Meteor: how to access another user's details? - meteor

Meteor.users.findOne() gives me back my user document.
Meteor.users.findOne({_id: 'my ID'}) gives me back my user document.
Meteor.users.findOne({_id: 'another users's ID'}) gives me back UNDEFINED.
This is obviously restricted by security. But how can I access another users's account details e.g. _id, name, profile, etc?

You'll need to add a publisher for the user. Here's an example:
// The user fields we are willing to publish.
const USER_FIELDS = {
username: 1,
emails: 1,
Meteor.publish('singleUser', function (userId) {
// Make sure userId is a string.
check(userId, String);
// Publish a single user - make sure only allowed fields are sent.
return Meteor.users.find(userId, { fields: USER_FIELDS });
Then on the client you can subscribe like this:
Metor.subscribe('singleUser', userId);
or use a template subscription like this:
this.subscribe('singleUser', userId);
Security notes:
Always check the arguments to your publishers, or clients can do bad things like pass {} for userId. If you get an error, make sure you meteor add check.
Always use a fields option with the users collection. Otherwise you'll publish all of their secrets. See the "Published Secrets" section of common mistakes.

Run it on the server like so:
Meteor.publish("otherUsers", function (userID) {
return Meteor.users.findOne({_id: userID});
Meteor.subscribe("otherUsers", <userIdYouWantToGetDetailsFor>);
Then you can just do a Meteor.users.findOne on the client keep in mind you can only do it for your user and the userID that you passed in the meteor subscribe


meteor-shopify User Creation/ Login after Auth callback

Assuming I want to create users upon authorizing the app, how would I grab their email during the onAuth callback...? Looks like the callback assumes the user is already logged in. Am I thinking about it correctly?
I noticed when installing the Fishbowl Prizes app, after auth I can click on the accounts tab and see that all my account info is pre-populated from my shopify store account (name, email, address, etc).
I'm not sure if I should go by the title or the content of the post in terms of answering your question, so I'll provide a very simple example of how to get the info from the API and do something with it here.
I have provided a more in depth answer related specifically to grabbing the details from the API for user account creation here:
Looks like the callback assumes the user is already logged in.
The userId param is undefined if there is no user. If your onAuth operations don't need to do anything with the user, you can just leave it out of the params. In your case you'll just want to handle it conditionally using an if/else block:
// do stuff
} else {
// do other stuff
On to the example of grabbing those details from the API:
All the prepopulated information you are seeing is available from the Shopify API in the shop object. You already have the access token when onAuth callbacks are fired, so you can just grab it from the API immediately after you have inserted the shop's Keyset.
For the sake of simplicity, in this example we'll assume the user already exists and is logged in. In your server-side onAuth callback (after you have inserted the keyset) you can do something like this to add those fields to the user's profile object:
Shopify.onAuth(function(access_token, authConfig, userId) {
var shopUUID =; // Not secure to name keyset same as the shop!
Shopify.addKeyset(shopUUID, {
access_token: access_token
var api = new Shopify.API({
keyset: shopUUID
// get the Shop object from the API
var shopObj = api.getShop();
var userInfo = {
'': shopObj.shop_owner,
Meteor.users.update({_id: userId}, {$set: userInfo})
Then you can use them in templates like this:
{{}} or {{}}
Or in functions like so:
var realName = Meteor.user()
var userEmail = Meteor.user() etc
For a more about using this data for user creation, see my explanation here:

Meteor observeChanges vs manual update

I have a simple todo schema: (just a sample to draw my question)
title: {
type: string
value: {
type: string
author: {
type: object
"author._id": {
type: string
"author.firstName": {
type: string
"author.lastName": {
type: string
The author entries are from meteor.user. If the meteor user changes the firstName or lastName i have to update the todo. I have two possibilities:
observerChanges (server side) to users collection and update all todos from this user with the new firstname/lastname
if i call the user update method i can call a method to update all todos
when it's better to use cursor.observeChanges and when it's better to call a update method manual? And why?
As the comment says, you should not store the author name / email in the document if it is mutable:
Store the ID of the user only in the document, the UserID is immutable.
When building your ToDo template, look up the User information by ID: you would need to publish a Publication for user by Id, and subscribe to it on the client with the userId as parameter.
Meteor.publish('userById', function(userId) {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: userId}, {limit:1});
in your route / template.onCreated depending on your Router, assuming the document is called doc
in the template helper
'Author': function() {
return Meteor.users.findOne({_id:});
and call the Author info in the template
<Template name="todoTemplate">
First Name: {{Author.first_name}}
Last Name: {{Author.last_name}}
I think you shouldn't rely on the second method, because sometimes you (or your teammate) might forget to update it. Moreover, if you're denormalizing user data in other collections, users knowing Meteor might just call your Meteor.method or manipulate db from the browser console...
You can use this package:
meteor add matb33:collection-hooks
It adds some hooks to your mongo insert/update/remove call
For example:
Meteor.users.after.update(function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options) {
if (this.previous.firstName === doc.firstName && this.previous.lastName === doc.lastName) {
Todos.update({'author._id': doc._id}, {
$set: {
'author.firstName': doc.firstName,
'author.lastName': doc.lastName,
}, {fetchPrevious: true})
(To update the Todos collection efficiently, make sure to add index to author field)
This is just a handier way than writing your own observeChanges, and better than manually updating Todos collection every time you update the users collection, because you might forgot to call it in some case, or some hacker user just calls Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), {...}) perhaps...
But still, I think you should always add some auto-correct mechanism to avoid wrong data being displayed, because no matter which method you choose, some error will occur (maybe the server watching the db just crashes right after users update). You can check on the client side when displaying content, if author.firstName doesn't match Meteor.users.findOne(author._id) (but you have to publish the user though...), than call a method to tell the server to update it.

Reactive subscription on user collection

I am trying to subscribe to profdle information of a different user than the logged in user, but I am facing issues as mentioned below
I am using angular-material and my code looks like below:
//publish user info upon following user
Meteor.publish("getUserInfo", function (userId) {
return (Meteor.users.find({_id: userId}, {fields: {profile: 1}}));
$scope.$meteorSubscribe("getUserInfo", askLikeController.$root.askLike[0].userId).then(function (subscriptionHandle) {
//Second element in the userProfile array will have the profile of required user
askLikeController.$root.usersProfile = $meteor.collection(Meteor.users, false);
1. In the variable askLikeController.$root.usersProfile, I am getting both the loggedIn user and the desired userinfo having userId, I was expecting userinfo of only desired userId, why is this?
2. The subscription "getUserInfo" is not reactive, and even the subscription is lost after processing few blocks of code and then in the askLikeController.$root.usersProfile I am left with only user profile of logged in user, my guess is that my subscription is being replaced by inbuilt Meteor subscription for user.
How do I solve the issues?
First, make sure you have removed autopublish:
> meteor remove autopublish
To get reactivity in angular-meteor you need $meteor.autorun and $scope.getReactively. Here's an example:
// we need the requested id in a scope variable
// anytime the scope var changes, $scope.getReactively will
// ... react!
$scope.reqId = askLikeController.$root.askLike[0].userId;
$meteor.autorun($scope, function() {
$scope.$meteorSubscribe('getUserInfo', $scope.getReactively('reqId')));
askLikeController.$root.usersProfile = $meteor.collection(Meteor.users, false);
Getting only the user you selected: NOTICE- the logged in users is always published. So you need to specify which user you want to look at on the client side, just like you did on the publish method. So, in the subscribe method:
askLikeController.$root.usersProfile = $meteor.collection(function() {
return Meteor.Users.find({_id: $scope.getReactively('reqId')})
}, false);
At this point you might be better off changing it to an object rather than a collection:
askLikeController.$root.usersProfile = $scope.$meteorObject(Meteor.Users, {_id: $scope.getReactively('reqId')});

Meteor: How to assign different roles to users during sign up process

I am using the meteor package ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 for accounts and alanning:roles for assigning roles.
On the sign up form I have two options one for Doctor and one for Advisor. I want to assign the selected option as a role to that user. Can someone let me know how to do this?
I have just started learning meteor and don't know much about its flow. I can assign roles to a user if I create the user manually like this:
var adminUser = Meteor.users.findOne({roles:{$in:["admin"]}});
adminUser = Accounts.createUser({
email: "",
password: "admin",
profile: { name: "admin" }
Roles.addUsersToRoles(adminUser, [ROLES.Admin]);
But I want to assign a roll automatically as a user signs up and select one of the options and that option should be assigned as his role.
You shouldn't need a hack for this. Instead of using Accounts.onCreateUser you can do it with the following hook on the Meteor.users collection. Something along the lines of the following should work:
Meteor.users.after.insert(function (userId, doc) {
if (doc.profile.type === "doctor") {
Roles.addUsersToRoles(doc._id, [ROLES.Doctor])
} else if (doc.profile.type === "advisor") {
Roles.addUsersToRoles(doc._id, [ROLES.Advisor])
To get around having to check on login every time it's possible to directly set the roles on the user object instead of using the Roles API.
A hack? Yep, you probably need to make sure the roles have already been added to roles... not sure if there's anything else yet.
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){
_.set(user, 'roles.__global_roles__', ['coach', options.roles]);
return user;
Note: _.set is a lodash method not in underscorejs.
There's no pretty solution because:
There's no server side meteor callback post complete account creation.
In onCreateUser the user hasn't been added to the collection.
Accounts.createUser's callback is currently only for use on the client. A method could then be used from that callback but it would be insecure to rely on it.
The roles package seems to grab the user from the collection and in onCreateUser it's not there yet.
you can use the Accounts.onCreateUser hook to manage that.
Please keep in mind the code below is fairly insecure and you would probably want to do more checking beforehand, otherwise anyone can assign themselves admin. (from docs):
options may come from an untrusted client so make sure to validate any values you read from it.
Accounts.onCreateUser(function (options, user) {
user.profile = options.profile || {};
if (_.has(options, 'role')) {
Roles.addUserToRoles(user._id, options.role);
return user;
Thanks for your response. I tried but it doesn't work for me.
I used Accounts.onLogin hook to to manage this. Below code works for me:
Accounts.onLogin(function (info) {
var user = info.user;
if(user.profile.type === "doctor"){
Roles.addUsersToRoles(user, [ROLES.Doctor])
if(user.profile.type === "advisor"){
Roles.addUsersToRoles(user, [ROLES.Advisor])
return user;

Storing per-user data in Meteor

I want to store information for every logged in user in my meteor app, such as their profile picture, bio, ect. But if I try to do something like Meteor.user().picLink = "..."; it appears to get erased on every subsequent call to Meteor.user(). I assume this means I'm not supposed to store extra data directly on the user object like that.
The only response to that that I can think of is to have a separate collection with user data in it. But that seems like it would be hard to keep consistent with Meteor.users. Is there a better way?
All user accounts come with an automatically published profile field which you can update like so:
var userId = Meteor.userId();
var url = '';
Meteor.users.update(userId, {$set: {'': url});
That will update the underlying database and persist across connections.
As I point out here you should be aware that the profile object is currently editable by default even when the insecure package has been removed. This means any user can open up the console and modify his/her profile.
A better approach is to deny the updates and to use a method instead:
var url = '';'', url);
update: function() {return true;}
'': function(url) {
check(url, String);
Meteor.users.update(this.userId, {$set: {'': url}});
