compare a input field value to a string or text symfony2 - symfony

I was trying to learn about framework and Ill be starting under "Symfony", then i got this problem, I create a
{{ form_widget(form.type) }}
equivalent to
<input type="text" class="type" id="type"/>
this element "input" have a value that given by a tab or menu if i click on it, example do i compare it to a text using "Symfony" if statement like the logic below.
{% if jumping == "text" %}
//it will do something
{% endif %}

as explained nicely in the symfony docs here you need to use the form.vars.value to get the input field's value
so for someting like {{ form_widget( }} you would access the values by doing {{ }}
in your case it would be
{% if == "text" %}
//do something
{% endif %}


How to show symfony validation errors?

I try to visualize my error messages from the validator.
When i write the following example:-
{{ form_errors(form.pGWeek) }}
it works fine and i get the message. But my form has 200 fields and so it's not practical.
So i want to iterate over an Array with all messages, at the end of the form like this:
{% if|length > 0 %}
<ul class="form-errors name">
{% for error in %}
{{ error }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
But i did not get some messages. As well i tried some another versions.. but nothing worked. I'm using Symfony 2.7.
Can give me somebody a tip?
Thanks for a short feedback.
So you just want to show all errors for all children of a form without displaying them beside each input field?
Then you could iterate over all the children of your form, check if any errors appeared on this children and if so, iterate over all errors of this children. That could be something like that:
{% for children in form.children %}
{% if children.vars.errors is defined %}
{% for error in children.vars.errors %}
{#{{ dump(children) }}#}
{#{{ dump(error) }}#}
{{ dump( ~ ': ' ~ error.message) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Which result in an error like description: This value should not be blank..
You can make that loop and condition in your controller using dependency injector, and then in your view you iterate that array of errors and put it into a div o wherever you want, I guess there is something like this:
$errors = $this->get('validator')->validate(yourObject);
if (!empty($errors)) {
foreach ($errors as $error)
throw new \Exception($error->getMessage());
That is if you want to stop the process and get an Exception, but you want to show that errors, then you make something similar, you only needs to delete that foreach and render your twig template and give it the $errors variable, in your template then you only need to make a for loop for get the errors!

Changing form data after failed validation in Symfony2

How can I change view data after failed validation (I want to change a checkbox value while displaying validation errors to explain why you can't select it). I suppose form events doesn't help here as the validation happens in the end.
The following code snippet from the Symfony's from bootstrap layout shows how you can check whether form field is valid or not:
{% block form_row -%}
{% spaceless %}
<div class="form-group{% if (not compound or force_error|default(false)) and not valid %} has-error{% endif %}">
{{ form_label(form) }}
<div class="{{ block('form_group_class') }}">
{{ form_widget(form) }}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
{% endspaceless %}
{%- endblock form_row %}
Look at if (not compound or force_error|default(false)) and not valid you can use same check in your code.
In short, you should add boolean value to your model, add checkbox type to your FormType representing this value and set it to false when validation fails, like this:
if (!$form->isValid()) {
} else {
// save model, redirect etc

Symfony2 - get value displayed to user for choice field in twig

I am trying to display the "label" (ie, value displayed to user) of a choice field in my twig template. I'm using Symfony 2.3. I just need the label associated with the actual current value of the field.
I finally figured out a way to do it that requires looping through every choice option, but am now wondering if there is a more efficient way? Here is my working code:
{% for choice in form.myfield.vars.choices %}
{% if choice.value == form.myfield.vars.value %}
{{ choice.label }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I'm looking for something like this (non-working code):
{{ form.myfield.vars.choices[form.myfield.vars.value].label }}
Is there a more efficient way, or is my solution the best possible?

How are labels on ArrayCollections in forms rendered?

I have a Customer object, which has many Emails.
I'm building a form for my customer, and I've added his emails as a collection. In my template, I render the emails portion like this:
{% for email in form.emails %}
{{ form_row(email.addr) }}
{{ form_row(email.isPrimary) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
This works fine, except if the customer has no emails. Then, form_rest() renders the label 'emails' at the bottom of my template.
Why does this only get rendered when form.emails is empty? How can I customize it? (Note I've already customized my label rendering for other form elements, and I don't want it to be the same for these 'collection labels'.)
I usually solved this problem this way:
{% for email in form.emails %}
{# ... #}
{% else %}
{{ form_widget(form.emails) }}
{% endfor %}
Unless someone suggests a better way of doing this.

Twig: filter in an if condition

I want to use an filter in an if condition in Twig. The reason for this is a Symfony2 attribute, which I can't compare directly, I have to change it beforehand. I have started with this code:
{% if app.request.attributes.get('_controller')|split('::')|first == 'some\controller\name' %}
do something
{% endif %}
Unfortunately this does not function. So I thought I would use set before the comparison:
{% set controller = app.request.attributes.get('_controller')|split('::')|first %}
{% if controller == 'some\controller\name' %}
do something
{% endif %}
{{ controller }} {# would print 'some\controller\name' #}
Guess what? "do something" is not printed, even if the variable controller now exists and has the value I compare it with. What am I doing wrong?
Ok I tested it, Twig has a strange behavior. "\" is escaped or something like this.
I extended my twig environement with the var_dump function, check this:
{{ var_dump("Sybio\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Controller\MainController") }}
//string(48) "SybioBundleWebsiteBundleControllerMainController"
{{ var_dump(app.request.attributes.get('_controller')|split('::')|first) }}
// string(52) "Sybio\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Controller\MainController"
{{ var_dump("Sybio\\Bundle\\WebsiteBundle\\Controller\\MainController") }}
// string(52) "Sybio\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Controller\MainController"
That's why your test is always false.
You need to double the backslashes of your compared string...
{% if app.request.attributes.get('_controller')|split('::')|first == 'some\\controller\\name' %}
do something
{% endif %}
