How to calculate distance between several points simultaneously with Euclidean Distance - math

I know how to get distance between points, however I want to get distance between 2 objects where each object has several points. (See illustration below.)
I want to calculate distance between object A and object B based on their points with Euclidean Distance.
Can I use euclidean distance for my problem?
Example Equation in Java: Math.SQRT(Math.sqr(y2-y1) + Math.sqr(x2-x1));

The maybe best way might be (as #Erica already suggested) to take the distance as the sum of the distances of the closest points, but beware, this is NOT SYMMETRIC, hence not a real distance in the mathematician way. To gain symmetric you might add it with the same sum of the other object, this will yield a mathematician distance method.
Another way would be to index the points and take the distance of the same points (when you know, there are always the same amount of points). This has the drawback, that the same points with different index is another object (you might indicate it with the distance to root and anti-clockwise for same distance to negate that effect). This also yields a mathematician distance method.
Code example for first one (one side):
double distance = 0;
for(Point x : A.getPoints()){
double distOfX = 0;
for(Point y : B.getPoints()){
double tempDist = Math.pow(x.getX()-y.getX(),2)+Math.pow(x.getY()-y.getY(),2);
distOfX = tempDist>distOfX?tempDist:distOfX;
distance += Math.sqrt(distOfX);
And for the second case (after indicating):
double distance = 0;
if(A.getPoints().length != B.getPoints().length)
distance = -1;
for(int i=0; i<A.getPoints().length; i++){
distance += Math.sqrt( Math.pow(A.getPoints()[i].getX()-B.getPoints()[i].getX(),2)+Math.pow(A.getPoints()[i].getY()-B.getPoints()[i].getY(),2));

try this method:
//Calculate the distance between two points base on their coordinates
public float getDistance(float X_1, float Y_1, float X_2, float Y_2) {
//define the output distance
float Distance;
//calculate the distance
Distance = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow((X_1 - X_2),2) + Math.pow((Y_1 - Y_2),2));
//output the distance
return Distance;


How to calculate the angles of the projection in 3d for an object to step at given point?

I need to calculate the angles to through the ball in that direction for a given speed and the point where it should land after thrown.
The horizontal angle is easy(We know both start and step points).How to calculate the vertical angle of projection.There is gravy applying on object.
Time of travel will be usual as bowling time(time between ball release and occurring step) as per video.
Is there a way directly in unity3d?
Watch this video for 8 seconds for clear understating of this question.
According to the Wikipedia page Trajectory of a projectile, the "Angle of reach" (The angle you want to know) is calculated as follows:
θ = 1/2 * arcsin(gd/v²)
In this formula, g is the gravitational constant 9.81, d is the distance you want the projectile to travel, and v is the velocity at which the object is thrown.
Code to calculate this could look something like this:
float ThrowAngle(Vector3 destination, float velocity)
const float g = 9.81f;
float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, destination);
//assuming you want degrees, otherwise just drop the Rad2Deg.
return Mathf.Rad2Deg * (0.5f * Asin((g*distance)/Mathf.Pow(velocity, 2f)));
This will give you the angle assuming no air resistance etc. exist in your game.
If your destination and your "throwing point" are not at the same height, you may want to set both to y=0 first, otherwise, errors may occur.
Considering that your launch point is higher up than the destination, this formula from the same page should work:
θ = arctan(v² (+/-) √(v^4-g(gx² + 2yv²))/gx)
Here, x is the range, or distance, and y is the altitude (relative to the launch point).
float ThrowAngle(Vector3 start, Vector3 destination, float v)
const float g = 9.81f;
float xzd = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(destination.x - start.x, 2) + Mathf.Pow(destination.z - start.z, 2));
float yd = destination.y - start.y;
//assuming you want degrees, otherwise just drop the Rad2Deg. Split into two lines for better readability.
float sqrt = (Mathf.Pow(v,4) - g * (g*Mathf.Pow(xzd,2) + 2*yd*Mathf.Pow(v,2))/g*xzd);
//you could also implement a solution which uses both values in some way, but I left that out for simplicity.
return Mathf.Atan(Mathf.Pow(v, 2) + sqrt);

How to calculate ray in real-world coordinate system from image using projection matrix?

Given n images and a projection matrix for each image, how can i calculate the ray (line) emitted by each pixel of the images, which is intersecting one of the three planes of the real-world coordinate system? The object captured by the camera is at the same position, just the camera's position is different for each image. That's why there is a separate projection matrix for each image.
As far as my research suggests, this is the inverse of the 3D to 2D projection. Since information is lost when projecting to 2D, it's only possible to calculate the ray (line) in the real-world coordinate system, which is fine.
An example projection matrix P, that a calculated based on given K, R and t component, according to K*[R t]
3310.400000 0.000000 316.730000
K= 0.000000 3325.500000 200.550000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
-0.14396457836077139000 0.96965263281337499000 0.19760617153779569000
R= -0.90366580603479685000 -0.04743335255026152200 -0.42560419233334673000
-0.40331536459778505000 -0.23984130575212276000 0.88306936201487163000
t= -0.0294278883669
-604.322 3133.973 933.850 178.711
P= -3086.026 -205.840 -1238.247 37.127
-0.403 -0.240 0.883 0.673
I am using the "DinoSparseRing" data set available at
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
RealMatrix rotationMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(rotationMatrices[i]);
RealVector translationVector = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(translationMatrices[i]);
// construct projection matrix according to K*[R t]
RealMatrix projMatrix = getP(kalibrationMatrices[i], rotationMatrices[i], translationMatrices[i]);
// getM returns the first 3x3 block of the 3x4 projection matrix
RealMatrix projMInverse = MatrixUtils.inverse(getM(projMatrix));
// compute camera center
RealVector c = rotationMatrix.transpose().scalarMultiply(-1.f).operate(translationVector);
// compute all unprojected points and direction vector per project point
for (int m = 0; m < image_m_num_pixel; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < image_n_num_pixel; n++) {
double[] projectedPoint = new double[]{
// undo perspective divide
projectedPoint[0] *= projectedPoint[2];
projectedPoint[1] *= projectedPoint[2];
// undo projection by multiplying by inverse:
RealVector projectedPointVector = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(projectedPoint);
RealVector unprojectedPointVector = projMInverse.operate(projectedPointVector);
// compute direction vector
RealVector directionVector = unprojectedPointVector.subtract(c);
// normalize direction vector
double dist = Math.sqrt((directionVector.getEntry(0) * directionVector.getEntry(0))
+ (directionVector.getEntry(1) * directionVector.getEntry(1))
+ (directionVector.getEntry(2) * directionVector.getEntry(2)));
directionVector.setEntry(0, directionVector.getEntry(0) * (1.0 / dist));
directionVector.setEntry(1, directionVector.getEntry(1) * (1.0 / dist));
directionVector.setEntry(2, directionVector.getEntry(2) * (1.0 / dist));
The following 2 plots show the outer rays for each images (total of 16 images). The blue end is the camera point and the cyan is a bounding box containing the object captured by the camera. One can clearly see the rays projecting back to the object in world coordinate system.
To define the ray you need a start point (which is the camera/eye position) and a direction vector, which can be calculated using any point on the ray.
For a given pixel in the image, you have a projected X and Y (zeroed at the center of the image) but no Z depth value. However the real-world co-ordinates corresponding to all possible depth values for that pixel will all lie on the ray you are trying to calculate, so you can just choose any arbitrary non-zero Z value, since any point on the ray will do.
float projectedX = (x - imageCenterX) / (imageWidth * 0.5f);
float projectedY = (y - imageCenterY) / (imageHeight * 0.5f);
float projectedZ = 1.0f; // any arbitrary value
Now that you have a 3D projected co-ordinate you can undo the projection by applying the perspective divide in reverse by multiplying X and Y by Z, then multiplying the result by the inverse projection matrix to get the unprojected point.
// undo perspective divide (redundant if projectedZ = 1, shown for completeness)
projectedX *= projectedZ;
projectedY *= projectedZ;
Vector3 projectedPoint = new Vector3(projectedX, projectedY, projectedZ);
// undo projection by multiplying by inverse:
Matrix invProjectionMat = projectionMat.inverse();
Vector3 unprojectedPoint = invProjectionMat.multiply(projectedPoint);
Subtract the camera position from the unprojected point to get the direction vector from the camera to the point, and then normalize it. (This step assumes that the projection matrix defines both the camera position and orientation, if the position is stored separately then you don't need to do the subtraction)
Vector3 directionVector = unprojectedPoint.subtract(cameraPosition);
The ray is defined by the camera position and the normalized direction vector. You can then intersect it with any of the X, Y, Z planes.

Given a segmented circle and a point of impact, calculate the collided segment

I have a circle with a rotation. See images below for example. The circle is divided into segments of varying degrees, for this example I've divided the circle into three equal 120 degree segments.
Given a point of impact (a point on the exterior radius of the circle) I calculate the degree between the center of the circle and the point of impact. I then need to determine which segment was impacted.
My current solution went something like this:
var circleRotation = 270;
var segments = [120, 120, 120];
function segmentAtAngle(angle) {
var sumTo = circleRotation;
for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; l > i; i++) {
if (sumTo <= angle && sumTo + segments[i] >= angle) {
// return the segment
return i;
sumTo += segments[i];
My solution does not work in all cases, given a large offset of say 270 and when requesting the segment at impact degree 45 I currently faultily provide nothing.
Note: Provided angle to segmentAtAngle and circleRotation will also never be negative or above 360. I standardize the degrees by { degrees = degrees % 360; if (degrees < 0) degrees += 360; return degrees; }
What would be the proper way to calculate the hit segment of a circle given an offset rotation?
A simple ad-hoc solution would be duplicating your lists of segments. Then you have the whole range from 0° to 2·360°=720° covered. If angle and circleRotation is between 0° and 360°, as you say they are, then their sum will be between 0° and 720°, and having twice the list of segments will yield a match in all cases. If the resulting index is greater or equal to the length of the original unduplicated list, you can subtract that length to obtain an index from that original list.
First, the conditions of your for loop looks kind of weird. l will always be larger than zero, so the loop will never execute at all. Secondly, you should probably standardize sumTo each time you add to it. Third, you return angle within the loop, which never changes. Do you want to return the index of the impacted segment?
var circleRotation = 270;
var segments = [120, 120, 120];
function standardize(degrees){
degrees = degrees % 360;
if (degrees < 0) degrees += 360;
return degrees;
function segmentAtAngle(angle) {
var sumTo = circleRotation;
for (var i = 0; i<segments.length; i++) {
if (sumTo <= angle && sumTo + segments[i] >= angle) {
return i;
sumTo = standardize(sumTo + segments[i]);
The function atan2(DY, DX) will give you the angle from the center to any point. This angle will be in range -pi to +pi. For the sake of the discussion, let us convert this to the -180..+180° range.
Now consider the delimiting angles of your segments, as if obtained by the same function: they will correspond to the ranges [-120..0], [0..120] and [120, -120]. All is fine, except that the third interval straddles the discontinuity, and it should be split into [120..180] and [-180..-120].
In the end, you should consider this list of bounds, with corresponding sectors:
-180 -120 0 120 180
Yellow | Red | Green | Yellow
With N colors, you will need to consider N+1 intervals and compare to N bounds (no need to check against the extreme values, they are implicitly fulfilled). You will do this by linear or dichotomic search (or simple rescaling in case of equidistant bounds).

maths for programming "spraypaint" program similar to ms paint

I'm trying to write a spraypaint type program but I have forgotten all my maths.
I need some sort of probability equation to pick pixels near where the user clicks. So the probability should be high near the center and then decrease as the distance from the center gets higher and once you reach a certain distance the probability should be zero.
Also the probability at the center should be a smooth curve (if you know what I mean)
I'm not sure which language you're coding in, so here's some pseudo-code. I will assume you know the corresponding syntax in the language you're coding in.
// Parameters:
// Radius is the radius of the brush in pixels
// Strength is a double ranging 0.0 to 1.0 and multiplies the probability of a pixel being painted
function spraypaint(int radius, double strength) {
strength = (strength * 2) - 1; //Change strength from 0.0->1.0 to -1.0->1.0 for logical application
// For each pixel within the square...
for(int x = -radius; x < radius; x++) {
for(int y = -radius; y < radius; y++) {
double distance = sqrt(x*x + y*y); // Get distance from center pixel
double angle = 90*(distance/radius); // Get angle of "bell curve"
double probability = sine(angle); // Determine probability of filling in this pixel
// Apply additional probability based on strength parameter
if(strength >= 0.0)
probability += ((1-probability) * strength);
probability += probability * strength;
if(distance > radius) {
continue; // Skip this pixel if it's out of the circle's radius
if(random(0.0 to 1.0) < probability) { // If we random a decimal lower than our probability
setPixel(mouse.x + x, mouse.y + y, "Black"); // Draw this pixel
The basic idea is:
Iterate through each pixel and...
1. Find its distance from the center pixel (The clicked pixel).
2. Get distance/radius (0.0 to 1.0) and find the corresponding sine, creating a
smooth probability curve.
3. Apply the supplied strength to the probability.
4. Pull a random double 0.0 to 1.0 and draw the pixel if it's within our probability.

Algorithm to find all points on a 2D grid some distance away from another point

I have some point on a 2D grid (x, y) and I need to find all points that are n distance away from that point. The way I'm measuring distance is by using the distance formula between the two points. Anyone know how to do this?
Edit: Just for reference, what I'm trying to do is to write some AI path finding that will maintain some distance away from a target in a system that uses grid based locations. Currently I'm using A* path finding, but I'm not sure if that matters or makes a difference since I'm kind of new to this stuff.
Here's what I would do:
First filter out all points that are further than D on either x or y. These are certainly outside the circle of radius D. This is a much simpler computation, and it can quickly eliminate a lot of work. This is a outer bounding-box optimization.
You can also use an inner bounding-box optimization. If the points are closer than D * sqrt(2)/2 on either x or y, then they're certainly within the circle of radius D. This is also cheaper than calculating the distance formula.
Then you have a smaller number of candidate points that may be within the circle of radius D. For these, use the distance formula. Remember that if D = sqrt(Δx2+Δy2), then D2 = Δx2+Δy2.
So you can skip the cost of calculating square root.
So in pseudocode, you could do the following:
for each point
if test 1 indicates the point is outside the outer bounding box,
then skip this point
if test 2 indicates the point is inside the inner bounding box,
then keep this point
if test 3 indicates the point is inside the radius of the circle,
then keep this point
This problem is known as range query. The brute force solution is just as you described: computed the distance of all points from the reference point and return those whose distance is less than the desired range value.
The brute force algorithm is O(N^2). There are, however, more efficient algorithms that employ spatial indexes to reduce algorithm complexity and the number of distance calculations. For example, you can use a R-Tree to index your points.
Its called nearest neighbor search. More at
There are open libraries for that. I have used one written for C and recommend it: ANN stands for Approximate Nearest Neighbor, however, you can turn the approximation off and find the exact nearest neighbors.
This wouldn't use the distance formula, but if you're looking for points exactly n distance away, perhaps you could use sin/cos?
In pseudocode:
for degrees in range(360):
x = cos(degrees) * n
y = sin(degrees) * n
print x, y
That would print every point n away in 360 degree increments.
Java implementation:
public static Set<Point> findNearbyPoints(Set<Point> pts, Point centerPt, double radius) {
Set<Point> nearbyPtsSet = new HashSet<Point>();
double innerBound = radius * (Math.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0);
double radiusSq = radius * radius;
for (Point pt : pts) {
double xDist = Math.abs(centerPt.x - pt.x);
double yDist = Math.abs(centerPt.y - pt.y);
if (xDist > radius || yDist > radius)
if (xDist > innerBound || yDist > innerBound)
if (distSq(centerPt, pt) < radiusSq)
return nearbyPtsSet;
