Rally Custom Grid Parent of Parent Tag Features - parent-child

I'm trying to create a custom grid in Rally to filter Tasks on the tags of both the task parent and/or the parent of the parent. I'm able to get the parent's tag, but not the syntax of the parent of the parent.

Unfortunately you'll have a hard time doing this with the custom grid app. The problem is that the WorkProduct field that represents the Task's parent is of type Artifact since it can be either a story or a defect. But Artifact doesn't have a Parent field.
It should be possible to write an app to do this though, by querying from the other direction- find features with a specific tag and load their children, find stories with a specific tag, and then load all of the children tasks associated with those stories...


Overriding existing (untagged) table styles using CSS?

So. I'm a CSS amateur, and I'm dealing with an issue a bit above my experience.
Basically: we have a site with a third-party vendor. We cannot modify their stylesheet. I've been told we cannot forward the URL. We cannot unpublish the without deleting it, which is not an option. We cannot upload our own stylesheet. We cannot edit the page HTML beyond a small window. And we need to disable the the site-- specifically, login functions-- so users can't use it, and provide them a link to the new site.
tldr; If this sounds backwards and convoluted, please understand I'm just doing my best to work with a third-party that doesn't really have a lot of flexibility.
So far, I've done this by identifying the styles they have, and writing my own css to disable them (just setting everything to height:0px width:0px overflow:hidden has worked pretty okay) and inputting that into the text/html field they let me edit. Which, honestly, seems kind of like a design flaw that I can break any page as badly as I'm doing, but what do I know...
Problem: they have a login form in a table. No div or class associated with it. With no class/id, I can't style it through css. Styling "table" to height:0px, width:0px just, uh, blanks the whole page.
So, my question: how do I style a table with no class/id in CSS alone with no ability to add a tag to it?
And yes. I know what I'm doing is probably giving everyone reading it an aneurysm. I'm sorry for my CSS crimes.
You can target the said form trough some parent which will work until they either reposition the table outside that parent or fuck with something you used to target the parent.
To be more specific I need a HTML structure of the said page.
But generally let's say you find a parent with a class Parent and this is the only form (otherwise you have to say nth child of type form) inside that parent you can use .Parent>form { your CSS code}
This should expand options for you. Ideally find a parent somewhere that has id and hope its unique for site.
NOTE: Be very afraid when you target things like this, if you can't bind that to either that specific page or specific unique-for-site id parent, you risk somewhere being the one or multiple other match for your CSS selector, and since in most cases (unless you use CSS loader or have separate indexes including separate CSS files) you share same CSS to entire web page it will change them as well.
NOTE: Be even more afraid if you use CSS outside of it's domain - STYLING especcialy for security things, like giving access. This is a serious security violation if you only hide login elements. Anyone with a bit of knowledge can read the code and hide it on client and login. At least don't load then into DOM using display:none; instead visibility: hidden;

React Meteor: parent data in child component's container

I'm following the official meteor guide 1.3 and how to integrate react. The guide doesn't thoroughly explain the usage of container pattern. My question is how to pass parent component data to child component's container so that I can write subs with parent's _id parameter? Or am I wrong with this pattern? Should I just write one big publications that publishes all child components' data too? In blaze you have Template.parent.data() function. I'm new to React so excuse me.

Symfony2 doctrine cascade delete child relation

Consider a Parent with 0..n Child's. When I remove a Child from the Parent, and persist the Parent object, I need the Child to be removed. Currently, the only way I got that working is to actually remove the Child as well, like such:
I think my relations are setup correctly, since if I remove the Parent entirely the Child's are being removed from the db too. Why isn't the following line sufficient for removing the Child?:
Little background info: I am trying to update a Parent object with x Child objects, I need previously associated Child's to be removed and new Child's to be added. But I feel I should need to iterate over both collections to find out which ones to remove and/or add.
Does anybody have a clear example of this? And please forget about Symfony's/Doctrine's documentation,. I've read it all!
Children have their own lives, and you shouldn't get rid of them just because they separate from their parents. Put a different way, these are separate entities, and there are many use cases where you would break a relation but still want to maintain both objects, so we do not automatically remove an object when we remove its relation.
Your instinct was right, you do need to iterate over both lists. I know you said you read all the documentation, but take a second look at the end of How to Embed a Collection of Forms. It includes a working edit function for the parent object which does exactly that.
If you have child entities which should not exist without the parent and the parent privately ownes the children then you can use orphanRemoval.
* #OneToOne(targetEntity="StandingData", orphanRemoval=true)
private $standingData;
$contact->standingData(new StandingData("Firstname", "Lastname", "Street"));
If the contact had an old "standingData" it will be deleted from the DB.
See http://doctrine-orm.readthedocs.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/reference/working-with-associations.html#orphan-removal for more info.

Delayed rendering of components outside of the viewport in Flex

I am looking for some advice in regards to getting a very quick display of our reports. The problem I am working with is I receive an XML data structure that defines our layout. The report can be anywhere from 2 to 3 pages to perhaps 20 to 30. So to make the report display as quickly as possible I would like to just render the visible portion of the report. Here are the issues I need to overcome to accomplish this and I am looking for some advice how how to accomplish this.
To get a better visualization, Think of this like a word document. The reports have sections and I want to be able to get them to display as quickly as possible.
1) Of course I do not know the height of the child components I will be adding. Is there any techniques where I can determine if the components I am adding are not include in the view port and could I trigger off scroll bar movement.
2) I was thinking of adding estimation to the children components and then using that to set the height of the parent container. then when I receive scroll bar move event, I would check if the child components have been added to the parent and if not add them. Is there anyway to get the height of a component without rendering it?
3) Does Flex support anything built in that will accomplish this.
Any other techniques would be welcome. Basically I want to get the report displayed to the user as quickly as possible and delay the rendering of components that are off the screen.
Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks in advance.
Added Info.
Hard to provide code since I have not coded it yet. Let me try and expand with some details. I have a Parent Container where I take the some XML and using the XML creating children components based on the information in the XML. Right now when we do this it can take a long time to render a long report. What I want to do is to reduce the rendering time by delaying the rendering of those children objects. I have looked into things like the creation policy and createDeferredContent, but not sure if this is the right way to go. Guess the general problem I need to attack is how to do you stop rendering objects once you are outside the parents viewport. What I want is an item renderer like functionality but there is no similarity between the children. Perhaps a picture might be useful (will add as soon as I get to 10 points)?
Use spark List with useVirtualLayout turned on. This is what it does.
There is always similarity between children, but if you can't find it, you can use an itemRendererFunction.

Pager for parent node in drupal

How I make pager for parent node not for child node.Is any module in drupal for providing full pager for same content type by making parent node and child node?
It is still not clear to me what you want to achieve. Probably you want to use Views module. You can find documentation and tutorials on this page. It's very powerful tool but using it requires some practice.
