How to find the minimum length - functional-programming

I have an XY by XY vector b (a 2d array/matrix). Each entry in this vector has a list whose length can go from 1 to X*Y elements. I would like to loop through all elements of the vector and find out the row and column of the vector that has the minimum length list (or if there are more than one return one of them or all of them is also good).
I started out with the following (incomplete code)
(define (find-minimum-row-col b X Y)
(for*/first ([row (* X Y)]
[col (* X Y)]
#:when (< ( length (vector-ref (vector-ref b row) col))) the-min-sofar))
(cons row col)))
I am not sure how to keep track of the running minimum and corresponding coordinates in a functional way (i.e. without using set! on the-min-sofar variable)

Try this:
(define (find-minimum-row-col a)
(for*/fold ([the-min '(0 . 0)])
([row (in-range (vector-length a))]
[col (in-range (vector-length (vector-ref a 0)))])
(if (< (length (vector-ref (vector-ref a row) col))
(length (vector-ref (vector-ref a (car the-min)) (cdr the-min))))
(cons row col)
The trick was to use for*/fold to accumulate the result of iteration in the the-min variable, and update it as needed. We don't have to pass the dimensions of the matrix, all this works as long as the matrix is non-empty and all rows have the same number of columns. For example:
(find-minimum-row-col '#(#((1) (2 2) (3 3 3))
#((2 2) (1) (3 3 3))
#((2 2) () (2 2))))
=> '(2 . 1)


How to get the lowest integer out of a vector in Racket

I'm trying to get the lowest integer out of a vector only containing numbers. I know how to do it with lists. You compare the first two values of the list and depending on which is larger you either save your value to output it later or call the function again with the rest of the list (all elements except the first) using the cdr procedure.
But with vectors I'm completely lost. My guess would be that the way of thinking about the solution would be the same for lists and vectors. I've been reading on the racket-lang website but haven't been able to come up with a solution to the problem. The procedures I've been experimenting most with are vector-ref and vector-length as they seem to be the most useful in this problem (but this is my first time working with vectors so what do I know).
So my two questions are:
How can we get all values except the first from a vector? Is there a procedure like cdr but for vectors?
If you were working with lists you would use cons to save the values you would want to output. But is there a similar way of doing it when working with vectors?
The simplest solution is to use a variant of for called for/fold.
I thought there were an for/min but alas.
#lang racket
(define v (vector 11 12 13 4 15 16))
(for/fold ([m +inf.0]) ([x (in-vector v)])
(min m x))
If you like a more explicit approach:
(define (vector-min xs)
(define n (vector-length xs))
(let loop ([i 0] ; running index
[m +inf.0]) ; minimum value so far
[(= i n) ; if the end is reached
m] ; return the minimum
[else ; else
(define x (vector-ref v i)) ; get new element in vector
(loop (+ i 1) ; increment index
(min m x))]))) ; new minimum
(let loop ([x 1] [y 10])
(loop (+ x 1) (- y 1))
is the same as:
(let ()
(define (loop (x y)
(loop (+ x 1) (- y 1)))
(loop 1 10))
Vectors are O(1) access and indexed so it is a completely different data structure, however you have SEFI-43 which is like the SRFI-1 List library, but for vectors.
#lang racket
(require srfi/43)
(define (min-element lst)
(vector-fold min (vector-ref lst 0) lst))
(max-element #(7 8 1 2 3 4 5 12))
; ==> 1
The racket/vector module has vector-argmin for finding the minimum element of a vector (Well, the minimum after feeding the elements through a transformation function). Combine that with a function like identity from racket/function and it's trivial:
(vector-argmin identity '#(5 4 3 2 1 6))

Generating a list of all possible combinations of true or false for n given variables in LISP

I want to define a function that takes an input "n" (the number of variables) and return all possible truth values. Here, I represent the truth values for a variable i (1 <= i <= n) with +i representing true, and -i representing false.
For example:
(generate-values 2)
should return:
((2 1)(2 -1)(-2 1)(-2 -1))
(generate-values 3)
should return:
((3 2 1)(3 2 -1)(3 -2 1)(3 -2 -1)(-3 2 1)(-3 2 -1)(-3 -2 1)(-3 -2 -1))
Here is my incorrect attempt:
(defun generate-values (n)
((equal n 0) nil)
(t (list (cons n (generate-values (- n 1)))
(cons (- 0 n) (generate-values (- n 1)))))))
I know why this is incorrect, but I am not able to find a way to generate (3 2 1) and then move on to (3 2 -1). My program outputs:
((3 (2 (1) (-1)) (-2 (1) (-1))) (-3 (2 (1) (-1)) (-2 (1) (-1))))
Any help with this question qould be thoroughly appreciated! Thanks!
It might be easiest to approach this in the easiest way possible, and then to figure out how to make it a bit simpler or more efficient afterward.
If you're doing this recursively, it's important to consider what the bases cases are. A reasonable base case here is probably when n = 0. The function is always supposed to return a list of lists. In the n = 0 case, there are no "variables", so the result has to be a list of the empty list: (()).
For the case that n is anything else, consider what the function returns for n-1. It's a list of all the combinations on n-1 "variables". All you need to do is prepend n to each of those, and prepend -n to each of those, and then make sure you end up with a list of all of those.
Encoding that directly, we end up with something like this:
(defun table (n)
(if (zerop n)
(let* ((table (table (1- n)))
(plus-pos-n (mapcar (lambda (subtable)
(list* n subtable))
(plus-neg-n (mapcar (lambda (subtable)
(list* (- n) subtable))
(nconc plus-pos-n plus-neg-n))))
CL-USER> (table 3)
((3 2 1) (3 2 -1) (3 -2 1) (3 -2 -1) (-3 2 1) (-3 2 -1) (-3 -2 1) (-3 -2 -1))
Now, let's look at what your current implementation is doing differently, noting that it doesn't have to be exactly the same algorithm, of course.
(defun generate-values (n)
((equal n 0)
(list (cons n
(generate-values (- n 1)))
(cons (- 0 n)
(generate-values (- n 1)))))))
Stylistically, since there are only two branches, I'd prefer if to cond here, but that's not a problem. Before attacking the base case, lets look at the recursive case, when n ≠ 0. First, you're calling generate-values twice; it would be more efficient to call it once and save the result. That could end up being important later if you're calling this function with big values of n, but it doesn't make the function incorrect. But remember what generate-values returns; it returns a list of the different combinations. That means that your call to (cons n (generate-values …)) is returning a list whose first element is n, and whose remaining elements are the combinations for n-1. E.g., you're doing something like:
CL-USER> (table 1)
((1) (-1))
CL-USER> (cons 2 (table 1))
(2 (1) (-1))
But that's not what you want. You really want to add n to each of those lists:
CL-USER> (mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons 2 x))
(table 1))
((2 1) (2 -1))
That's the issue in the recursive case. There's an issue in the base case, too. In the recursive case, you want to add n and -n to each of the sublists from the n-1 case. So what happens when you have n = 1? You want to be getting (cons 1 '()) and (cons -1 '()). But since the second argument to cons is going to be each list inside of the result of (generate-values 0), you really need to have something in the list returned by (generate-values 0). What needs to be there? The empty list needs to be there. So the base case needs to return (()), not (). So, after making those changes, your code would be:
(defun generate-values (n)
((equal n 0)
(list (mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons n x))
(generate-values (- n 1)))
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons (- 0 n) x))
(generate-values (- n 1)))))))
CL-USER> (generate-values 3)
(((3 (2 (1)) (2 (-1))) (3 (-2 (1)) (-2 (-1))))
((-3 (2 (1)) (2 (-1))) (-3 (-2 (1)) (-2 (-1)))))
That's closer, but it's still not quite right. There's another in the recursive case. You end up generating the values that have n in the beginning (a list of them), and the values that have -n in the beginning (a list of them), but then you're using list to combine them. That returns a single list with two values. Instead, you want a single list that has the values from each of them. You want to combine them with append (or, since all the structure is newly generated, you could use nconc):
(defun generate-values (n)
((equal n 0)
(append (mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons n x))
(generate-values (- n 1)))
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(cons (- 0 n) x))
(generate-values (- n 1)))))))
CL-USER> (generate-values 3)
((3 2 1) (3 2 -1) (3 -2 1) (3 -2 -1) (-3 2 1) (-3 2 -1) (-3 -2 1) (-3 -2 -1))
This final implementation isn't exactly what I started with, but it's essentially the same in terms of the algorithm. The differences are mostly stylistic, but there are some efficiency concerns, too. Using nconc instead of append would save some memory, and it really would be good to cache the results from the recursive call, rather than recomputing it. Stylistic issues that don't affect correctness might be using if instead of cond, using list* instead of cons (to indicate that we're working with lists, not trees of cons cells), and it's nice to note that you don't have to do (- 0 n), - with a single argument returns the argument's negation. That is, (- n) = -n.

Centroid given a list of vectors

I have to calculate the mean vector given a list of vectors such as this one
'((2 3 56) (22 45 34) (21 2 23) (4 8 3) (4 4 1) (4 4 5))
In short words I have to find the centroid given a list of lists.
(defun vsum (x y)
(cond ((not (= (list-length x) (list-length y))) (error "dimension error!"))
((null (first x)) NIL)
(t (cons (+ (first x) (first y)) (vsum (rest x) (rest y))))))
I already created this simple function but I'm having major troubles in getting it used in a recursive way (I prefer it against the loop) to accomplish my task. I need that to be dimension agnostic, too (e.g. vectors of size 2 or 3 mostly).
In this case there is no need of loops or recursion, only primitive functionals:
(defun centroid (list)
(when list
(let ((list-length (length list))
(dimension (length (first list))))
(unless (every (lambda (v) (= (length v) dimension)) (rest list))
(error "Dimension error!"))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x list-length))
(reduce (lambda (x y) (mapcar #'+ x y)) list)))))
The formula used is that for a finite set of points (see Wikipedia).
First a check is done to see if all the vectors have the same dimension (the part with every), then the sum is calculated with the (reduce (lambda (x y) (mapcar #'+ x y)) list) part, and finally each coordinate is divided by the number of points (the mapcar part).
I prefer it against the loop
But it makes no sense. Recursive functions are harder to use and can cause stack overflows.
Your vsum function is better written as
(defun vsum (x y)
(assert (= (length x) (length y)) ; both lists of equal length
(x y) ; the lists, can be repaired
"Dimension error") ; the error message
(mapcar #'+ x y)) ; simple mapping
Above version is
better to use interactively in case of an error, due to the use of ASSERT
without stack overflow problems for larger input lists
The mapcar expression can be written using loop as:
(loop for x1 in x and y1 in y
collect (+ x y))
Which is still clearer and shorter than your recursive code.

Scheme Make list of all pair permutations of elements in two equal length lists

I am trying to combine two lists of x coordinates and y coordinates into pairs in scheme, and I am close, but can't get a list of pairs returned.
The following can match up all the pairs using nested loops, but I'm not sure the best way to out put them, right now I am just displaying them to console.
(define X (list 1 2 3 4 5))
(define Y (list 6 7 8 9 10))
(define (map2d X Y)
(do ((a 0 (+ a 1))) ; Count a upwards from 0
((= a (length X) ) ) ; Stop when a = length of list
(do ((b 0 (+ b 1))) ; Count b upwards from 0
((= b (length Y) ) ) ; Stop when b = length of second list
(display (cons (list-ref X a) (list-ref Y b))) (newline)
(map2d X Y)
I am looking to have this function output
((1 . 6) (1 . 7) (1 . 8) ... (2 . 6) (2 . 7) ... (5 . 10))
I will then use map to feed this list into another function that takes pairs.
Bonus points if you can help me make this more recursive (do isn't 'pure' functional, right?), this is my first time using functional programming and the recursion has not been easy to grasp. Thanks!
The solutions of Óscar López are correct and elegant, and address you to the “right” way of programming in a functional language. However, since you are starting to study recursion, I will propose a simple recursive solution, without high-level functions:
(define (prepend-to-all value y)
(if (null? y)
(cons (cons value (car y)) (prepend-to-all value (cdr y)))))
(define (map2d x y)
(if (null? x)
(append (prepend-to-all (car x) y) (map2d (cdr x) y))))
The function map2d recurs on the first list: if it is empty, then the cartesian product will be empty; otherwise, it will collect all the pairs obtained by prepending the first element of x to all the elements of y, with all the pairs obtained by applying itself to the rest of x and all the elements of y.
The function prepend-to-all, will produce all the pairs built from a single value, value and all the elements of the list y. It recurs on the second parameter, the list. When y is empty the result is the empty list of pairs, otherwise, it builds a pair with value and the first element of y, and “conses” it on the result of prepending value to all the remaining elements of y.
When you will master the recursion, you can pass to the next step, by learning tail-recursion, in which the call to the function is not contained in some other “building” form, but is the first one of the recursive call. Such form has the advantage that the compiler can transform it into a (much) more efficient iterative program. Here is an example of this technique applied to your problem:
(define (map2d x y)
(define (prepend-to-all value y pairs)
(if (null? y)
(prepend-to-all value (cdr y) (cons (cons value (car y)) pairs))))
(define (cross-product x y all-pairs)
(if (null? x)
(reverse all-pairs)
(cross-product (cdr x) y (prepend-to-all (car x) y all-pairs))))
(cross-product x y '()))
The key idea is to define an helper function with a new parameter that “accumulates” the result while it is built. This “accumulator”, which is initialized with () in the call of the helper function, will be returned as result in the terminal case of the recursion. In this case the situation is more complex since there are two functions, but you can study the new version of prepend-to-all to see how this works. Note that, to return all the pairs in the natural order, at the end of the cross-product function the result is reversed. If you do not need this order, you can omit the reverse to make the function more efficient.
Using do isn't very idiomatic. You can try nesting maps instead, this is more in the spirit of Scheme - using built-in higher-order procedures is the way to go!
; this is required to flatten the list
(define (flatmap proc seq)
(fold-right append '() (map proc seq)))
(define (map2d X Y)
(lambda (i)
(map (lambda (j)
(cons i j))
It's a shame you're not using Racket, this would have been nicer:
(define (map2d X Y)
(for*/list ([i X] [j Y])
(cons i j)))

How to solve n-queens in scheme

I'm trying to solve the n-queens problem in scheme. I was told by my professor to use a single vector as the chess board where the ith element of the vector represents the ith column of the board. The value of that element is the row on which sits a queen, or -1 if the column is empty. So, [0 1 2 -1 -1] has two columns with no queen and three queens placed illegally.
When I run this code: (place-n-queens 0 4 #(-1 -1 -1 -1)) I get #(0 1 2 3) which obviously has all four queens placed illegally. I think the issue is that I don't check enough things in the cond in place-queen-on-n but I'm not sure what to add to solve the issue of getting queens on the same diagonal.
(define (return-row vector queen)
(vector-ref vector (return-col vector queen)))
(define (return-col vector queen)
(remainder queen (vector-length vector)))
(define (checkrow vector nq oq)
((= (vector-ref vector nq) -1) #f)
((= (vector-ref vector oq) -1) #f)
(else (= (return-row vector nq) (return-row vector oq)))))
(define (checkcol vector nq oq)
(= (return-col vector nq) (return-col vector oq)))
(define (checkdiagonal vector nq oq)
((= (vector-ref vector nq) -1) #f)
((= (vector-ref vector oq) -1) #f)
(else (= (abs (- (return-row vector nq) (return-row vector oq)))
(abs (- (return-col vector nq) (return-col vector oq)))))))
(define (checkdiagonalagain vector r c oq)
(= (abs (- r (return-row vector oq)))
(abs (- c (return-col vector oq)))) )
(define (checkrowagain vector r oq)
(= r (return-row vector oq)))
(define (checkinterference vector nq oq)
(or (checkrow vector nq oq) (checkcol vector nq oq) (checkdiagonal vector nq oq)))
(define (place-queen-on-n vector r c)
(local ((define (foo x)
((checkrowagain vector r x) -1)
((= c x) r)
((checkinterference vector c x) -1)
((map (lambda (y) (eq? (vector-ref vector x) y))
(build-list (vector-length vector) values)) (vector-ref vector x))
((eq? (vector-ref vector x) -1) -1)
(else -1))))
(build-vector (vector-length vector) foo)))
(define (place-a-queen vector)
(local ((define (place-queen collist rowlist)
((empty? collist) '())
((empty? rowlist) '())
(else (append (map (lambda (x) (place-queen-on-n vector x (car collist))) rowlist)
(try vector (cdr collist) rowlist)))
(place-queen (get-possible-col vector) (get-possible-row (vector->list vector) vector))))
(define (try vector collist rowlist)
((empty? collist) '())
((empty? rowlist) '())
(else (append (map (lambda (x) (place-queen-on-n vector x (car collist))) rowlist)
(try vector (cdr collist) rowlist)))))
(define (get-possible-col vector)
(local ((define (get-ava index)
((= index (vector-length vector)) '())
((eq? (vector-ref vector index) -1)
(cons index (get-ava (add1 index))))
(else (get-ava (add1 index))))))
(get-ava 0)))
;list is just vector turned into a list
(define (get-possible-row list vector)
(filter positive? list)
(define (thislist) (build-list (vector-length vector) values))
(remove* list (build-list (vector-length vector) values))
(define (place-n-queens origination destination vector)
((= origination destination) vector)
(else (local ((define possible-steps
(place-n-queens/list (add1 origination)
(place-a-queen vector))))
((boolean? possible-steps) #f)
(else possible-steps))))))
(define (place-n-queens/list origination destination boards)
((empty? boards) #f)
(else (local ((define possible-steps
(place-n-queens origination destination (car boards))))
((boolean? possible-steps) (place-n-queens/list origination destination (cdr boards)))
(else possible-steps))
Any help is appreciated to get this working!!
That's hard to follow. Generally n-queens is done with some sort of backtracking and I'm not seeing where you backtrack. The hard part is managing the side effects when using a vector. You have to set the board the the previous state before going back.
(define (n-queens size)
(let ((board (make-vector size -1)))
(let loop ((col 0) (row 0))
(cond ((= col size) board)
((= row size) ;;dead end
(if (= col 0) ;;if first collumn
#f ;;then no solutions
(begin (vector-set! board (- col 1) -1))
;;else undo changes made by previous level and signal the error
((safe? col row board)
(vector-set! board col row)
(or (loop (+ col 1) 0)
;;only precede to next column if a safe position is found
(loop col (+ row 1))))
;; keep going if hit a dead end.
(else (loop col (+ row 1)))))))
Writing safe? is up to you though.
Also not sure why you are moving from vector to list. It's just really clogging up the logic so I'm having trouble following. Plus you should be comfortable moving through vectors on their own. In place-queen-on-n you use build-list on a vector just so you can map over it.
Whereas a vector-fold of some sort may be more appropriate. Additionally that map will always return a list which is always not false, meaning any code after that in the cond will never get hit. Is that your problem, I don't know but it is a problem.
