t = { value : int; next : unit -> t; }
I also think you are missing the point of the exercise. Unless I'm mistaken the point of making it a generator is so that the function can compute the next fibonacci number from the two previous numbers, which you remember, instead of computing it recursively over and over.

How to recursively get scalar value from 2 lists?

The task is to get scalar value from 2 lists recursively. I wrote the code that I think should work, but I am having some type related problem
let rec scalar2 (a, b) = function
| ([], []) -> 0
| ([x : int], [y : int]) -> x * y
| (h1::t1, h2::t2) ->
let sc : int = scalar2 (t1,t2)
sc + (h1 * h2)
The error is that scalar2 (t1,t2) reqested to be int, but it is int list * int list -> int
How this problem could be solved?
When defining a function using the function keyword, you don't need to name your parameters (a and b here). Note that your function body doesn't refer to a or b at all. You want scalar2 to be a function, and the function expression on the right hand side results in a function, so just assign this function to scalar2 directly.
let rec scalar2 = function
| ([], []) -> 0
| ([x : int], [y : int]) -> x * y
| (h1::t1, h2::t2) ->
let sc : int = scalar2 (t1,t2)
sc + (h1 * h2)
Your mistake is likely caused by a confusion with the usual way of defining a function, which doesn't use the function keyword:
let rec scalar2 (a,b) =
match (a,b) with
| ([], []) -> 0
| ([x : int], [y : int]) -> x * y
| (h1::t1, h2::t2) ->
let sc : int = scalar2 (t1,t2)
sc + (h1 * h2)
This way you need a match expression which does use the parameters a and b.
Note that both of these definitions are incomplete, since you haven't said what should happen when only one of the lists is non-empty.
To explain the type error in the original code, consider how F# evaluates let sc : int = scalar2 (t1,t2). Your original definition says that scalar2 (a,b) = function ..., and the left-hand side of this equality has the same form as the expression scalar2 (t1,t2).
So the scalar2 (t1,t2) gets replaced with the function ... expression, after substituting t1 for a and t2 for b. This leaves let sc : int = function ... which of course doesn't type-check.

OCaml Redefining Infix Operator

An exercise questions asks for an explanation as to why this won't work. Obviously from running the code I see that it doesn't, but I don't see in this case why. The error doesn't clarify much!
# let (+) x y z = x + y + z in 5 + 6 7;;
Error: This expression has type int
This is not a function; it cannot be applied.
Lets go step-by-step. Fire a REPL and type:
# let (+) x y z = x + y + z;;
val ( + ) : int -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
We can interpret this int -> int -> int -> int as an infix + operator that takes two ints and returns an int -> int function.
Lets check that:
# let f = 5+6;;
val f : int -> int = <fun>
# f 7;;
- : int = 18
That's every step of your intended program working.
The issue with your code is that this doesn't work:
# 5+6 7;;
Error: This expression has type int
This is not a function; it cannot be applied.
That happens because function application has a precedence over + operator. (In fact, function application has the strongest precedence in OCaml.) So adding the brackets, fixes it (you'll need to restart the toplevel):
# let (+) x y z = x + y + z in (5+6) 7;;
- : int = 18

How to find index of an Array element in OCaml

I am trying to find the index of an integer array element in ocaml. How to do this recursively.
Example code:let a = [|2; 3; 10|];;
suppose I want to return the index of 3 in the array a. Any help appreciated. I am new to OCaml programming
type opt = Some of int | None;;
let find a i =
let rec find a i n =
if a.(n)=i then Some n
else find a i (n+1)
find a i 0
with _ -> None
# find a 3;;
- : int option = Some 1
# find [||] 3;;
- : int option = None
# find a 12;;
- : int option = None
You check each of the elements recursively using an index
let rec find a x n =
if a.(n) = x then n
else find a x (n+1);;
find a x 0;;
that will raise an exception (when n is bigger than the length of the array) in case the element is not part of the array.
let f xs x =
let i = ref (-1) in
let () = Array.iteri (fun n elt -> if x = elt then i := n else ()) xs in
The return value will be -1 if the element is not in the list.

OCaml count the negatives

I'm really stuck on how to go about this I am asked to count the number of negatives within the list, I would have submitted the assignment with:
let nneg = [4; 9; -5; 0; -5; 1];;
List.filter nneg (fun -> (-))
List.filter nneg (fun x -> x < 0)
but it's not an int list -> int but instead an int list
so I started this but I can't figure it out for the life of me how to pattern match it:
let rec rev nneg =
match nneg with
| [] -> 0
| head::tail -> (filter tail < 0) head;;
You don't want to filter the list. You want to fold it to an int. Also the call has wrong arguments.
# List.filter;;
- : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
So filter is a function that takes a function that returns bool and a list. Filter returns filtered list. Example usage of filter:
# List.filter (fun x -> x > 0) [1;2;3;-3];;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3]
Since this is an assignment I'll just give you a hint. Have a look at fold function here. Obviously, you can solve it by filtering all elements greater or equal 0 and then counting them, but that requires two iterations.
