5 Website Preview template missing -

I am following an Tutorial
Under ASP.net5 preview templates the tutorial video has website template
while my Visual studio shows Web application template
is there any solution to this issue
thanks in advance

The video is using older versions. So find an updated video, or muddle through and expect things to not work because namespaces have changed.


Why does Visual studio slow Targo bank website?

Using Visual Studio and Chrome I have recently started debugging a website at http://localhost:50481 in a project created with the ASP.NET empty website project template. About the same time I noticed that my desktop banking website was running very slowly. In fact the whole web site runs very slowly using Chrome. All other websites are fine. In MS-Edge the targobank site runs fine (sometimes). I believe that the Visual Studio setup is somehow slowing Chrome at my German bank!
Does anybody know why this might be happening? Perhaps other users with similar VS configurations could try the website.
Here is some more detail on my VS setup. In order to use the ASP.NET empty website project template I had to install "Additional project templates (previous ver..)" as shown below and as recommended on the excellent stackoverflow.
Use the ASP.NET empty website project template thus
and then debug my Javascript in Chrome using a website at http://localhost:50481.

Browserlink CSS autosync not working ASP.NET Core 2.0

I cannot get the CSS to sync in ASP.NET Core 2.0.
Here's what I do:
Create brand new application using MS template
Launch the generated template (app.UseBrowserLink() is present)
Try to modify site.css by setting the background-color to yellow
Nothing happens
I have the CSS autosync enabled, in the browserlink dashboard I can see the connected browser and I can also use the Refresh button on the dashboard
Funny enough, when I create a new project using the classic old ASP.NET MVC template, CSS autosync does indeed work, however I cannot make it run on ASP.NET Core template
I've also tried installing the BrowserLink.Loader assembly and referencing thatone but to no avail...
Any help greatly appreciated
It looks like this is an open issue with Visual studio, and as of October "CSS Auto-Sync isn't supported on ASP.NET Core yet".
Something you could try is to use Chrome's "add folder to workspace" feature as suggested here and you can also try enabling browser link for static files which has helped some people to make it work.
You can also vote on this to encourage Microsoft to implement CSS autosync for ASP.NET Core.

F12 Go To Definition not working for CSS in CSHTML files - VS2017

I am working on my first Core 2.0 Mvc web site.
Normally I use web forms, but I'm trying something new.
In my .cshtml files I cannot F12 or right click and "go to definition" on CSS classes. I thought something may be wrong with my install but I was able to open up a web forms application and it works just fine from an ASPX page.
I have seen topics from 2013 about this issue, but no solutions.
I have installed web essentials, but that didn't work either.
This is something I use regularly and it is hard to do it manually especially when you are looking at a minified CSS file.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Pro.
The ReSharper extension for Visual Studio adds this feature.

How to Hide ASP.Net Website Source Code after Deployment

Am using Visual studio 2012 i cant hide ASP.NET Website source code .
Please support me.
Am try to see some tutorials those tutorials are for Project not for website.
If you are referring to the HTML or JavaScript code in your site, you can't hide that because it is required by the users browser to render the website.
If you are referring to the C# code files those should be compiled into binaries and only the binaries should be published out to the website folder. If the C# files are being included you probably need to set the Build Action on these files from "Content" to "Compile" via the Property window.
That being said the DLL binaries can be de-compiled in most cases. You can buy tools that will try to obfuscate your code which will make it harder but not impossible to de-compile.

Drap and Drop in Eclipse for Web Projects

Is there an equivalent drag and drop style for Eclipse (or any IDE in Java) for J2EE or JSP that is similar to the IDE feel of ASP.NET in Visual Studio? ASP.NET allows you to drag and drop controls to a web form or web page.
Netbeans IDE is the answer of your question. You can design your JSP pages like you are designing Asp.NET pages in Visual Studio. Here is the link of this feature of Netbeans.
Netbeans Visual Web Design
I don't know Visual Studio's capabilities, but Eclipse of course offers visual editors in form of a plugin. Here's an example of a JSP editor ( There are also editors for Swing GUIs etc. Just Google for "visual editor/designer eclipse jsp".
I had this same question this morning, so I downloaded Eclipse and tried to figure it out (I typically use Visual Studio). Here it is, but it is apparently not nearly as capable as Visual Studio Design View. Create an HTML file, and then right click on the file and select Web Page Editor.
I learned about it from here, it was difficult to find.
I would love to see a comparison between VS Design View and Eclipse Web Page Editor; seems like building UIs for the Internet still (after many many years) a mess.
Screen Shot of Eclipse Web Page Editor
Eclipse Web Page Editor
Visual Web Pack - , which provides you with all the resources you need to create a proper page with customizable designed.
You put no restrictions on your IDE, so I can safely say that it is for NetBeans (only build 5.5, however). It is a discontinued project, but whatever is already made, is made to last a while. Strongly suggest.
