Swift Dictionary Filter - dictionary

So it looks like the filter function on a Swift (2.x) dictionary returns a tuple array. My question is there an elegant solution to turning it back into a dictionary? Thanks in advance.
let dictionary: [String: String] = [
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"
let newTupleArray: [(String, String)] = dictionary.filter { (tuple: (key: String, value: String)) -> Bool in
return tuple.key != "key2"
let newDictionary: [String: String] = Dictionary(dictionaryLiteral: newTupleArray) // Error: cannot convert value of type '[(String, String)]' to expected argument type '[(_, _)]'

If you are looking for a more functional approach:
let result = dictionary.filter {
$0.0 != "key2"
.reduce([String: String]()) { (var aggregate, elem) in
aggregate[elem.0] = elem.1
return aggregate
reduce here is used to construct a new dictionary from the filtered tuples.
Edit: since var parameters has been deprecated in Swift 2.2, you need to create a local mutable copy of aggregate:
let result = dictionary.filter {
$0.0 != "key2"
.reduce([String: String]()) { aggregate, elem in
var newAggregate = aggregate
newAggregate[elem.0] = elem.1
return newAggregate

You can extend Dictionary so that it takes a sequence of tuples as initial values:
extension Dictionary {
public init<S: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == (Key, Value)>(_ seq: S) {
for (k, v) in seq { self[k] = v }
and then do
let newDictionary = Dictionary(newTupleArray)


Dictionary contains a certain value swift 3

I want to check if a string exists in any of the values in my Dictionary
Dictionary<String, AnyObject>
I know arrays has .contains so I would think a dictionary does too. Xcode tells me to use the following when I start typing contains
countDic.contains(where: { ((key: String, value: AnyObject)) -> Bool in
I just don't understand how to use this I know inside I need to return a Bool, but I don't understand where I put what String I'm looking for. Any help would be great.
contains(where:) checks if any element of the collection satisfies
the given predicate, so in your case it would be
let b = countDic.contains { (key, value) -> Bool in
value as? String == givenString
or, directly applied to the values view of the dictionary:
let b = countDic.values.contains { (value) -> Bool in
value as? String == givenString
In both cases it is necessary to (optionally) cast the AnyObject
to a String in order to compare it with the given string.
It would be slightly easier with a dictionary of type
Dictionary<String, String> because strings are Equatable,
and the contains(element:) method can be used:
let b = countDic.values.contains(givenString)
Since your values are AnyObject – Any in Swift 3 - you have to check if the value is a string. If yes check if the value contains the substring.
let countDic : [String:Any] = ["alpha" : 1, "beta" : "foo", "gamma" : "bar"]
countDic.contains { (key, value) -> Bool in
if let string = value as? String { return string.contains("oo") }
return false
However if you want to check if any of the values is equal to (rather than contains) a string you could use also the filter function and isEmpty
!countDic.filter { (key, value) -> Bool in
value as? String == "foo"
You may need to learn basic usage of contains(where:) for Dictionarys first:
For [String: Int]:
let myIntDict1: [String: Int] = [
"a" : 1,
"b" : 101,
"c" : 2
let myIntDict1ContainsIntGreaterThan100 = myIntDict1.contains {
key, value in //<- `value` is inferred as `Int`
value > 100 //<- true when value > 100, false otherwise
print(myIntDict1ContainsIntGreaterThan100) //->true
For [String: String]:
let myStringDict1: [String: String] = [
"a" : "abc",
"b" : "def",
"c" : "ghi"
let myStringDict1ContainsWordIncludingLowercaseE = myStringDict1.contains {
key, value in //<- `value` is inferred as `String`
value.contains("e") //<- true when value contains "e", false otherwise
print(myStringDict1ContainsWordIncludingLowercaseE) //->true
So, with [String: AnyObject]:
let myAnyObjectDict1: [String: AnyObject] = [
"a" : "abc" as NSString,
"b" : 101 as NSNumber,
"c" : "ghi" as NSString
let myAnyObjectDict1ContainsWordIncludingLowercaseE = myAnyObjectDict1.contains {
key, value in //<- `value` is inferred as `AnyObject`
//`AnyObject` may not have the `contains(_:)` method, so you need to check with `if-let-as?`
if let stringValue = value as? String {
return value.contains("e") //<- true when value is a String and contains "e"
} else {
return false //<- false otherwise
print(myAnyObjectDict1ContainsWordIncludingLowercaseE) //->false
So, in your case:
let countDic: [String: AnyObject] = [
"a" : 1 as NSNumber,
"b" : "no" as NSString,
"c" : 2 as NSNumber
let countDicContainsString = countDic.contains {
key, value in //<- `value` is inferred as `AnyObject`
value is String //<- true when value is a String, false otherwise
print(countDicContainsString) //->true

How do I iterate through a [String:[String]] Dictionary in Swift

I have a dictionary.
var params: [String: [String]] = [:]
I assign an array to the first key and the first key only. Now print params prints :
["names" : ["jack", "joe", "jill"]]
How do I iterate through this array at this given key so that I could loop through and print jack, joe, and jill?
for (key, names) in params {
for name in names {
var params: [String: [String]] = ["names" : ["jack", "joe", "jill"]]
for key in params.keys {
NSLog("%#", key)
let list = params[key]
for obj in list! {
NSLog("%#", obj)
Using tuples:
let params: [String: [String]] = ["names" : ["jack", "joe", "jill"]]
for (key, names) in params {
for name in names {

How to convert List to Map in Kotlin?

For example I have a list of strings like:
val list = listOf("a", "b", "c", "d")
and I want to convert it to a map, where the strings are the keys.
I know I should use the .toMap() function, but I don't know how, and I haven't seen any examples of it.
You have two choices:
The first and most performant is to use associateBy function that takes two lambdas for generating the key and value, and inlines the creation of the map:
val map = friends.associateBy({it.facebookId}, {it.points})
The second, less performant, is to use the standard map function to create a list of Pair which can be used by toMap to generate the final map:
val map = friends.map { it.facebookId to it.points }.toMap()
From List to Map with associate function
With Kotlin 1.3, List has a function called associate. associate has the following declaration:
fun <T, K, V> Iterable<T>.associate(transform: (T) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V>
Returns a Map containing key-value pairs provided by transform function applied to elements of the given collection.
class Person(val name: String, val id: Int)
fun main() {
val friends = listOf(Person("Sue Helen", 1), Person("JR", 2), Person("Pamela", 3))
val map = friends.associate({ Pair(it.id, it.name) })
//val map = friends.associate({ it.id to it.name }) // also works
println(map) // prints: {1=Sue Helen, 2=JR, 3=Pamela}
From List to Map with associateBy function
With Kotlin, List has a function called associateBy. associateBy has the following declaration:
fun <T, K, V> Iterable<T>.associateBy(keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): Map<K, V>
Returns a Map containing the values provided by valueTransform and indexed by keySelector functions applied to elements of the given collection.
class Person(val name: String, val id: Int)
fun main() {
val friends = listOf(Person("Sue Helen", 1), Person("JR", 2), Person("Pamela", 3))
val map = friends.associateBy(keySelector = { person -> person.id }, valueTransform = { person -> person.name })
//val map = friends.associateBy({ it.id }, { it.name }) // also works
println(map) // prints: {1=Sue Helen, 2=JR, 3=Pamela}
If you have duplicates in your list that you don't want to lose, you can do this using groupBy.
Otherwise, like everyone else said, use associate/By/With (which in the case of duplicates, I believe, will only return the last value with that key).
An example grouping a list of people by age:
class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
fun main() {
val people = listOf(Person("Sue Helen", 31), Person("JR", 25), Person("Pamela", 31))
val duplicatesKept = people.groupBy { it.age }
val duplicatesLost = people.associateBy({ it.age }, { it })
{31=[Person#41629346, Person#4eec7777], 25=[Person#3b07d329]}
{31=Person#4eec7777, 25=Person#3b07d329}
Convert a Iteratable Sequence Elements to a Map in kotlin ,
associate vs associateBy vs associateWith:
*Reference:Kotlin Documentation
1- associate (to set both Keys & Values): Build a map that can set key & value elements :
IterableSequenceElements.associate { newKey to newValue } //Output => Map {newKey : newValue ,...}
If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.
The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.
2- associateBy (just set Keys by calculation): Build a map that we can set new Keys, analogous elements will be set for values
IterableSequenceElements.associateBy { newKey } //Result: => Map {newKey : 'Values will be set from analogous IterableSequenceElements' ,...}
3- associateWith (just set Values by calculation): Build a map that we can set new Values, analogous elements will be set for Keys
IterableSequenceElements.associateWith { newValue } //Result => Map { 'Keys will be set from analogous IterableSequenceElements' : newValue , ...}
Example from Kotlin tips :
You can use associate for this task:
val list = listOf("a", "b", "c", "d")
val m: Map<String, Int> = list.associate { it to it.length }
In this example, the strings from list become the keys and their corresponding lengths (as an example) become the values inside the map.
That have changed on the RC version.
I am using val map = list.groupByTo(destinationMap, {it.facebookId}, { it -> it.point })

In Swift, what is the best way to assign two arrays to key/value of a dictionary?

Suppose I have two arrays:
let myKeys = ["one", "two", "three"]
let myValues = ["1", "2", "3"]
and empty dictionary:
var myDictionary = Dictionary<String, String>()
What is the best way to assign myKeys and myValues as keys and values, respectively, of myDictionary?
With my knowledge, this is the way to assign values/keys for your dictionary:
let count = myKeys.count
let count2 = myValues.count
if (count == count2) {
for index in 0..count {
myDictionary.updateValue(myValues[index], forKey:myKeys[index])
Edit: Swift 2
let count = myKeys.count
let count2 = myValues.count
if (count == count2) {
for index in 0 ..< count {
myDictionary.updateValue(myValues[index], forKey:myKeys[index])

$all Operator in Casbah

Could you please give me an example of how to use the $all operator for my two elemMatch objects?
val elemMatch1 = foo()
val elemMatch2 = bar()
How can I perform the query of $all( elemMatch1, elemMatch2) (all documents where elemMatch1 and elemMatch2)?
I'm not sure how much sense it makes to mix $all and $elemMatch but from the docs $all follows:
{ <field>: { $all: [ <value> , <value1> ... ] }
$elemMatch follows:
{ array: { $elemMatch: <document> } }
Unfortunately, the casbah DSL won't help there as $all requires a list and $elemMatch expects a string, so you have to manually have to build the document:
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
val coll = MongoClient()("test")("testB")
coll += MongoDBObject("array" -> List(
MongoDBObject("value1" -> 1, "value2" -> 0),
MongoDBObject("value1" -> 1, "value2" -> 2)
val elemMatch = MongoDBObject("$elemMatch" -> MongoDBObject("value1" -> 1, "value2" -> 2))
val query = "array" $all List(elemMatch)
