I think it's best to use an example. Let's say I have an ordered tree:
(def abcd [:a [:b :c] :d])
I want to build from it a collection of key-value maps, each map representing a nodes of this tree, with a random name and all relevant information, that is, its parent (nil for the root node) its index (0, 1, 2 ..) and, if it's a leaf node, its content (like ":a"). For instance, in this case it could be:
[{:name G__36654, :parent nil, :index 0}
{:name G__36655, :content :a, :parent G__36654, :index 0}
{:name G__36656, :parent G__36654, :index 1}
{:name G__36657, :content :b, :parent G__36656, :index 0}
{:name G__36658, :content :c, :parent G__36656, :index 1}
{:name G__36659, :content :d, :parent G__36654, :index 2}]
I defined a function that seems to do what I want, but it uses recursion by calling itself and I'm having trouble figuring out how to use loop-recur instead, and I believe there must be something better out there. Here's my attempt:
(defn mttrav "my tree traversal"
([ptree parent index]
(let [name (gensym)]
(not (coll? ptree)) [ {:name name :content ptree :parent parent :index index}]
:else (reduce into
[{:name name :parent parent :index index}]
(map-indexed #(mttrav %2 name %1) ptree)))))
(mttrav ptree nil 0)))
BTW, I don't know if a vector is the right collection to use, maybe a set would make more sense, but I'm using a vector for easier debugging, since it's more readable when the order in which nodes are generated is preserved, and if nodes are accidentally repeated I want to see it.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: just to clarify, it would also be acceptable for each node to have a list of :child nodes instead of a :parent node, and some other variations, as long as it's a flat collection of maps, each map representing a node, with a unique :name, and the position, content and parent-child relations of the nodes are captured in this structure. The intended input are hiccup parse trees coming typically from Instaparse, and the maps are meant to become records to insert in a Clara session.
When a tree resists tail recursion, another thing to try is a "zipper" from Clojure's standard library. Zippers shine for editing, but they're also pretty good at linearizing depth-first traversal while keeping structure context available. A typical zipper loop looks like this:
user> (def abcd '(:a (:b :c) :d))
user> (loop [ret [], z (zip/seq-zip abcd)]
(if (zip/end? z)
(let [o {:name 42, :content (zip/node z), :parent 42, :index 42}]
(recur (conj ret o) (zip/next z)))))
[{:name 42, :content (:a (:b :c) :d), :parent 42, :index 42}
{:name 42, :content :a, :parent 42, :index 42}
{:name 42, :content (:b :c), :parent 42, :index 42}
{:name 42, :content :b, :parent 42, :index 42}
{:name 42, :content :c, :parent 42, :index 42}
{:name 42, :content :d, :parent 42, :index 42}]
To fill in :parent and :index, you'll find zipper notation for looking "up" at parents, "left" for siblings, etc., in the official docs at https://clojure.github.io/clojure/clojure.zip-api.html.
I created the zip with seq-zip having modeled nodes as a list. Your specific case models nodes as vectors, which seq-zip does not recognize, so you would presumably use vector-zip or invent your own adapter. You can follow the "Source" link in the docs to see how seq-zip and vector-zip work.
Breadth first traversal is what you need. So if you want to build the list of parents while you traverse the tree, you need to first uniquely identify all your leaf nodes. I'm not sure it can be done without doing that, except if you know for sure that your leafs nodes are unique. It's also getting really late/early here, so my brain is not working optimally. I'm sure my solution can get distilled down a lot.
So if you have a tree like [:a [:b :c] :d [:b :c]], [:b :c] is a parent of :b and :c, but then last two leaf nodes are also :b and :c, so which parent do you choose ?
So let's have a tree whose leaves have unique id.
(defn attach-ids [tree]
(clojure.walk/postwalk (fn [node]
(if (coll? node) node
{:node node :id (gensym)}))
(def tree (attach-ids [:a [:b :c] :d]))
;; produces this
;; [{:node :a, :id G__21500}
;; [{:node :b, :id G__21501} {:node :c, :id G__21502}]
;; {:node :d, :id G__21503}]
Now for the rest of the solution
(defn add-parent [parent-map id branch]
(assoc parent-map id {:children-ids (set (map :id branch))
:child-nodes (map :node branch)}))
(defn find-parent-id [node parent-map]
(->> parent-map
(filter (fn [[parent-id {children-ids :children-ids}]]
(contains? children-ids (:id node))))
(defn find-index [node parent-map tree]
(if-let [parent-id (find-parent-id node parent-map)]
(let [children (:child-nodes (get parent-map parent-id))]
(.indexOf children (:node node)))
(.indexOf tree node)))
(defn bfs [tree]
(loop [queue tree
parent-map {}
ret []]
(if (not-empty queue)
(let [node (first queue)
rst (vec (rest queue))]
(map? node)
(recur rst
(conj ret (assoc node :parent (find-parent-id node parent-map)
:index (find-index node parent-map tree))))
(vector? node)
(let [parent-id (gensym)]
(recur (into rst node)
(add-parent parent-map parent-id node)
(conj ret {:id parent-id
:index (find-index node parent-map tree)
:parent (find-parent-id node parent-map)})))))
(def tree (attach-ids [:a [:b :c] :d]))
(bfs tree)
;; children with :parent nil value point to root
;;[{:node :a, :id G__21504, :parent nil, :index 0}
;; {:id G__21513, :index 1}
;; {:node :d, :id G__21507, :parent nil, :index 2}
;; {:node :b, :id G__21505, :parent G__21513, :index 0}
;; {:node :c, :id G__21506, :parent G__21513, :index 1}]
I want to return all the keywords appeared in map. For instance:
{:a 1 :d 4 :e 4}
I want to get (:a :d :e). my code is
(get {:a 1 :d 4 :e 4} :keywords)
It returns nil. So how to fix it?
I guess you want to get all the keys from your map. You can do that using:
(keys {:a 1, :d 4, :e 4}
;; => (:a :d :e)
If you would like to get all the keywords when they appear as keys in a map you need to filter only those matching keyword? predicate:
(filter keyword? (keys {:a 1, 'd 4, :e 4, "f" 5}))
;; => (:a :e)
Similarly for keywords from map values:
(filter keyword? (vals {:a :b, "c" :d, 4 "e", 5 'f}))
;; => (:b :d)
I'm trying to apply a function to all elements in a map that match a certain key.
(def mymap {:a "a" :b "b" :c "c"})
(update-in mymap [:a :b] #(str "X-" %))
I'm expecting
{:a "X-a", :c "c", :b "X-b"}
But I get
ClassCastException java.lang.String cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Associative clojure.lang.RT.assoc (RT.java:702)
Anyone can help me with this?
update-in is to update a single key in the map (at a particular nesting level, [:a :b] means update key :b inside the map value of key :a.
What you want can be done using reduce:
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (str "X-" (%1 %2)))
[:a :b])
Here's a generalized function:
(defn update-each
"Updates each keyword listed in ks on associative structure m using fn."
[m ks fn]
(reduce #(update-in %1 [%2] fn) m ks))
(update-each mymap [:a :b] #(str "X-" %))
In the solution below, the haspmap if first filtered, then it is mapped to the str function, and then merged with the original hashmap -
(def m {:a "a" :b "b" :c "c"})
(def keys #{:a :b})
(->> m
(filter (fn [[k v]] (k keys)))
(map (fn [[k v]] [k (str "X-" v)]))
(into {})
(merge m))
I'm trying to make a function that builds a tree from an adjacency list of the form {node [children]}.
(def adjacency
{nil [:a]
:a [:b :c]
:b [:d :e]
:c [:f]})
which should result in
{nil {:a {:b {:d nil
:e nil}
:c {:f nil}}}}
However I tried, I couldn't get it to work. Recursion is a bit of a weak spot of mine, and most recursion examples I found only dealt with recursion over a list, not a tree.
Edited: Original dataset and result were unintentionally nested too deep, due to not having an editor and original source at time of posting. Sorry about that.
There is only one entry in every submap in adjacency. Is this necessary? And the same problem in the result tree.
I hope it would be more clear:
(def adjacency {:a [:b :c]
:b [:d :e]
:c [:f]})
So solution is:
(defn tree [m root]
(letfn [(tree* [l]
(if (contains? m l)
{l (into {} (map tree* (m l)))}
[l nil]))]
(tree* root)))
(tree adjacency :a)
=> {:a {:b {:d nil
:e nil}
:c {:f nil}}}
Update. If you don't need the result tree as nested maps
(defn tree [m root]
(letfn [(tree* [l]
(if (contains? m l)
(list l (map tree* (m l)))
(list l nil)))]
(tree* root)))
(tree adjacency :a)
=> (:a ((:b ((:d nil)
(:e nil)))
(:c ((:f nil)))))
I usually prefer to use clojure.walk when dealing with trees.
I am assuming that the root node is first in the adjacency vector.
(use 'clojure.walk)
(def adjacency
[{nil [:a]}
{:a [:b :c]}
{:b [:d :e]}
{:c [:f]}])
(fn [x]
(if (vector? x)
(let [[k v] x lookup (into {} adjacency)]
[k (into {} (map (fn [kk] [kk (lookup kk)]) v))])
(first adjacency))
Result: {nil {:a {:b {:d {}, :e {}}, :c {:f {}}}}}
NOTE: Empty child are represented as {} rather than nil, also child elements are maps rather than vector as map makes easy to navigate this tree then.
In a project I'm working on I came across an interesting problem that I'm curious about other solutions for. I'm in the middle of reading "The Little Schemer" so I'm trying out some recursion techniques. I'm wondering if there is another way to do this with recursion and also interested if there is an approach without using recursion.
The problem is to take a sequence and partition it into a seq of seqs by taking every nth element. For example this vector:
[ :a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h :i ]
when partitioned with n=3 would produce the seq
((:a :d :g) (:b :e :h) (:c :f :i))
and with n=4:
((:a :e :i) (:b :f) (:c :g) (:d :h))
and so on. I solved this using two functions. The first creates the inner seqs and the other pulls them together. Here are my functions:
(defn subseq-by-nth
"Creates a subsequence of coll formed by starting with the kth element and selecting every nth element."
[coll k n]
(cond (empty? coll) nil
(< (count coll) n) (seq (list (first coll)))
:else (cons (nth coll k) (subseq-by-nth (drop (+ n k) coll) 0 n))))
(defn partition-by-nth
([coll n]
(partition-by-nth coll n n))
([coll n i]
(cond (empty? coll) nil
(= 0 i) nil
:else (cons (subseq-by-nth coll 0 n) (partition-by-nth (rest coll) n (dec i))))))
I'm not completely happy with the partition-by-nth function having multiple arity simply for the recursion, but couldn't see another way.
This seems to work just fine with all the test cases. Is this a decent approach? Is it too complicated? Is there a way to do this without recursion or maybe in a single recursive function?
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm new to both Clojure and Lisp, so am picking up the different techniques as I go.
I expect there is a simpler recursive definition which is more in the spirit of The Little Schemer, but the following function using take-nth is quite a bit more compact, since you said you were interested in alternative approaches:
(defn chop [coll n]
(for [i (range n)]
(take-nth n (drop i coll))))
which satisfies your examples:
(chop [:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h :i ] 3)
;= ((:a :d :g) (:b :e :h) (:c :f :i))
(chop [:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h :i ] 4)
;= ((:a :e :i) (:b :f) (:c :g) (:d :h))
In Clojure, the built in libraries will get you surprisingly far; when that fails, use an explicitly recursive solution. This version is also lazy; you'd probably want to use lazy-seq or loop...recur in any "longhand" (explicitly recursive) version to handle large datasets without blowing the stack.
I have to offer this Common Lisp loop:
(defun partition-by-nth (list n)
(loop :with result := (make-array n :initial-element '())
:for i :upfrom 0
:and e :in list
:do (push e (aref result (mod i n)))
:finally (return (map 'list #'nreverse result))))
Edited because the original answer totally missed the point.
When I first saw this question I thought clojure.core function partition applied (see
ClojureDocs page).
As Dave pointed out partition only works on the elements in the original order. The take-nth solution is clearly better. Just for the sake of interest a combination of map with multiple sequences derived from partition kind-of works.
(defn ugly-solution [coll n]
(apply map list (partition n n (repeat nil) coll)))
(ugly-solution [:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h :i] 3)
;;=> ((:a :d :g) (:b :e :h) (:c :f :i))
(ugly-solution [:a :b :c :d :e :f :g :h :i] 4)
;;=> ((:a :e :i) (:b :f nil) (:c :g nil) (:d :h nil))