I am using Shiny to build an interface for dealing with some files locally. I have a directory with three .dta files. I would like the user to be able to select a file and then view it.
output$choose_dta <- renderUI(selectInput('file',"Choose a file:", choices =
myData <-
foreign::read.dta(paste0("//my dir//",input$file,".dta"))
output$table <- renderTable({
data <- myData()
sidebarPanel(uiOutput('choose_dta'),actionButton('button','Load Data'))
I have a couple issues. One, the .dta files are large and require some time to load. Is it possible to make the page non-interactive (and make it clear that it is loading) while it is loading the data? Secondly, and more importantly, once the data loads (which I know because I get a warning from read.dta) the table never renders. How can I set up the table to render only once the data is loaded?
Kind Regards
First question: if you know some CSS, you could add some "masking/shield" element to the page (and give it a large zindex). Before starting to read, make it visible with shinyjs::show() and after reading remove it with shinyjs::hide(). That's one way to do it, there might be better ways.
Second question: perhaps it will work better if you use reactiveValues? For example, something like this (pseudocode):
values <- reactiveValues(data = NULL)
observeEvent(input$btn, {
data <- read.csv(file)
values$data <- data
output$table <- renderTable({
Try something like that maybe
I'm working on a complex (for me) Shiny app ~2500 lines of code. The basic structure is as follows, though I can't necessarily share a reproducible example since most of the information is confidential.
Right now, I am using df1 <- read.csv() etc to read in several CSV files as dataframes. I want to use reactiveFileReader() to make it such that the dataframes automatically update when the source CSV file is modified. I think my problem may be related to the fact that I am not doing this in a reactive context, but there is a reason for this. I am using the dataframes df1 etc to perform many calculations and to create new variables throughout the app (UI and server sections).
It also might be important to note that I am doing these file imports in the UI part of the Shiny app, since I need to rely on the factor levels of these dataframes to populate drop down selectInput in my UI. This might not be necessary.
Here is what I have tried (although I am pretty lost):
reader <- reactiveFileReader(intervalMillis = 1000, filePath =
"Data_Record.csv", readFunc = read.csv)
data_record <- reactive({
data_df <- reader()
What I was expecting was for data_record to be a dataframe containing the information from the CSV, but it ends up being a "reactive expression". When I try to perform operations on data_record, like subsetting, I receive errors since that variable is not a dataframe.
Is there any way for me to update these dataframes upon modification to the underlying CSV outside of a reactive context? Even a scheduled update like every 10 seconds or so would work as well. My ultimate goal are dataframes that update when a CSV is modified, but scheduled updates are fine as well.
Thanks in advance for all the help and I apologize for not being able to supply a reproducible example! I will try to add more information as needed.
So if you want the data to be reactive, it has to be imported in the server section of the app as a 'reactive'. In shiny, 'reactives' become functions so to do anything with them you have to reference them their name followed by parenthesis inside a reactive function (reactive, observe, render etc).
For example, with your code above, reader becomes a reactive data frame. You can perform normal data manipulation on reader if you follow the rules of reactives outlined above.
# server.R
reader <- reactiveFileReader(intervalMillis = 1000, filePath =
"Data_Record.csv", readFunc = read.csv)
filtered_reader_df <- reactive({
reader() %>% filter(x > 100)
Where filtered_reader_df becomes a reactive filtered version of the reactive csv file. Again, to use filtered_reader_df in subsequent reactive function it must be referenced as filtered_reader_df() as it is a reactive function itself.
Finally, you can still use the reactive csv file to populate UI elements with the updateSelectInput() function inside an observer in the server. For example:
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("mySelectInput", "Select")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
reader <- reactiveFileReader(intervalMillis = 1000, filePath =
"Data_Record.csv", readFunc = read.csv)
select_input_choices <- unique(reader()$factor_column)
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "mySelectInput", choices = select_input_choices)
The code above will update the choices of the select input every time the reader() data frame changes with the reactiveFileReader where unique(reader()$factor_column) are the reactive unique values of the factor column you want to populate the input with.
I am working on a shiny app that will read a few RData files in and show tables with the contents. These files are generated by scripts that eventually turns the data into a data frame. They are then saved using the save() function.
Within the shiny application I have three files:
ui.R, server.R, and global.R
I want the files to be read on an interval so they are updated when the files are updated, thus I am using:
I have followed a few of the instructions I have found online, but I keep getting an error "Error: missing value where TRUE/FALSE is needed". I have tried to simplify this so I am not using:
functionality and simply loading the file in the server.R (also tried in the global.R file). Again, the
statement is reading in a data frame. I had this working at one point by loading in the file, then assigning the file to a variable and doing an "as.data.table", but that shouldn't matter, this should read in a data frame format just fine. I think this is a scoping issue, but I am not sure. Any help? My code is at:
Thanks so much!
Here is a possible solution inspired by this post http://www.r-bloggers.com/safe-loading-of-rdata-files/. The Rdata file is loaded into a new environment which ensures that it will not have unexpected side effect (overwriting existing variables etc). When you click the button, a new random data frame will be generated and then saved to a file. The reactiveFileReader then read the file into a new environment. Lastly we access the first item in the new environment (assuming that the Rdata file contains only one variable which is a data frame) and print it to a table.
# This function, borrowed from http://www.r-bloggers.com/safe-loading-of-rdata-files/, load the Rdata into a new environment to avoid side effects
LoadToEnvironment <- function(RData, env=new.env()) {
load(RData, env)
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
actionButton("generate", "Click to generate an Rdata file")
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
# Click the button to generate a new random data frame and write to file
observeEvent(input$generate, {
sample_dataframe <- data.frame(a=runif(10), b=rnorm(10))
save(sample_dataframe, file="test.Rdata")
output$table <- renderTable({
# Use a reactiveFileReader to read the file on change, and load the content into a new environment
env <- reactiveFileReader(1000, session, "test.Rdata", LoadToEnvironment)
# Access the first item in the new environment, assuming that the Rdata contains only 1 item which is a data frame
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Ok - I figured out how to do what I need to. For my first issue, I wanted the look and feel of 'renderDataTable', but I wanted to pull in a data frame (renderDataTable / dataTableOutput does not allow this, it must be in a table format). In order to do this, I found a handy usage of ReportingTools (from Bioconductor) and how they do it. This allows you to use a data frame directly and still have the HTML table with the sorts, search, pagination, etc.. The info can be found here:
Now, for my second issue - updating the data and table regularly without restarting the app. This turned out to be simple, it just took me some time to figure it out, being new to Shiny. One thing to point out, to keep this example simple, I used renderTable rather than the solution above with the ReportingTools package. I just wanted to keep this example simple. The first thing I did was wrap all of my server.R code (within the shinyServer() function) in an observe({}). Then I used invalidateLater() to tell it to refresh every 5 seconds. Here is the code:
## server.R ##
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
output$PRI1LastPeriodTable <- renderTable({
prioirtyOneIncidentsLastPeriod <- updateILP()
Now, original for the renderTable() portion, I was just calling the object name of the loaded .Rdata file, but I wanted it to be read each time, so I created a function in my global.R file (this could have been in server.R) to load the file. That code is here:
updateILP <- function() {
load(file = "W:/Projects/R/Scripts/ITPOD/itpod/data/prioirtyOneIncidentsLastPeriod.RData", envir = .GlobalEnv)
That's it, nothing else goes in the global.R file. Your ui.R would be however you have it setup, call tableOutout, dataTableOutput, or whatever your rendering method is in the UI. So, what happens is every 5 seconds the renderTable() code is read every 5 seconds, which in turns invokes the function that actually reads the file. I tested this by making changes to the data file, and the shiny app updated without any interaction from me. Works like a charm.
If this is inelegant or is not efficient, please let me know if it can be improved, this was the most straight-forward way I could figure this out. Thanks to everyone for the help and comments!
I'm working on an app in R where the users need to choose a file from their computer, with a RShiny fileInput button. I want to modify this, so that the associated variable can be assigned (i.e. a file can be loaded) automatically by the programm, without having the user click on the button and choose the file.
The problem I'm facing is that a fileInput has 4 fields, amongst which I only can know 3. For instance, when I load the file hello.csv in the variable inFile through the normal procedure, here is what I get :
inFile$name = hello.csv
inFile$size = 8320
inFile$type = text/csv
inFile$datapath = C:\\Users\\MyName\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Rtmpkh8Zcb/7d5f0ff0111d440c7a66b656/0
Though I could have guessed the second and the third one knowing the file, I have no idea how the datapath field is assigned...
I've tried to declare inFile as a NULL global variable, then to assign one by one the different fields, but I'm stuck with this last one. Is there an other way to do, like a function that mimics the behaviour of a user who clicks on the file input button and choose a specified file ?
Thank you very much.
If all you're looking to do is load a file initially, you don't have to rely on Shiny functions to do that. You can just rely on R functions. Set up your app like this:
ui <- shinyUI(
fileInput("inFile", label="Choose a file", multiple=F)
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
values <- reactiveValues()
dat <- reactive({
if (is.null(inFile$datapath)) {
dat <- read.csv("path/to/your.csv")
values$file_name = "your.csv"
values$file_type = "csv"
values$file_size = file.size("path/to/your.csv")
values$file_path = "path/to/your.csv"
} else {
dat <- read.csv(inFile$datapath)
values$file_name = inFile$name
values$file_size = inFile$size
values$file_type = inFile$type
values$file_path = inFile$datapath
shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
In the above code, the Shiny app will start and see that inFile$datapath is NULL and will load a predefined file of your choosing. It won't run again until inFile changes, at which point it will load the file that the user pointed to.
Hope that helps.
I changed the code above to use reactiveValues to store the pieces of information that need to be used throughout the app. If you just set those and then do a find/replace for input$inFile$datapath and replace it values$file_path, your code should work just fine.
Here is how I figured it out :
I edited the original code, so that all the read.csv(...) are replaced with calls to a data.frame global variable. I also added a small button that you need to click on before you continue. This button saves what you just loaded in the Database (if you chose a file with the fileInput) and assigns the right values to the global variables that will be needed for the following operations. If you chose no file at all, it will directly assign the variables from the data found in the Database.
So I did not find a proper solution to the problem, but this is a workaround that will do the job in my case.
#brittenb I couldn't get your reactive solution to work as I wanted to, that's why I ended up doing this another way. Thanks for having taken the time to think about it though.
I'm still open to suggestions on how to update the file in a fileInput without user interaction.
I have a shiny app that outputs data from a data.frame imported with rdrop2 from my personal Dropbox.
The .csv file in my Dropbox from which the data.frame is built updates itself regularly. Therefore, I would like my Shiny App to regularly reload the .csv file and to update the data outputs if the values have changed.
I've already read these two posts: How to trigger a data refresh in shiny? and
Update a data frame in shiny server.R without restarting the App,
but I really can't make it happen entirely.
For now, I have this code, which seems to do the job, the only thing is that it updates the outputed data all the time, not only if it has changed:
sourceData <- reactive({
output$text1 <- reactive({
The loadData() function is :
loadData <- function(){
filesInfo <- drop_dir("J-Stats")
filePaths <- filesInfo$path[2]
data <- lapply(filePaths, drop_read_csv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- do.call(rbind, data)
I've also made attempts with reactiveValues, without success.
Basically, I would like the users of this app to see values that aren't flicking all the time, but just update when the app notices a change while it reloads the data "in the background".
Thanks a lot
With shiny it is very easy to create n inputs by creating a list of UIs like so (I am using ... to save space):
output$test <- renderUI({
lapply(1:input$count, function(x) numericInput(paste0('numId',x),...))
Let's say I want to dynamically set each numericInput's minimum to be the value of the previous numericInput. This won't work:
output$test <- renderUI({
lapply(1:input$count, function(x)
if (x==1) numericInput(paste0('numId',x),...))
else numericInput(paste0('numId',x),min=eval(parse(text=paste0("input$numId",x-1))),...))
It seems that using eval/parse to use the previous input as a parameter fails.
My next idea was to try adding this to the original code:
if (input$count>1) {
for (i in 2:input$count) {
Problem here is that observe doesn't know to respond when the numId's are updated because none of the objects input$numIdx are actually in the observe statement, just strings that are turned into those objects when observe is run.
Any ideas on how to handle this? It would be very nice to be able to generate n inputs, and make them relate to each other dynamically.