how can I add scripts to pages or forms - marketo

is it possible to scripts, preferably Jquery, to forms
I tried to add it to the Munchkin tracking script but that field is read only
is there another option for adding scripts to forms

I'd recommend you to check the documentation on
Marketo Forms support some customization using simple JS or jQuery.
Do you have any specific customization in mind?


How to connect Google Analytics to Symfony 4?

I have a small blog on Symfony 4. I need to add views to the articles. Decided to use Google Analytics. But I did not find the normal documentation how to connect Google Analytics to the symfony 4.
In general, you simply have to append a script tag that is provided in Google Analytics' web interface. See either this or this answer on the help resource. Perhaps, that would be the best option for you, since you just have a simple blog. The script should probably be added in your base template, or the layout so that it renders just above the closing </body> tag.
Another option would be setting up a server-to-server interaction with GA. There are several bundles for that: one, two. But most probably you won't need that.
You can simply put the script in your default base layout like the conventional base.html.twig. If you want to minimize the interaction with the layout you can create a Twig function that returns the Tracking ID stored in parameters.yml, either use bundle that provides extra features for interaction with your server, have a look for GoogleAnalyticsBundle which is still maintained by a symfony core developer.

Custom javascript not working in Wordpress AMP

I am using most of the plugins in WordPress for AMP, but it does not allow custom javascript in AMP.
Is there any way for that?
Please help me if anyone faces that kind of issue.
Author written JavaScript is not allowed via the AMP specification. You'll need to execute your JavaScript with an amp-iframe instead.
From the "How AMP Works" page:
AMP pages can’t include any author-written JavaScript. Instead of
using JavaScript, interactive page features are handled in custom AMP
elements. The custom AMP elements may have JavaScript under the hood,
but they’re carefully designed to make sure they don’t cause
performance degradation.

Calendar for ASP.NET MVC 3 website

I have database with events and now need to show it by month on site.
Can you suggest any free components with customizable styles to resolve the issue?
There are so many projects available on codeproject for this purpose. The one i found more customizable is this
another suggestion if you wanna make it AJAX based
another project which is latest
feel free to choose use whichever fits to your UX requirements.
The following article shows you how to use an HTML 5 calendar with a jQuery UI datepicker as a fallback for un-supporting browsers.

How to pull Facebook news feeds onto website using ASP.NET

There seem to be various example using PHP, but need a concrete example of how to do this using .NET.
Facebook seems to be a pain and does not have an easy method like Twitter where you use a widget and it creates the code for you to integrate into your HTML.
Any suggestions appreciated.
If you're happy to use widgets, like the Twitter widget, you can access facebook widgets here:
Facebook provide api for it. Please refer this

Need a jQuery plugin that modifies a CSS

I'm trying to create a page that allows a user to change the "look and feel" of the site. I would like to use something similar to jQuery's ThemeRoller or FireFox's Developer Tool.
I can't force the user to use Firefox and I don't need all the options that the ThemeRoller has. I'm really only looking for header, background, font size and font type.
Any suggestions?
Try a Stylesheet Switcher, it can be as advanced as you want and this will give you a lot more control the simple Div targeting.
If your concern is transferring fewer/smaller files and you really want to avoid jQuery UI, it would be quite easy to develop a small jQuery plugin to modify background, font-size/type, and some header stuff.
Since you ask about jQuery specifically, I assume you have some experience working with it. Check out the plugin authoring documentation at
If you aren't worried about transferring fewer/smaller files, just use jQuery UI themeroller and ignore the features you don't want.
I couldn't find a plugin that already did this. I used Brosho to give me a base starting point. Brosho basically set's "Brosho: css info" to the element using the attr method. Then scans the entire document for Brosho to create the CCS to export.
Store the user's style attributes in a datastore (cookie or server based). Then on each page of the site have something like the following if user's preferences are stored server-side:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("h1").css('color','<% =UsersHeaderFontColor');
$("body").css('color','<% =UsersBodyFontColor');
$("body").css('font-size','<% =UsersFontSize');
$("body").css('font-family','<% =UsersFontFamily');
If you want to get from a cookie, then there's a nice jquery cookie plugin that would allow you to set/get cookie name/value pairs.
