Keep getting error on Symfony after installing JsFormValidatorBundle - symfony

After installing JsFormValidatorBundle, I keep getting the error bellow when I try to open my page on localhost. I installed the bundle following the instruction on, composer installed the bundle successfully. My Symfony version is the 2.8. And my composer is updated.
InvalidArgumentException in FormPass.php line 59:
Tagged form type extension must have the extended type configured using the extended_type/extended-type attribute, none was configured for the "fp_js_form_validator.extension" service.
I tried to add this information at app/config/services.yml, but did not work:
class: Fp\JsFormValidatorBundle\Form\Extension\FormExtension
- { name: form.type_extension, alias='form', extended_type: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FileType }


how to fix Botman error with conversation?

BotMan Version: 2.6
PHP Version: 8.1
Symfony Version : 5.4
Cache Driver: Symfony Cache
i'm using botman for telegram bot. everything is ok with botman just the conversation is not working
The question is asked, but when I answer, I see such an error.
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Warning: is_file(): Unable to find the wrapper "closure" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?").
Can someone help?
Tried to install php 8.2. Similarly
$adapter = new FilesystemAdapter();
$botman = BotManFactory::create($this->config, new SymfonyCache($adapter));

symfony fatal error after removing bundle

I created a bundle named UserBundle and when I needed to remove it I did this exacly :
Unregister the Bundle in the AppKernel
Remove Bundle Configuration
2.1 Remove Bundle Routing
2.2 Remove Bundle Configuration
Remove the Bundle from the Filesystem
3.1 Remove Bundle Assets
Remove Integration in other Bundles
but when I try to exec soms command this is what I Get :
Bundle "UserBundle" does not exist or it is not enabled. Maybe you forgot to add it in the registerBundles() method of your AppKernel.php file? in #UserBundle/Resources/config/s
ervices.yml (which is being imported from "C:\xampp\htdocs\MT\app/config\config.yml"). Make sure the "UserBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" bundle is correctly registered an
d loaded in the application kernel class. If the bundle is registered, make sure the bundle path "#UserBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" is not empty.
Bundle "UserBundle" does not exist or it is not enabled. Maybe you forgot to add it in the registerBundles() method of your AppKernel.php file?
Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache handling the symfony-scripts event terminated with an exception
An error occurred when executing the ""cache:clear --no-warmup"" command:
Bundle "UserBundle" does not exist or it is not enabled. Maybe you forgot to add it in the registerBundles() method of your AppKernel.php file? in #UserBundle/Resources/config/services.yml (which is being imported from "C:\xampp\htdocs\MT\app/config\config.yml").
Make sure the "UserBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" bundle is correctly registered and loaded in the application kernel class. If the bundle is registered, make sure the bundle path "#UserBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" is not empty.
When I Refresh the server '' I get :
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Bundle "UserBundle" does not exist or it is not enabled. Maybe you forgot to add it in the registerBundles() method of your AppKernel.php file?' in C:\xampp\htdocs\MT\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel.php:198 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\MT\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel.php(232): Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->getBundle('UserBundle', false) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\MT\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Config\FileLocator.php(51): Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->locateResource('#UserBundle/Res...', NULL, false) #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\MT\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader.php(147): Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Config\FileLocator->locate('#UserBundle/Res...', 'C:\xampp\htdocs...', false) #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\MT\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader.php(101): Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader-> in C:\xampp\htdocs\MT\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader.php on line 179
In C:\xampp\htdocs\MT\app\config\config.yml you may have something like:
- { resource: #UserBundle/Resources/config/services.yml }
and possibly a configuration section related to the user bundle, i.e.
You have to manually remove both to make everything working again.
Can you check if you use this bundle in app/config/service.yml
If it's not working, try to search with your IDE (integrated development environment) your bundle inside your project. If you find some results, just remove them.
Clear the cache
Try to clear cache manually by removing those folders : "var\cache\dev" and "var\cache\prod" for Symfony 3.x or "app\cache\dev" and "app\cache\prod" for Symfony 2.x .

Symfony2.1 SonataUserBundle ResourceBundle error

I have this problem with Symfony.
I now use SonataUserBundle and I have this error:
The locale resource bundle could not be loaded for locale "en"
(uncaught exception) at
line 16
I have intl installed.
I did some research on Internet, and find I had to do
php data-build.php 49
Which gives me this error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'ResourceBundle' not found in [...]Symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Locale/Resources/data/build-data.php on line 97
Have you tried reinstalling or updating composer? I know whenever I have problems with any third party vendors I'll delete my composer.lock file and update composer to generate a new one.

How to install a Symfony 2.0 Bundle from Zip file

I tried installing the FixturesBundle as described in but my proxy wont let me out.
So I went to and download a zip from the latest commit.
I unzipped into the vendor directory and renamed it to doctrine-fixures. I edited the autoload.php and AppKernel.php files as described in the tutorial.
When I run:
php app\console doctrine:fixtures:load
I get the following message:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Bundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesB
undle' not found in C:\NetbeansProjects\route_rest_service\app\AppKernel.php on
line 20
Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Bundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle
' not found in C:\NetbeansProjects\route_rest_service\app\AppKernel.php on line
Is there a way to run the installation of bundle pointing it to a zip file?
I´m running Symfony 2.0.9 on Windows 7.
Seems like the doctrine bundle has been moved outside of Symfony scope back to Doctrine.
Please, use
I had the same problem and this is how i successfully solved it. I started to download this files data-fixtures and DoctrineFixturesBundle, unzipped both into /vendor/doctrine and created this folder structure:
- doctrine
- doctrine-fixtures-bundle
- Doctrine
- Bundle
- FixturesBundle
..other files...
- doctrine
- data-fixtures
- lib
- test
..other files...
Then i edited the AppKernel.php and added
public function registerBundles(){
new Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle(),
Edited the composer.json located in the root of the project and added this 2 lines:
"Doctrine\\Bundle\\FixturesBundle": "vendor/doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle",
"Doctrine\\Common\\DataFixtures": "vendor/doctrine/data-fixtures/lib"
Mine, now look like this:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"": "src/",
"Doctrine\\Bundle\\FixturesBundle": "vendor/doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle",
"Doctrine\\Common\\DataFixtures": "vendor/doctrine/data-fixtures/lib"
afterwards execute composer dump-autoload -o to recreate the classmap. All this was thanks to the users Wouter J and nifr that answered my question How to install DoctrineFixturesBundle offline
Happy coding!
Yes, it's true that Doctrine is being moved away from the Symfony namespace (see here).
So if you're using the Symfony standard distribution you download from the website (without using git), and you want to have the FixturesBundle installed manually, you have to download the doctrine-fixtures library from here, extract the zip into
Download the FixturesBundle from here, and extract it in
Then you have to register the library's namespace, do it by adding
'Doctrine\\\\Common\\\\DataFixtures' => \__DIR\__.'/../vendor/doctrine-fixtures/lib',
in your autoload.php.
In addition, you'll have to register the Doctrine's namespace, because some part of your application will be using the DoctrineBundle shipped from the Symfony namespace, but the new downloaded FixturesBundle will be using the new Doctrine's namespace, so to make it work, in your autoload.php add the following line (taking care you do it before the Doctrine namespace, remember that more specific rules go first!)
'Doctrine\\\\Bundle' => \__DIR\__.'/../vendor/bundles',
So all you have to do now is to register the new bundle in your AppKernel.php writing
new Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle(),

Web setup project fails to install dynamic-data site: "the installer was interrupted"

The last phase of the installer fails with this message:
Installation Incomplete
The installer was interrupted before [project] could be installed. You need to restart the installer to try again.
Running msiexec /i installer.msi /l*vx setup.log shows the following entries in the setup log:
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Getting web folder property token...
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Token is '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/ProjectDir/DynamicData/Filters'.
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Getting METADATA_HANDLE for the directory '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/ProjectDir/DynamicData/Filters'.
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: FAILED: -2147024893
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: FAILED: -2147024893
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Custom Action failed with code: '3'
ERROR : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Custom Action failed with code: '3'
INFO : [...] [ApplyWebFolderProperties]: Custom Action completed with return code: '3'
The same web application had no problems being installed with a web setup project before. The issue started after upgrading the web application from .NET 3.5 SP1 to .NET 4.0.
This blog entry points out the issue:
Which got me started thinking, I have
a subfolder named filters. Changing
nothing else but renaming the filters
subfolder made it finish properly. I'm
assuming you might have the same
problems with folders named apppools,
info, or 1 as well.
(Emphasis mine)
Unfortunately, Filters is a hard-coded folder name in Dynamic Data. If you look at FilterFactory, there doesn't appear to be any way to override that value, seeing as how the FilterFactory property of MetaModel is not marked virtual. If we can't change the folder name, then we have to look at fixing the installer...
The installer error is being raised by the ApplyWebFolderProperties custom action. That action isn't built-in to Windows Installer—it's added by the Web Setup Project. That's helpful, because it means we can remove it with WiRunSQL.vbs:
cscript WiRunSQL.vbs installer.msi "DELETE FROM CustomAction WHERE Action='WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties'"
Note that the actual name of ApplyWebFolderProperties is WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties. Seeing as how the action doesn't appear to be documented anywhere, caveat emptor. It doesn't appear to be too terribly important though.
To automate the workaround, you could add the command to the setup project's PostBuildEvent like so:
cscript.exe "$(ProjectDir)..\WiRunSQL.vbs" "$(BuiltOuputPath)" "DELETE FROM CustomAction WHERE Action='WEBCA_ApplyWebFolderProperties'"
If anyone knows a better way to install a folder named Filters, I'd love to hear it.
