Alternate way to install plugins in wordpress - wordpress

I am running wordpress on my local using Web Matrix. I am trying to install "Types - Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Management." plugin. But this is taking forever I am seeing message "Installing Plugin Types - Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Management (1/1)" from last one hour. The problem is I am not even getting error or installation fail notification. Anybody faced this kind of issue? and Is there any other way to install this plugin instead of doing it from UI available?

Hi TolerantCoder,
if you are not able to install plugins from admin than you can download plugins from wordpress plugins Directory than extract zip file and add in you wordpress project plugins directory.
I.e: D:\wamp\www\citicollege\wp-content\plugins\
in plugins directory you can copy paste plugins and activate from admin.


Wordpress Multisite - Get plugin to pull info from a single install on mainsite

I am using a plugin that needs to be setup on each individual sub site so that an api key can be activated.
Is there a way to change wp-config or the plugin data so that the subsites pull their plugin information from the network install page vs the individual plugin activation in order to avoid having to install and activate on each subsite?
Sounds like the plugin is not made for multisite. You cannot simply change that. Either the plugin source code has to be modified or you can make a new plugin that tries to modify how the plugin works.
The second option is recommended and I imagine it should hide the settings page on each individual site and also filter the option where the API data is saved. In any case, it is a job for a programmer who can make WordPress plugins.

Creating a hidden wordpress plugin

My question might sound stupid but is there any way where I can create a WP plugin which when placed in Plugins folder does not appear in WP Admin Console and WP Admins/Users can't deactivate it from UI?
What you're searching is called "must-use plugin" or "mu-plugin". An mu-plugin is a plugin that is automatically activated when you install it, and it cannot be deactivated.
Basically, an mu-plugin is like a normal plugin. The only difference is that you will install it in wp-content/mu-plugins instead of wp-content/plugins. I wrote a complete guide to mu-plugins on SitePoint if you're interested.

Wordpress Custom Plugin Installable code

I have created my own custom plugin and when i just paste it in my plugin folder its working fine. now i wanted to make it installable so if anyone try to install in their project so they can install it with the given plugin upload menu in admin panel.
Copy the plugin_file_name.php in the folder /wp-content/plugins and its ready to work. But is better Create a folder and put in file.
Its very simple process to make your plugin installable. Just register 3 hooks in your plugin :
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'your_activation_function_name');
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'your_deactivate_function_name');
register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, 'your_delete_function_name');
In your_delete_function_name function, please add code to remove the db changes you made and also code to remove your plugin directory.
Now just zip the folder of your custom plugin folder and its ready to be installed in any wordpress site. It worked for me as i am working in wordpress 4.6.

can't install woocommerce plugin on LOCALHOST

can someone who has experience with wordpress help me??
I have been trying to install WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce plugin on my wordpress theme, but since I'm working on localhost I think this is causing me some problems. When I try to download it directly from wordpress dashboard it starts with the normal procedure and then it just stays like this and nothing happens: Downloading install package from…
while when I download the plugin separately and upload the .zip file in wordpress, I get this message: Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.
when I click on Please try again, I get redirected in the step of choosing the file to upload and then if I do the same I get stuck on an infinite loop of doing the same things which lead me nowhere...
The solution to the problem is as follows:
Download the plugin as .zip
Unzip the .zip file
Copy the plugin files to the plugins folder of Wordpress
Open your Wordpress website and activate the plugin

Ajax Error!!! parsererror in Wordpress

I have a local install of WP running on MAMP.
It is the latest 3.8.
I have installed a theme called Dante which is a pro theme and recommends various plugins (some of which are essential).
One of the plugins in called Revolution slider, and this is giving me grief.
I can install the plugin fine, however when I try and create new slider (from within the plugin) I get a message saying Ajax Error!!! parsererror
I have contacted the plugin supplier who have asked me to check the permissions of the plugin folder - I did (even made them 777) but no joy.
Can anyone help me as to where I should start debugging?
Many thanks
The problem lay with there not being enough memory allocated.
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '240M');
to wp-config fixed it.
